View Full Version : Live Outdoor Music BIG GIG at Dammies

05-Jul-06, 23:42
Live Outdoor music BIG GIG
St Georges Park - -The Dammies
Start Noon end around 10 pm
Proceed split between Caithness General Hospital and Thurso Town Improvements

Apologies for the delays we had a wee last minute shuffle around on Monday due to bands going on holidays etc and luckily a band have stepped in

The bands playing and i stress this is not a running order, in alaphabetical are the following and we exempeted noboy that relplied to us in the way we asked filling out the details we required

Astronot - - - - Rock Pop Punk
Blue X Man and the 68 Comeback - - - - -Blues influenced Rock & Roll ( Edinburgh based Band)
Cyanide - - - - Melodic Popular Rock
Duress - - - - - - Classic Rock, 70s 80s, Mainstream
Empty Fortune- - -Acoustic Rock
Estrella - - - - - - -Old School Rock / Classic Rock-
Graham Maharg -original soul/pop rock with a hint of jazz and r and b
Plastic Food - - - - Original Heavy Rock Material
Timefish - - - Eightes covers - (Orkney Band)
Whitenoize Punk , punk rock , metal, heavy metal ,


ADVERTISING is local press, Moray Firth Radio and Radio Scotland and hopefully a bit more im working on for a small tv ad - it may not come to pass as its very expensive
You should start to see more about it in next week or so around town though

FYI At the moment there will be a photographer Alan MacIvor taking photos
THere will be Daren Manson recording a DVD for TTIA

Interestingly there will also be a TV/Film company recording a proffesional DVD for one band but has also said they will also record the whole event so tell you r mates if they want to be in a DVD get there -Fame and Fortune beckons
There is also a music reviewer from a large circulation Scottis Paper in residence

Isacc Sutherland of qpQ will get back to you soon with a running order and a list of what techy equipment will be there that you dont need to bring
Isaac Sutherland will call the shots on the day to keep the bands in order
My job will to make sure you are around about near your time and are happy

THe stage is two 40 foot "sided" lorries side by side so the stage size will be about 40 foot x 16foot

Time change overs between bands coming off and on are critical to the whole event and everyone is expected to do NO MORE that 45 minutes worth of material

Isaac will be on a separate podium away from the stage so he can hear the music properly and keep control

The gig will start dead on NOON and if timed correctly will finish at TEN PM

There will be a licensed marquee and BBqs etc and stall

05-Jul-06, 23:59
Awesome! Has the potential to be a lot of fun :D

06-Jul-06, 00:11

It will only be as good as the efort we all put iin and the public support us

Its up to us

I will update any other additional goodies as they develop

06-Jul-06, 00:16
I'm sure my boss won't be happy, but I'll tell everyone at the pub ;)

06-Jul-06, 00:22
I'm sure my boss won't be happy, but I'll tell everyone at the pub ;)

LMAO is your boss ever happy LOL

K dragon
06-Jul-06, 01:57
there is only five new bands?

thought with such a big gig we would see some more.

06-Jul-06, 10:23
I don't get what you mean... there's only 5 new bands?

06-Jul-06, 10:33
I didnt know there were any

THeres a couple that are derivitives of another but apart from that ????

I couldnt put 10 totally new bands up or people wouldnt really come out to see it

Had to have some weel kent faces

K dragon
06-Jul-06, 13:55
yeah i understand, yeah thats what i meant jeid. i ment no offence its still a well organised gig and i bet its going to be great, shall spread the word and what not.

06-Jul-06, 14:45
I don't get it though. What do you mean by only 5 new bands?

06-Jul-06, 22:02
think he means like bands on the block..

Or bands he hasnt heard much of from up here!

The Pepsi Challenge
07-Jul-06, 15:13
Get your grammar sorted, Googlebox ;-)

I think you'll find it's: Blues X Man and The '68 Comeback.

07-Jul-06, 15:30
Get your grammar sorted, Googlebox ;-)

I think you'll find it's: Blues X Man and The '68 Comeback.

pernickety mofo[lol] [lol]

07-Jul-06, 18:17
Get your grammar sorted, Googlebox ;-)

I think you'll find it's: Blues X Man and The '68 Comeback.

My most humblest apologies

Thats what happens when you do these thing whilst off your trolley on pain killers!!!

Thats my excuse for the load of spelling mistakes in it too!!

07-Jul-06, 18:30
My most humblest apologies

Thats what happens when you do these thing whilst off your trolley on pain killers!!!

Thats my excuse for the load of spelling mistakes in it too!!

crumbs you druggy YOU..............pain killers only lead to heavier things like tobacco, or worse, tea

07-Jul-06, 18:55
Anything more than childrens asprin and im away wi it!!

And You??? lol!!

07-Jul-06, 19:35
And You??? lol!!

I've a fair white sugar addiction

07-Jul-06, 20:10
Any word on a poster or something so we can get the emails flying about?

Some of us have nothing better to do at work ;)

07-Jul-06, 21:41
There is someone working on it at this very moment (Cheers Darren) so hopefully we will have something to bang out at the beginning of the week round town etc

Had to contract that part out as i am no artist - -well not the drawing type anyway!!

What will be the best way for people to pick it up?

I could probably get it put on as a download for folk to take off the thurso.org site -
maybe the good folk from Caithness.org will put it on too! I'll ask
Or i can email it direct to people

Cant think of any other electronc way thats quicker or more effective
Anybody any other ideas

Theres a load getting printed off aswell which we'll have out and about during the next week but if anyone can print them off at their work feel free to pile them out.
We'll probably get Thurso obliterated wi them without any hassle but if anyone can get them round Castletown, Wick 'the sticks' etc it would be a bit handy and save me a fair bit of hassle

A big pint to the person who gets them in the most prominent or daft place
Get it on the telly and your a God among men!!

08-Jul-06, 01:51
If we get a pint for getting it in a daft place... what do we get for getting it on telly?

08-Jul-06, 11:57
If we get a pint for getting it in a daft place... what do we get for getting it on telly?

Another pint!!!

Anyone know any company that might like to sponsor it!
Wouldnt be looking for a fortune just enough to cover some running costs and maybe an orange juice - - or something for the bands!!

08-Jul-06, 19:15

As for sponsorship, why not ask around? In fact, I'm sure Vulcan or Dounreay would sponsor it. They have resources for this type of thing... don't they?

08-Jul-06, 19:40
Should've also said, I started the promotion malarky yesterday. told everyone possible at work yesterday. Even the staff :D

09-Jul-06, 02:52
Should've also said, I started the promotion malarky yesterday. told everyone possible at work yesterday. Even the staff :D

aye you even told me it was on[lol]

09-Jul-06, 10:06
I was just reminding you ;)

11-Jul-06, 23:54
Hey Gogglebox, Any chance of giving me a poster to put up in Top Joes?

There's one upstairs, but there wasn't one in Top Joes and we think a lot of people might go from down there.

