View Full Version : Thurso firework display

27-Oct-10, 18:33
THURSO & District Round Table


Saturday 6 th November 2010, Thurso Harbour
Fireworks start at 7 pm
Glow Novelties will be available


28-Oct-10, 15:37

28-Oct-10, 22:20
Pictures from last years display.....................




Mr P Cannop
28-Oct-10, 22:22
do they need any helpers ??

29-Oct-10, 17:43

31-Oct-10, 08:10

Corrie 3
31-Oct-10, 08:17
I love fireworks! :)
I know plenty of animals that dont!!!


31-Oct-10, 08:57
I know plenty of animals that dont!!!


No argument there.

Still enjoy watching fireworks at a properly organised display.

31-Oct-10, 16:44
I love an organised display...
The fireworks are a lot better and bigger than anything you can buy to let off at home.
You know when the display is on and can plan what to do with the animals.
Its only on for 1 night and thats it for another year!
The kids are entranced by the big displays!

31-Oct-10, 22:59
im not keen on fireworks :( i dont mind hearing them...or seeing them from a distance. So i wont be going to the display. Hubby can take the older 2 and i will stay home with the little 2.

Personally i think it should be illegal to set off fireworks unless its an organised display. Who knows what immature people are getting a hold of them? And the amount of accidents caused by them is horrific.

01-Nov-10, 11:13
Would it be a good idea to put this on, the whats on section as well?
More people may notice it there!
There is a bit to submit your event....looks easy enough...
Hope its a dry night, as its easier to stay warm when dry!

01-Nov-10, 15:38
It has been submitted Dadie; just waiting for approval. Have also asked for it to be put on the front page if possible......:)

Now on.....

02-Nov-10, 17:33

02-Nov-10, 22:42
Always Fantastic Displays in Thurso I always dig deep and give a generous donation to the Round Table to support the towns firework display so that the following years is better still.
Keep up the excellent work.

04-Nov-10, 18:21
Is there going to be one in Wick this year if so where and when??? If anyone knows thanks:-0

05-Nov-10, 15:41
Looking forward to this with the girls!
With a stop at a chippie on the way home:lol:
Looking out the snowsuits for them to wear to keep cosy.
Euan will probably sleep through it all!

06-Nov-10, 15:37

06-Nov-10, 21:11
It was a good display I thought! What were others opinions?!

06-Nov-10, 21:12
I thought it was donation to get in? :confused

06-Nov-10, 21:28
Yes that is what the original post says. We turned up with a donation and they wanted £3 per person. There was 2 adults and 4 kids (two were under five)!! Couldnt believe it!!! Why advertise it as entry by donation if it is not. Luckily one of us had a ten pound note in our pocket also.

06-Nov-10, 21:41
There seem to be some crossed wires somewhere. :roll:
Imagine anyone who went without enough money and had to take the kids home :eek:
Nightmare situation.

06-Nov-10, 22:09
Went to see fireworks Two Adults and three Children got stopped by Roundtable man beside old marine inn and was told £15.00 Please,
I pointed out it was "By Donation",was told it costs us £15000.00 to put on so please pay up.
I said No thanks turned the car and went to Thurso east and saw the Fireworks.
About time Thurso round table got there act together.
my Donation would of been £10.00 and i would of spent on things for the kids,But due to the way that man spoke they lost out.

06-Nov-10, 22:17
It was good...weather was a bit cold and wet.
We didnt pay £3 each as there was 2 adults and 3 kids under 5 ....think hubby gave a tenner...
But I then spent about the same on the glow novelties for the kids..a spinner thing and wand each....at £2 each soon added up!
The girls were entranced by the display with WOW being their favorite word all through it!

06-Nov-10, 22:24
£3 to get in my word that is shocking, glad i didnt bother going down, thats the joys of having a house facing scrabster you get the perfect view. just glad that its all over now, poor max was terrified and hid under the computer table, jayden was terriefied aswell not just of the bangs but the lights as well, so i didnt see much, the other 3 kids enjoyed it though.

06-Nov-10, 22:37
I had a great view from my house at Pennyland! me and Athrun stood at the front door and watched them from here. Next year...no chance are we paying that to go see it if we can see it from here perfectly.

Very misleading information given on here since it did say donation!

06-Nov-10, 22:44
When they stop doing it through lack of funding, I suppose we will be seeing the same folks moaning that there is nowt on.

