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View Full Version : Stephen Hawking....Once Again.

02-Sep-10, 15:57
Another headline today.....

The above decreed in a new book.....

'God Did Not Create the Universe'.

02-Sep-10, 16:11
Im reading his brief history of time the now, good stuff and he has a great mind. I also love richard dawkins I have 2 of his books to read once finished stephens!

02-Sep-10, 16:32
If you are defending that God did create the Universe, I would have to say that on the preponderance of evidence, that Stephan Hawking has more than you do.

02-Sep-10, 17:16
Atheism is in all honesty.... just depressing.

02-Sep-10, 17:20
Not exactly Headline news Sandy

02-Sep-10, 17:27
Right up there in the BBC RSS feed :)

02-Sep-10, 17:35
OH dear that means that "Odin" will be upset again!!!

02-Sep-10, 17:38
"Odin"??? :confused you mean the chief god in Norse mythology?

02-Sep-10, 19:51
Not exactly Headline news Sandy

Well we did have some 'discussions' some time ago about it....
And it would appear that in his last book he didn't come out that strongly against 'HIM'.
I dunno........I enjoy hearing about other's views.....of course only when I can fit it into my busy retirement time.
And I remember getting 'dragged' to Church and then to evening Sunday School...in Lybster......and listened to Willie....Major Mowat get us all into Onward Christian Soldiers.
And now in Canada the Presby Church has torn it out of the Hymn Books...............oh such a long time ago!