Gimme a shout, or drop one in.

The Pepsi Challenge
12-Jul-06, 00:17
If we get a pint for getting it in a daft place... what do we get for getting it on telly?

Should have told me. BBC TV gave me a few seconds air time last weekend. If I'd known I'd have made up a T-shirt.

12-Jul-06, 10:20
Hahaha... That would've been class!

You gonna do a wee review Pepsi? Or are you just gonna get bleazin?

12-Jul-06, 11:25
There's currently an e-mail flying around BT about this gig.

Free advertising :D

12-Jul-06, 14:58
WOW, Duress' first real gig this year, so, as its a mini festival, i should take all my festioval gear, like blow horn and stuff, are we gonna have "reevs moshpits" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The Pepsi Challenge
12-Jul-06, 15:21
Hahaha... That would've been class!

You gonna do a wee review Pepsi? Or are you just gonna get bleazin?

I'd love to - would certainly be no shortage of 'colour' to write about - however the papers are rammed over August (T on the Fringe, Edinburgh Castle Shows, and the Edinburgh Festival) so there's little chance of gaining any coverage, sadly. That said, you never know...

12-Jul-06, 21:42
Little bit more info for you all

THis is the running order - - EstreLLA being the Finale
Time Fish
Plastic Food
Blues X Man & The 68 Comeback
Graham Maharg
White Noise
Empty Fortunes
The contact emails have been issued the times

Isaac our Sound GURU who as i said has the final say on all things musical has asked that all bands report into the office ~~~SOBER ~~~ONE HOUR BEFORE YOU ARE DUE TO GO ON which will be on the Park Lane side of the field kind of behind the stages.
Its a blue caravan and have the pleasure of speaking to me and some of Isaccs crew so we can preplan the set changeovers etc

THe poster !! ,To all those who email me or unsubtely mention it on Caithness,org , will be imminent

Im sure hes working on putting on the running order NOW as i write this and getting files for downloading from websites and punting by email ready for tomorrow or even sooner and hard copies go out in next day or so.
Im so sure I bet his life on it!!

Also yes i know some of the info on the Caithness.org one is all a bit strange
THey did it all themselves


The Pepsi Challenge
12-Jul-06, 21:49
Googlebox, put yer specs on, man. It's Blues X Man and the '68 Comeback. Ach, nevermind. Call us what you like, it disnae matter. It's all the same tae me, Jack.

12-Jul-06, 22:37
whoa, im gonna be there all day, first with duress then later with plastic food, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


12-Jul-06, 22:54
whoa, im gonna be there all day, first with duress then later with plastic food, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Maybe i'll need to breathalyse you before the second ones lol!!!

12-Jul-06, 23:01
I should just make it back in time for the gig. I'm at a stag do in Inverness the night before!

12-Jul-06, 23:02
Maybe i'll need to breathalyse you before the second ones lol!!!

just chain him to the wheels inbetween the two trucks

12-Jul-06, 23:02
Googlebox, put yer specs on, man. It's Blues X Man and the '68 Comeback. Ach, nevermind. Call us what you like, it disnae matter. It's all the same tae me, Jack.

Im thinking of other things to call you right now!!lol

I have corrected it and check your email

You superstars are torturous - - -be the white smarties in a dish next lol!

As i said to him in a direct email if you spot mistakes let us know we dont want to make this look rubbish we want to be slick and professionel and present us and the bands in a great light and get max GOOD publicity for being a well run event with excellent bands and who knows where we go from that for future events

I have to admit my typos are atrocious as i try to go to fast

Anyway i repent all my errors and sins!! Should take a wee while for that to happen though!!

12-Jul-06, 23:04
an hour's probably a bit extreme thinking about it for check in

let's say half an hour

sorry goggle changin' your plans already[lol]

12-Jul-06, 23:06
Half an hour? That doesn't leave much time for us to get drunk?!

Leave it at an hour ;)

12-Jul-06, 23:08
Half an hour? That doesn't leave much time for us to get drunk?!

Leave it at an hour ;)


best staying sober so you'll be able to tell when I'm filling your guitar sound full of reverb & reverse delay

12-Jul-06, 23:10
I probably wouldn't notice at the best of times?

Knowing you, you'd just put it out front and have the monitors putting out what I'm actually playing ;)

12-Jul-06, 23:14

best staying sober so you'll be able to tell when I'm filling your guitar sound full of reverb & reverse delay

AS I said in post you have the final say on that so if thats what you want thats what it is!

You sort the music and bands i sort out the rest of the stuff like getting it all there - - you've to make it all work

If i set a stall in a bad place nobody will care but if you mess up a song you will never hear the end of it


12-Jul-06, 23:16
an hour's probably a bit extreme thinking about it for check in

let's say half an hour

sorry goggle changin' your plans already[lol]

Do you still want the first band of the day to come earlier for sound tests?

12-Jul-06, 23:19
Do you still want the first band of the day to come earlier for sound tests?

yes, most definately

12-Jul-06, 23:23
yes, most definately

Ive emailed you and them directly to sort out what exactly you require

Good starting band that for people round about to hear and attract them down to it

12-Jul-06, 23:26
It's ok, I'll no be drinking. Well, not in excess. I'll have a beer to take in the day I think :D

12-Jul-06, 23:28
Anyone know any groups or willing volunteers who would be willing to steward from about 5pm onwards - -well covered up til then but a bit short for evening at the moment

All volunteers welcome and greatly appreciated
Its stewarding, checking everyones ok, no bidy too drunk etc
ITS NOT BOUNCING - - that s what the police are for!!

names to [email protected] if you fancy it
all ages welcome - - -( i have one at 85 already!!)

13-Jul-06, 18:24
Ive emailed you and them directly to sort out what exactly you require

Good starting band that for people round about to hear and attract them down to it

Yip il be down early anyways (probably still be out from the saturday night before lol), just PM me or email me with a time and il be there before that.

15-Jul-06, 03:45
Copy this into e-mails, send it out, ask people to put them up at work etc.

Just do what you can.

Thanks to certain young gentleman for designing an excellent poster.


15-Jul-06, 21:05
I put em up at BT

15-Jul-06, 22:44
Some man Reev!

I've got some up in Top Joes and the Central, got one put up in a shop on Princes Street. I'll get round a few places next week

15-Jul-06, 22:54
Some man Reev!

I've got some up in Top Joes and the Central, got one put up in a shop on Princes Street. I'll get round a few places next weekThank goodness I just read this post, I thought the Big Gig was tommorow for some reason and was all set to go to Thurso..lol:roll:

16-Jul-06, 11:22
Did someone try and organise something last year called the Big Gig that fell thru

I did a search on the name and found reference to it


Anyone know anything about it

After googling the name i realise its not the most unique name (only 80000 hits!) but just wondered what went on

16-Jul-06, 11:32
Some dude from Wick tried to organise something but it never went ahead. He didn't have a whiff of organisation about himself.

