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hungryhill aliens
18-Oct-10, 23:38
can anyone tell me what day the kids go out Tricker Treating as the 31st of October is a Sunday !!!!!

18-Oct-10, 23:46
That will be "trick OR treating".

I believe Saturday night is supposed to be done if the 31st is a Sunday. Not sure if it would make much of a difference nowadays though.

19-Oct-10, 01:03
Why would it be Saturday? Can someone enlighten me or am I missing something obvious?

19-Oct-10, 01:06
Why would it be Saturday? Can someone enlighten me or am I missing something obvious?

The christians don't like degradation of their sacred day.

19-Oct-10, 09:14
Guising...Guising ...Guising!
We are not in America.
Though we will carve a pumpkin rather than a neep as I lose at least 1 spoon (bent to death) and endure a cut or two doing a neep.
But pancakes on a string and dooking for apples are still fun.

Beat Bug
19-Oct-10, 10:01
Where we used to live there was a family with several kids, and they always went out trick or treating a day or two earlier than the other kids in the village. They thought they'd get more treats.

19-Oct-10, 10:05
Errr not in our house...
if you are that early I wouldnt have bought in the treats yet...
Or made up the bags
And the kids would be told to come back on the right night!
Mat seem harsh on the kids, but, its the parents fault for sending them out too early.

19-Oct-10, 10:08
pancakes on a string .. you are so weird *grins* dunking for apples ive heard of now! *laughs* runs around shouting.. trick or treating trick or treating!!! nanananabooboo i can say it.. im american!!
and im really only 12 *laughs* well in my mind at times!

19-Oct-10, 10:12
Pancakes with treacle or syrup....
Messy faces...
And if you really are feeling devilish play hunt the jelly baby in the tray of flour afterwards..blindfolded ..no hands allowed...(even more fun if the kids are older is to remove the jelly baby for a wee while)
Then the dooking for apples to clean them up before going home.

19-Oct-10, 10:21
yuck! nope gonna stick with m american traditions.. better anyway *smirk*

19-Oct-10, 10:29
Could do doughnuts instead?
If you wish..the hole makes them easy to hang up...
Im decorating the front porch as usual, and have bought window paints to do the livingroom window...that will be entertaining to see my efforts..
Have stuff to put in bags..just need to get little oranges and apples yet.
A touchy feely box is good for older kids...little trays with cold spag (worms) beans (maggots) etc goes down well..
Jelly with jelly worms in is popular as well as witches brew (juice with food colouring in..or mixed with another juice)

19-Oct-10, 10:40
sounds good! *G*

19-Oct-10, 23:08
So what time are people sending their kids out trick or treating? About 6-6.30pm? or is that too late? Think OH is taking the kids out, im staying with the youngest one to give out sweeties (I expect a joke or something before they get a sweetie from me!!)

Not sure i can prep athrun with a joke tho.....his sentences arent quite there yet! Might be able to get him to say fart?! [lol]

19-Oct-10, 23:11
So what time are people sending their kids out trick or treating? About 6-6.30pm? or is that too late? Think OH is taking the kids out, im staying with the youngest one to give out sweeties (I expect a joke or something before they get a sweetie from me!!)

Not sure i can prep athrun with a joke tho.....his sentences arent quite there yet! Might be able to get him to say fart?! [lol]

As soon as it gets dark!!!! It usually sibsides by 7pm for everyone to have a drink and get over how busy its been!! [lol]

20-Oct-10, 21:33
same here.. as soon as it gets dark.. try not to bug people too much when they are trying to have thier tea!

22-Oct-10, 19:24
back to the OP

what night are folk doing Halloween on ? Saturday or Sunday ?

22-Oct-10, 19:38
Dont know?
Guess I will have to have bags made up for baith nights:eek:
Hopefully the groat will say what day to go out on!

mums angels
22-Oct-10, 19:53
I'm pretty sure it was always a Saturday if it was on a Sunday thats when i was planning on putting mine out am not quite sure if i would put them out on a Sunday :confused its also a school night and my two younger ones would need to be in bed by 7 anyway .

24-Oct-10, 11:39
The christians don't like degradation of their sacred day.

Er, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day. Its always on the 1st of November, so Halloween is always on the 31st! Christmas Eve doesn't get shifted to another day of the week if Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, and and Halloween, the eve of All Saints Day (another Holy Day), does neither! :lol:

And don't forget to dook your apples out of cider! ;)

24-Oct-10, 16:14
When I was younger it was always a Saturday night we went out if it landed on a Sunday so will be taking kids out on Saturday night. If anyone was to come to my door on Sunday then I would just simply say no to them. I am not in any way churchy, but still believe it should be moved to the saturday night.

