View Full Version : Knotty game?

30-Jul-04, 01:25
Hello Folks! I've heard that there is a game called 'knotty' played on that green down in Lybster Harbour every year. Can anyone tell me anything about it?

Rumour has it that there's a right old do down there in August every year, with teams working their way down there from the pub to play a game a bit like hockey. Is this true?

Is it also true that there is other stuff going on at the same time in aid of the Lifeboat?

If so, can anyone tell me some more about it, together with details on how to get a team together? It sounds like a good day out - especially the pub-bit!

Thanks :o)

30-Jul-04, 10:40
I think there were pics on here last year of it, i done a search and the results came back with

http://www.caithness.org/atoz/lybster/index.htm but this link is broken - have reported it to niall so it might be sorted soon :)

http://www.caithness.org/fpb/august2003/photogallery/thumbs.htm?0?21 - think this is the link your looking for :)

31-Jul-04, 12:18
have heard of knotty before, i thinks its in august sometime. an old fishing game or something.

i see the grassy bit at the harbour is cut lovely so is that where it is held?

31-Jul-04, 13:08
we're working on getting the pages back on....

[edit: should have checked before I posted as they are back up now :)]

01-Aug-04, 20:51
Well thank you for responding but I've since found out some more about the knotty:

This year it's to be held on Saturday, August the 21st on the knotty pitch down in Lybster Harbour, starting at about 10 in the morning (or apparently whenever people can be bothered to leave the pub to play!).

There will be teams of both men and women playing a game like hockey, but played with sticks (apparently traditionally they were the staves from the herring barrels) and corks.

I understand this coincides with a load of yachts coming into the harbour late Friday night after a race up from Findhorn (?) and a publicity trip from the Wick Lifeboat. I think there are also stalls, tumbolas - that kind of thing, and maybe even a bootfair. Presumably the cost of putting a stall in that would be a contribution to the RNLI, together with all proceeds from the day?

Personally, I think this is a fantastic thing the Lybster locals have got going on there and, despite what appears to be a drunken, violent reputation, I reckon it's probably more of a laugh with a charitable cause. I've since heard a few tales of grudges fought on that pitch, but nothing too gruesome or vindictive. This is getting me thinking that maybe I ought to get a team together or something. Anyone know of THE people to get in contact with about that?

Thanks to the lads in the pub for the information - I think it's great that these kind of traditions are still knocking about the county in little enclaves, and I'd still welcome any more info on the game and its history - together with the contact details for submitting a team into it.

Thanks again.

03-Aug-04, 18:48
I have played knotty on a few occasions, alcohol is always our teams most important aid! I dont think knotty is anything like as violent as it used to be though. You could try getting in contact with George Carter or Andrew Gunn (both lybster)as i think they have something to do with the organising.

08-Aug-04, 22:53
Hi just wondered can anyone book a stall for the knotty day?
Some friends of mine went last year and said it was brill with loads of tourist etc
could you let me know who to get in touch with to book a stall or is it just turn up on the day

09-Aug-04, 18:50
I have spoken to someone today. Who will post some details of stalls and teams for knotty.

RNLI Lybster
10-Aug-04, 20:47
Hi All,

Thank you for your interest in Knotty.

Basically, Knotty was originally played during the boom in the herring fishing industry approximately three centuries ago. Notes that were discovered in the old records of the county of Caithness by the late Mr R I Mowat (Lybster), show references to Knotty as far back as 1705.

Knotty was a brainwave of fishermen’s wives to keep them ‘off the drink’ when they would return home from fishing! The simplistic game would be played with the stave of a wooden fish barrel and the cork of a herring net played in a style similar to hockey. The game would be a free for all, where all the men nearby would be gathered up and split into two teams – sometimes as many as 50-a-side! Injuries were very common too, some very serious.

Today, the game is much more controlled and is played once a year to help raise funds for the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) on the harbour green at the picturesque Lybster Harbour.

The event will be held on Saturday 21 August from 10am. Various other stalls, car boot sale and snacks will be available from 10am - 4pm (ish)

In attendance will be the North Highland Juvenile Pipe Band at approx. 1200.

The "Lybster Pot" Yacht race also finishes at the harbour on the day - come down and see some of the spectacular boats!

Car boot sale - cost £5.00 per car

If you would like further information on any of the above, or wish to enter a team, please e-mail [email protected] or call (01593) 721561 after 6pm.

We hope to see you there! - plenty to see and do!

:o) Other RNLI fundraising events can be found at www.rnli.org.uk/events :o)