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09-Oct-10, 20:10
It's Saturday night so it's X Factor night.

Who will win?

09-Oct-10, 20:12
Simon Cowell as usual :lol:

09-Oct-10, 20:16
Depends, who has the saddest story, and what is this twist we are all in eager anticipation for?

09-Oct-10, 20:36
It's Saturday night so it's X Factor night.

Who will win?

Who cares its only another so called reality show. Who will win the Scottish League cup??? I care not about either

09-Oct-10, 20:39
Who cares its only another so called reality show. Who will win the Scottish League cup??? I care not about either

That defines the Org in a single post:lol:

I'm guessing this is something along the line of general chit-chat. The kind of crazy stuff people do on forums possibly.

09-Oct-10, 20:58
Who bloody cares!!!:lol:

Corrie 3
09-Oct-10, 21:25
Simon Cowell as usual :lol:
First of all they let an illegal immigrant onto the show and then Cowell instructs his lawyers to fight her deportation, why doesnt he just adopt her and be done with it?
Has he no respect for our laws?...Is he going to fight for the other million illegals in this country also?....I think its a ploy just to keep his name in the media.
Oh well, never mind, I hope Laurel and Hardy win it!!!


09-Oct-10, 22:16
Well it won't be Wagner that's for sure :eek:

09-Oct-10, 22:22

he's my favourite by far and i stick by my choice, loved him from his first audition :D
not the best song choice for him tonight, but he done it justice.
he's fantastic, only got to look on youtube to see some of his stuff!

his original audition. fantastic!!

09-Oct-10, 22:22
Well it won't be Wagner that's for sure :eek:
He didn't half make me laugh though :D His comedy value was good :D

09-Oct-10, 23:59
I'm putting my money on Aiden with Cher a close second.:D

10-Oct-10, 13:40
Ok so who will go out tonight?

I missed the first few because I was starting this poll but I thought Wagner was pretty awful and I wasn't very impressed by Nicolo Festa. But there's always the Jedward factor that may save the worst acts and there may have been worse that I didn't see.

10-Oct-10, 13:46
i'd like to see 2 of the following go:

katie (i really dislike her and killing queen was the final nail in the coffin)
wagner (reminds me of the toad in the wind in the willows....)
diva fever (jedward mark two, utter crap!)

that'd make my night! :D

10-Oct-10, 13:56
Diva Fever are better singers and performers than Jedward but they will have to share the 'Jedward joke vote' with Wagner and perhaps even Nicolo and Katie. I thought Katie was ok but then I like Lady GG and whoever it was she reminded Simon of.

10-Oct-10, 22:01
Well I can't claim to have picked both of the acts that went out tonight but I did get one of them in my first post. And I had two of the bottom three amongst my four contenders.

My excuse for not picking F.Y.D. is that I didn't see them perform because I was creating this thread when they were on.

As I feared, Wagner was probably saved by the 'awkward' vote that would have gone to Jedward last year. Sadly this may continue for a few weeks. :confused

15-Oct-10, 12:12

is anyone else sick of this drama queen?!!

15-Oct-10, 13:32
Matt cardle!

15-Oct-10, 13:41
Matt cardle!

me too!
he's got my vote!:D

15-Oct-10, 13:47
Matt cardle!

me too!
he's got my vote!:D


Mystical Potato Head
15-Oct-10, 13:49
Who bloody cares!!!:lol:

Yep,agree with that,unfortunately not a poll option though. ;)

15-Oct-10, 14:11
I don't care who wins either,the poll is asking who do you think will win,if you don't care why bother replying saying you don't care?I'm sure people don't care if some of you lot don't care :)

Mystical Potato Head
15-Oct-10, 15:19
I don't care who wins either,the poll is asking who do you think will win,if you don't care why bother replying saying you don't care?I'm sure people don't care if some of you lot don't care :)

Well you've just replied saying you dont care either, so why did you bother? :)

15-Oct-10, 15:32
for those of you who missed matt cardle's first live show performance...


15-Oct-10, 16:22
Hopefully it will be cancelled. John Cage 4:33 for christmas no 1!

15-Oct-10, 16:41
Well you've just replied saying you dont care either, so why did you bother? :)

Because the thread is about 'who do you think will win' i think matt cardle will win,but i couldn't actually care who wins :)

Corrie 3
15-Oct-10, 18:38
And I dont care who wins either.....small minded programme for small minded people in my opinion!!


15-Oct-10, 20:59
I think Matt will do well, but I would love for Storm, Mary or Aiden to win!

15-Oct-10, 21:50
i watch i most years, but this year has got to be the worst, wagner and diva duo or whatever they called,have killed the show stone dead, i wont be watching it anymore :roll:

15-Oct-10, 21:54
I hope a large Facebook campaign kicks off for Wagner to win.