I am terrified of fireworks, but would have been more than happy to pay for Mini Changi and Mr Changi to go watch, had they been fit to do so.

£3 a head seems reasonable, considering the price of fireworks.

One more point, afore I finish ranting, there have been plenty of posts saying that fireworks should only be at organised displays, if this ever becomes law, expect to pay a darned site more when they have the monopoly.

06-Nov-10, 22:50
When they stop doing it through lack of funding, I suppose we will be seeing the same folks moaning that there is nowt on.

I am terrified of fireworks, but would have been more than happy to pay for Mini Changi and Mr Changi to go watch, had they been fit to do so.

£3 a head seems reasonable, considering the price of fireworks.

One more point, afore I finish ranting, there have been plenty of posts saying that fireworks should only be at organised displays, if this ever becomes law, expect to pay a darned site more when they have the monopoly.

You seem to miss the point being made Thurso round Table had on this board and poster up that said "BY DONATION ".
It is when you arrived they started to Demand £3.00 for adults as well as Children.

06-Nov-10, 22:54
I get the point.

The original ad was wrong.

They should have put donations of £3 or above, but I still think its cheap.

Head south and you would pay a lot more.

06-Nov-10, 22:57
It would have been reasonable if we knew about it beforehand.
But I only had a tenner and whatever change I had in my purse on me...
Hubby handed over the the money to get in.
I would usually give a couple of quid each and buy the glow novelties for the wee ones...and then throw in the bucket and money left over at the end.....

06-Nov-10, 23:05
I had no qualms paying the £3 each - it would have cost me a darned sight more to put on a fraction of that display, and consider it well worth while. However I also agree that the OP should have ensured their facts were correct!

06-Nov-10, 23:10
I took myself, my teenage daughter and friend, and my 2 young sons, at the barrier I asked if they were selling the glow toys and if I could make a donation by the harbour as in previous years and was told yes.

I made an appropriate contribution after buying what the kids wanted.

However if the round table has genuinely spent £15000 on tonights display I would love them to get in touch with me and I'll arrange a display for next year which will take their breath away.

I had a firework display for my wedding which was far better than tonights display and that cost less than £3000

06-Nov-10, 23:16
I didn't think it was as good as last year, my daughter was disapointed she didnt think it was long enough....she is 6 mind you :)

Mystical Potato Head
06-Nov-10, 23:34
Yes that is what the original post says. We turned up with a donation and they wanted £3 per person. There was 2 adults and 4 kids (two were under five)!! Couldnt believe it!!! Why advertise it as entry by donation if it is not. Luckily one of us had a ten pound note in our pocket also.

The notice i saw said suggested donation £3 per person which aint too bad really.Was worth it for all the photos i was lucky enough to get.
However i do realise it gets pricey for a family group,that said 5 year olds shouldn't be charged the same as an adult or maybe not charged at all.
Time wise it was about the same as last year.

07-Nov-10, 01:53
when we went through the barrier at the end of the Victoria Walk, a very nice man made it clear that £3 was a suggested donation, but we could give 'whatever you can'.

i think £3 for adults and kids for free is reasonable and so donated accordingly.

the display was pretty similar to last years, but still a lot of 'ooohs' and 'aaahhhs' from those around us.

all in all, a great show, we loved it :D

full credit to the organisers, bearing in mind they're not in it for profit, but for the enjoyment of the community.

if you grudge donating a few quid for a fantastic display, you can always stay at home with your lidl's selection box and enjoy that instead

07-Nov-10, 10:41
shocking u think kids under 5 would have gotten in free. think we will stay at home next year.

07-Nov-10, 12:18
Although my first post says it was a good display, I will admit to not having paid to view them. I was all set for making a donation, and as it happened, I just didnt have enough to cover the £3 per person on me. It was only because we decided to drive down to get as close as we could in the car (disabled husband) that we saw the signs for £3 each..... cue a lot of chatter between husband and I over what to do - go to cash point/go home etc. I had been planning on a donation of £10 for us all and that is all I had on me.

With 3 children under 6yrs old, I decided to park up on the main street and watch from there, as were quite a few others. Thankfully we did, as my 2 youngest were actually terrified so being in the safety of the car was a bonus.

