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View Full Version : Attention Horse Owners

25-Aug-10, 21:24
Dont know much about this apart from people are seemigly stealing horses in england and have moved up as far as aberdeen and inverness? Please be aware if you have horses or are selling a horse

25-Aug-10, 21:54
Good of you to take the time to put this warning up....don't think anyone would be interested in my old gray mare....if anyone went near her they would have to get past her shadow first....a mule and boy she sure can kick a**.
Seriously there are a lot of horses here and I am sure owners will be grateful for your warning.:)

25-Aug-10, 22:28
thanks teenybash...wasnt sure whether to put it up or not (only reason being i didnt know much apart from the obvious) but its better to know a little than none at all
same here think my miniture shetland would tire them out by e time they caught him :lol:

25-Aug-10, 23:02
It was in the press and journal today, Inverness area at the moment, 4 or 5 horses have been found with plaited manes this last couple of weeks and this is a signal from thieves that the horse is handle-able by strangers.

28-Aug-10, 18:40
Yip i too read this in the paper !!
There is so many tourists still about it's hard to tell who is Strange,:confused i think my Wee Tots are hopefully safe with a 6ft fence and dogs to guard them plus we're always out till late putting Ducks n' Chucks away plus the Dogs !:)