View Full Version : Cake decorating

28-Sep-10, 15:18
I am interested in taking up cake decorating. Does anyone know of classes or someone who would be willing to teach?

19-Oct-10, 13:36
I am also interested and came on here to look...so any information would be great

29-Jan-11, 14:30
I started my own business making bespoke cupcakes back in September. I am completely self taught and with the amount of books available and now tips and videos online it's never been easier to learn.

However I have been asked to give talks and run classes a number of times now so may consider starting something in the near future if the demand is there.

Adelle. www.cherryblossomcupcakes.co.uk

lynne duncan
27-Feb-11, 22:44
if you do run classes, please would you give us a yell we would be interested

28-Feb-11, 09:08
I would be interested tooo so please give us a shout too

02-Mar-11, 15:32
I would also be interested, so could you please let me know if u decide to start a class :) xx

03-Mar-11, 17:28
I would be interested too!! I think it would be a good new way of meeting people as well as learning a new skill

Nicky :o)
04-Mar-11, 00:32
Would also be very interested in a class/course. please contact me if you decide to go ahead with this idea!

20-Mar-11, 10:18
Is there any news of when the cake decorating classes start? Very keen to get going

24-Mar-11, 17:13
Hi there, I'm in the process of getting my baking business up and running. I actually came on to this forum looking to see if anyone would be interested in cake decorating courses. It definitely seems like there are a few of you interested to make it worthwhile. I have my certificate in Baking and Pastry Arts and have been decorating cakes for a few years now. You can reach me at [email protected] visit my website at www.cakesbycarrie-anne.co.uk (http://www.cakesbycarrie-anne.co.uk) . It would be great to hear what aspect of decorating you are all interested in as a way to get started and what exactly you are hoping to get out of this experience :) Looking forward to hearing from you

30-Mar-11, 15:58
Is there any news of when the cake decorating classes start? Very keen to get going

I'm just waiting to get a very busy Mother's Day weekend out of the way and will be starting to get information ready about classes within the next few weeks.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me private messages, i will be in touch!

31-Mar-11, 21:26
Lairg Learning Centre Sutherland, runs cake decorating workshops, includes all aspects from how to ice your cake through to making sprays of flowers etc. This workshop is taught by qualified person. Next date for the class is 6/7th May. the contact number is 01549 402050. they also have a facebook page lairg learning centre lairg.

31-Mar-11, 23:21
the cherryblossom website looks amazing! i have never heard of them. I really enjoy cake decorating for fun and would like to come to a class too however will you be teaching how to make the cake as well as that is my biggest problem lol

31-Mar-11, 23:34
for simple fairy cakes..weigh the eggs and use that as the measurement for the rest of the ingredients,
Ie an egg at 2 oz needs 2oz self raising flour 2oz caster sugar and 2 oz butter.
You can substitute up to half the flour for cocoa powder for choc cakes without disaster...
180deg celcius for 10 mins to 12mins!

06-Apr-11, 19:58
Hi! Thank you for your reply!

I would happily cover specific areas if requested as a good base to a decorated cake is very important, not all sponges are suitable for decorating due to the weight of the sugarpaste and decoration. Baking cakes is more of a science and definately takes a lot of practice.

If anyone who has stated they have an interest in decorating could let me know if there are specific areas they would like to learn i will definately start looking into this.


the cherryblossom website looks amazing! i have never heard of them. I really enjoy cake decorating for fun and would like to come to a class too however will you be teaching how to make the cake as well as that is my biggest problem lol

06-Apr-11, 20:27
any form of decorating for us thanks