16-Jul-06, 11:48
Some dude from Wick tried to organise something but it never went ahead. He didn't have a whiff of organisation about himself.

Oh well hopefully we'll do better!!

Seems to all be in place now!
(although there is bound to be a few snags yet!)

16-Jul-06, 12:59
i'm shure it was a 13 year old kid aswell!

nutty da drummer
16-Jul-06, 14:26
yeah he was a 13 year old kid, and didnt have a clue. he kept saying it was happening then putting it off.

16-Jul-06, 14:34
yeah he was a 13 year old kid, and didnt have a clue. he kept saying it was happening then putting it off.It's the people who thought that a 13 year old kid, could possibly pull something like this off,that are the fools!! :roll: What did they expect?

16-Jul-06, 20:54
wait a sec, are you guys talking about adrian stock, the guys ace

he holds events in his BACK GARDEN, big screen and everything

for live 8 he did adrian aid, well smart


but then again maybe its not him your talking about

16-Jul-06, 23:01
nahr its not reev lol

17-Jul-06, 02:03
yeah there is one this month

18-Jul-06, 15:52
oh well thats cool, cause the guy puts a lot of work in, surprised it gets missed, would love to play an adrian stock


nutty da drummer
18-Jul-06, 15:56
i am, jealous? lol, i know what you mean, he gets a huge stage put together in his back garden, and then paints the live 8 signs with live adrian. what a man for the effort

21-Jul-06, 11:58
A few people have asked what it is we are raising money for at Caithness General Hospital A&E

We thought we would go away from the big headline departments that are regularly fundraised for, maternity etc and go for probably the one we first encounter when we are whisked into hospital Accident & Emergency
We asked them what they would benefit from but are unlikely to get funded for in the near future and they came back with a request for a Connvective Warming System


As far as i can make out - - not technical in this - - its like big air blankets that can be used on patients for shock etc and also according to the above link supplies gently moving, clean air that minimizes unwanted air currents that may spread contaminants to your patient or staff
Blankets are used for pre-operative care, intra-operative care, post-operative care, and outpatient care. Ideal for use in the PACU, ICU, and OR

This product is used to reduce hypothermia, and to maintain core body temperatures in patients, often those who are seriously ill or injured

So thats what its for and will benefit us in all in Caithness directly or indirectly through family or friends in hospital

Makes all the hassle organising it worth while really i think
Good Day Out, Good Music, Good Drinking excuse, Good Deed!

Thanks again all for helping

22-Jul-06, 08:57
Don't know if Adrian posts here so I'll do it :P

Thanks for everyone for showing their support to AdrianStock last night, we had a massive turnout and many many fun was had. Thanks to Adrian for making it all happen. Who makes a stage in their back garden?

Mike's locker and the Mum Jokes had a bit of an off day last night but I assure you we only practised twice :P Messed up many a song but everyone else was damn awesome. Even the wifie next door was loving it.. I think the lineup was as follows:

Mike's Locker and the Mum Jokes
White Noise
Liquid Blue
Wasted Ticket

I'm sure there were others but I was getting quite drunk by the end of it so can't remember but anyone readin this that werent there.... Theres always next year :P

elastic band
22-Jul-06, 15:30
Hi there,
new to area and have just watched the DVD of battle of bands in Wick high school -appears to have been quite a diverse range of styles and talent on display.

I felt the White Noise band were my particular favourites -good musical range, talented and hypnotic stage presence -they had that little something additional -excellent stage performance. Obviously young but with great potential ahead -vocalist showed considerable potential and i for onw would like to hear more from him and the band -does anyone know if they have any material available?

look forward to joining this community site


22-Jul-06, 17:29
hi im the frontman from whitenoize thanks for the comment:Razz however we do not have any material available at the momment but we do have a few of our own songs writen down and hopefully should be recording soon.
yeah and we have acouple of gigs lined up this summer (e.g august 5th wick riverside : the dammies,thurso, august 13th) cheers again

22-Jul-06, 19:07
What's actually happening with the gig at the Riverside in Wick? I e-mailed the woman the other day and never got a reply. The gig is only 2 weeks away and I've yet to see an advert for it or even a confirmed line-up.

23-Jul-06, 01:40
the only advert that i have seen is on the timetable for the wick gala if you could make it into wick on thursday we could talk to her or ill see her anyway so ill ask

23-Jul-06, 08:50
Hi there,
new to area and have just watched the DVD of battle of bands in Wick high school -appears to have been quite a diverse range of styles and talent on display.

I felt the White Noise band were my particular favourites -good musical range, talented and hypnotic stage presence -they had that little something additional -excellent stage performance. Obviously young but with great potential ahead -vocalist showed considerable potential and i for onw would like to hear more from him and the band -does anyone know if they have any material available?

look forward to joining this community site


Where did you get the DVD from?

24-Jul-06, 09:00


24-Jul-06, 15:09
Hello! Im the representative for Timefish, band from Orkney playing at Big Gig! lol

Hows things going? We're fairly looking forward to playing, just hope we dont embarass ourselves, no idea what the bands are like in Thurso or Caithness!

Unfortunately, we wont be taking our film crew anymore - the cost is a bit much seeing as sponsorship fell through! Anyway, look forward to seeing you all in the beer tent!


24-Jul-06, 16:10
How are the band's practices coming along anyway? Any major changes in set-lists or styles? What bands are playing originals and who are doing covers?

24-Jul-06, 22:41
Practises are coming along nicely. Loud, energetic with big rock moment endings!! All fun and games in camp Astronot.

We're doing two covers and four of our own songs which we've done in the past month.

We should have a demo of our own songs on our website HOPEFULLY this week. We recorded them ourselves at Murkle Bay and so far we're delighted with how they've turned out. Just the mastering to go through now and that'll be it.

Keep an eye on our website(www.astronot.co.uk) for more news etc.


29-Jul-06, 22:14
Just an update
Everything is going fine with the preparations for The Big Gig

Was a bit surprised to hear of the gig in Wick as it kind of came out of knowhere to me but on behalf of us in Thurso we wish you good luck with it
Unfortunately i cant make it through to pick up any tips because i'm working at Thurso Gala but im sure i'll hear how it goes

Our one is a different event and their really shouldnt be a comparison - - to be honest, from the MFR advert the Wick one sounds a bigger scale event with many additional attractions

The Big Gig is free admission so hopefully that will drag a crowd from all over and we are open to all age groups and positively encourage families.
We have a different range of music. We have ten bands each performing a 45 minutes set of cover versions and a lot of their own material

Hope everyone has seen all the posters and it should be mentioned quite a lot in the local press and radio this next week
(We were tied up for a week/ten days with technical & legal difficulties over the posters which wasted a lot of our time,hopefully that problem has disappeared)

I will be in touch with the bands soon to update them on final details of what is required but im really looking forward to the 13th - - although next weekend is fairly busy before that with vikings etc but will get info to you all soon

29-Jul-06, 23:04
The Wick gig actually seems a bit shambolic in comparison. Only now(two weeks before the event) are they actually doing anything about it. I still don't know what equipment is available, nobody seems to know anything about the gig(no advertising yet) and some of the bands are doing two sets?

