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02-Aug-06, 21:42
I have been following the thread "I have a lighter and it does not belong to me"

There seems to be some discrepancy as to what is acceptable as a post and what is not. We are told by the moderator the we shall not put ***** between letters to indicate a swear word or else.....

However, someone has posted a picture of two men, one making an obviously obscene gesture.
How is someone allowed to post this, when the meaning of the gesture is well defined?

02-Aug-06, 22:00
How is someone allowed to post this, when the meaning of the gesture is well defined?

They haven't been allowed, the post has been missed by the moderators. They have repeatedly said in the past that they cannot possibly read every post on the org and that they rely on us to use the 'report post' icon on the post.

02-Aug-06, 22:04
They haven't been allowed, the post has been missed by the moderators. They have repeatedly said in the past that they cannot possibly read every post on the org and that they rely on us to use the 'report post' icon on the post.No doubt it wont take long for someone to press the report post icon. I'm sure there's people who are just looking to be offended..[disgust] I bet anyone who missed the post will be off looking for it now. :confused

02-Aug-06, 22:48
This thread has been the most posted on in the Music section except the Big Gig. It has given a lot of pleasure and a lot of laughs to quite a number of people. I am amazed at what it takes to offend folk.

02-Aug-06, 22:53
This thread has been the most posted on in the Music section except the Big Gig. It has given a lot of pleasure and a lot of laughs to quite a number of people. I am amazed at what it takes to offend folk.
Could have just removed the so-called offending picture, lot simpler.

02-Aug-06, 22:55
Could have just removed the so-called offending picture, lot simpler.

The picture was the only offensive thing in this thread. Some people don't like seeing others have fun.

02-Aug-06, 23:00
Well done the Admin, just shows what happens when selfcontrol goes out the window, this is not just a web site for the gratification of the few, this is an award winning web site, that has a world wide audience, what does it take for the few to understand and recognise the fact, I personally have never viewed the thread, as my music tastes would not fit in with the current scene or users of this thread. So I was not offended by something I never saw, but someone was, and that I feel was all it needed for the thread to be deleted.

02-Aug-06, 23:16
This thread has been the most posted on in the Music section except the Big Gig. It has given a lot of pleasure and a lot of laughs to quite a number of people. I am amazed at what it takes to offend folk.

It has been an exceptionally good thread - quite funny. Why the need to stick a pic. of someone making that gesture - except to push the limit? shock value? Certainly not for humour. too bad..

Some wonderful posters have been reprimanded for using *****, some have left the .org because of the perceived loss of ability to speak their minds, some have been banned for life. If the rules are to be used, then they must be applied in a fair and equitable manner - whether it is a photo or a bunch of ******, the intent to break a rule of this forum is there. No need for amazement.

02-Aug-06, 23:18
It has been an exceptionally good thread - quite funny. Why the need to stick a pic. of someone making that gesture - except to push the limit? shock value? Certainly not for humour. too bad..

Some wonderful posters have been reprimanded for using *****, some have left the .org because of the perceived loss of ability to speak their minds, some have been banned for life. If the rules are to be used, then they must be applied in a fair and equitable manner - whether it is a photo or a bunch of ******, the intent to break a rule of this forum is there. No need for amazement.
Youve just broken the rules;)

02-Aug-06, 23:23
Youve just broken the rules;)

No he hasn't ;)

02-Aug-06, 23:34
No he hasn't ;)

hasn't he??

the removal of the offending pics would have been a bit more compromising considering it was an absolute hooley of a thread

02-Aug-06, 23:44
It has been an exceptionally good thread - quite funny. Why the need to stick a pic. of someone making that gesture - except to push the limit? shock value? Certainly not for humour. too bad..

Some wonderful posters have been reprimanded for using *****, some have left the .org because of the perceived loss of ability to speak their minds, some have been banned for life. If the rules are to be used, then they must be applied in a fair and equitable manner - whether it is a photo or a bunch of ******, the intent to break a rule of this forum is there. No need for amazement.

I humbly take your point and am now unamazed. Have you ever thought of converting to Lighterism?[evil] :lol:

02-Aug-06, 23:46
No he hasn't ;)

No letters before or after the asterisks. Nothing implied.

I think it was lack of thought rather than a desire to shock or to push the limits. The originator of this thread is a comparatively new poster as well as being an idiot.

