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View Full Version : What has your pet done to make you say AAAAWWWWW!?

12-Oct-10, 22:32
Well have to confess I have been considering taking a long break from the org as haven't been enjoying Pets Corner.:(
I was reluctant though as consider many of you to be my friends and one of them, Teenybash, persuaded me to stay.
It is so good to have a place where we can share our love of animals,get advice etc and I really hope we can get back to that.
I don't mind debate etc but not when it gets nasty!

Anyhoo! I thought I would start a nice light hearted thread where we could share lovely stories about our animal bairns. So here's mine to start it off.:-

We took Molly our cat (who is doing so well and is such a sweetheart)out into the garden for the first time but put her on a lead to see how she got on as she is quite 'nervy'.
She started off practically crawling on her very big mummy tummy.:lol: Then Benjy started following her around and was giving her very gentle 'kisses' as if to reassure her. She was giving him wee head butts as if to say thanks and started to relax and enjoy her walk. All the time accompanied by her brother Benjy.
So this made me go AAAAWWWWWWWW!

12-Oct-10, 23:20

This literally had me saying Awwwww when Banjo, after a great deal of effort and manouvering, managed to get his hide into the cat bed. Night after night he had tried and failed till, success at last and he promptly fell sound asleep. I think it might be time that I bought him a bed of his own.....in a bigger size of course,
He looked so silly and vulnerable lying there....big softy.:)

12-Oct-10, 23:27
awww thats nice!

wish i could say awwwww about ozzy this week.......it was more of an argh!!
when i opened the door to let him in from his pee and he had the rear wiper arm of my car in his mouth!:eek:

12-Oct-10, 23:33
aw teenybash,so sweet. i just got home from work and found my cat had got in to the apple pies box id left out and eaten some of the pastry off.naughty but still cute.

12-Oct-10, 23:44
This makes me go awww....Islay my bunny, desperate for a treat I was going to put through the top of the run bars
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4103/5062827629_01eba605e4.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5062827629/)Islay's belly (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5062827629/) by Chocolate Bubbles (http://www.flickr.com/people/chocolatebubbles/), on Flickr

12-Oct-10, 23:44
awww that is sweet Liz, Benjy sounds like a lovely gentle boy. I am so glad you didnt leave, pets corner wouldnt be the same without you

My two dont really do anything exceptionally caring but they make me go awwww every day with the daft things they do or the wee cute expressions on their faces. Here is a couple of my awww moments

Vinnie playing at Mr Slinky He likes to relax like this - AWWWWW (ignore the burst couch lol)


Vinnie is really a human in a wee doggy suit AWWWW

wee Jura looking all sad (AWWWWWWW) she was happy really though!

12-Oct-10, 23:45
This, Lucky being naughty, also made me awww
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4084/5063437208_cd87b1cc8d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5063437208/)Thieving Lucky! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5063437208/) by Chocolate Bubbles (http://www.flickr.com/people/chocolatebubbles/), on Flickr

And my other, Rigsy, she loves licking people
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4127/5062775391_bdda43d3a3.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5062775391/)Rigsy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/chocolatebubbles/5062775391/) by Chocolate Bubbles (http://www.flickr.com/people/chocolatebubbles/), on Flickr

12-Oct-10, 23:46
awww that is sweet Liz, Benjy sounds like a lovely gentle boy. I am so glad you didnt leave, pets corner wouldnt be the same without you

My two dont really do anything exceptionally caring but they make me go awwww every day with the daft things they do or the wee cute expressions on their faces. Here is a couple of my awww moments

Vinnie playing at Mr Slinky He likes to relax like this - AWWWWW (ignore the burst couch lol)


Vinnie is really a human in a wee doggy suit AWWWW

wee Jura looking all sad (AWWWWWWW) she was happy really though!

Priceless photos! They are gorgeous dogs!

12-Oct-10, 23:47
Well you've all made me go aaawwww. Or argh as in your case Annemarie.:lol:

Merlzin your story reminded me of when my cat Moggy got caught eating the stir fry from the wok. I can still see the gravy dripping from his chin as he looked up when he realised we'd seen him!!!:lol:

12-Oct-10, 23:54
Aw thanks Bullielove. xx

What great photos. Vinnie playing at Mr Slinky made me :lol:

13-Oct-10, 00:10
Awww thes pics and happy tales are great......Bullielove, a house is not a home without a burst couch, courtesy of our furry, hairy friends.....wouldn't have it any other way.;)

13-Oct-10, 00:19
They're all great photos,gorgeous animals.Stir fry..:eek:i thought kiwi was bad with eating raw cabbage..:D

13-Oct-10, 03:26
I love threads like this so much bad in the world that when you realise how much we love our fur kids and the antics they get upto is really worth sharing

13-Oct-10, 05:43
storm chewed the wii controls very busy puppy

13-Oct-10, 12:45
I love threads like this so much bad in the world that when you realise how much we love our fur kids and the antics they get upto is really worth sharing

Yes I agree. It's so good to share how much we love our pets. Your bunnies are gorgeous!:D

storm chewed the wii controls very busy puppy
Oh no! That's more of an AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!:lol:
I'm sure we all know about the puppy chewing. Benjy still shreds any paper he can get his paws on!

Another memory which made me go AAAWWWW is my Sheltie Timmy who used to love to 'sing' especially to certain telly theme tunes.
When 'Take The High Road' or 'Corrie' etc came on he would rush through to the living room. Sit in front of the telly with head back, wee 'tusks' showing, and sing so loud.
He would look around when he was finished and my sister and me would applaud and cheer. The neighbours must have wondered what we were doing every night!:lol:

Keep all your lovely stories and photos coming. This is what we need!

13-Oct-10, 12:46
Smokey is a real Daddy's Boy and misses Mick chronically when he's away - he was like this for an hour last time Mick came home


13-Oct-10, 12:50
Aaaawww bless. That is soooooo sweet.
Smokey has the look of a dog in love!:lol:

13-Oct-10, 20:40
As most of you know, i found teddy at the side of the road, just before the schools went back in the summer, for the 1st few weeks he was terrified, he would come out of hiding and was just fed whatever room he was in, well gradually he started coming round, and has now become the biggest softie that you could ever imagine, he lies round your neck like a scarf, only down side with him is he gets carried away and nibbles your nose and chin lol, i couldnt imagine what life would be like without this little boy in my life now. teddy by name teddy by nature x

13-Oct-10, 20:51
everytime I look at Brodie I go AWWW with all we went through with him its great to see him as a happy heathly fully grown dog who still thinks he's a puppy who can get on our knee's whenever he wants!

he's a clown and I love him to bits (love other pets too but Brodie is the bees knees as far as I'm concerned)

13-Oct-10, 22:23
Balto it's so great that wee Teddy is so happy now. He must love you so much for rescuing him! xx

Aaawww Dragonfly your Brodie is so special after all he's been through and so great to hear that he's happy and healthy.:D xx

I have to say that I am so grateful every single day for the love and companionship of my lovely animal family.

I just can't imagine a home without a pet.

13-Oct-10, 22:25
Our cat Hunter cleans the face and ears of the stray cat Bonnie that we took in and he amuses the 3 kittens she suprised us with:roll: and rolls around with them when Bonnie is tired. Hes such a big softie, hes a big cat with a big heart:)

13-Oct-10, 22:26
A home without a pet is just a house :D I have always felt that.

13-Oct-10, 22:53
Our cat Hunter cleans the face and ears of the stray cat Bonnie that we took in and he amuses the 3 kittens she suprised us with:roll: and rolls around with them when Bonnie is tired. Hes such a big softie, hes a big cat with a big heart:)
Aaaw that is lovely! Will pm you soon Dollycat. xx

A home without a pet is just a house :D I have always felt that.

My sentiments exactly. Think that is what I was trying to say!lol xx

13-Oct-10, 23:32
Just got in from work and had a peep as I walked passed the stables..no head to be seen over the door.'Apollo',my foal, worn out from a busy day eating grass is curled up in his bed snoring like a bear...definite awwwww...but would have disturbed him if I'd tried to get a pic. :lol:

05-Sep-11, 00:21
One of my dog's favourite places to sleep is the cat bed, even if she doesn't fit! And every time we go to the Thurso river, she can't resist jumping in to round up the ducks whilst swimming! Hilarious, but very very cute (: My youngest cat will go nuts playing with my lunging whip, and has recently taken to sleeping in an old cot we found in our loft. Cutest thing ever! (:

05-Sep-11, 09:44
I love all the photos, I wish I could get photos of my pets on here to show Alfie, Lady Lou, Zoe, Bailey & Smokey . Bunnies and cats out in garden as I write this, running about, in and out of shed playing, when they've had enough of outside they will come inside preferring to sleep on carpet. Bunnies don't miss a chance to get through door to run up stairs and under the bed when they see me coming, Smokey's the worst culprit !
I don't have digital camera, have some stored in my photos on computer not sure how to put them on Pets corner.

05-Sep-11, 09:52

Our Nosy Parker Its a hard life for a rabbit ..lol

06-Sep-11, 12:29
One of my dog's favourite places to sleep is the cat bed, even if she doesn't fit! And every time we go to the Thurso river, she can't resist jumping in to round up the ducks whilst swimming! Hilarious, but very very cute (: My youngest cat will go nuts playing with my lunging whip, and has recently taken to sleeping in an old cot we found in our loft. Cutest thing ever! (:

Our pets do make us smile don't they! :)

I love all the photos, I wish I could get photos of my pets on here to show Alfie, Lady Lou, Zoe, Bailey & Smokey . Bunnies and cats out in garden as I write this, running about, in and out of shed playing, when they've had enough of outside they will come inside preferring to sleep on carpet.

Have you tried uploading your photos to Photobucket? I use this to put photos on the org. Would love to see all your pets.


Our Nosy Parker Its a hard life for a rabbit ..lol

Only one thing to say. AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW! :)

09-Sep-11, 23:46
I love all the photos, I wish I could get photos of my pets on here to show Alfie, Lady Lou, Zoe, Bailey & Smokey . Bunnies and cats out in garden as I write this, running about, in and out of shed playing, when they've had enough of outside they will come inside preferring to sleep on carpet. Bunnies don't miss a chance to get through door to run up stairs and under the bed when they see me coming, Smokey's the worst culprit !
I don't have digital camera, have some stored in my photos on computer not sure how to put them on Pets corner.

Here is a photo of Bailey's lovely cats.