24-Oct-10, 18:33
So what day is it? So I can be out [evil]

24-Oct-10, 18:39
Try Sunday. If they come round on Saturday, you could always thrust a calendar out the door, tell them they are a day early and to sod off home and come back tomorrow night!

24-Oct-10, 19:23
Whats happened to Halloweening.

hungryhill aliens
24-Oct-10, 22:27
When I was younger it was always a Saturday night we went out if it landed on a Sunday so will be taking kids out on Saturday night. If anyone was to come to my door on Sunday then I would just simply say no to them. I am not in any way churchy, but still believe it should be moved to the saturday night. I agree, i remember it landing on a sunday a few years ago and everyone went out on the sat .

24-Oct-10, 22:35
cant decide then...will have to ask the other mums...or just have a couple of Laurens pals round for dooking for apples etc instead!
Guising Guising Guising..
Incase anyone else tries to call it trick or treating.

24-Oct-10, 22:56
Guaranteed it will only take one kid to go out guising Saturday night and the rest will be dressing up and hitting the streets as fast as their legs will take them in case there's nowt left by Sunday ;):D

25-Oct-10, 00:43
sniggers.. trick or treat trick or treat..... TRICK OR TREAAATTTTT....... *giggles* and gets the loo roll out heading for dadies!

25-Oct-10, 09:05
Brandy im short on loo roll so can you come sooner than later...Iona uses about half a roll if unsupervised in the bathroom!

25-Oct-10, 09:36
To be honest im tempted to send the kids out every night for a year at the price that the OH paid for their costumes! :roll: They will be wearin them to school an'all!! lol

25-Oct-10, 22:36
We prepare for such spookily goings on by having a chair next to the door along with a horrible rubber mask and hood... when they horribles call I stand on the chair, put on the mask, open the door and peer over... the kids never came back... and that was 12 years ago... mwah-ha-ha...

That was before I became 'Angel'...

26-Oct-10, 07:36
my brother use to do that *laughs* he would dress up and sit in a chair on the porch.. looking like a decoration.. them jump up and grab random children and adults as the knocked on the door ( if he knew them) or howl and growl if he didnt! **G**

29-Oct-10, 17:05
In true Scottish tradition the guisers should be ready to tell us a joke, sing a song or perform some other 'party piece'. :D Too many children appear to think that all they have to do is shout, "Trick or treat" and put their hand out. By all means lets have fun but lets put a bit of effort into it, eh! ;)

29-Oct-10, 17:39
Tell you what anyone putting some halloween decs up better tie them down as the old winds certainly on the increase.......i have my bucket of goodies ready and a cape and mask to scare the hell outta folk ! :D

29-Oct-10, 18:36
Ive always been brought up that kids go out on Saturday if it falls on Sunday and because of this and my own personal beliefs, I will be sticking to this and will not have anyone in on Sunday and my kids will be going out on Saturday night, xx

30-Oct-10, 09:50
Reading this weeks Orcadian and listening to the "Whats on" spot on yesterdays Radio Orkney, the vast majority of bairn friendly Halloween events seem to be organised for Sunday.

30-Oct-10, 11:59
Try Sunday. If they come round on Saturday, you could always thrust a calendar out the door, tell them they are a day early and to sod off home and come back tomorrow night!

LOL thats going to get your house egged!!!

30-Oct-10, 12:08
LOL thats going to get your house egged!!!

Not funny [disgust]

Mystical Potato Head
30-Oct-10, 12:32
Not funny [disgust]

Well actually it is if you live in Orkney.In Orkney halloween used to be called devilment night.At least it was when i lived there.Nobody went out guising,you went out and "egged"houses put treacle on door handles etc,etc. and boy what fun the kids had.
The more adventurous and well organised used to shift rowing boats from the harbour and put them on the street but nobody went out guising.
On 5th of Nov everyone went out with a turnip carved like a demon or some ghostly like character on a stick and knocked on doors asking for "a penny for me pop" which has to do with the days when effigies of the pope were thrown onto bonfires which is why the ritual took place on "bonfire night".

