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01-Nov-10, 21:16
I can remember all of this, how many do you's remember ????

All the girls had ugly gym slips

It took five minutes for the TV to warm up

Nearly everyone's Mum was at home when the kids got home from school

Nobody owned a thoroughbred dog

When 3d was decent pocket money

You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny

Your Mother wore nylons that came in two pieces

All your male teachers wore ties and female teachers had their hair done every day and wore high heels

You got your windscreen cleaned, oil checked, and petrol served, without asking, all for free, every time, and you didn't pay for air, on top of all that you got trading stamps to boot

It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents

They threatened to keep children back a year in school if they failed. . . and they did it!

When a Ford Zephyr was everyone's dream car, and people went steady

No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked

Lying on your back in the grass with your friends
and saying things like, 'That cloud looks like a... '

Playing cricket with no adults to help the children with the rules of the game

Bottles came from the corner shop without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger

And with all our progress, don't you wish, just once, you could slip back in time and savour the slower pace, and share it with the children of today.

When being sent to the head's study was nothing compared to the fate that awaited the student at home

Basically we were in fear for our lives, but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! But we survived because their love was greater than the threat.
As well as summers filled with bike rides, cricket, Hula Hoops, skates, hockey, football and visits to the pool, and eating lemonade powder or liquorice sticks.
Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, 'Yes, I remember that'?

I am sharing this with you today because it ended with a Double Dare to pass it on. To remember what a Double Dare is, read on. And remember that the perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and too young to care.

Send this on to someone who can still remember Z Cars, 6.5 Special, The Army Game, Sunday Night at the London Palladium, Emergency Ward 10, the Lone Ranger, Hancock's Half hour, Trigger and Sgt Bilko

How Many Of These Do You Remember?
Sweet cigarettes

Coca Cola in bottles.

You're never alone with a Strand .

Coffee shops with Table Side Jukeboxes.

Blackjacks and bubblegums.

Home milk delivery in glass bottles with tinfoil tops.

Newsreels before the film.

Telephone numbers with a word prefix...( Mayfair 3489).


Andy Pandy.

Hi-Fi's & 45 RPM records.

78 RPM records!

Green Shield Stamps.

Adding Machines.


Do You Remember a Time When
Decisions were made by going eeny-meeny-miney-moe'?
'Race issue' meant arguing about who ran the fastest?
Catching tiddlers could happily occupy an entire day?

It wasn't odd to have two or three 'Best Friends'?

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was'chickenpox'?

Having a Weapon in School meant being caught with a catapault?

Saturday morning television wasn't 30-minute commercials for action figures?

Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles?
The Worst Embarrassment was being picked last for a team?

cigarette cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle?

Taking drugs meant orange - flavored chewable aspirin?

Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?

If you can remember most or all of these, Then You Have Lived!!!!!!!

John Little
01-Nov-10, 21:28
I guess I must have lived then for I remember all that. The guy at 18 Calder Drive Thurso had the only telly in the street and I used to go up there once a week to watch the Lone Ranger.

Ah well - I won't see 50 again.....

01-Nov-10, 21:32
Sounds like a good life :)

01-Nov-10, 21:49
You must be a bit older than me as I can only remember some of them, but the very fact that you can remember them all's a good thing.

Alice in Blunderland
01-Nov-10, 21:49
This reminded me that the National Anthem used to play before the TV went off. Then a picture of a lady with a bit of chalk I think came on. :confused

01-Nov-10, 21:49
I remember it well. :D
I remember too often finding a fluff encrusted Spangle in my Blazer pocket where I had hidden it while in class because eating in class was a major no-no. :confused

01-Nov-10, 21:52
I remember it well. :D
I remember too often finding a fluff encrusted Spangle in my Blazer pocket where I had hidden it while in class because eating in class was a major no-no. :confused

Aye me too, "olde English" ones were my favourites.

John Little
01-Nov-10, 21:53
I actually have a vivid memory of watching the first episode of Coronation Street in my grandmother's house in Coronation Avenue, Workington. Ena Sharples and all that - and looking round the room the people all looked like the people on the telly.