I think the Thurso gig is a far more organised affair(so far anyway ;)) good job

Looking forward to the 13th! Hope the weather is nice though.

29-Jul-06, 23:12
as always "Mr Positive"



29-Jul-06, 23:17
The Wick gig actually seems a bit shambolic in comparison. Only now(two weeks before the event) are they actually doing anything about it. I still don't know what equipment is available, nobody seems to know anything about the gig(no advertising yet) and some of the bands are doing two sets?

I think the Thurso gig is a far more organised affair(so far anyway ;)) good job

Looking forward to the 13th! Hope the weather is nice though.

Actually, I make it 1 week, its on the 5th isnt it? Or has that changed?

29-Jul-06, 23:30
Ah yeah... haha... my bad!

Yeah Mr Positive man. Just wanna know what I have to take along. Will I bring my amp? What amp's are available? It's just good to know :D

29-Jul-06, 23:42
Ah yeah... haha... my bad!

Yeah Mr Positive man. Just wanna know what I have to take along. Will I bring my amp? What amp's are available? It's just good to know :D

Camra is doing the PA. PM him and avail yourself of his wisdom.

nutty da drummer
30-Jul-06, 17:26
which bands are playing in wick? all i know is estrella astronot and all stitched up

02-Aug-06, 22:31
Anyone got any questions or worries about the Big Gig - IN THURSO

Fire them out and i or Chobbersjnr may give u some answers or go deathly queit and realise we have forgotten on something

Apologies again to the bands that got cut and i apprecate you waiting in the wings for someone to withdraw but at the moment everything seems solid

06-Aug-06, 21:45
OK folkies

for the BIG GIG there will be on stage:-

one pearl ELX kit courtesy of Ryan "Hi-Tower" Maclean, drummers are advised to bring their own cymabls, snare, & kick pedals oh aye & sticks

I believe Moncur is supplying a 4x12 & AVT Marshall head------I'm right in saying that Dick??

I will supply a Peavey Special 112 for rhythm & a Hartke bass amp setup (please treat with care or I'll send Jeid armed with a dictionary after y'all:evil)

there will be sufficient DI's on stage to handle pretty much anything

there will be 3 mics on stage for vocals, if any bands have more than 3 vocalists please tell me now...........I don't want to be slinging up mics 2 minutes before kick off. I know at least 2 of the bands have singing drummers which aint a problemo

I don't think there's much more to say apart from don't be late or I'll be talking to Jeid again about his nuclear dictionary..............

The Pepsi Challenge
06-Aug-06, 22:29
Hartke Bass amp you say? Nice to know you're thinking of me, chobbers. Me and the Mo' (Mobray) look forward to catching up with you next week. Awrabest :-)

06-Aug-06, 23:10
Hartke Bass amp you say? Nice to know you're thinking of me, chobbers. Me and the Mo' (Mobray) look forward to catching up with you next week. Awrabest :-)

OI you keep that left handed guitar away from my bass amp:Razz :Razz I'm sure it say's in the manual "specifically not for left handed guitars"

yeeha let the chain yanking begin...................

does Mobray play the axe in this line up??

06-Aug-06, 23:18
(please treat with care or I'll send Jeid armed with a dictionary after y'all:evil)

I don't think there's much more to say apart from don't be late or I'll be talking to Jeid again about his nuclear dictionary..............

You cheeky boy!

*arms nuclear dictionary*

06-Aug-06, 23:32
Do you think it'd be worth firing out a stage plan template to bands Chobbers?

07-Aug-06, 01:43
Do you think it'd be worth firing out a stage plan template to bands Chobbers?

erm, listen sonny

every muso who has paid his dues knows that stage plans alway end up being completely ignored

so no

is the answer:)

07-Aug-06, 02:50
Listen sonny?

It was just a suggestion?

07-Aug-06, 09:19
Hey chobs!

yeah i've got the 4x12 and avt head at the ready.
Also have a 1922 2x12 at hand aswell if necessary but its up to you at the end of the day.

When do u want to setup?

07-Aug-06, 13:13
Listen sonny?

It was just a suggestion?

I know that

I was employing a degree of chain yanking

are you easily wound Jeid??

07-Aug-06, 13:18
Hey chobs!

yeah i've got the 4x12 and avt head at the ready.
Also have a 1922 2x12 at hand aswell if necessary but its up to you at the end of the day.

When do u want to setup?

erm I'd say the 4x12 & head & people can use your amp or take their own head to plug into your cab

It would suit me better if people would use more or less the amps provided, although I know there's a few wanting to use their own amps

& time, I'll be in the dammies from 9:30-ish so if you guys wouldn't mind taking your gear down for about 10:30-ish, we can get it all set up & have a soundcheck & WAKE THE WHOLE OF SPRINGPARK UP!!!!!!!!

07-Aug-06, 13:28
You better watch yourself, I've got my nuclear dictionary armed!

Oh... 666 posts! Yus!

07-Aug-06, 13:39
erm I'd say the 4x12 & head & people can use your amp or take their own head to plug into your cab

It would suit me better if people would use more or less the amps provided, although I know there's a few wanting to use their own amps

& time, I'll be in the dammies from 9:30-ish so if you guys wouldn't mind taking your gear down for about 10:30-ish, we can get it all set up & have a soundcheck & WAKE THE WHOLE OF SPRINGPARK UP!!!!!!!!

Thats sounds rocktastic chobs! Im just dreading one thing though, u know like when u go to a gig and the guitarists throw plectrums into the crowd when they're done? Is Jeid gonna start firing dictionarys into the crowd when Astronot are on?

07-Aug-06, 13:49
How do you get to Sir George's Park / The Dammies??

How much to get in?
Can you turn up anytime?


07-Aug-06, 14:50
How do you get to Sir George's Park / The Dammies??

How much to get in?
Can you turn up anytime?


If you're coming from the town square:
drive over the road bridge, go past the shell garage and altermotive motorcycles, take the left lane to head towards castletown/ groats. The dammies is the footy pitch on the immediate left after that turn so the easist place to park is on sir archibald road (left before mount pleasant primary) then theres probably space down that way to park near riverside garage or at the end of the road.

Free entry - woohoo!
and the first band (The fantabulous 'Empty Fortune') Start at 12 noon so ud probably get in from 11am onwards id imagine and you can come and go as you please. theres beer tent and bottle stalls/ fundraising things there aswell for after you have watched Empty Fortune and Duress

07-Aug-06, 16:13
The dictionary thing... haha... very amusing? I'm about to fall off my seat now!

Free entry all day, come and go as you please.

07-Aug-06, 16:19
Jeid, you should go in for countdown. That way you'll get one of those massive dictionaries given out to the LOSERS! hehe only yanking your chain dude

07-Aug-06, 16:50
If you're coming from the town square:
drive over the road bridge, go past the shell garage and altermotive motorcycles, take the left lane to head towards castletown/ groats. The dammies is the footy pitch on the immediate left after that turn so the easist place to park is on sir archibald road (left before mount pleasant primary) then theres probably space down that way to park near riverside garage or at the end of the road.

Free entry - woohoo!
and the first band (The fantabulous 'Empty Fortune') Start at 12 noon so ud probably get in from 11am onwards id imagine and you can come and go as you please. theres beer tent and bottle stalls/ fundraising things there aswell for after you have watched Empty Fortune and Duress

Thanks for that Moncur - very clear directions! Very happy it's free entry too! :lol: Hope to be there by about 6pm and we'll stay 'til the end. Will be taking my sister's German friend with us, so hope she'll enjoy it as well :cool:

07-Aug-06, 17:10
Will there be a bus coming back to Wick afterwards?

07-Aug-06, 19:37
Thanks for that Moncur - very clear directions! Very happy it's free entry too! :lol: Hope to be there by about 6pm and we'll stay 'til the end. Will be taking my sister's German friend with us, so hope she'll enjoy it as well :cool:

Ul miss the best bands tho!

07-Aug-06, 22:17
Will there be a bus coming back to Wick afterwards?

We certainly havent organised any buses and currently have no plans to but if you spoke to a local bus company in Wick or Thurso there might be enough interest to get one on the go - - its hard for us to know how many may come so cant really get involved inthat side of it


Ps Does the Dounreay shift bus still not go back to Wick or is that too late?
Just a thought

08-Aug-06, 00:49
If you're coming from the town square:
drive over the road bridge, go past the shell garage and altermotive motorcycles, take the left lane to head towards castletown/ groats. The dammies is the footy pitch on the immediate left after that turn so the easist place to park is on sir archibald road (left before mount pleasant primary) then theres probably space down that way to park near riverside garage or at the end of the road.

Free entry - woohoo!
and the first band (The fantabulous 'Empty Fortune') Start at 12 noon so ud probably get in from 11am onwards id imagine and you can come and go as you please. theres beer tent and bottle stalls/ fundraising things there aswell for after you have watched Empty Fortune and Duress

Absolutely spot on with everything there but unfortunately the Stalls and Amusements have fallen by the wayside
The Amusements/Sideshows have pulled out as they have a more lucrative offer for the Orkney Show which I couldnt compete with as we have no idea of how many will come

The stalls i fear could be more difficult to accomodate at this type of thing
If anyone knows of any one wanting to have a stall contact me either by pm or [email protected]
It would be good to have some there to give people somewhere else to spend money - - - - -
Cant allow anyone to sell BBQ stuff, burgers, hotdogs or alcohol or soft drinks
Thats covered by TTIA and the people running the bar and i cant cut our own money makers and the bars

But I would allow candy floss sweets etc and any other stuff people want to sell they can do as long as it doest interfere with anything we are doing so would need information first , face painters and henna tattooists would be good if anyone can do it - -plus you would have to bring your own table/stall as we dont have enough manpower to organise that side of things this week

Contact me if you are interested [email protected]
Need to know fairly soon

08-Aug-06, 09:01
Will there be a bus coming back to Wick afterwards?

Theres usually a bus that goes through to wick at 10pm via halkirk. ur best bet would be to catch that one at 10pm from outside where the job centre used to be. Or try www.rapsons.co.uk to see if theres any others after that time.

08-Aug-06, 12:27
Due to the Big Gig being on Sunday then there are hardly any buses running.
Only the Dounreay buses and that is only a few.

Maybe do what gogglebox said and see the bus depot but it is in Thurso.

Maybe gogglebox could go down and ask politely and they might put on a bus or 2 for free considering its for charity or even take a few quid from the passengers.

Every little helps....Sorry thats Tesco....lol

08-Aug-06, 19:14
Is there a scheduled train from Thurso to Wick at 9pm ?

08-Aug-06, 19:28
Theres usually a bus that goes through to wick at 10pm via halkirk. ur best bet would be to catch that one at 10pm from outside where the job centre used to be. Or try www.rapsons.co.uk (http://www.rapsons.co.uk) to see if theres any others after that time.10 pm, that's far too early, I'll just be getting going by then..:eek: What times the Dounreay bus, I wonder?

08-Aug-06, 19:58
Due to the Big Gig being on Sunday then there are hardly any buses running.
Only the Dounreay buses and that is only a few.

Maybe do what gogglebox said and see the bus depot but it is in Thurso.

Maybe gogglebox could go down and ask politely and they might put on a bus or 2 for free considering its for charity or even take a few quid from the passengers.

Every little helps....Sorry thats Tesco....lol

I'll ask but i am very doubtful if they will! They already donated to help us when the Vikings were here - - -Shy bairns get nowt though so i'll try!!

Thanks Moonboots I was at a loose end and needed a bit more to do this week!!lol!!

08-Aug-06, 22:21
10 pm, that's far too early, I'll just be getting going by then..:eek: What times the Dounreay bus, I wonder?

The last band finish at 10pm.

09-Aug-06, 11:28
Thanks Moonboots I was at a loose end and needed a bit more to do this week!!lol!!

Sorry mate, couldnt help it... I would of asked myself but i thought it would be better coming from one of the commitee members and not just a local even though my other half works there...lol

I asked her and she said that I dont think they will put any buses on but she said it is worth a try.
Maybe just the one bus at around 22.30 or something like that.

Gogglebox - You keep up the good work mate and hope everyone appreciates how much work you are putting into the gig and and other gala events..

09-Aug-06, 12:37
Drummers can be useful sometimes...


09-Aug-06, 13:22
Drummers can be useful sometimes...


Thanks Jeid. The weather should be reasonable on Sunday then. Hope to see lots of you there! :Razz

09-Aug-06, 15:42
Im going to the gig on Sun but i have no idea where it is can sum 1 gime me directions please?
And is it on a bus rute?


09-Aug-06, 15:48
Im going to the gig on Sun but i have no idea where it is can sum 1 gime me directions please?
And is it on a bus rute?


If you're coming from Thurso town square:
drive over the road bridge, go past the shell garage and altermotive motorcycles, take the left filter lane to head towards castletown/ groats. The dammies is the footy pitch on the immediate left after that turn so the easist place to park is on sir archibald road (left before mount pleasant primary) then theres probably space down that way to park near riverside garage or at the end of the road.

Basically its at the bottom of Springpark area on the same road as mount pleasant primary.

And if you get the Wick - Thurso bus via castletown it is on the right after the school as you come into Thurso.

Might be a good idea if someone could post a pic of a map up here to show people the location (im not smart enough to do that lol)

09-Aug-06, 15:55
Ahh! Cool.


09-Aug-06, 18:38

If I have done it right that link should take you to a map with an arrow pointing to the spot

09-Aug-06, 19:29
Yay, js been reading through it all, nice to see your using the hartke JUST FOR ME Chobbers, as always, WELL PLAYED

so then, everyone must be getting well excited now i assume, all you people js getting a tad over excited for duress' first gig this year, yup, calm now kiddies, i wonder how the PF boys will react to me wearing my duress gear :confused

09-Aug-06, 20:02
i wonder how the PF boys will react to me wearing my duress gear :confused

I heard they're discussing public decapitation as a consequence

09-Aug-06, 20:05
Yay, js been reading through it all, nice to see your using the hartke JUST FOR ME Chobbers, as always, WELL PLAYED

Thats the one with the special eejit detector mode, that automatically switches to mute when reev tries to play, yeah?

09-Aug-06, 20:07
I heard they're discussing public decapitation as a consequence

We considered it, but had to abort when we realised that cutting off his head would actually raise his IQ....

elastic band
09-Aug-06, 20:28
can anybody tell me when our favourite band WHITE NOIZE will be playing cos have to arrange transport

good luck everyone


09-Aug-06, 21:01
We considered it, but had to abort when we realised that cutting off his head would actually raise his IQ....

pppfffftttt say no more[lol]

White noise should be on about 1 o' clockish (given that these events are prone to running late) this one will not, which would put WN on at 1 (HOPEFULLY)

exits stage left cowering after making bold statement "this will be on time" yeah right:Razz

09-Aug-06, 21:42
Here is a pic of the Big Gig Area on where it is going to be held.

When you click on the link then just zoom out to see the picture.

http://local.live.com/?v=2&sp=aN.tryxy7gq6dmp_The%2520Big%2520Gig_The%2520pla ce%2520to%2520be%2520this%2520Sunday..._

09-Aug-06, 23:17

raising my iq, making me wittier than ever, i see, well, im special

and love by one and all :roll:

calm yourselves kiddies

09-Aug-06, 23:28
I don't think there's any way of raising Reev's EQ... I don't even think decapitation would work.

10-Aug-06, 00:01
I don't think there's any way of raising Reev's EQ... I don't even think decapitation would work.

who mentioned raising reev's equalisation?? EQ

10-Aug-06, 00:04
I think I was still thinking about that Hartke amp. I meant IQ.

10-Aug-06, 11:00
I don't think there's any way of raising Reev's EQ... I don't even think decapitation would work.

Probably not, but in the interests of scientific experimentation, who's up for giving it a try? :)

10-Aug-06, 11:02
I don't think there's any way of raising Reev's EQ... I don't even think decapitation would work.

Hmm, if he has EQ fitted, dont suppose there's any chance of a mute feature too? :)

10-Aug-06, 11:19
I think if we cut his head off... that's a distinct possibility.

10-Aug-06, 12:28
A weather report for Sunday from caithness.org's very own weather girl (tugmistress)

it should be dry with a slight breeze of about 10mph, morning is looking possibly damp but it gets better as the day goes on. it isn't going to be a scorcher by any stretch of the imagination but it should reach about 14c so you will need coats! but at least you wont need the winter thermals
hope that helps you

10-Aug-06, 12:47
Just hope the rain stops before the field becomes a marsh
Lot of cars, vans etc coming in and out could be tricky if it doesnt stop soon

Still mud washes off

Just dont want it to be a deterrent to people coming - -we want as many as possible to make it good for the bands aswell as the charities

However i consulted Tugmistress yesterday and am confident we will be ok as per the forecast above - -Keeping everything crossed!!

10-Aug-06, 12:52
Anyone know where i could borrow a set of portable stairs
Its for easy access to the lorry/stage

Anyone work in a for example a store with portable mobile type stairs

I have a back up idea but it would make life easier if anyone knew of anything easy!

It was a slight oversight on my part until yesterday when i was running thru everything and it dawned on me - -access to the stage

Not look good giving people a footie onto the thing!!

10-Aug-06, 14:40
Just hope the rain stops before the field becomes a marsh
Lot of cars, vans etc coming in and out could be tricky if it doesnt stop soon

It wouldnt be a proper music festival without the field turning into a sodden bog :)

10-Aug-06, 15:14
Anyone know where i could borrow a set of portable stairs
Its for easy access to the lorry/stage

Anyone work in a for example a store with portable mobile type stairs

I have a back up idea but it would make life easier if anyone knew of anything easy!

It was a slight oversight on my part until yesterday when i was running thru everything and it dawned on me - -access to the stage

Not look good giving people a footie onto the thing!!

Try Thurso Building Supplies (they sponsored fun day in december) and there was a good set of steps for getting up to the lorry that my band played on.

10-Aug-06, 16:45
is that the one by the Railway Station?

10-Aug-06, 16:50
I'm pretty sure it is yeah.

10-Aug-06, 17:58
yip it sure is

11-Aug-06, 00:28
Anyone know where i could borrow a set of portable stairs
Its for easy access to the lorry/stage

Anyone work in a for example a store with portable mobile type stairs

I have a back up idea but it would make life easier if anyone knew of anything easy!

It was a slight oversight on my part until yesterday when i was running thru everything and it dawned on me - -access to the stage

Not look good giving people a footie onto the thing!!

And I was wondering when this little beauty would emerge!!

Yes, folks - How do you get on and off the stage?? (the stage being two lorries parked as close as possible!! (good luck chaps . . . . .) I'd top up the insurance if I were you.:eek:

Wishing for a great do....

The Pepsi Challenge
11-Aug-06, 14:06
I don't want to wee-wee in anyone's chips, as this project is a first-timer for many involved. However, I'm a wee bit apprehenisve about what is, what's supposed to, and what's hoped will happen. In short, I'm a little bit short of confidence about the whole thing. Saying that, I'm sure it'll be a whole lot of fun on the day and the following day everyone will be wondering what they were worrying about, myself included.

Incedentally, does anyone know what the weather forecast is for Sunday? Will everyone be sun-kissed? Or will we be diving into bogs of mud? Fun either way, I guess.

11-Aug-06, 14:38
[quote=The Pepsi Challenge]I don't want to wee-wee in anyone's chips, as this project is a first-timer for many involved. However, I'm a wee bit apprehenisve about what is, what's supposed to, and what's hoped will happen. In short, I'm a little bit short of confidence about the whole thing.[quote]

why?? I mean everything going to plan etc etc (offers up prayers to the gods of stage) it should (& will, of course) be plain sailing on my part which leaves it up to the bands to finish the package

the wheather is also looking good

positive thought often gets positive results

stopping thinking so neg style pepsi

Mr P Cannop
11-Aug-06, 15:00
its looking like its going to be rain for sunday

11-Aug-06, 15:02
Did someone mention that day after the event?

