View Full Version : Rehearsal Studio – now open!

Sound Design
08-Sep-10, 11:06
Sound Design is a fully equipped rehearsal studio available for use by individuals and groups any time, day or night, 7 days a week!

Guitar and drum tuition is also available within the facility for all ages.

For more information on basic pricing and services, please check out the Sound Design website.


If you'd like to use the studio for a solo rehearsal or duet, there will be a significant reduction on the group rate listed so please contact me for a quote either by email: [email protected] or call 07510017169.

Look forward to seeing you soon! :D

08-Sep-10, 11:33
Brilliant! Looks like a great facility, the prices seem OK and I like your discount for the small and smellies! I may be in touch sometime, that's if I can find anyone who wants to be in ma band...

Sound Design
08-Sep-10, 11:36
Thanks Tubthumper, I'll look forward to hearing from you in the future :D

08-Sep-10, 12:06
Congratulations and good luck! It takes a lot of work and research to start a new business and there can be many hold-ups along the way - health & safety, insurance, testing equipment etc., but well done, you got there and it looks good and I'm sure you will be busy soon with bookings. A great space for music makers in Caithness!

09-Sep-10, 20:19
Website looks as good as the space does.
Well done mate.

10-Sep-10, 18:46
Looks great! Good luck with the business.

10-Sep-10, 18:56
The place looks really good. Hope it does as well as it deserves.
Thanks for the grand tour. Dave

11-Sep-10, 11:54
yup, place looks really good.

good luck.

14-Sep-10, 22:57
Good to hear you are going to produce gift vouchers; an answer to Christmas present problems for the teenager who has everything! :)

The Pepsi Challenge
15-Sep-10, 02:21
£16 an hour? For a rehearsal room? Stroll on, thief.

15-Sep-10, 07:02
Way out of line there Pepsi, this is not some chancer looking to get rich, A young local musician has seen the lack of facilities here; taken the risk of renting and converting dedicated premises, which thanks to the planners took months.
The last thing he deserves or needs is someone rubbishing those efforts when he charges a rate (reduced for U18s) that reflects the rent, set up and running costs.

15-Sep-10, 22:23
£16 an hour? For a rehearsal room? Stroll on, thief.
And what were you paying in Edinburgh. £15 an hour for a small poorly equipped space I believe. Back off Barry, you are out of line.

17-Sep-10, 20:52
If this is a success Barry Gordon will be writing an article on Hi-Arts in a year's time.

Oh the irony.

18-Sep-10, 11:10
£16 an hour? For a rehearsal room? Stroll on, thief.

Have to comment that I think this is well out of order to. What do you get for £16 an hour these days? If you were in a 4 piece band and used 2.5 hours of rehearsal time, it would cost each band member £10 each. Like to see how far that would go in the pub (as a non-musical example!) Rehearsal space has always been one of the main issues in any band I've been in the past. You get to use the house PA system and equipment to. This new venture shoud be encouraged shurely?

18-Sep-10, 11:35
Luckily all other messages are of encouragement and congratulations! It is inherent in journalists that they go against the trend. If we were downing Sound Design he would be writing about how we should be encouraging local entrepeneurs in a business that is dear to the hearts of a lot of young and not so young folks in Caithness.

Come on Barry, show your support; you know you want to! :)

Wee Rob, you've got it in one! :lol:

19-Sep-10, 10:44
Stroll on, thief.
Beat it, tchyoub!

20-Sep-10, 22:11
Best of luck with the business Sound Design. Looks a great facility too. Hope it is a success and that the community makes good use of it (especially after reading so many posts about the lack of rehearsal space).
£16 an hour equates to £4 per person in a 4-piece band. Less than minimum wage? Even better rate for U18s.

It is inherent in journalists that they go against the trend. If we were downing Sound Design he would be writing about how we should be encouraging local entrepeneurs in a business that is dear to the hearts of a lot of young and not so young folks in Caithness.

This wouldn't be the same journalist who started another thread, would it?


which criticised a lack of support for an event which, following the thread, seemed to be poorly organised/advertised.

But then, any journalist worth his salt would have known all of these facts before commenting, sûrement?


21-Sep-10, 20:15
I think Pepsi's contrarian streak is well known.. I wonder if he sees himself as an agent provacateur of sorts??

He's probably the person on the forum I would most like to meet. Firstly as I think we've got lots in common, and secondly I want to know what his problem is.

26-Sep-10, 16:40
I think it's not a bad price for an ensemble to pay for. Seems like a well-equipped place. I think those of us who are lucky enough to have our own space in which to make music are in the minority so good luck to him.

The Pepsi Challenge
26-Sep-10, 22:02
I suppose I should apologise, but I won't. £16 is a rip-off. What others do with their money, however, is up to them. Best o' luck.

27-Sep-10, 12:58
Wellllll time will tell I suppose. According to the feature in the local rag it's a largely privately-funded startup, which is good to hear. If nothing else it shows someone trying to make a serious go at it instead of just going for every available grant to fund their hobby.

As far as pricing goes, I've never had experience of paying for a dedicated rehearsal space so, selah. If he's overcharging then he'll soon know. Reaction on here seems positive though.

Deadmans Sunshine
07-Oct-10, 10:30
between a group of people, the price is really good. it seems like a fantastic space to work in. which for us highlanders in the far north is fantastic. we live in a country where any company, government or organisation refuses to recognise that there is anything past inverness, or anything worth investing in anyway. i know thats not true for everything but 16 quid between a band is nothing. especially if the fellow who set it up is paying rent and services supplied from his own pocket. if you are looking to rehearse seriously and are there to make music and you can only afford the one hour, then you cut out the banter, get your heads down and work on the music. i think its a fantastic service, and has been needed here for long time. we have it, lets use it, appreciate it and above all support it.