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05-Sep-10, 22:32

Can anyone tell me how to stop receiving junk mail, is there a number you can phone or form to fill in??? Just getting fed up with receiving unwanted mail!!


05-Sep-10, 22:53
Mail by post or by email??? I think if its by post you can go into the post office and fill out a form but thats a guess haha!! Maybe go to the post office anyway and ask them surley they will know!!

06-Sep-10, 07:34

Its by post thanks will pop into the post office and enquire, :D

Mr & Mrs
06-Sep-10, 08:03
You can register online for the mail preference service. I think you can also do it for the telephone as well.


06-Sep-10, 08:43
Ring 999 and tell them they're at it again.

06-Sep-10, 09:35
Any junk mail we receive with a return envelope gets the junk mail returned to the company with a polite note asking to delete details from address database. Their second offence usually entails a larger envelope with their freepost envelope used as an address label, a reminder note of previous correspendence, as as much junk mail from other companies I can lay hands on. There has never been a third mailshot and our junkmail is minimal.

Companies who just send out catalogues have them returned via the postoffice with a label on "Please return to sender..........unsolicited junk mail".

A bit of effort involved, but no cost to you doing it, and a feeling of great satisfaction when it works!

06-Sep-10, 14:05
I used to get a Lot of Junk Mail until I Printed on the Envelope in Large Letters In RED Ink:-


It took a while but after about 3 months it started to slow down and I hardly get any at all.

06-Sep-10, 14:18
You can register online for the mail preference service. I think you can also do it for the telephone as well.


This is brilliant, I registered a while back and now I rarely get junk mail. Have had the odd thing but I'm talking one per month or less.

06-Sep-10, 15:52
Done the mail and telephone today...hopefully I will see a difference soon!
Fed up with the phonecalls at "cooking the dinner time" or the ones with no one there.
And the amount of junk mail is starting to pile up again....
Lots of stuff I dont need or want.
But it only gets rid of the stuff addressed to people in the house not the owner occupier, car owner etc bits of junk mail.

im behind you
06-Sep-10, 16:09
slip your postie a fiver every week he will soon get shot of it for you.