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View Full Version : Thanks

01-Aug-06, 00:40
I would just like to thank everyone on these boards, firstly for welcoming me to your community (cyber community) and for your help with my book. Some of the help has been direct answers to questions, but a lot has just been reading the posts about life in caithness. Shops, official gate openings??? and the like. The stuff that you guys have chatted about on here has really filled in the gaps and given my picture of the area some texture. Now it remains to be seen if I can weave this information and background into my story. Well, if it ever makes it to publishing, I guess you guys will be the judge of that.
Now I just need to get some writing done and not spend all my time reading the posts here!
But I will still be around. You cannot get rid of me that easily. And one day, Dave and I will make it to visit your lovely area. I hope for an extended stay, I want to experience all that I am endeavouring to write about. But I can't afford to come until I get published. :lol:

Again, Thank You Everyone.

01-Aug-06, 08:44
Haste ye back!


01-Aug-06, 09:15
Lang may your lum reek!

01-Aug-06, 09:22
Hope the book is successful. Come back soon.:)

02-Aug-06, 17:31
Why not feed us installments or a serialised version like Alexander Macoll Smith? An Org review on the back cover must be worth something.

03-Aug-06, 00:29
:cool: That actually sound like a good idea, but at the same time, I'm a little bit frightened by the thought. What if you don't like it and then I don't persue my writing career. My story will become like the Israel posts, full of people putting forth their opinions and I could become totally lost and discouraged.
Mmm, I will have to give the idea some thought. Maybe I will post a little bit and wait for the reaction. Then consider adding some more.

03-Aug-06, 09:22
:cool: That actually sound like a good idea, but at the same time, I'm a little bit frightened by the thought. What if you don't like it and then I don't persue my writing career. My story will become like the Israel posts, full of people putting forth their opinions and I could become totally lost and discouraged.
Mmm, I will have to give the idea some thought. Maybe I will post a little bit and wait for the reaction. Then consider adding some more.

I can only point you at another thread of yours - donut rings and holes. Don't look at the holes!

03-Aug-06, 09:36
Lolabelle, maybe you should actually try writing a serial? Give us a weekly taste of your creativity? Write about an internet forum maybe or might you find yourself between a rock and a hard place there?

03-Aug-06, 13:24
Lolabelle, maybe you should actually try writing a serial? Give us a weekly taste of your creativity? Write about an internet forum maybe or might you find yourself between a rock and a hard place there?

Great idea King, maybe I will go for the internet forum theme and call it
"Lonely Lola's Obsession" It could be about my life and how I spend way too much time at the Caithness.Org. Sadly our heroine (me) doesn't get any house work, writing or bookkeeping done and her husband is getting a bit concerned with her addiction.
Whadaya reckon????? :Razz