Next year we will play it by ear, but I would have liked to have known it was £3 per person in advance! Maybe next year they can sell tickets from shops around town before hand at appropriate child and adult prices, and then charge slightly more on the door for those who dont have tickets. At least that way, you know what you are spending and getting yourself into!

07-Nov-10, 12:47
All of the signs that I saw said "suggested donation £3" I chose to donate £4 for myself and my daughter, and also bought her a toy. My friend chose to pay the same for her and her son. It felt it was well worth the money and later wondered if I should of donated more.

Strangely, I heard people complaining last night saying "I thought it was supposed to be donation" when they were reading the same signs I was and they clearly said "suggested donation £3" and NOT "set price £3" ??

I was at victoria walk side and passed one entrance before entering through the second, so I can't account for what the signs further down said.

Last year I further south for fireworks night. The local display were I was cost a set price of £6 and lasted a disappointing 10 minutes.

07-Nov-10, 12:54
It is obvious that the Round Table need to make it clear that there is an entrance fee.

At £3.00 per person the price is very cheap - you couldn't buy a half decent rocket for that. These displays are very expensive and yet much better than the average Joe (or Jane) could do at home. I for one would be willing to pay up to a fiver for a good display. I know that in some districts there is a local govt. subsidy but most areas are run by organisations such as the Round Table.

Perhaps local businesses could make a donation and write it off against charity? :eek:

07-Nov-10, 12:57
Excellent display and I have to say so myself.:)

Entry is by Donation and was clearly marked as this. For all of those who moan at £3 there are 10 others that praise the event:Razz and give more!

Few Home truths for all the sad individual's out there:

1. If you don't come to the event, there won't be an event.
2. Entry is by donation, all proceeds to fund 2011.
3. Takes hundreds of hours/ months of preparation to organize.
4. The event currently makes a loss!
5. All the guys that help organize the event, volunteer their time.
6. Profit? what profit. Every penny pays for the forthcoming year
7. 30 helpers on the night all volunteers (thank you).
8. Fireworkx Scotland are the qualified "fireworks firers"
9. Costs for the event £4000.

For all of those that watched it at home and would like to enjoy the event/contribute towards a memorable 2011 display. You can PayPal a donation to [email protected]

One final thanks to all those people that give us the thumbs up:) and provide us with help. Let's keep Thurso on the map.

Andy Sutherland
Thurso & District Round Table - Event coordinator (for 2010)

07-Nov-10, 13:14
Donation suggests choice of how much to pay, it seems the round table demanded a set amount per person and even that does not seem to have been at every entry, according to posts here some were more bully boy about amounts charged.
If there is a set entrance fee as some seem to have charged then that should have been clearly advertised as opposed to saying it was donation as if people had a choice.
I don't think people begrudge the amount but being told one thing and then having a set amount demanded that you may not have, as it was not clear that it was being charged, is out of order.
I wonder how many people turned away and went elsewhere to watch last night due to being embarassed by not having enough cash on them.
A very embarassing situaton to put people in due to mis-adverising.
The only advert I saw for the event was endlessly bumped on here and each and every time said ENTRY BY DONATION not suggested £3.
Also calling people sad for being put in an awkward situation by yourselves will not boost your popularity one little bit. Very bad PR.

07-Nov-10, 13:36
thurso firework display was brill thumbs up well dun. stayed at home but still gave £3

07-Nov-10, 13:49
I totally understand that the display was self-funding and possibly making a loss, but this is where my previous post regarding ticket sales, or ADVERTISED entry amounts need to be considered.

Yes, I was embarrassed I didnt have £15 cash on me, and as such, watched from outside the perimeter and didnt donate at all - not that I didnt want to, but because I didnt want the embarrassment of being turned away, and to see the disappointment in my childrens faces.

Would setting a fixed price for adults and children, really be a bad idea?! At least that way, people know what to expect and arent caught short on the night as I was last night?!

07-Nov-10, 13:58
Being charged a fee for sitting in your car to watch the fireworks from SCRABSTER........................

absolute joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-Nov-10, 14:04
thurso firework display was brill thumbs up well dun. stayed at home but still gave £3
Maybe during all your bumping of the topic advertising it, instead if just typing bump you could have typed about the suggested donation amount and saved people the embarassment.

07-Nov-10, 17:17
At the part where we went in there was an A4 sheet of paper (laminated) with £3 per person on it. No suggested donation £3. If i had known it was £3 per person i would have been prepared for that and made sure that i had plenty money. I never suggested this was too much. It was the misleading information that upset me.

