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View Full Version : Record breaking

05-Aug-04, 11:43
You see at the bottom of the menu page, it has the most number of users online at one time was in January with 40 people scanning these pages.
I don't know if anybody else is up for it, but what about trying
to beat that record, say 50 users or more.
I'm sure there is more than that every day looking at the pages so if you are reading this and not going out for a drink tomorrow night, how about logging on at about 8pm ? and smash January's record (probably crash caithness.org at the sametime :roll: not on purpose though :D ).

Or is it too short notice to organise that ? :confused

Mr P Cannop
05-Aug-04, 13:07
sorry i will be at a wedding dance tomorrow night

05-Aug-04, 19:12
No problem Mr P Cannop, I don't think anybody is interested anyway.
I will try tomorrow night but if not I will try again in about 3 weeks time.

06-Aug-04, 16:19

I haven't discovered the Wick night life yet, so I am free and will logon at 8 this evening.


06-Aug-04, 19:55

I have my doubts about the success of tonight's challenge. I had to drive across town to get to my internet connection and everyone in Wick seems to be out and about in the streets. I don't blame them, it has been a glorious day here.
What we will need to break the record is to have the forum members in Canada take a break from their working afternoon and sign on to the website.

Any further instructions from the person who initiated this challenge?


06-Aug-04, 19:59
Well, I'm sitting here in awe at the response I have had.
There were 27 people on at 7.30pm and when I last looked it was down to 13.

Must be the lovely evening that we have, and I don't blame them, I'm going for a walk myself shortly.

06-Aug-04, 20:06
A record breaking 11 users.

Never mind, maybe next time, lets say the same time on the 27th Aug.

By then most people should of read this.

My thanks to anybody who took part for me.

cheers :D :D :D

David Swanson
06-Aug-04, 20:06
I don't think you have much chance on a night like this or on a board where normally much more than half of the users are guests.
Maybe they think you meant 8pm on the board (GMT), not 8pm in Thurso :o)

David Swanson

06-Aug-04, 20:09
You could very well be right there David.

It is a bit confusing when you make a post and it shows it for an hour earlier (winter time).

Lets hope it is raining at the end of the month. :evil :evil (only joking !! :p )

06-Aug-04, 20:19

It was fun. I suspect it will take until next January to get to a record slow time in the lives of the website users. The Canadian members are very bright and I am sure that they understood it was for 3 pm their time, but just in case you might want to try checking for their submissions about 1 am Thurso time.

To readers around the world, this has been the finest day in Wick all summer.


06-Aug-04, 20:22
Thank you canuck2, it is nice to see some support.

I am hanging in here for a little while incase we get some latecomers.

I noticed the numbers went up a wee bit.


:) :)

06-Aug-04, 20:32
Leaving now - BIG Brother beckons [para]

Hope to see ya all in 3 weeks. :D

Thanks again :cool:

Yes I know, how sad, going to watch BB5 :roll: