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23-Sep-10, 20:02
I was wondering if any of my fellow orgers can tell me why my grandaughter has started howling everytime the dog barks.

Its getting to the stage that I'll have to go up myself to look after her while mum works and then that'll mean the dogs are "home alone"

She's almost 8months old and this is a new thing.:confused

23-Sep-10, 20:47
Joining in?
Or does she get a fright?
You dont really want her to be scared of dogs, so, is there any way you can get the dogs to stop barking?

23-Sep-10, 21:53
she is most likely going through a phase if it has just started, as long as your dog isnt going over the top with the barking she will eventually get used to it, as dadie says you dont want her being afraid of dogs.

23-Sep-10, 22:15
Hi Cuddlepop,

Hows about trying;

as soon as the dog barks; someone very close to the wee one begins to sing a lullaby that the child is familiar with at the same time, while said (singer?) keeps a very calm and positive demeanour at the same time.

I have no experience of bairns, but I think that "positive and calming body reactions" from those close to him/her, may give the "wee one" confidence? ...

This is only an idea from a completely inexperienced person !!!!

23-Sep-10, 22:29
I have 3 kids and they dont react when Poppy woofs.
Poppy doesnt bark often and is pretty calm most of the time but she will give 1 woof if someone comes to the dooor unexpectedly or if the girls are in fancy dress.
But they used to peep when my sisters dog started up..he woof woofs a lot when he starts...now even Iona tells him to be quiet and go to his bed, but, we would have to pick her up and cuddle her while he woofed.
Euan can sleep through it..
Lauren is still not sure...

24-Sep-10, 12:15
How about trying to make it 'fun' when the dog barks ie sing a little made up song about the dog barking.

Hard to describe what I mean but basically just let the bairn know that it is nothing to be frightened of.

24-Sep-10, 18:14
Unfortunatly she's a stubborn wee collie that barks if someone even walks past the front gate.:(
The postman if he doesnt know her can go into "orbite" with racket she makes.We have tried everything to stop her but its almost impossible.

My grandaughter use not to be bothered with the racket but know she's scared but its not just the dogs that set her off so maybe its an age thing.
If she makes a grab for my speks and I say no ,with tone she howls.mum gets the same from her when she tells her not to pull her hair.

my three grew up with the dog around and they were the best of friends so all this is new to me.:confused

25-Sep-10, 18:20
My 1st daughter went through a phase of crying when the phone rang. But it wasn't the phone that bothered her, just the fact that she knew I'd get up and go deal with it.

Perhaps she associated the barking with you getting up to go answer door/get the post/quiet the dog - anything that doesn't revolve around her.

26-Sep-10, 14:40
My 1st daughter went through a phase of crying when the phone rang. But it wasn't the phone that bothered her, just the fact that she knew I'd get up and go deal with it.

Perhaps she associated the barking with you getting up to go answer door/get the post/quiet the dog - anything that doesn't revolve around her.

I take it you,ve met my grandaughter.:lol: