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View Full Version : What are you lot doing up at this hour anyway?

24-Jul-06, 03:30
Dont you know that it is 3.30 in the morning. You should be in bed, asleep. I bought a clock to put on Caithness time, so I can tell when I am talking to people over there. Its 12.30pm MOn here and 19degrees here (inside) a cold, cloudy and looks like a miserable day. No good for drying the washing ;)
which I had better go and hang out regardless.:(

24-Jul-06, 04:02
Hi Lolabelle,

For me, it is just past 11 pm on Sunday evening. So, I am allowed still to be up!

24-Jul-06, 04:53
Me?..........it's 5am on Monday morning and the sky is looking lovely. Think it might just be another lovely day. Night shift will soon be over and I'll soon be in the land of nod. Ah, bliss!

24-Jul-06, 06:14
It's 6:21am now and I'm wide awake,as usual. This time tomorrow we will be on way to airport for holiday flight to Turkey:cool:

24-Jul-06, 06:15
I can't go out in daylight, onl at night and have to sleep in a coffin containing earth from my native land,
But seeing you're not likely to believe that the truth is I have a weird body clock and try as I might it just refuses to accept the rule that you sleep at night and wake during the day.

When posters insist I don't live in the real World I think they are closer to the truth than they realise.
I am firmly of the opinion that my mind has been wiped and that I am really from another planet with at least a thirty hour day. My body clock generally says sleep for ten hours, remain awake for twenty hours or more.

Twenty-four hour shopping in Caithness would be a real benefit for me, it would save me having to disrupt my life to avoid the shops being closed.

24-Jul-06, 07:36
I wrote a great long reply, about shopping and keeping weird hours and owning trucks and what that does to my sleep patterns. And it disapeared somewhere into the darkness of cyberspace. And now I can't be bothered writing it all out again. :eek:

24-Jul-06, 08:38
I wrote a great long reply, about shopping and keeping weird hours and owning trucks and what that does to my sleep patterns. And it disapeared somewhere into the darkness of cyberspace. And now I can't be bothered writing it all out again. :eek:

Hey, you found that as well. I also find that I have been logged out and have to log in again. These days I do a highlight and copy of what I have written before hitting Submit.

24-Jul-06, 08:42
That sounds like a good idea, I think I will do that as well. Well at least with the longish ones. It takes too much effort to start again.

And now I will have to leave, I have a belly dancing class to get to. Happy posting everyone. See ya later, maybe tonight or most likely tomorrow. I think I am addicted to these boards.

24-Jul-06, 08:43
That sounds like a good idea, I think I will do that as well. Well at least with the longish ones. It takes too much effort to start again.

And now I will have to leave, I have a belly dancing class to get to. Happy posting everyone. See ya later, maybe tonight or most likely tomorrow. I think I am addicted to these boards.

They are addictive, aren't they!

24-Jul-06, 09:27
lassieinfife I am so jealous I wish I was going too......... have a wonderful holiday.

24-Jul-06, 15:37
Thanx Unicorn x

George Brims
24-Jul-06, 17:26
I just got to work! Been up since 5 mind you. Time for coffee!!

24-Jul-06, 17:40
Where are you off to?

25-Jul-06, 03:53
night hotel porter very lonely on untill seven

25-Jul-06, 04:58
I'm on night shift until 7.30am. What fun. [disgust]

Soon be home in bed, though ! ;)

26-May-09, 02:27
night porter in a hotel in inverness

26-May-09, 03:07
night porter in a hotel in inverness

And a couple of years behind the times!:D

26-May-09, 03:37
Half way through ma shift on a ship just off Egypt a quick nose on the Org:cool:

26-May-09, 04:05
It's probably a wee bit warmer there for you than here then Cullpacket!
Wonder how bored Callum is then?:confused

26-May-09, 04:25
Och:) well, G'night then!

26-May-09, 07:06
For me local time is: 2305 hours. I can't sleep so here I am at my computer with idiotic response. What else can you do when you can't sleep.