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View Full Version : Why now and not before?

27-Oct-10, 19:27
Have just watched the news and seen the items about possible mergers of council services which could amount to savings of many millions.
If they can make these kind of savings why have they not been made in the past?
It beggars the question as to whether all the time money was freely available they were quite happy not to obtain the best services at the best price on behalf of all those who pay taxes in what ever form.

27-Oct-10, 19:29
Because Liz this island is run by incompetent cretins....

27-Oct-10, 19:30
and no doubt a few back handers have been taken ...not that never ever happens....oh no

27-Oct-10, 19:32
Have just watched the news and seen the items about possible mergers of council services which could amount to savings of many millions.
If they can make these kind of savings why have they not been made in the past?
It beggars the question as to whether all the time money was freely available they were quite happy not to obtain the best services at the best price on behalf of all those who pay taxes in what ever form.

Mergers of council services and savings. Mmmmmm, don't quite add up there. I will believe it, when I see it.

Maybe more savings to fill their own pocket.

27-Oct-10, 19:38
Dont worry folks im synical of everything!

28-Oct-10, 00:15
plus ordinary folk that work for them have no say in changing them.

28-Oct-10, 00:44
Have just watched the news and seen the items about possible mergers of council services which could amount to savings of many millions.
If they can make these kind of savings why have they not been made in the past?
It beggars the question as to whether all the time money was freely available they were quite happy not to obtain the best services at the best price on behalf of all those who pay taxes in what ever form.

There's probably many reasons Lizz, I doubt anyone would know all the answers.

Perhaps the reason they never had these mergers in the past is because they didn't have to. Managers in any profession like to protect the jobs of their workers. I think this is particularly true in the public sector.

In the private sector, high levels of over-employment would not be tolerated. And they are not tolerated. That is one of the reasons for privatisation of previously state owned businesses. The simple fact is that businesses run for profit tend to be more efficient and more successful than those run by the public sector.

What you say about 'not obtaining the best service at the best price on behalf of the taxpayer' is very true.

I can imagine that councils may be considering cutting staff levels in many departments, then subcontracting the work out. It's cheaper for them, and the job still gets done.

That said, it's not good for the workers in these circumstances who end up doing the same job for less money under worse conditions. Unless they get a large redundancy payment, which those in the public sector often do.....

It's a complicated situation, and will always cause controversy. Why should someone get a 5 or 6 figure redundancy payments from the taxpayer when they are only redundant for a weekend? Why Should a private company make huge profits at the expense of the taxpayer? There are arguments for both sides.

The fact is, the government have to stop spending more than they take in, and that means cutting costs.