01-Nov-10, 21:54
This reminded me that the National Anthem used to play before the TV went off. Then a picture of a lady with a bit of chalk I think came on. :confused

Did you wait for the little spot to go as well Alice ? then the whine the telly did to remind you to switch off. LOL

Alice in Blunderland
01-Nov-10, 21:56
Did you wait for the little spot to go as well Alice ? then the whine the telly did to remind you to switch off. LOL

Yes I used to sit with my Gran and watch the spot. Oh how easy pleased we were. :)

Corrie 3
01-Nov-10, 22:07
Telephone numbers with name pre-fixes????...The most famous one was "Whitehall 1212"...I think........I am that old I forgot, was it Scotland Yard?

C3... ;)

01-Nov-10, 22:15
I remember some, but not all. Noah:lol:

01-Nov-10, 22:16
Telephone numbers with name pre-fixes????...The most famous one was "Whitehall 1212"...I think........I am that old I forgot, was it Scotland Yard?

C3... ;)

New Scotland Yard.


01-Nov-10, 22:17
I remember some, but not all. Noah:lol:

The name is "tonkatojo" thank you. ;)

01-Nov-10, 22:23
The name is "tonkatojo" thank you. ;)

Ok tonkatojo thankyou.

Corrie 3
01-Nov-10, 22:36
What about "Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men"..They were just the best thing on TV... Beats the X-Factor hands down!!


Tilly Teckel
01-Nov-10, 22:37
Ah, nostalgia.... it's not what it used to be....

01-Nov-10, 23:26
Boy! Tonkatojo,
you fair took me back, some of the things I was too young for, :lol: others too old. :( Pocket money! what pocket money? But yes 3d was the 'norm' as for the 'spangles' found in pockets...I'll bet they got run under the cold tap then eaten...with no ill effects!!!...(waste not want not!) TV's were only for the well-off and if your class mate had one, they were your 'new best fiend'...oh the envy!!! So thanks for the trip down 'memory lane'. :cool: Yes it was a good time, never afraid to 'ask an adult' but beware of the polis/bobbies if up to mischief- not vandalism I hasten to add, I won't sleep tonight just going over 'old' times. eh I don't remember such posh teachers, tidy aye, maybe that was one of the things I was too young for!!!. G.

01-Nov-10, 23:34
I remember pretty much all of these too... Had forgotten olde English spangles but they were fab. I also remember no one bought their telly. We rented them from redifusion or Granada tv rentals and when you got a new one two men in brown coats came to take it away and show you the new one!

02-Nov-10, 00:39
Nope, I don't remember a single thing there, I'm still a youngster. ;)

02-Nov-10, 01:07
Remember back in the 70's a mannie from Sloans came to our house every 2 weeks or so to pick up payments for what I think was a catalogue.

Think it was the same person who was caught in a snow blizzard and survived by wearing womens tights. Does anyone know his name by off chance?

02-Nov-10, 01:23
You're cracking me up now - I remember the story was in all the papers but I'm racking my brains to think of his name. Was his first name Billy? If it was earlier I would ring someone who could tell me but not at this hour. Aaarrrggghhhh!!!:(

02-Nov-10, 01:30
Nope, I don't remember a single thing there, I'm still a youngster. ;)

Better go and sit in a bucket of water Jox to douse those flames!![lol]

02-Nov-10, 02:40
You're cracking me up now - I remember the story was in all the papers but I'm racking my brains to think of his name. Was his first name Billy? If it was earlier I would ring someone who could tell me but not at this hour. Aaarrrggghhhh!!!:(

Billy does ring a bell there Blarney. I could call my sister tomorrow and she would probably ken.

02-Nov-10, 02:53
Telephone numbers with name pre-fixes????...The most famous one was "Whitehall 1212"...I think........I am that old I forgot, was it Scotland Yard?

C3... ;)

Yes it was. Scotland Yard..... Naaaa you are not old! I remember them all and I am just a 'young chiel'!
And in retrospect...I appreciated the 'local bobbies', and their old fashioned ways! Remembering the dance at the Thrumster Hall! I first hit my head on the door lintel and then ............... Two Sore Heeds!

02-Nov-10, 04:27
Remember back in the 70's a mannie from Sloans came to our house every 2 weeks or so to pick up payments for what I think was a catalogue.

Think it was the same person who was caught in a snow blizzard and survived by wearing womens tights. Does anyone know his name by off chance?

This topic came up before, in connection with Operation Snowdrop. This might be your answer.

Originally Posted by highlander
Not sure is this is the year that gleeber is talking about, i remember the man who worked for slones in wick, he was a sales rep, and as he was stuck in the snow he put on the ladys tights he sold, this is what saved his live.

