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View Full Version : Caithness Rock Concert wants bands

J Wishbone
22-Jul-04, 09:51
I am in the process of setting up a concert in Thurso sometime in October (23rd is the provisional date). It'll likely take place in the main hall in the Viewfirth.
I am wondering if any bands would be interested in playng. I have 2 bands already confirmed and am looking for 2-3 more.
I am preferably looking for young(ish) guitar bands who enjoy writing some of their own material (although these are not definitive factors, they needn't be 15 with a full set of their own material, they might be 30 with one original song).
If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, let me know by replying to the thread or leaving a private message for me.


22-Jul-04, 14:12
We are a four piece blues/rock band, called ESTRELLA and we would be more than willing to play at this gig.

25-Jul-04, 12:04
Local band Fear Of Faith,Would be PERFECT for this gig. They are a four piece band who have a varied style but is mainly rock they are between 14 and 17 :D I think Joe <lead guitarist > is planning to confirm it with you.

09-Aug-04, 15:26
whats the set up for this? Size of PA etc, amount of people expected...

09-Aug-04, 19:36
You could put on a show of live rock music in Caithness, or you could repeatedly bang your head against a harled wall-the net result would be the same. Live music doesn't seem to feature on the public palate for music, shall we say? It's fun to put on shows and play at them but if noone wants to attend, then what's the point of booking a venue and putting in all the effort, when setting up your gear and jamming in a garage is much easier and the audience is about the same size?

Having said that, Stevie Taylor told me he got a rapturous response at the weekend with his one-man rock-extravaganza at the Blackstairs, so who knows?

J Wishbone
10-Aug-04, 09:09
Hi Mike.

We hope to hold it in the Viewfirth on the 23rd of October (tbc). We will be providing a 3k PA, engineer and lighting rig. We are unsure of audience turn-out (as you can see from previous posts, there isn't alot of support for live music in caithness) but if you don't try, you don't know. We have been given full backing by the bands confirmed so far (Crimson Tide, Boss Hogg and Fear-of-Faith) and they are going to try to promote it heavily in and around Caithness. We plan to aim our advertising heavily in the high schools, as I think this is where the main rock fanbase is. This isn't to say it'll be a young show. We also hope to attract the older rockers of Thurso as I know plenty of them exist and it would be nice to think they would support some local original artists (and the bar will be open) Thanks for the interest.

J Wishbone[/quote]

J Wishbone
10-Aug-04, 09:12
Hi Samcant.

I know there is not alot of support for live music in Caithness (especially original bands) but hopefully by advertising properly (posters, flyers, radio etc...) we should be able to attract enough punters to make it worthwhile. You never know. If you don't try......

J Wishbone

10-Aug-04, 14:44
hey J Wishbone, we posted u quite a will back saying that we would love to do the gig, but we ain't heard anything back. Is there anyway we can get in contact with you to try confirm something. cheers ESTRELLA

J Wishbone
10-Aug-04, 15:30
Hi Dr Tom.

Sorry for not getting back to you. We are running out of spaces a bit now, and have had quite alot of interest from quite afew other bands. We have confirmed 3 bands and are looking to confirm one more. Do you have a website I could have a look at or pm me a biog.

Hope to hear from you soon.
J Wishbone

11-Aug-04, 12:13
i'd like to come up and play sometime, but would need to have a backline supplied, ie, drumkit without snare and cymbals and a bass amp at the minimum.

Are you planning this as a monthly event or is it going to be just a one off?

16-Aug-04, 18:31
Alrite man, is there anymore word on if our band is getting to play the gig?? Also we will have a web page starting up real soon. So if you need anymore info on the band check out our web page.



16-Aug-04, 22:04
True enough-dont try, never know.

It's a huge effort to put a gig together properly and make it run right. Boss Hogg should be a draw though.

The viewfirth is a strange place really-the main hall is too big, the barn is too narrow and the sports bar is ideal appart from the huge pillar right in front of the stage!!!

We played there at the weekend and it did seem to do the business (appart from the ridiculous pillar/abutment in front of the stage!!!!!!!)