View Full Version : Fiona Polson`s delightful goodies

21-Oct-10, 18:44
Where do I begin......................

Cullen Skink soup, the best we have ever tasted, bar none! Comes in a container which can be microwaved and just eat the soup straight from the tub, no mess no fuss.

Homemade coleslaw, absolutely delicious and not weak and watery like some

Puddings to die for!.... cheesecakes in various toppings a roulade meringue type thing and jam and cream doughnuts

....................all available from Frasers on Castlegreen Road in Thurso.

Contact details for Fiona direct is 01593 741245 or [email protected]

23-Oct-10, 17:10
I have to agree with the above post. Was in the Halkirk shop on Thursday and bought the toffee and mallow cheesecake.........I have never ever had a cheesecake that tasted soooooooo good. Defenatly to die for and i also bout sticky toffee pudding, which i must say was value for money. It was a whole loaf and then she had added a tub of toffee sauce to heat up later in the microwave.

The best tasting food ever, hubby was well impressed, just wondering what next we can try.

Found out today that she is also selling in Frasers in Castlegreen road.

Good luck Fiona and Keep up the good cooking/baking :)

23-Oct-10, 17:27
Oh fab love Fiona's stuff and had been missing it will nip along to Thurso to get some next week.

23-Oct-10, 18:03
Was in Frasers this morning and Fiona`s goodies had all sold out. Reliably informed there will be a delivery on Tuesday and Thursday each week. I would imagine you could also buy direct from Fiona, that is why I posted the contact details.

25-Nov-10, 10:27
i bought mars bar slice the other day and OMG it was awsome! I have never tasted mars bar slice like it!

Might go to Frazers again today to get some more cakes :lol:

25-Nov-10, 11:55
i had the Cullen Skink soup last nite was beautiful! also have tryed the rasberry ripple cheesecake and the white chocolate and rasberry cheesecake soo good! to die for thinking of it now i want some :lol:

25-Nov-10, 12:17
"Found out today that she is also selling in Frasers in Castlegreen road."

Oh no, I wish you hadn't told us that! Because I have had to go to Halkirk anytime I wanted Fiona's baking, I didn't go that often but now:eek:

Sob, sob, there goes the diet yet again....

25-Nov-10, 16:38
latest update, Fiona`s goodies have taken up two shelves in Frasers store now, even more delicious things to choose from..............sorry, just had to share that with you all.

18-Jan-11, 22:24
Tried her stuff for the first time last week, totally gorgeous. The coleslaw was to die for and the puddings, well they are just superb. Everything looks superb.

19-Jan-11, 12:10
I know she has goodies in Macdonalds bakery in with but is just quiches and cheesecakes ive seen, not seen any of her other goodies shame as they sound yum

19-Jan-11, 19:28
Where do I begin......................

Cullen Skink soup, the best we have ever tasted, bar none! Comes in a container which can be microwaved and just eat the soup straight from the tub, no mess no fuss.

Homemade coleslaw, absolutely delicious and not weak and watery like some

Puddings to die for!.... cheesecakes in various toppings a roulade meringue type thing and jam and cream doughnuts

....................all available from Frasers on Castlegreen Road in Thurso.

Contact details for Fiona direct is 01593 741245 or [email protected]
sounds good...whare abouts is Castlegreen road?

20-Jan-11, 14:03
Castlegreen Road is the hill that goes up from the railway station. Fraser's shop is at the top of the hill, the road continues down then to Pennyland Service Station.

20-Jan-11, 19:12
An even wider range in store today:-

Minestrone soup, steak pie, cottage pie with cheesy leek topping, fish in sauce.

New cheesecake and traybake recipies every week, and lovely trifles with a spoon for a handy lunchtime snack.


Beat Bug
22-Jan-11, 16:57
Just enjoying white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake. Best I've ever tasted, including my own!

23-Jan-11, 21:25
Is this lady a local supplier or national?
Sorry for my ignorance! :eek:

Beat Bug
23-Jan-11, 21:35
Fiona is a local lady

23-Jan-11, 23:12
Thanks, gutted now tho! :(

24-Jan-11, 23:23
Castletown butchers are now selling Fiona's goodies.

Beat Bug
25-Jan-11, 00:24
So is D Cormack in Latheronwheel

26-Jan-11, 12:56
So is the Spar in Dunbeath!

26-Jan-11, 15:51
Fiona is becoming so popular with all her goodies I reckon she will need to expand from her kitchen into a new building.Best thing she ever did was branching out on her own, although I miss her goodies in Wickers World, she is now able to produce a much larger selection.

04-Feb-11, 10:44
It's great to see tasty fresh locally made produce in the shops. . . Good stuff!

05-Feb-11, 00:21
All of Fiona's goodies are delicious - no good for dieting tho!!!

The sticky toffee pudding is my kids favourite and easily serves 4 people as a pudding.

I would highly recommend the Cullen Skink, Coleslaw and her Macaroni Cheese is the best ever!!

Keep up the good work Fiona - you have a growing fan base and so glad you gave up Scottish Slimmers to cook LOL!!!!!!

05-Feb-11, 00:26
I've heard her sweets are VERY sweet - so I really must make an effort to try them :lol:

14-Feb-11, 23:59
Does Anyone Know If She Is Selling In Wick?

15-Feb-11, 11:42
Not sure about Wick, but phone Fiona or send her an email to enquire. Details in original post.

15-Feb-11, 13:59
Does Anyone Know If She Is Selling In Wick?
Don,t know if any shops in Wick stock her goodies but all you need to is phone her your order and she will deliver