30-Oct-10, 13:55
Well Im getting set up for tonight!
Hung my black spiderweb material..over the real spiderwebs..
Blowing up my inflatable bats, ghost, pumpkin...
Hanging up my skelaton and horace my big spider...now to polish my caldron (big stock pot) and fill it with bubble wrap and plastic spiders and bats and the odd rat or two..:lol:
And make up the bags of goodies for the bairns!
Think this might be Horaces last outing as he doesnt sound good...think he has a loose wire somewhere :(
My little porch is crammed with stuff!
How many bags should I do though!...dillemas..dilemas...
Bought sticker sheets and bouncy balls as well as sweeties apples and satsumas....
And I bought my 2 girls the glow bracelets to wear when out so they are more visable!

30-Oct-10, 14:12
Could be fun in Caithness houses this evening....

Parents: "Right bairns, get out and do your guising, "trickertreating", begging or whatever you want to call it."

Bairns: "But its no Halloween yet, and its blowing a friggin hooly out there!"

Parents: "Tough - Were doing it on Saturday this year!"

Bairns: "But the forecast says that the morn will be a lot less windy. Can't we go out then, and be in with half a chance of the candle in our neepy lanterns staying in?"

Parents: "Get out and "trickertreat" or else! I told everybody on the Org that were going out tonight, so tonight it will be, gales or not! And get rid of that neep you got fae the field and go get a pumpkin from the shop! I told you we do American from now on!"


30-Oct-10, 14:43
Well actually it is if you live in Orkney.In Orkney halloween used to be called devilment night.At least it was when i lived there.Nobody went out guising,you went out and "egged"houses put treacle on door handles etc,etc. and boy what fun the kids had.
The more adventurous and well organised used to shift rowing boats from the harbour and put them on the street but nobody went out guising.

When I was peedie, we did the guising - Find the biggest neep in the field, prepare the neepy lantern, and then figure out what you were going to do as your piece. Singing, dancing, telling stories or whatever.

When we were older, it was the what you describe as "more adventurous" - Throwing eggs and flour around like they do nowadays was not something I can ever recall us doing, as there was no imagination in it! Moving boats onto flat roofs, shifting caravans and trailers and anything else not tied down, and coming up with the most ridiculous places to leave them in! Climbing on roofs and shouting down lums (or in my dads day, putting a peat on the can and smoking them out!) Nothing that you could ever call vandalism, and a lot more entertainment than the current dull practice of chucking some eggs and flour about! And unlike folk who chuck eggs, the next day, we were usually involved in the putting things right again, denying all knowledge of course that we knew how that boat got there! :roll:

30-Oct-10, 15:08
Got to admit a pumpkin is easier to hollow out:lol:
A neep usually ends up with a couple of bent spoons..a near casualty visit and lots of sweary words said!
Before using the power tools on the blasted thing!
Chisel, hammer, saw and electic drill have all been utilised before in doing a neep lantern...

This year we did a pumpkin....done in under 1/2 an hour!

Hopefully 30 bags is enough for where we are!

30-Oct-10, 15:30
Got to admit a pumpkin is easier to hollow out:lol:

But it makes the clapshot taste terrible! (would have used other descriptors here were the profanity filter to allow me....)

Probably all about to become irrelevant anyway - I predict that by next Halloween, "trickertreating" will be a game for the Wii or an app for the iphone 7, so the little darlings wont need to leave the sofa, let alone attack some vegetables with knives or other cutlery!!

30-Oct-10, 16:30
My little monster and my little witch are getting dressed up tonight!:lol:
Euan is getting dressed as a little pumpkin!
We are all big kids as im getting the baby bath out in the livingroom for ducking for apples!
What is an acceptable time to go out?
6 ish? or closer to 7?

30-Oct-10, 16:54
My little monster and my little witch are getting dressed up tonight!:lol:
Euan is getting dressed as a little pumpkin!
We are all big kids as im getting the baby bath out in the livingroom for ducking for apples!
What is an acceptable time to go out?
6 ish? or closer to 7?

Sending this lot out at 6pm. Hugh is a ghost, Seamus is grim reaper and athrun is a skeleton. Oh and not forgetting hubby is dressing up as some weird creature thing that is horrible lookin! Infact...all their costumes are a bit creepy! :eek:

Me and Jay staying home to answer the door to the kiddies! Been making loads of chocolate apples and cakes all day for them. :cool:

30-Oct-10, 17:35
Well ive just put all the halloween deccies up outside surely people wont come around one day earlier?

30-Oct-10, 17:38
Umm spoke to the mums at nursery and at ballet and it seems to be the accepted night to go out is tonight!
So im a sheep following the herd!

30-Oct-10, 17:39
Oops! Forgot all about it :roll:
Now I'm going to have to pretend to be out if anyone comes knocking tonight because I'll feel shame and embarrassment having nothing in but, er, potatoes? Dog biscuits? ;).
Remember bending all the spoons in the house making our neepy lanterns. I used to like the smell of burning neep when we carried them round guising and the candle would try to set fire to the 'lid'. Happy days :lol:

30-Oct-10, 17:48
Don't be ashamed! Tell them there a day early!

30-Oct-10, 18:28
Tonight is the night for halloween, my kids are out and I have had 6 kids at the door already,

30-Oct-10, 19:17
Had a fair few knocking at the door though some of them instead of just taking a couple of things(mainly the older kids) have just thrust their hands in me bucket full of goodies and grabbed a handfull! 4 teenager sort of age had carrier bags literally bulging with stuff!

30-Oct-10, 19:21
lol my wife just said she has just seen Freddy Krugar with 2 carrier bags full in each hand walk past ! Free sweeties for a month lol [lol]

30-Oct-10, 19:47
Just back with my 2 girls ...knackered!....cold!.....and Iona has eaten 2 apples and a satsuma already!

30-Oct-10, 19:54
Must be a Caithness thing this doing Halloween on some other day then! Not a soul round these parts!

Texted a friend who lives in Kirkwall to see what her and her 5 year old daughter are up to - Sitting in waiting for X Factor to come on apparantly and deciding what they are doing for Halloween the morns night! They live in a bit of Kirkwall with a lot of bairns round about (Papdale) and report no Halloween goings on of any kind - eggs, flour or guising! Mind you, its a wild night, so don't expect too many folk will want to be out full stop!

30-Oct-10, 20:06
There are kids about but not had many at the door only 7 or 8, oh well sweeties for me yum :D

30-Oct-10, 20:08
OMG im knackered!!! Kids are hyper tho! :lol: Athrun wasnt keen on going out. And i went out with the kiddies instead of hubby. When i left we only had 1 person to the door....i come back and there is nowt left! :eek:

Kids enjoyed themselves tho. And i have never seen so many darkened houses ever :confused

30-Oct-10, 20:08
Dont eat them all tonight!
Im waiting until 9pm tommorrow...then I will scoff them all:lol:

30-Oct-10, 20:10
what are they having 2 halloweens now??? :eek:

30-Oct-10, 20:15
Dont think so, but, as lots (me included) were not sure what night to go out with the kids, I think it would be safer to save the sweeties...and my waistline for 1 more night!

Kevin Milkins
30-Oct-10, 21:02
Mr's M was delighted with a batch of toffee apples that she made and have had a few grateful looking kids at the door. :Razz

Nearly all of them had made a great big effort with the fancy dress and all very polite, but the one little one that made me laugh said "I don't like toffee apples, have you got chocolate ones". :lol:

30-Oct-10, 21:17
I have my decorations up on the door and garden gate, lights on, the whole lot but not one kid at the door all evening :confused

30-Oct-10, 21:25
Im hoping some come tommorrow...even the same kids again....as I have most of the bags still here!
I had 27 kids last year and as it was a weekend this year I thought we would get more kids...but we had 8...

30-Oct-10, 21:30
I think maybe we should stop messing about with when it is and just stick to the date, that way everyone knows whats going on :roll:
I certainly do not remember going out on a different day because it was a Sunday.

30-Oct-10, 23:26
Always went out the night before if it fell on the Sunday, have never been out guising on a Sunday and neither will my kids but in fairness im not from here and probably have diffrent ideas, xmas and newyear were the same always quiet newyears in etc if it falls on a Sunday, Just different up bringings In my opinion no one is right or wrong with Saturday/Sunday Each to there own and all that :D

31-Oct-10, 00:59
Always went out the night before if it fell on the Sunday, have never been out guising on a Sunday and neither will my kids but in fairness im not from here and probably have diffrent ideas, xmas and newyear were the same always quiet newyears in etc if it falls on a Sunday, Just different up bringings In my opinion no one is right or wrong with Saturday/Sunday Each to there own and all that :D

We also went out the night before if Halloween fell on a Sunday.

Had a few guisers tonight. Not expecting any tomorrow.

31-Oct-10, 02:47
Been a run to Kirkwall tonight. Other than a few fancy dressers in the pubs, not a trace of Halloween elsewhere. Expect the bairns will be out guising, and the older ones chucking eggs and flour around the morns night!

31-Oct-10, 03:15
Been a run to Kirkwall tonight. Other than a few fancy dressers in the pubs, not a trace of Halloween elsewhere. Expect the bairns will be out guising, and the older ones chucking eggs and flour around the morns night!

