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View Full Version : Madness in the Fast Lane

18-Sep-10, 21:08
Anyone watched this? It is available on YOUTUBE........more questions than answers, but truly intriguing.

19-Sep-10, 02:28

19-Sep-10, 02:57
Yes, very intriguing, but also very disturbing that she is due for parole next year.

Here's a link to the first episode on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6e3OwOws3I

19-Sep-10, 03:24
intriguing ? .... in what way ?

these girls are obviously mentally ill, a miracle they both weren't killed and it must have been terribly traumatic for the drivers they played ping pong with.

there's lots of websites of this nature on the net, but the fact they did it during a BBC documentary seems to make it okay for broadcast. :confused

19-Sep-10, 10:05
intriguing ? .... in what way ?

these girls are obviously mentally ill, a miracle they both weren't killed and it must have been terribly traumatic for the drivers they played ping pong with.

there's lots of websites of this nature on the net, but the fact they did it during a BBC documentary seems to make it okay for broadcast. :confused

Not sure of you watched the entire documentary Nacho, but it is intriguing as it left more questions than answers. You state that the girls are obviously mentally ill...........well the one who is currently serving a prison sentence has been judged to be sane, surprisingly the other one left the country without being assessed (or charged with anything), and now has gone back to the USA.
I can only conclude you didn’t watch it all Nacho, as I have not seen anything like this elsewhere on the net, and find the case very intriguing.

19-Sep-10, 11:16
I cant watch that now...too disturbing ..with the kids around
Back to the cbeebies website for me!

19-Sep-10, 11:34
It is intriguing but its much more disturbing.
The professionals involved in the case are more concerned with diagnosis than actual reality. The reality is that these twins were capable of turning madness on and off at will and as their actions showed they were perfectly willing to endanger anyone who got in their way.
Its disturbing that 3 professionals, a psychiatrist, a social worker and I forget the position of the third one, allowed that women out of custody after her performance on the motorway. I find their actions as mad as the womens and they should be held responsable too.
The women had already proved they were mad, suddenly 2 days later and she's sane, then she gets mad again, kills an innocent man but then is declared sane again after hitting herself on the head with a lump hammer and jumping 40 feet off a bridge onto a busy road.
5 years she got for manslaughter of an innocent man just because she has the ability to turn her madness on and off at will.
Turn her off would be a better idea.

19-Sep-10, 11:41
I can only conclude you didn’t watch it all Nacho, as I have not seen anything like this elsewhere on the net, and find the case very intriguing.

i did indeed watch the program when it was first on tv

i understand what you mean about finding it intriguing, but i don't.
it just seemed to me that these girls were having some sort of psychotic episode and that a tragic tale has been turned into entertainment.

this program being broadcast disturbs me as it will appeal to the ghouls out there who enjoy watching this sort of thing on the net. (believe me, there are a lot of sites showing this sort of thing).

there is obviously an audience of genuinely interested people like yourself, but then there's the audience who just watched it so they could see what it looks like for a person to get run over. that's what i object to.

19-Sep-10, 18:34
Never been much of one for conspiracy theories etc, noted on some of the comments on youtube that MKULTRA was mentioned...........you just never no.

19-Sep-10, 19:12
Never been much of one for conspiracy theories etc, noted on some of the comments on youtube that MKULTRA was mentioned...........you just never no.

Did somebody say conspiracy???

As much as i would love to believe that, i have a line and thats a little far fetched for me.... :(