07-Nov-10, 17:48
well the sign we saw said suggested donation, and the man that we gave the money to never said anything about putting in £3 each

07-Nov-10, 18:13
I think this is half of the problem, some of the "helpers" were sticking to £3 per person, and others not.

The sign I saw said £3 per person - not Suggested Donation £3 per person.

On the whole, £3 is a good price, but when you have 3 kids, 2 of which are under 5yrs old, I think there needs to be more enforced pricing scales.

I think under 5's free, 5's -15's £2 each and Adults £3 each would have been a fair way of doing things.

alistair harper
07-Nov-10, 19:06
went to the fire works in thurso and was only asked for a donation to get in but i also took my kids to the one in keiss and it was brill it lasted 20min and the way they put on the show was to go around the village and ask for donations and also they had a soup and hotdog stall in the hall which would generate income for next year why cant thurso take a leaf out of their book.Both shows were brill.

Sorry i have just heard from thursochin that there were refreshments at thurso but i did not notice this on the side beside clb.

i have replied back to thursochin

07-Nov-10, 19:50
Would like to say well done to the Thurso Round Table for putting on a fantastic fire work display last night, my family all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Think £3 per head was pretty cheap and i was happy to pay this along with a few more pounds spent on flashing swords etc.

Well done

07-Nov-10, 19:59
I know the advert said donations only which i don't mind paying I always give donations but this time I paid £12 for me and three girls which one was under 5 i was shocked. I never known a bonfire or firework display charging for you to go and see it and I have been to a few before down south and in Belfast and not been charged once.

07-Nov-10, 21:00
I think the purpose of the fireworks, apart form seeing the fireworks, os to bring together the community and evoke community spirit. I value all the hard work of the volunteers and every year we put money in their buckets and buy the kids the neon stuff etc. But this year I was shocked by the bully tatics and the policed like gate system for what is essentially a public event/area. It was the worst turn out I have ever seen. So much for evoking community spirit. As a result, I did not give money as I beleive it should be as it always is,a give what you can. £3 is a lot of money, especially when your average family has4-5 members that is £12-£15 for 15minutes.

I was very disappointed and if this is the case for things to come, I will be going down to inverness for a better show which is free, and gladly donate to their cause.

07-Nov-10, 21:23
I think the purpose of the fireworks, apart form seeing the fireworks, os to bring together the community and evoke community spirit. I value all the hard work of the volunteers and every year we put money in their buckets and buy the kids the neon stuff etc. But this year I was shocked by the bully tatics and the policed like gate system for what is essentially a public event/area. It was the worst turn out I have ever seen. So much for evoking community spirit. As a result, I did not give money as I beleive it should be as it always is,a give what you can. £3 is a lot of money, especially when your average family has4-5 members that is £12-£15 for 15minutes.

I was very disappointed and if this is the case for things to come, I will be going down to inverness for a better show which is free, and gladly donate to their cause.

you say you understand the spirit of community intended by staging a fireworks display in Thurso, but then in the next breath you'll gladly go to Inverness and support theirs ... :confused

if you can get to Inverness and back for cheaper than £12-£15 then good luck to you

(i think the lower than usual turn out was because of the rain)

07-Nov-10, 21:40
It rained last year too!
And I think the year before as well...
But it would have been nice to know what they expected us to pay beforehand.
£3 a head, for 5 heads soon adds up especially as the kids are all little (4, 2 and 10mnths)
I wasnt complaining about the price as much as the not knowing, and then finding out when we got there.
Expected to just give £10 as a donation, then spend on the novelties which help fund the next firework display and keep the kids happy while waiting...(and maybe a burger or two which doesnt help fund the next display)..
If I knew it was £3 per person I might have stayed at home with Euan and let daddy take the girls, rather than dragging everyone out!
I was soo looking forward too the display as well and the lack of information on the cost to get in(until we got there) put a bit of a dampener on it!

07-Nov-10, 22:37
I agree I have seen worse weather and a better turnout.

it's not the money I begrudge, its the attitude. when you give a donation, it should be just that, a donation of what you wish, not a price. Not with gates set up to force you through and give the presumptious feeling you should. I imagine it costs a lot of money to run,and then need donations, I jus think this may have the opposite effect and end up people will give nothing and watch it from somewhere else, or go elsewhere. any way, i've said my piece.

07-Nov-10, 23:32
I have been an observer on the forums for some time now and after reading all your comments on last nights fireworks display I felt that I must join and have my voice heard.(please be gentle)
I personally think last nights display was the best for several years and friends and family also think so.I have to say that on the gate we went through I saw the sign saying suggested donation £3.I didn't pay much notice of this as in previous years always gave a donation of £20 for my family of 4 as this is half the cost of a decent box of fireworks.
I spoke to my mum in law who saw the Inverness display on Friday which only lasted 17minutes compared with thurso's 20+minutes.
I agree with Mr Sutherland when he says that if people don't attend the event there won't be an event.
The Rotary club were criticised about there bonfire a couple of years ago and there hasn't been a fire since but I for one am very grateful that the Round Table boys have decided to persevere with the fantastic display they put on.
What will happen if they don't get enough money for next year? The display will probably not happen and Thurso loses yet an other focal point in the year.
You will miss it if it ends as will I.

Mr P Cannop
08-Nov-10, 08:09
I think the purpose of the fireworks, apart form seeing the fireworks, os to bring together the community and evoke community spirit. I value all the hard work of the volunteers and every year we put money in their buckets and buy the kids the neon stuff etc. But this year I was shocked by the bully tatics and the policed like gate system for what is essentially a public event/area. It was the worst turn out I have ever seen. So much for evoking community spirit. As a result, I did not give money as I beleive it should be as it always is,a give what you can. £3 is a lot of money, especially when your average family has4-5 members that is £12-£15 for 15minutes.

I was very disappointed and if this is the case for things to come, I will be going down to inverness for a better show which is free, and gladly donate to their cause.

how about you try running the event for the thurso fireworks then ??

08-Nov-10, 08:48
I thought it was donation to get in? :confused

Used to be but many people were literally putting in pennies for the whole family. The event can only go on from year to year if peopel give a reasonable amount to pay for a show that is very expensive to put on.

08-Nov-10, 12:28
Wouldnt have minded too much if it was say a fiver each (and the kids automatically get a glow toy for example).
And it was advertised as such.
It was the not knowing that caught lots of people out.
And caused the problems.
Most folk will give a decent amount at the gates or spend at the novelties.

08-Nov-10, 13:00
Excellent display and I have to say so myself.:)

Entry is by Donation and was clearly marked as this. For all of those who moan at £3 there are 10 others that praise the event:Razz and give more!

Few Home truths for all the sad individual's out there:

1. If you don't come to the event, there won't be an event.
2. Entry is by donation, all proceeds to fund 2011.
3. Takes hundreds of hours/ months of preparation to organize.
4. The event currently makes a loss!
5. All the guys that help organize the event, volunteer their time.
6. Profit? what profit. Every penny pays for the forthcoming year
7. 30 helpers on the night all volunteers (thank you).
8. Fireworkx Scotland are the qualified "fireworks firers"
9. Costs for the event £4000.

For all of those that watched it at home and would like to enjoy the event/contribute towards a memorable 2011 display. You can PayPal a donation to [email protected]

One final thanks to all those people that give us the thumbs up:) and provide us with help. Let's keep Thurso on the map.

Andy Sutherland
Thurso & District Round Table - Event coordinator (for 2010)

Well done Thurso & District Round Table
From the tone of the criticisms I've read it seems that the main problem was the lack of clarity regarding the expected 'donation' and the ensuing embarrasement. Next year scrap the term 'donation' and call it an entry fee. Reduce the fee to half the adult fee for children that aren't as tall as the accompanying adult's waist. Get your publicity right, and if this year is anything to go by, success is assured.

09-Nov-10, 10:16
Simple truth is too many people want something for next to nothing and some want it for nothing. If they feel so strongly and have so much time to spout such nonsense on the web then let them get off their back sides and come and help.

09-Nov-10, 10:32
Dictionary term of donation

an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or contribution.
2. a gift, as to a fund; contribution

Dictionary term of Fee

1. a charge or payment for professional services: a doctor's fee.
2. a sum paid or charged for a privilege: an admission fee.

3. a charge allowed by law for the service of a public officer

It seems to me some were asked for donation some were charged a fee and the round table need to decide which it should have been and told their collectors and also had this specified on their posters.
It was either a fee or donation you cannot have both.