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14-Sep-10, 22:29
Did anyone else hear that rumble? Is there thunder?

14-Sep-10, 22:30
yeah thunder and lightening in thurso!

14-Sep-10, 22:31
never mind - just heard it again - definitely thunder!!!!!!

14-Sep-10, 22:33
Most definately Thunder, it has been going on for at least 5 minutes now. Lovely :Razz

14-Sep-10, 22:37
aww I only got 3 rumbles and seems to have quit!

14-Sep-10, 22:42
Seriously thought i was about to poop my pants! :eek: Im not keen on thunder and lightning at all.

And that rain....bloomin nora! Set off car alarms in the street it was so strong!

14-Sep-10, 22:45
ye the same in halkirk.

14-Sep-10, 22:48
ha ha it's like marmite - love it or hate it! I love it but at the same time am scared to go to bed!

14-Sep-10, 22:54
I hear thunder.
I hear thunder.
Hark don't you.
Hark don't you.
Pitter patter raindrops.
Pitter patter raindrops.
I'm wet through, so are you.:)

14-Sep-10, 23:14
yeah there is thunder and lightning out by brabster / canisbay and also hailstones too, and its not light either, thought it was heavy rain but that only came after the hailstones, and still bashing against the windows as if it wasnt gonna stop, it went quiet again no rain then next there was big flashes of lighting brightening the countryside up, an amazing sight but scary too, thunder was really loud and we get that even though we had some sun today too LOL think its the four seasons in one day trick again

14-Sep-10, 23:14
Love it.:):):)

15-Sep-10, 04:25
Lucky you lot, we have thunderstorms every second day. Gets annoying after a while.

15-Sep-10, 10:17
Good to know it was only thunder, I was expecting Dounreay to have gone up in a blazing fury of smoke and fire.

No, matter, I would survive the immediate destruction of the world due to the fact that, I have enough tins for me to survive where no mere mortal could.

15-Sep-10, 11:54
I was out the back door watching the lightning,looking towards thurso it was lighting up almost the whole sky infront of me :D:D

15-Sep-10, 11:57
I was so bloody scared myself and my daughter where crouched in the hall coz i didnt want to go near e windows incase they blew through!!! Embarrasing I no but i was crapin it!!!!

15-Sep-10, 13:58
I tell the kids its the clouds bumping together...or gods tummy rumbling...
But Lauren is getting to be a smart cookie and wants to know about lightning....any suggestions?
To keep a 4 yo happy?

15-Sep-10, 14:20
Lovely and sunny in Wick at the moment! Hope we get some of the thunder:D

15-Sep-10, 14:22
I tell the kids its the clouds bumping together...or gods tummy rumbling...
But Lauren is getting to be a smart cookie and wants to know about lightning....any suggestions?
To keep a 4 yo happy?

My mum used to tell me that it was Angels having a boxing match lol:lol:

15-Sep-10, 21:59
Hubbys discription of lightning was never repeated after my eyebrows shot over my head:lol:
Thunder was gods tummy rumbling and lightning was wind....(a fart)

15-Sep-10, 22:26
i seem to be the only one that missed the thunder last night, not imprssed atall lol, mind you i worked nightshift on monday night, and will barely 2 hours sleep on the tuesday i mayby was in a coma.