Another orger answered with -
Aye that was Billy Sutherland, he and his brother Anton lived in the old toll house in Robert street. I think my neighbour Rex Watt the [AA man] survived that storm as well,

02-Nov-10, 04:34
Anyone remember the guy's name who used to do the pools?...Keynsham---?:confused

02-Nov-10, 08:52
Anyone remember the guy's name who used to do the pools?...Keynsham---?:confused

Are you sure that's how you spell it? :lol: (For those too young to remember, the announcer used to spell out the word for the audience!)

02-Nov-10, 09:05
Oh happy days. Long hot summers and Jubblies. :Razz

Corrie 3
02-Nov-10, 09:49
Are you sure that's how you spell it? :lol: (For those too young to remember, the announcer used to spell out the word for the audience!)
That would be Horace Batchelor...As opposed to a Guy called Horace Cope (I jest not) who used to cut my hair for a shilling.


Kevin Milkins
02-Nov-10, 10:07
All I can remember about the good old days was the arse hanging out of my trousers, a piece of cardboard to cover up the hole in my shoe and feeling hungry a lot of the time.:~(;)

How we look at life through rose tinted glasses.

02-Nov-10, 10:24
Lovely post to start the day!
I remember them all......guessing then, I have lived.:)

02-Nov-10, 11:52
i remember some of these things, its really nice thread to read, it put a smile on my face lol :Razz

02-Nov-10, 17:08
Oh Jubblies ... yes! We used to go next door to watch Rawhide and Wagon Train on their telly!

02-Nov-10, 17:28
"Horace Batchelor"...yes that's the name C3, thanks...my brain can stop birlin' now!;)

02-Nov-10, 18:14
Oh Jubblies ... yes! We used to go next door to watch Rawhide and Wagon Train on their telly!

OMG now you're showing your age :lol: Rawhide was one of my favourite programmes. Who can forget the wild west characters like Gil Favour, Rowdy Yates and Wishbone.

02-Nov-10, 18:20
Yes it was brilliant - does anyone remember Four Feather Falls? It was a puppet show, before the likes of Thunderbirds.

02-Nov-10, 18:26
Yes it was brilliant - does anyone remember Four Feather Falls? It was a puppet show, before the likes of Thunderbirds.

Oh buggha - now I've got a mental itch - the tune - "Four feather falls, four feather falls . . . . something something - something . . . ." Its going to bug me all night now! :confused :lol:

John Little
02-Nov-10, 18:55
Really big wagon wheels at Cardosi's cafe.
Sutherlands the bakers and their ever-lasting lollies.
Bews the butchers with bouncy Orkney cheese.
The smell of ground coffee, cheese and ham in Hamish Camerons
Eggs stacked up and stamped with a wee lion in the depot across the road from the old dairy on the bridge
Sunpat raisins from Collets the top shop.
Marbles in little glass squares on the counter when Woolies opened.
The steam laundry wheezing; and the TA depot with the armoured cars inside with the ammo ready.
Santa at Viewfirth.
The smell of the tarmac on the playground at West Public when it rained- and the chap in the raincoat we were all scared of who used to catch you if you tried to avoid school.

Oh heavens - who started this thread???

02-Nov-10, 18:58
It's brilliant - the best laugh of the day [lol][lol][lol]

02-Nov-10, 19:09
Oh buggha - now I've got a mental itch - the tune - "Four feather falls, four feather falls . . . . something something - something . . . ." Its going to bug me all night now! :confused :lol:

Theres always something in the air.

02-Nov-10, 19:29
and the chap in the raincoat we were all scared of who used to catch you if you tried to avoid school.

Oh heavens - who started this thread???

Wasn't he called the Wheeper Inn, correct me on this one please? If I rememeber it was auld Sanders Greg was the one. If he wrapped on ma mithers door, I would run in the cubby hol and hide.

John Little
02-Nov-10, 19:48
It was something like that - tall chap with dark hair and a moustache.

02-Nov-10, 20:21
It was something like that - tall chap with dark hair and a moustache.

I wouldnt know If he had a tash or not, I would never look at him, I was Eartha Kitt scared of him.