Yes, I have fond memories of being on my hands and knees the day after an event held at the Viewfirth many years ago picking all the broken glass off the football pitch, small piece by small piece!! (Not great if the kids landed in this when playing, I guess . . . .)

Of course the organisers will have thought about this nice little detail and banned the use of ANY glass objects on the gig field - won't they!!? (ever wondered why they do this at T-in the Park etc???)

Wheelie bins for all the rubbish is also VERY handy (what a messy bunch these rock'n'rollers seem to be).:confused

11-Aug-06, 15:04
Duress have decided on their usual pre-gig strategy:

That is, someone saying "Oh shuffle! We aint played together since xmas! we better get at least one practice in before Sunday!"

Infact, we're probably only having a practice because we have a stand-in drummer for sunday

*awaits zebedys shocked reaction that his cousin has taken a hissy fit, thrown his rattle/drumsticks out the pram, and decided not to play on sunday*

The Pepsi Challenge
11-Aug-06, 16:35
[quote=The Pepsi Challenge]I don't want to wee-wee in anyone's chips, as this project is a first-timer for many involved. However, I'm a wee bit apprehenisve about what is, what's supposed to, and what's hoped will happen. In short, I'm a little bit short of confidence about the whole thing.[quote]

why?? I mean everything going to plan etc etc (offers up prayers to the gods of stage) it should (& will, of course) be plain sailing on my part which leaves it up to the bands to finish the package

the wheather is also looking good

positive thought often gets positive results

stopping thinking so neg style pepsi

You're the man, chobbers. I was going to wear my Pepsi Challenge shirt but that would be dull-as-dishwater. I can guarantee Blues X Man and his '68 Comeback will be the most visual on the day. That's unless someone has already covered the spandex-and-wind-machine part of the clothing act. Anyway, I better get the hate brigade into action. Ahem, right, here goes. Er, my band is better than all of you lot. You ain't got a chance once we take to the stage. In fact, don't bother turning up, we'll only embarass you. We'll eat all the best sandwiches and throw the ones we don't like back at you.

D'you think that'll cut it?

11-Aug-06, 16:41
[quote=Chobbersjnr][quote=The Pepsi Challenge]I don't want to wee-wee in anyone's chips, as this project is a first-timer for many involved. However, I'm a wee bit apprehenisve about what is, what's supposed to, and what's hoped will happen. In short, I'm a little bit short of confidence about the whole thing.

You're the man, chobbers. I was going to wear my Pepsi Challenge shirt but that would be dull-as-dishwater. I can guarantee Blues X Man and his '68 Comeback will be the most visual on the day. That's unless someone has already covered the spandex-and-wind-machine part of the clothing act. Anyway, I better get the hate brigade into action. Ahem, right, here goes. Er, my band is better than all of you lot. You ain't got a chance once we take to the stage. In fact, don't bother turning up, we'll only embarass you. We'll eat all the best sandwiches and throw the ones we don't like back at you.

D'you think that'll cut it?

yeeha for once I agree as I'm drumming in your band[lol]

11-Aug-06, 19:17
Weather is looking fine for sunday, I posted it on page 6 or 7.

11-Aug-06, 20:34
[QUOTE=The Pepsi Challenge]I don't want to wee-wee in anyone's chips, as this project is a first-timer for many involved. However, I'm a wee bit apprehenisve about what is, what's supposed to, and what's hoped will happen. In short, I'm a little bit short of confidence about the whole thing.

If i ever understand what that all means i'll answer it!!
Buck up and be confident - - Too many people set out looking for failure!

The Big Gig is Thurso Town Improvements trying to do something that they havent done before.
At the same time as trying something new we are trying to raise some money for our funds, equipment for Caithness General Hospital and also provide something different for the public to enjoy on a Sunday in Thurso

Its new to us, its new to some of the bands and we'll all learn things from it

We are not kidding ourselves that we are organising T in the Park here.

We are just giving an idea new to us(its certainly not original) a try.
We have no idea what kind of response we will get but theres only one way to find out if people like the idea and thats to try it

If it all goes horribly wrong fair enough, we'll all survive, i'll cope with the slating but if nobody tried anything it would be a right boring world, so we're happy to put our head above the parapet and give it a try and having been down there tonight - - - apart from the engineering of chemical toilets which is baffling me at the moment??? - - - im fairly confident that things are looking quite good, still a lot to do tomorrow and Sunday morning but it will happen

At the end of it if you get on stage do your set and are happy with your performance its a success for you, if the organisation is rubbish its not your fault

For me its a success if everything that was organised goes as scheduled,there will likely be problems on the day but its how we cope that make it or breaks it for us, how the bands play is out of my hands, we will all need a bit of good will and a wee bit of luck with the weather which we may or may not get, c'est la vie and that!

Two things we cant do anything about is the weather and making people turn up so we just have to see what happen but lets atleast be upbeat before it you've the rest of your life to be a miserable git!!lol! - - - Blind Optimism will see us through if nothing else!!

PS Dee mac if you've had practice with "the day after" you can give us a hand - see you at 8am Monday, Bring your marigolds!!

11-Aug-06, 20:44
I was just down and had a look. Once I've eaten my chippy, I'll put some pics up to show people what to expect. I'll have some questions to ask as well. Gimme 15mins

11-Aug-06, 20:47
Are you planning making a dvd on Sun?I hope the people o Caithness, get their fingers out,and get along ,and enjoy, what should be a great day out.

11-Aug-06, 21:03
Here we go, as you can see, here's our stage for the event on Sunday. Not a criticism here, but could've done with them being the same size eh? Two Lorries was a good idea.


An inside preview of the stage. The steps are there too. Woo! Have to ask though, how are we gonna combat the gap between lorries problem? Don't wanna have a lawsuit on our hands on Monday morning!


11-Aug-06, 21:05
And here's Chobbers view


11-Aug-06, 21:38
Unfortunately we did not get two lorries exactly the same size and one is considerably shabbier looking than the other one

However when you are getting these things for nowt you can be too choosy

The gap will be remedied and there is lots to happen in the next 38 and a half hours - -i thought the driver did quite well getting it that close!

The smaller lorry has caused us some added hassle with lighting but there is a new plan being worked on at this moment, a lot of hassle for about an hour and half of twilight/slight darkness but it will hopefully improve the overall look at that time of night

Still not happy with the steps arrangement but im still working on that and have the offer of a proper set but am having trouble getting them moved, cannae get a lorry but i'll try and bribe someone into it in the morning and see what can be done as it will make life a lot easier

11-Aug-06, 22:14
Excellent Sir. Next time I see the stage will be Sunday.

11-Aug-06, 23:56
*awaits zebedys shocked reaction that his cousin has taken a hissy fit, thrown his rattle/drumsticks out the pram, and decided not to play on sunday*

I should've pointed out, that I think this is the best post Moncur has ever posted!