03-Aug-06, 00:05
No letters before or after the asterisks. Nothing implied.

I think it was lack of thought rather than a desire to shock or to push the limits. The originator of this thread is a comparatively new poster as well as being an idiot.

why the need for the insult?? why does a person become an idiot, in your mind, when they don't agree with what you are saying?? how does that make sense?

03-Aug-06, 01:06
Welcome to the world of Gleber2. Just let him be Malcolm, otherwise he'll take the pet again and "leave"

As for the thread being deleted, it's up to the admins to do as they please. If they choose to delete a thread then so be it. If you ain't happy, tough, they ain't gonna bring it back.

I highly doubt that someone was offended, more likely just noticed the rule breaking. No it wasn't me, I looked in that thread at the begining and gave up.

03-Aug-06, 01:08
why the need for the insult?? why does a person become an idiot, in your mind, when they don't agree with what you are saying?? how does that make sense?

The gentleman in question is a friend of mine and no insult would have been taken by him. If you have read the Lighter thread, as I thought you had, then my sense of humour would not have been misunderstood.. Many idiots disagree with me as well as many wise men and that is their prerogative and would not call for any judgement from me. I'm sorry if my humour offends you but that's life.

03-Aug-06, 01:13
Welcome to the world of Gleber2. Just let him be Malcolm, otherwise he'll take the pet again and "leave"

Once more Jeid, you jump in with your comments without being fully aware of the facts. As you said you never read the thread. I find your attacks a bit more than petty but one has got used to that.

03-Aug-06, 01:28
The gentleman in question is a friend of mine and no insult would have been taken by him. If you have read the Lighter thread, as I thought you had, then my sense of humour would not have been misunderstood.. Many idiots disagree with me as well as many wise men and that is their prerogative and would not call for any judgement from me. I'm sorry if my humour offends you but that's life.

Your humour did not offend me, I forgot the "lighterism" for a moment. My apologies.

03-Aug-06, 01:38
Once more Jeid, you jump in with your comments without being fully aware of the facts. As you said you never read the thread. I find your attacks a bit more than petty but one has got used to that.

Ahem... as for being fully aware of the facts, I said I looked at the thread in the begining, which would imply that I did look at it. Get YOUR facts right!

As for me not being fully aware, I don't think there's much to miss. Someone hit the report post button, thread deleted. Get over it... there's much more important things in life to greet about!

My attacks? Ha... I'm hardly calling you an old fool. Pull some of that thick skin back over yourself.

03-Aug-06, 02:03
Ahem... as for being fully aware of the facts, I said I looked at the thread in the begining, which would imply that I did look at it. Get YOUR facts right!

This thread ran to 160 posts You looked in the beginning which would imply that you didn't look at much of it.I don't give a monkeys about the thread being pulled and someone did report it.

03-Aug-06, 02:23
True... but I did look at it ;)

03-Aug-06, 05:18
As a participant in the thread in question I apologize for any discomfort which the thread may have caused to the caithness.org community. If anything which I wrote in any way initiated the posting of the offensive photo then I am sorry. My intention was to encourage the band and to perhaps raise some awareness for that which I saw to be a worthy cause, the Caithness General Hospital.

Perhaps the greatest irony in all of this is that I didn't even pick up on that which was offensive. Yes, it must have been right over my head. I realize that is no excuse. I was part of it. Again, my apologies. C

03-Aug-06, 05:44
why the need for the insult?? why does a person become an idiot, in your mind, when they don't agree with what you are saying?? how does that make sense?

There needs to be some background spelled out for the reader. I don't propose to bring our little music thread on to the big screen, but Gleber2s referral to the idiot, while maybe not the best sounding of words, is my clue to charge onto the scene to defend poor helpless rob. It is sort of like the code words in an ongoing soap opera. You see, rob is the drummer and his sticks were always breaking or being purloined by the fairies of darkness, thus the need for a lighter for us to do a search and rescue. Of course it doesn't make sense. That was the point of the whole thing. It is summer, time for nonsensical trivia.

And while I have the computer turned on: folks, malcolmdog is a she. I needed to be corrected myself once, a long time ago.

03-Aug-06, 08:52
Well I never looked at the thread in question, so I can't judge.......for once;) :roll: