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View Full Version : Anger after council builds 'cage' for autistic pupil

02-Nov-10, 00:01

this is horrendous and disgusting.........[mad][disgust][disgust]

02-Nov-10, 00:43
Personally I'd rather the cage was used to house whoever came up with the idea, it's bloody disgusting.

02-Nov-10, 04:08
Comes under the heading of "Crass insensitivity".[disgust]

02-Nov-10, 09:15
What on earth was Western Isles Council thinking? Didn't they consult the parents or the headteacher? This clearly shows how out of touch a local authority can be with those it's suppose to serve. [disgust]

02-Nov-10, 09:30
I saw this last night on the net and couldnt believe what i was seeing ,as the father to an Autistic child myself i was totally repulsed...its a good job
this wasnt meant for my child or the people that built/came up with this would today be 50ft under off the sea in Stornoway with a lump of concrete round their necks ...thats how bad i feel ........

02-Nov-10, 09:34
I seen this on the news and could not believe it!!! Absolutely disgusting.

02-Nov-10, 12:00
I live here in Western Isles and the reaction here is as it should be - everyone is furious with the folk responsible and want the councillors sphereicals removed without anesthetic then for them to be put in the cage for everyone to treat them as if they were in the stocks.
The councillors here as usual do not appear to be hanging their heads - one of them says it was a misunderstanding and that is it, they are not responsible for the actions!!!!! they leave the decisions to the folk doing the work!!!! what are councillors and planning dept etc for???

Wonder what they will say at the next elections?

02-Nov-10, 12:17
Just who was being consulted?

This was a High School so would have a designated Head of department whose suppose to be the "specialist".
If this is how they were prepared to treat the boy in public,I shudder to think what was happening behind closed doors.[disgust]

02-Nov-10, 12:35
omg i feel like crying after seeing that..
they said the parents also raised money..
where did the money go then?
being the parent of an autistic child, this just horrifies me!
that wasnt even big enough for a dog run!

02-Nov-10, 13:12
I also think what you needs to ask is why arnt these things provided ? For parents to raise money to get provisions for their child is disgraceful. Oh i forgot cutbacks cutbacks cutbacks ...lets start off with the councilers and cut them back ....

02-Nov-10, 22:40
Ah well, at least the school got some free secure parking for the kids bikes........

03-Nov-10, 21:06
total disgrace!![disgust]

Miss Dizzy
08-Nov-10, 16:08
Absolutely atrocious!:~(

08-Nov-10, 21:37
Its an exercise area and if it allow him out safety I think the cage is perfectly acceptable if it allows him out, there are many people with autism locked up in Scotland in the secure units. He is 18, if his autism is that bad, what benefit is schooling having? why cant his family take him out at lunch time and save the school resources.

08-Nov-10, 21:43
Its an exercise area and if it allow him out safety I think the cage is perfectly acceptable if it allows him out, there are many people with autism locked up in Scotland in the secure units.

words can't describe just how wrong that whole statement is!!:eek:

08-Nov-10, 21:57
What does the boy with autism think about it, is he upset? if he is upset then perhaps its not a good thing, has anyone asked him? let not forget he is an adult,

People with autism have said that the world, to them, is a mass of people, places and events which they struggle to make sense of, and which can cause them considerable anxiety. (Autism Society)

A small quiet room just painted white no decoration, TV or furnishings, just a chair and my pile of books, to many normal people a prison to me it was home. (From a autistic friend)

08-Nov-10, 22:13
how about we put you in that cage and let you stand there while other people run around pointing at you and making fun and see if you like it?
if they did that to a "normal child" do you think that would be ok then?
also, from the article the parents raised funds to have it built, and was not just depending on the school system to foot the bill.
Special needs children and adults have just as must right to the liberty's as anyone else.

should we just take our children and lock them away somewhere they cant be seen or heard just because they are dif. and can not operate on the same level as the so called normal people in society?