16-Oct-10, 01:07
The X Factor is a joy to behold and whether you like it or not it's one of the most important and most representative institutions in contemporary British society. It's more important to the economy and more pertinent to common culture than a dome or a dunderheid or a Dundee Football Club. It's pagan entertainment at its best.

16-Oct-10, 01:09
The X Factor is a joy to behold and whether you like it or not it's one of the most important and most representative institutions in contemporary British society. It's more important to the economy and more pertinent to common culture than a dome or a dunderheid or a Dundee Football Club. It's pagan entertainment at its best.
What a load of balderdash!!!!!!!!!!![disgust]

16-Oct-10, 01:30
for those of you who missed matt cardle's first live show performance...

I missed his performance so thanks for that annemarie482. :D

I suppose he was a good enough performer but the new Kelly Rowland he is not. After all the hype I expected a bit more. :confused

16-Oct-10, 22:13
well for me tonight, matt and mary nailed it!! :D

16-Oct-10, 22:26
I can see why they chose that song for Matt. To remain one of the favourites he had to show this week that he could do better than last week when a narrow vocal range was all that was needed to get him the most votes on here.

I find Wagner repugnant. A middle aged man with long grey straggly hair and an unbuttoned shirt with tasteless bling and a pouting paunch are enough to cause me to retch before he even opens his mouth. He'll get the jedward joke vote but he'll need to share it with the Divas so he's vulnerable.

Girl groups have not gone far historically and however much Belle Amie are fawned upon I feel they may be vulnerable and Katie may not be out of the woods either.

16-Oct-10, 22:54
Matt Cardle!! He was amazing tonight!!!

16-Oct-10, 23:21
i watch i most years, but this year has got to be the worst, wagner and diva duo or whatever they called,have killed the show stone dead, i wont be watching it anymore :roll:

i know i said last week that i wont be watching it again, but it was on in our house, so i peeked at it, after diva guys were on and i must admit i really enjoyed it, so i be back to watching it next week, i thought everyone were better this week loved matt n i like katy (i think her name was), but matt would get my vote deffo :Razz:Razz

16-Oct-10, 23:29
well for me tonight, matt and mary nailed it!! :D
i agree they are both really good xxxxxxxxxxx

16-Oct-10, 23:56

or is it Vagner?
Either way, he is a leg end in his own lunch hour. Bonkers.

17-Oct-10, 00:08

or is it Vagner?
Either way, he is a leg end in his own lunch hour. Bonkers.

lol, that he is :Razz

17-Oct-10, 03:18
Sorry, whats X factor? Been out the night having a life, so dunno what its all about!

17-Oct-10, 11:16
Sorry, whats X factor? Been out the night having a life, so dunno what its all about!

What sort of liquid beverage is that ?? (life) or is it a nourishment of some description ?? or is it a person called life, please enlighten me as I seem behind the times, I honestly thought you lived your "life".

17-Oct-10, 17:40
Matt definately nailed it lastnight!!

17-Oct-10, 21:20
Go Wagner, Go Wagner, Go Wagner!!!

17-Oct-10, 21:32
I wish he would go.

I'd happily give him a push.....................

17-Oct-10, 22:27
I wish he would go.

I'd happily give him a push.....................

Must admit, though "Wagner" maybe a really nice person in "real-life", he actually comes across as quite a "sleazy" person !!!! :rolleyes:

I'm with the "majority" ...... "Matt Cardle" To Win !!!!

23-Oct-10, 21:02
Why is Cheryl Cole so sad that she has to give all her acts red tints in their hair just cos she has changed her hair colour, can they not be any good unless they look like her?

23-Oct-10, 21:18
Awww Unicorn, dinnae be like that.

The lassie had a bitty left and thought waste not want not :lol::lol:

23-Oct-10, 21:19
Awww Unicorn, dinnae be like that.

The lassie had a bitty left and thought waste not want not :lol::lol:


23-Oct-10, 21:20
Hugh Kerrs

23-Oct-10, 21:22
Hugh Kerrs

Was going to ask, whose that?
Then the cogs started turning, and my brain clicked into gear.:roll:

23-Oct-10, 22:04
ohhhh Changi why did I not think so kindly of her [lol]

23-Oct-10, 22:14
Maybe cos you have a similar opinion of her as I do lol

23-Oct-10, 23:17
After tonight I think Belle Amie are again vulnerable. Not because they aren't good but because girl bands have not done well in the X Factor and because the others were so good.

Wagner should go of course because he's a flobby disgusting blobby who can't sing but the Divas' silly vote may transfer to him and help him survive.

Cher was my favourite from tonight but I missed Rebecca because I was cooking and my kids tell me she was good. Matt was of course quite remarkable. Katie did the impossible but she may be vulnerable despite this.

24-Oct-10, 14:15
Hold on a minute!!!!

There was no option included in this poll for abstaining, or declaring that "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

Even a "Not really interested" option would have been nice to click on. :)

Doesn't anyone else get fed up watching celebrities strutting their stuff whilst the more unfortunate are left needing and wanting?

Jeez ...............................................

24-Oct-10, 14:48
Matt is still the out and out leader but his lead is slipping a little as you might expect. He had 48% a week ago. He's down to 43% now.

Mary is in second place just ahead of Cher. I don't think Mary can win overall but I am pleased that she is doing well.

I like Cher and Rebecca best but as I said I didn't see Rebecca last night and Matt's deconstruction of Britney was sheer class.

24-Oct-10, 20:38
Wagner!!! Yeay.

Go Wagner, go Wagner, go Wagner.

25-Oct-10, 23:15
I must be getting old because I just don't get the whole Cher hype at all.

Matt on the other hand could sing just about anything and I would buy it.

Not liking the miming and the pre recording though on the Sunday show. Kinda stinks on a "live" show.

26-Oct-10, 23:28
i think Aiden is the most talented. i hope he wins, but if i had to put money on it id put it on one direction.

26-Oct-10, 23:37
my money will be staying on matt.
i stand by my first thoughts on his very first audition.
i'd happily buy any of the songs he's covered so far in the show.
on youtube are many videos of him working the pubs and clubs....

27-Oct-10, 00:30
I think Matt will definitely win, he has an amazing voice. i love Tesco Mary though she's fantastic! :)

30-Oct-10, 02:05
I was speaking to one of Cheryl's aides earlier in the week. Her aim is to get all three finalists!

30-Oct-10, 08:28
I was speaking to one of Cheryl's aides earlier in the week. Her aim is to get all three finalists!

Not a chance. (go Wagner)

Oh, and tell her aide to tell Cheryl to stop calling me, I'm not interested. ( she just won't leave me alone)

30-Oct-10, 08:40
[QUOTE=cherokee;773746]Must admit, though "Wagner" maybe a really nice person in "real-life", he actually comes across as quite a "sleazy" person !!!! :rolleyes:

ah ha!
my suspisions on the disgusting "wagner" are true!!
he is indeed a slimey toad!


30-Oct-10, 15:21
Eeuuurrrggghhh. :eek:

Could you imagine being groped by that? [disgust]

30-Oct-10, 20:13
Aidens performance deserves a bullet :eek:

30-Oct-10, 20:18
The poll is flawed - Simon Cowell is the ultimate winner as he has rights to the programme.

I would go for Rebecca Ferguson who my daughter and I bumped into at Euston Station last week. Poor girl had to give up on a personal call as my 14 year old demanded a photo with her! She was very nice about it and has a great voice, so she's my vote!

30-Oct-10, 20:23
Aidens performance deserves a bullet :eek:

totally agree!!

30-Oct-10, 20:32
Really enjoyed Rebecca :D

30-Oct-10, 21:10
and tonight wagner reveils his true identity.......
as a "PORTGOWERIAN!!" :eek:

30-Oct-10, 21:23
He was rather scary, normally I can laugh but tonight I just sat with my jaw hanging...........:eek:

30-Oct-10, 21:36
i'll be voting for Wagner... if he doesn't win then i'll download John Cage's 4'33" for Christmas #1

it's a beautiful song :cool:

30-Oct-10, 21:41
Cher done a great job tonight, so good to hear her actually sing at last.

30-Oct-10, 21:47
Cher done a great job tonight, so good to hear her actually sing at last.

i didn't like it! i thought her singing was weak and thats why she raps! :confused

30-Oct-10, 21:58
i didn't like it! i thought her singing was weak and thats why she raps! :confused

Have to agree with you there,annemarie.

30-Oct-10, 23:28
Rebecca is a genuine gem in my opinion. Cher, Aiden and Matt come next.

I suspect the Ring may come full cycle and O Fortuna will not be smiling this time tomorrow night.

30-Oct-10, 23:49
i suspect Wagners ring will be sitting pretty tomorrow night despite your poll

if not i'll eat my hat .....


31-Oct-10, 00:02
I fear you may be right but if I presented my thoughts as wishful thinking I would be betraying my principles with negative thoughts.

If he stays in can you persuade him to perform the 4' 33" next week? :lol:

31-Oct-10, 00:35
I missed tonights extravaganza due to doing a wingding. So Wagner rocked yeah??

31-Oct-10, 00:39
Cher done a great job tonight, so good to hear her actually sing at last.

Yes I wasn't keen on her before but must say her performance tonight blew me away!

i didn't like it! i thought her singing was weak and thats why she raps! :confused

I agree she hasn't got the strongest singing voice but still loved her singing that song and was good to get away from rap and the face full of slap etc. She just has that certain 'something'.

31-Oct-10, 21:43
OMG!! what was JK on tonight! he looked drunk!

31-Oct-10, 23:06
Go Wagner, Go Wagner,Go Wagner!!!

31-Oct-10, 23:29
OMG!! what was JK on tonight! he looked drunk!

he's a notorious stoner, i was more surprised that he actually appeared on the show in the first place.

06-Nov-10, 01:55
Ok X Fans, who's going to go out this weekend?

When will the Wagner joke vote fail to outnumber the votes of the lowest two serious contenders? The time must be approaching.

Will Katie pick up sufficient sympathy votes to avoid the sing off?

I think Treyc could be vulnerable.

06-Nov-10, 10:06
hmmm its getting tougher to predict!

im gonna stick my neck out and guess.........

bottom two:

trayc cohen


paije richardson

although id love for it to be wagner and katie and both chucked out! :lol:

06-Nov-10, 11:07
Matt to win!!!

Katie and Wagner to go!

Also think One Direction have a strong chance to make it!

06-Nov-10, 15:34
hmmm its getting tougher to predict!

im gonna stick my neck out and guess.........

bottom two:

trayc cohen


paije richardson

although id love for it to be wagner and katie and both chucked out! :lol:Like you I think Paije is vulnerable. Like John he is a soul man and Paije will perhaps have been benefiting from the soul vote. But I don't think he has a chance of winning and the soul vote will not be sufficient to keep him out of the danger zone for much longer. He might survive this week though.

I suggest Treyc, Katie and Paije are vulnerable this week. We'll see how right or wrong I am tomorrow.

06-Nov-10, 15:45
Ok X Fans, who's going to go out this weekend?

When will the Wagner joke vote fail to outnumber the votes of the lowest two serious contenders? The time must be approaching.

Will Katie pick up sufficient sympathy votes to avoid the sing off?

I think Treyc could be vulnerable.

I never predict until I've heard them perform. Any one of them can have an off night and that will make the difference to the public vote. I would ideally like to see Wagner go, if only to give those who can sing, another chance.

Matt seems popular with the public but I think One Direction will get to the final because of all the teeny bopper votes. I still think Aiden is in with a chance. He's talented and different and I would like to see him win.:)

06-Nov-10, 16:19
Go Wagner!


My Christmas no 1 prediction is Wagner crooning through 'I'm dreaming of a White Christmas' with scantly clad girly dancers cavorting around him whilst he is gyrating about wearing a gold sequined codpiece!

06-Nov-10, 19:25
Go Wagner!


My Christmas no 1 prediction is Wagner crooning through 'I'm dreaming of a White Christmas' with scantly clad girly dancers cavorting around him whilst he is gyrating about wearing a gold sequined codpiece!

haha thatd be awesome.....

Aiden still gets my vote though.

06-Nov-10, 19:38
here's a sneak at tonights song choices for the american anthems theme

Aiden: nothing compares to you (by prince)
Matt: the first time ever i saw your face (by roberta flack)
paije: mash up of i'm a believer (by the monkees) and hey ya (outcast)
Treyc: dont want to miss a thing (aerosmith)
Rebcca: make you feel my love (bob dylan)
katie : dont speak (no doubt)
cher: Empire State Of Mind ( Jay Z and Alicia Keys)
mary: there you'll be (faith hill)
wanger: viva las vegas/wonder of you (elvis)
one direction: kids in america (kim wilde)

canna wait! :D

06-Nov-10, 21:21
so far tonight cher, mary, katie and aiden have been awful!
hope the performances improve...

06-Nov-10, 22:12
There is only one winner in my eyes.
That is Matt.

06-Nov-10, 22:22
its official, i love matt cardel!!
was weak at the knees with that song!
and man did he look hot! pwoar! lol xx

06-Nov-10, 22:28
Matt has a very unusual beautiful voice.

06-Nov-10, 22:29
for those who missed it.here it is xx


06-Nov-10, 23:12
Well Simon called it the Matt and Rebecca show tonight and I suppose I can't really disagree with him. They both made me cry with appreciation.

I also enjoyed Aiden and Cher very much although Cher was perhaps over-relaxing in her comfort zone. Empire State of Mind is one of my favourite songs whether it be Alicia's solo version or the Jay-Z/Alicia version. I love New York but every time I hear that song it brings back memories of standing staring into the abyss that was once the World Trade Center and crying my eyes out for all those who lost their lives there. :~(

07-Nov-10, 21:15
ok tonights predictions for going out?!

paije or katie

wish it was wagner lol

07-Nov-10, 21:41
lol dream on


07-Nov-10, 21:56
fix, fix, fix

07-Nov-10, 22:40
Was not impressed Dermot went to Cheryl second...... it should have gone to deadlock!

07-Nov-10, 23:09
Matt cardle has won it without a doubt!

07-Nov-10, 23:10
Not yet. Wagner will wil :roll:

08-Nov-10, 00:11
Why oh why do they act like someone has died every time someone leaves?!!!

Cheryl Cole looked like she should have been wearing black and a hat with a veil!
I know it's disappointing for the person who goes but someone has to!!!!

Och Wagner won't be going anywhere due to the stupid FB campaign!:roll:

13-Nov-10, 18:17
I know it's difficult to predict the outcome before they've even sung but can Katie really survive much longer?

13-Nov-10, 18:18
Go Wagner, go Wagner, go Wagner. Xmas no 1 here we come.


13-Nov-10, 18:27
double dumping tonight!!!
one with lowest votes goes
then the remaining bottom two fight it out! lol
whos gonna go?

katie and wagner i do hope!!

13-Nov-10, 22:01
Wagner, a leg end in his own lunchtime!

"I'm still standing" "Circle of life"
Pure Class

Deffo xmas no 1 tackle.

13-Nov-10, 22:30
If its down to talent then Rebecca should win! She was really good tonight

13-Nov-10, 22:32

Tilly Teckel
13-Nov-10, 22:52
Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt..... simply the best!

13-Nov-10, 23:11
matt matt matt matt matt matt matt!!
the man is a genius!!
and will win......mark my words ;o) x

13-Nov-10, 23:12
I have a better question...who gives a toss?! [lol]

14-Nov-10, 00:13
the band seven summers matt cardle was in before x factor, check it out! :D


14-Nov-10, 22:38
Wagner, the ROCK!

14-Nov-10, 23:18
Wagner, the ROCK!

I could think of better names to call him.
All unprintable. I would be banished from the Org for eternity.:lol:

14-Nov-10, 23:25
I could think of better names to call him.
All unprintable. I would be banished from the Org for eternity.:lol:

me too!!
cant stand the guy

15-Nov-10, 09:17
I wouldn't mind if all those who vote for Wagner are doing so because they think he can sing, what annoys me is by doing so they are keeping those who CAN sing from progressing. Aiden didn't deserve to go last night. I know his style of singing didn't appeal to everyone but he is talented. I hope that he now goes on to better things with the right management. This isn't a talent contest anymore but a battle between the judges to stir up the most publicity. Being in the bottom two four times shows that without the judges Katie wouldn't even be in the competition. Is that what it's all about? It's beginning to look like that. My money is now on Rebecca.:)

15-Nov-10, 18:10
Agree with you Venture - Wagner is absolutely dire, and has turned the X factor into a joke - he can't sing a note in tune and is a real sleeze ball. Aiden had his own style, and although I did not like his version of Thriller, I think he is a really good singer. Rebecca is good, but she is so boring to watch. Matt will win without a doubt. Katie should be OUT,OUT,OUT......

20-Nov-10, 18:12
There's less than edifying news from the grot-press craparazzi of the Daily Fail today........

It's the X Scrap-tor: Wagner brawls with Matt Cardle... and Brazilian also has drunken rant at 'council estate' Cheryl Cole (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1331515/X-Factor-2010-Wagner-brawls-Matt-Cardle-council-estate-Cheryl-Cole.html?ito=feeds-newsxml)

Contestants get into scrap during rehearsal

Wagner kicked out of finalists' house after insulting fellow finalists

Cheryl Cole hit with insults by Brazilian and designer friend Julien Macdonald

Could it be the end of Wagner's weekly Liebesmahl?

20-Nov-10, 18:31
Could it be the end of Wagner's weekly Liebesmahl?


lets hope so!!

20-Nov-10, 19:00
Is there not a vote button that says who gives a monkeys !

20-Nov-10, 19:14
lets hope so!!
He gave me the creeps from the very beginning, yet he gets worse as the series progresses. [disgust]

20-Nov-10, 21:02
Wagner the ROCK!

He's going nowhere :Razz

20-Nov-10, 21:05
Wagner the ROCK!

He's going nowhere :Razz
You're right. Wagner's going nowhere. Fast. :lol:

Rocks are lumps of inert stuff. So is Wagner.

We agree at last. :lol:

Corrie 3
20-Nov-10, 21:47
You're right. Wagner's going nowhere. Fast. :lol:

Rocks are lumps of inert stuff. So is Wagner.

We agree at last. :lol:
At least he has managed to spawn "Wagbo" so he cant be all that bad!!


21-Nov-10, 12:26
Am just watching the repeat programme just now. Can't believe that the talentless, Brazilian sleazebag who has been caught out claiming invalidity benefit, had the nerve to sing Hippy hippy shake! Wagner is a joke.

21-Nov-10, 21:04
I'm sooo excited!

After last nights supreme performance from the ROCK Wagner, I have no doubt he is heading for the Christmas No1.

But who's gonna go tonight??

21-Nov-10, 21:23
I'm sooo excited!

After last nights supreme performance from the ROCK Wagner, I have no doubt he is heading for the Christmas No1.

But who's gonna go tonight??

You are such a wind-up merchant :D I would put a bet on that you cringe along with the rest of us when he comes on but you think it's uncool to actually root for the real talent. Go on admit it Phill.

21-Nov-10, 21:39
Real talent!!

The ROCK is real talent, aka Wagner!!!


21-Nov-10, 21:43
I cant believe that wagner got through on the public vote but Paije is up for out!!!

21-Nov-10, 21:58
I can't believe they didn't bin Cheryl's minimee! :eek:

21-Nov-10, 22:37
I can't believe they didn't bin Cheryl's minimee! :eek:
Are you really interested Phill or just stirring it again?;) Cher didn't deserve to be in the bottom two tonight. The only act to shine this week with the Beatles number, was One Direction. The public it would seem have now swapped Katie for Cher, perhaps something to do with bad press again. Cher has her own style and she is good at what she does. Paige can sing but dosen't have the X Factor. From the two, Paige was the right one to go out. As to Wagner, he's becoming a bigger embarassment every week and it's only those who don't like the X Factor who are voting to keep him in. All I can say is they have more money than sense.[disgust]

27-Nov-10, 15:57
Wagner's mentor realises that even he has bitten off more than he can chew. :eek:


Voting for Wagner makes a mockery of a serious singing competition. Shame on every Wagner voter. [disgust]

Since this is topical......

Did you know that Adolf Hitler was an avid admirer of the original Wagner's antisemitism and wanted to model German society on his visions, or at least the bits he cherry picked.

27-Nov-10, 16:00
Everyone knows Wagner is there to win. He is clearly the best contestant and deserves to win.

27-Nov-10, 16:12
I really can't sit through an entire program. I would have to build up my cringe resistance up to at least 9000 to make it possible. Or over 9000...

27-Nov-10, 20:51
Wagner the ROCK!

Fantastic choice of song.


27-Nov-10, 22:17
I really can't sit through an entire program. I would have to build up my cringe resistance up to at least 9000 to make it possible. Or over 9000...

Lol [lol]
They maybe should rename it. The Cringe Factor.

27-Nov-10, 22:58
Well I have to say I thought it was a good show tonight. Shame there will be a double elimination tomorrow night. Matt did it for me with his rendition of "Nights in White Satin". Who will win, I honestly don't know? In all fairness on tonight's performances, Mary and Wagner should go but somehow I think it will be Cher and Katie. They don't seem to have the following of the other contestants. Now will we maybe have a group winning the X Factor this year? They certainly have a huge following?:):)

28-Nov-10, 21:07
Methinks it's about time they finally get rid of that waste of space talentless one trip pony that is Cher.

The only upside about her is she makes Wagner look good!

Cher and Mary to go.

Go Wagner!

28-Nov-10, 21:57
Yes Phill, he went, he went, he went - thank the Lord!!

28-Nov-10, 22:08
Methinks it's about time they finally get rid of that waste of space talentless one trip pony that is Cher.

The only upside about her is she makes Wagner look good!

Cher and Mary to go.

Go Wagner!
Sorry Phill they're both staying but Wagner took your advice.....and he's GONE GONE GONE.[lol]

28-Nov-10, 22:34
A clear case of vote rigging without a doubt. The lawyers are investigating!


04-Dec-10, 02:08
Does anyone know how many will go out in this weekend's semi-final? There are five left so it would have to be another double elimination if the final is to feature three as it has done in the past.

I predict Mary will be next to go. Then it gets harder but I would guess Cher would go after Mary.

My personal favourite is still Rebecca but I thought Matt was outstanding last weekend.

04-Dec-10, 14:53
Go Wagner, Go Wag........ oohh, but..... he's gone :~(

Cher to go next, bliddy one trip pony she is. And she annoys me, never a clearer case of oxygen theivery have I ever seen.

04-Dec-10, 19:01
So Phill, who are you getting behind now your decaying Brazilian croonie has gone, gone, gone?

Cher is only 17 and I think she is quite remarkable for her age.

04-Dec-10, 19:58
I can't take to that Cher at all. One Direction or Matt to win.
Rebecca bores me to tears.

04-Dec-10, 20:07
I would be happy for either Matt or One Direction to win. Matt was absolutely fantastic last week. But I find him a bit dull some weeks.

I just love Rebecca's voice but I agree that she could be a bit more exciting. :lol:

Watching One Direction is like watching five copies of my son. They sing better than he does though. :grin:

04-Dec-10, 20:43
here here phil!

rebecca i feel they have aged long before her time,
and its a shame as she can sing.

mary, i feel is lagging now, bit of a cringey gran.

matt, is flawless and has a real purity to his voice.
a likeable guy.

one direction are good, especailly wee harry (curly haired one)
but then again i wouldnt buy their music.

cher, i dont like cocky cher one bit.
far too sure of herself for her age and abilities......

matt, one direction in final and matt to win. :D

04-Dec-10, 22:14
cher-irritating n cocky, so shes got to go
mary- hmmm
one direction- fine
rebecca- lovely voice
matt- well what can i say? - WINNNER:Razz

04-Dec-10, 22:30
So Phill, who are you getting behind now your decaying Brazilian croonie has gone, gone, gone?There mebbe a last minute wildcard!!

Cher is only 17 and I think she is quite remarkable for her age.'remarkable' Hmmm, not the word I'd use.....well not here anyway. Infarction alert, save my drunken ramblings for bookfizz.

mary, i feel is lagging now, bit of a cringey gran.bin laggin' fer weeks.

especailly wee harry (curly haired one)ranks on a par with cher fer me!

cher, i dont like cocky cher one bit.I quite agree!

cher-irritating n cocky, so shes got to goAs above, quite agree.

one direction-Yes, one direction: exit stage left.

rum rat
04-Dec-10, 22:35
Let's get it over with, then they can sink back into oblivion like all the rest of them.

05-Dec-10, 01:42
Oooh I see I'm the only Cher fan here. Perhaps it's because I've seen the edge of fame at the age of 17. Being cocky helps you get there and it helps you deal with it when you do get there. I loved her second song. Simon and I obviously have similar taste. :)

Matt was clearly out of sorts tonight but perhaps for good reason. He will reach the final.

I couldn't believe it when One Direction appeared to the opening bars of Chasing Cars. That song is very special to me. Was it coincidence that they sang it tonight? Or was it fate? Anyways, I thought they nicked the show tonight.

I can see why Rebecca doesn't do it for some people but I thought she was Amazing tonight.

I predict Mary will go out tomorrow.

My guess for the final placings is

1. Matt
2. One Direction
3. Rebecca
4. Cher
5. Mary

but the first three could come in any different order.

And last but not least....

Congratulations to the Queen of the Jungle. She may have been third last year but she was a clear winner this year. :)

05-Dec-10, 21:38
Cher to go!

05-Dec-10, 22:12
OK for my sins I have avoided the program like the plague, but never the less i sat through 20 minutes tonight just to confirm to myself that life is too short etc, but the one thing that made me laugh my baahooki off was " When did Louie Walsh turn into Gomez from the Adams family???:confused

05-Dec-10, 22:31
Sorry Phill Cher has made it to the final and rightly so. Mary I felt had nothing more to give to the show and she will go on to better things by reaching the semis anyway. What's the bets we also see her in future Tesco adverts.:) This will be a tough final but I think they will all come good in the end no matter who wins. Although I like all three other contestants, I'm going to stick my neck out here and say that I think One Direction will win the final.;) There are five of them remember and their following is huge. Rebecca I think will be runner-up.

05-Dec-10, 22:36
i will say as i have always said.....

11-Dec-10, 18:29
It's X Factor final night. :)

Ladbrokes have Matt as the odds-on favourite....

Matt 5/6
Rebecca 5/2
One Direction 3/1
Cher 25/1

What is your prediction for the first 4 places?

Is it worth a flutter?

11-Dec-10, 18:42
i will say as i have always said.....

Still with you annemarie

11-Dec-10, 18:42
i will say as i have always said.....

Likewise :)

11-Dec-10, 18:51
Matt to win unless simon does what he did last week and change the rules to keep that little brat in it!!!!.
One Direction have Too many backing singers on their mix, Rebecca is brilliant pity her mentor loves her mini-me instead though.:roll:

11-Dec-10, 20:04
Ok so everyone thinks Matt will win so it starts to get boring.

But who do you think will be 2nd, 3rd and 4th?

11-Dec-10, 21:20
Matt's duet with Rihanna was amazing. Especially for him. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. :lol:

11-Dec-10, 21:36
Matt's duet with Rihanna was amazing. Especially for him. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. :lol:

Ha Ha, don't blame him nor could I.:)

11-Dec-10, 21:49
Only one winner for me and that has to be the boy group Is it One Direction ,they can sing a ballad or any kind of up tempo song really well, great vocals....... for god sake get rid of this Cher girl she is abysmal!...totally a one trick pony in the songs she sings.Iim also pretty dissapointed with Rebecca ..again cant change her style to adapt to a song and her voice is beginning to grate .....but get rid of Cher please...to coin a Lancashire saying ...if she played int back garden id shut curtains ................. door thattaway Cher .....

11-Dec-10, 21:57

What a result.

11-Dec-10, 22:00
What result have i missed something?

11-Dec-10, 22:01
What result have i missed something?

Cher out outa there yehhhhhhhhh

11-Dec-10, 22:03
lol im confused (doesnt take much) lol has she gone or are you saying no way she wont go ?

11-Dec-10, 22:11
Shes gone ! just seen re run! wahoo

rum rat
11-Dec-10, 22:45
If someone sees Matt will they knock that stupid bonnet off his head.

11-Dec-10, 23:36
I am surprised at the antagonism towards a talented 17 year old lassie. She reached the final against the odds and she knew it. I thought she reacted with great dignity when she was eliminated.

12-Dec-10, 00:04
I am surprised at the antagonism towards a talented 17 year old lassie. She reached the final against the odds and she knew it. I thought she reacted with great dignity when she was eliminated.

I agree with you totally crayola. The good thing is, she will go far. She has a style all of her own and with people like Cheryl Cole and Will I Am believing in her, that will become a reality sooner rather than later, much to the annoyance of all those out there who've never met her but don't like her.

I say One Direction will win. With Matt second and Rebecca third.:)

12-Dec-10, 17:45
I say One Direction will win. With Matt second and Rebecca third.:)Before last night's show I would have thought that result very unlikely. But could the hysteria created by One Direction with Robbie nick it for them...? Possibly? Maybe?

Yesterday, Ladbrokes odds were

Matt 5/6
Rebecca 5/2
One Direction 3/1
Cher 25/1

Now they're

Matt 8/11
One Direction 2/1
Rebecca 5/1

I still expect Matt will win but it could be close.......

12-Dec-10, 17:50
my moneys on su bo to win

12-Dec-10, 18:17
I think the people are the real winners.

Tilly Teckel
12-Dec-10, 20:07
I'm voting WAGBO!

12-Dec-10, 20:32
I think Wagner will come back tonight and win.

12-Dec-10, 21:45
Matt , matt , matt !!!!

12-Dec-10, 21:52
Matt , matt , matt !!!!

Ditto, Ditto. Ditto!!!!

12-Dec-10, 22:22
YEAY!!!! Wagner!!!!

Go Wagner the ROCK......


Go Matt!

12-Dec-10, 22:23
On the night Rebecca should have won but it was the right two in the final.

12-Dec-10, 22:24
What a result. I said matt would win from the start.

12-Dec-10, 22:31
What a result. I said matt would win from the start.

Likewise,well done to him!!

12-Dec-10, 22:32
i knew it!!!!!;)

12-Dec-10, 23:00
There wasn't much between the two of them. It was one of the closest finals for a long time. All three finalists will go far and I wish them every success. Matt waited a long time to get there. It just goes to show if you get that one little break, what it can lead to. Good luck to him he seems a really genuine person. Rebecca wanted to be a success for her children. Even though she didn't win, she certainly is that now. I think Simon Cowell will now go all out to prove to the world that One Direction are the next new big boy band. They've certainly had the best start to that, ever.:)

rum rat
12-Dec-10, 23:04
In a years time you'll be saying Matt who ?

12-Dec-10, 23:18
In a years time you'll be saying Matt who ?
I might be inclined to agree with you there. He seems a really nice lad who has waited a long time for doors to open and I'm genuinely pleased for him but in my opinion I would say that he was more suited to a front man with a band than a solo artiste. Rebecca on the other hand is a stunningly good singer with that indefinable star quality which sends shivers down your spine when she opens her mouth to sing (you can't hear the Scouse accent when she sings:lol:). She is the one of three finalists who has the real X Factor.
One Direction will make it for sure as there aren't too many boy bands of their kind at the moment and they are all good singers with the right sort of appeal.
Good luck to them all.

12-Dec-10, 23:18
In a years time you'll be saying Matt who ?
Come to think of it where was last year's winner, Joe. I always thought the previous winner appeared at the final.

rum rat
12-Dec-10, 23:26
Rebecca was very predictable - same type of song, stiff, rooted to the spot all the time and never really gave it a bit of welly.

12-Dec-10, 23:52
Rebecca was very predictable - same type of song, stiff, rooted to the spot all the time and never really gave it a bit of welly.

totally agree although her first song tonight was really good, she could've moved a bit to give it the energy it needed!
very stiff indeed.

13-Dec-10, 00:00
he had me hooked from this very first audition!


13-Dec-10, 00:21
In a years time you'll be saying Matt who ?

i disagree matt is an all rounder he has an amazing voice and his single wow i for one will buy it x

13-Dec-10, 01:00
I am really chuffed that Matt won! I was rooting for him from the beginning and he never gave one bad performance.

Rebecca was a lovely person but I can't see me buying any of her albums whereas I would buy Matts.

For me the right person won.:D

13-Dec-10, 01:38
Sorry folks but he murdered that song, lets hope the recording sounds better:confused
Mon the Biffy:confused

13-Dec-10, 12:56
Sorry folks but he murdered that song, lets hope the recording sounds better:confused
Mon the Biffy:confused

He was suffering from tonsillitis so not at his best but still great.:D

14-Dec-10, 09:52
My guess for the final placings is

1. Matt
2. One Direction
3. Rebecca
4. Cher
5. Mary

but the first three could come in any different order.

And last but not least....

Congratulations to the Queen of the Jungle. She may have been third last year but she was a clear winner this year. :)Oh well I wasn't too far out with my guesses but I obviously overestimated the momentum behind One Direction. Putting money on the order of all 5 was a dangerous game that I avoided......fortunately.

Well done to Matt!