Even with the clocks going back, "the morns night" will be Monday night!:confused

31-Oct-10, 07:04
i made up a few spare baggies incase kids came tonight. But i must of seen at least 50 kids when i was out with the bairns.

Hubby said he had loads of kids at the door. Makes a change cos last year we had none. And he said two little girls made him laugh....they were so delighted with chocolate apples that they will be back at our door next year! [lol] Then they stood and spoke for 15 mins to him. :)

31-Oct-10, 08:12
We had 55 bairns last night but I still have bags made up incase there are any tonight. It was cold last night but at least it was dry for them

31-Oct-10, 23:38
Im with orkneycadian all my best memorys of halloween are of going out about the town and country side doing devilment, van loads and van loads of bales to block folks cars in, carrying the heavy contents of sheds across fields, decorating houses and things, legging it from farmers and cops....good harmless fun...its a great tradition!!!

31-Oct-10, 23:51
My kids went out last night, as did most of the village,
I don't believe in God myself but thought it was disrespectful to those who do to go out on a Sunday.

01-Nov-10, 00:34
I have my decorations up on the door and garden gate, lights on, the whole lot but not one kid at the door all evening :confused

The Pope said that too.

01-Nov-10, 01:13
We didn't have any bairns either the wee one was upset she wanted to see the bairns dressed up.

01-Nov-10, 08:27
We must be dedicated heathens this side of the water then! :evil

Driving back through Kirkwall about half 7 last night, it was a busy old place. Lots of apprentice bakers going about (why else would there be so many young folk with eggs and flour?), interspersed with a wide miscellany of junior ghosts, witches and the odd superhero, some accompanied by parents, some just flying solo! Thought I was in trouble for a mo, as a police van followed me through the town for a bit, but it eventully shot off in another direction, presumably to investigate another "baking incident".

Coming back through the town to work this morning, it appears that the apprentice bakers have a lot to learn yet, as the product of their egg and flour batters are not very appetising looking!

They got a bonny night for it anyway, though I am not sure how much harder its going to be scraping frozen eggs of your window this morning....

P.S. the cider dooking was a hoot! Seems to be a lot less effort going into actually getting the apples!;)

01-Nov-10, 15:33
I took mine on the right day, just as it got dark. Only knocked on doors with lights on, pumpkins out etc. The girls had a fab time. ;) Only ONE person had something to say about it being Sunday!!

01-Nov-10, 15:39
I got 8 kids in total at the door this year...and 2 were mine!
I was ready with 30 bags made up and spare sweeties etc in the kitchen if it came to that..
Pumpkin out at the front door (lit)...pumpkin fairy lights on in the window...porch had halloween thrown at it:lol:

Next year will be the last year I will bother if the turn out is as dismal:(

01-Nov-10, 15:43
I bought loads of stuff this year, and we only had 4 kids at the door on Saturday night!
Don't think I'll bother next year, as we hardly ever get kids at the door for some reason - they all just walk past! I made sure I had all the lights on etc, but still didn't work!

Mrs Bucket
01-Nov-10, 18:11
Im with orkneycadian all my best memorys of halloween are of going out about the town and country side doing devilment, van loads and van loads of bales to block folks cars in, carrying the heavy contents of sheds across fields, decorating houses and things, legging it from farmers and cops....good harmless fun...its a great tradition!!!
ah yes I remember it well

01-Nov-10, 21:23
we had one kid on Saturday night. Have they all been abducted to portgower?

Corrie 3
01-Nov-10, 22:46
we had one kid on Saturday night. Have they all been abducted to portgower?
I love kids.....I had one for breakfast this morning!!!


01-Nov-10, 22:53
You had 8 more than I did Dadie & I live in Watten too. There wasn't a spook or ghoul to be seen over the weekend, very disappointing :(

02-Nov-10, 08:22
Must have been all the "Is it Saturday?, is it Sunday?" talk thats confused them all, so they decided to stay in.

"Last nights" Halloween goings on was headline news (no cats been lost then:roll:) on yesterday mornings Radio Orkney so the lack of indecision about which evening seems to have focused all the activity to Sunday night. That, and a wild night on Saturday, and a bonny night on Sunday I guess!

02-Nov-10, 10:22
Oh I took my 2 girls out, in Watten, but only did the houses with lights on, lanterns out, decorated etc...as I know there is a lot that dont do halloween.
Dont want to annoy folk!

02-Nov-10, 12:08
Sure I had my lights on, definately on Sunday cos I had my folks round.