02-Nov-10, 20:45
Heres a few more

Fireball xl5
Casey Jones
Roller Skates
Bay City Rollers!
Space Hopper
Love hearts sweeties
Raleigh Chopper bike
The Good Life
Pogles Wood
Pippin n Tog
Noggin the Nog
Hectors House
Captain Pugwash

I will think of so more as i back track lol

Oh Bannana Splits!

02-Nov-10, 20:48
The Waltons
Fizzy saucers
Golden Wonder Crisps
Smash lol remember the ad they peal them with their metal knives and smash them all to bits!

02-Nov-10, 20:51
David Cassidy
Marine Boy

Corrie 3
02-Nov-10, 22:53
David Cassidy
Marine Boy
Stop Chris, you is only a young Chiel'.....This is for us "Grown up's"


02-Nov-10, 22:53
I remember every single thing and it was so good(in the olden days) Thank you for sharing.

02-Nov-10, 23:05
Young !! lol im 50 next year!

02-Nov-10, 23:07
Young !! lol im 50 next year!

Exactly Chris, your still young. I'm 43 and still a bairn.

02-Nov-10, 23:16
Theres always something in the air.


03-Nov-10, 00:49

Thanks for that :D

03-Nov-10, 02:15
the chap in the raincoat we were all scared of who used to catch you if you tried to avoid school.

Yes JL....We called him the 'Wheeper In'!

Houstons Restaurant....Pie and Chips....for school lunch!
Then came the dance night...half bottle, Peachies fish and Chips. Somewhere to dance, Perhaps the Assembley Rooms or Thrumster, & then at 1or 2am to the Cliff Bakery.....and then the 'long road' home to Lybster.

The Bobbies used to wait at the Bruan Kirk, and then the little blue light would go on and the race was on! Wowee...how did we ever survive!

03-Nov-10, 03:41
Sassidge rolls out of Gussie Simpson's after a Marine Inn dance. (Never mind they were the day's left-overs, flogged to us rather than chucked out the next morning. No wonder we all felt so 'cheoch' the next morning! ;))

Wee Tottie in the Railway Station shop, the nicest wee wifie you could ever wish to meet.

And aye, I mind the Wheeper-In. He never kent me though, I was too good. :D

04-Nov-10, 21:32
Holt's scratch patches for our cars.

05-Nov-10, 11:48
Holidays at grannies in Millport and going to Garrison for hot peas and vinegar just loved them, now I can't stand vinegar:roll:

05-Nov-10, 12:29

I stand corrected. It was magic not something.

George Brims
05-Nov-10, 17:35
David Cassidy
Marine Boy
Mr Cassidy is in the news again this week. Hadn't heard of him in quite a while. He (allegedly) drove his car after a few drinks. Naughty boy (allegedly).

05-Nov-10, 18:38
At school, pens with nibs that had to be dipped into the inkwell in the little hole at the top of your desk.

And then we had to use the blotting paper and heaven help us if we smudged the writing.

David Banks
05-Nov-10, 19:04
and Dixon of Dock Green,
Fold hands,
Rock up on his feet,
"Evening all"

John Little
05-Nov-10, 20:49
At school, pens with nibs that had to be dipped into the inkwell in the little hole at the top of your desk.

And then we had to use the blotting paper and heaven help us if we smudged the writing.

Aye - and Miss Wears would hit you with a ruler edge on the knuckles if you did.

05-Nov-10, 21:37
The Thurso Picture Hoose in the 70's. Mr Hardy would never put a smile on if you were a youngster. Stampin the feet if the film went wonky, the good old crows nest for the testerone teenagers, getting that torch shuved in your eye for misbehaving, and the wee wifee at the sweety shop (canna mind her name)

John Little
05-Nov-10, 21:51
Oh good grief - you have just put me in mind of Mr Dallas leading us all down to the pictures where the whole Miller watched the school treat. It was Lavender Hill Mob - and some eejits were throwing ice cream off the balcony.....

05-Nov-10, 22:31

Great collection of the old picture hoose.

06-Nov-10, 12:00
The truancy man was Stanley Brennan and he rode a black (or was it green) sit up and beg bicycle and wore a button up gaberdine trench coat. He carried a note book which he wrote in when he called in on your class.

My biggest ambition was to have a pair of tackety boots like some of the other boys so you could slide up and down the flagstones both inside and outside the West Public School sometimes producing sparks. Also on reflection I wonder why the playgounds were segregated with the boys in the upper level and girls on the lower.