12-Aug-06, 00:14
and im sure the exact wording used by Busy will get straight back to our drummer

12-Aug-06, 00:23
By Busy? Who's Busy?

12-Aug-06, 00:29
Busy.......dude, thats Moncur

12-Aug-06, 00:30
It is? Why?

12-Aug-06, 00:37
thats js his name, started out at a gig we played ages ago

this guy muttered for moncur to play sutin, he responded im busy, and the guy said he was pleased to meet him, was funny at the time so its kinda stuck

12-Aug-06, 00:40

That wasn't funny. Guess you had to be there :D

12-Aug-06, 03:43

That wasn't funny. Guess you had to be there :D


that was funny though

or it seems so just now:Razz

if all goes according to plan the gap between the 2 lorries shouldn't be a problem (FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!)

12-Aug-06, 10:54
Needless to say the duress band members are known as Ben, Bones, Busy and Butch (replace the 'u' with an 'i' and you'll get the idea!)

12-Aug-06, 12:52
OK, not seen a running order anywhere. Who's playing when?

12-Aug-06, 18:55
OK, not seen a running order anywhere. Who's playing when?

there's a poster somewhere back in this thread it starts at 12noon & bands have roughly 3/4 of an hour, so you can reckon on a band coming on on the hour

bare in mind that times are subject to change slightly what with people doing shorter sets & some slightly longer, it will all balance out in the end

12-Aug-06, 20:31
Question to folks who are not playng but coming to watch

anyone ure really cumming to see more than others?

i'm lookin forword til Estrella my self

12-Aug-06, 23:00
well the PA is more or less packed in the van

for the muso/techy people there is 5.4k approx FOH & 2k for monitors

so fingers crossed it's gonna be just fine

12-Aug-06, 23:03
Question to folks who are not playng but coming to watch

anyone ure really cumming to see more than others?

i'm lookin forword til Estrella my self

have to say I'm quite looking forward to Estrella myself

13-Aug-06, 00:45
Have to agree, havent herd Estrella in a while so looking forward to that one!

13-Aug-06, 13:29
I thought it started noon I have not heard any noise from there yet? have I gone deaf?

13-Aug-06, 14:24
any one make a weres nathen poster to hold up?

13-Aug-06, 16:08
I thought it started noon I have not heard any noise from there yet? have I gone deaf?

You must be deaf unicorn. The gig didnt actually start till around 12.30 so if you have not heard anything from where you live then you must either be deaf or you live some distance away

13-Aug-06, 17:29
i was just in garden and cant hear anything lol and i am in the area lol

13-Aug-06, 19:35
Proof if needed!!

Chobbers, hard at work, making it all sound wonderful.
(Why the pained look?):eek:

http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/5097/img2174smbe0.th.jpg (http://img161.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img2174smbe0.jpg)

13-Aug-06, 19:52
And there's even an audience and the weather is beautiful!!

http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/7982/img2171fixsmhd8.th.jpg (http://img45.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img2171fixsmhd8.jpg)

13-Aug-06, 22:04
And there's even an audience and the weather is beautiful!!

http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/7982/img2171fixsmhd8.th.jpg (http://img45.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img2171fixsmhd8.jpg)

That was us!

14-Aug-06, 00:17
So, did everyone have a good time today then?

14-Aug-06, 00:57
To any of the bands i didnt get a chance to speak to after their set,
Thanks very much it was very much appreciated
I thought all the bands did really well and Chobbers and his team kept everything running along perfectly

Well done all

From organisational aspect we learned a lot today so hopefully we can improve things for another time - - -big learning curve!!

While i remember - Anyone lost a mountain bike?????

14-Aug-06, 01:10
Excellet work guys, very much appreciated.

Also, great that you took time to thanks the participating bands in person and publicly on here.

Not like some other festivals in Caithness :D

14-Aug-06, 01:21
Long day, but even the drizzle didn't put a downer on things.

Some great performances - Duress, Pepsi's Blues X crowd and a vastly improved Plastic Food were the highlights for me...

Now just sort out the sound probs and everything will be cool.... ;)

Good to see a diverse line-up, and a crowd that featured young and old alike. Proof positive that live music is what the people want more than anything.

14-Aug-06, 02:22

yeah I'm beat

Mr P Cannop
14-Aug-06, 07:17
did any 1 get any pics ??

14-Aug-06, 11:09
well folks thought the day was a sucsess, Spelling <---... lawl!

Astronot and Estrella did it for me!

Was blown away by Astronot, was fairly delighted with there performance!... Keep up the go0d work!

Estrella, the headliners!... and u all defo know why!... They owned... was a really good set and i find myself singin along to a few of the tracks aswell very catchy and stick in ure head!

all i can do it wish them the very best on there musical journey ahead to them!

14-Aug-06, 12:21
god im sore today! yeah was a good laugh yesterday. a few hiccups here and there, wish that i got to play longer wi duress tho. anyone got more fotos. my folks got some video of emtpy fortune and duress but i need to convert it to dvd first and im too tired for that today. Thank god iv got work on tuesday!

14-Aug-06, 13:39
Was a great day and night!!!! Atmosphere was brill especially as it got dark, with loadsa folk dancing (more than at Wick I'd say) and some real crackers from the bands.

And of course, well done to Isaac for a full day of hard work with the sound - get a good sleep today, Chobbers! :cool:

14-Aug-06, 14:34
I only got too see Estrella but I enjoyed the set, I have seen them a few times and I think they have definately improved since they went south, Good on them for putting the effort in to make something of themselves. All they need now is more original material. Although opening up with AC/DC is always a good thing. :D Hope some of the folks with video cameras get something on google video so I can see and hear what I missed through the day. Well done to all the organisers I think it was a success the weather didnt help, but folk went out anyway. Bigger and better for next year??

PS where were Boss Hogg are they no one of the great local bands that were missing?? I have yet to hear them play as every time they are on I am either away or working :(

14-Aug-06, 14:52
I have a funny feeling that stu from boss hogg is away in america at the moment, but darren fae the hogg was on the pots and pans for astronot wi some good tunes.

PS: did anyone find out where nathan was yesterday?

14-Aug-06, 14:54
It certainly was memorable day out, with some good sounds and interesting chat....

Boss Hogg
14-Aug-06, 15:02
PS where were Boss Hogg are they no one of the great local bands that were missing?? I have yet to hear them play as every time they are on I am either away or working :(

As Moncur quite correctly said, Stu (BH guitar) is in America on his hols just now so we were unable to play. I still got the chance to play at the event with Astronot and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Roll on next Saturday in the Redwood.

Details below:-

The Redwood, Saturday 19th August 8pm

Crimson Tide
Red Wall

Should be a great night.

BH / Astronot

14-Aug-06, 15:41

You should merge both your bands to become..... wait for it.......


Then pigs will really be flying! lol

Boss Hogg
14-Aug-06, 16:08

You should merge both your bands to become..... wait for it.......


Then pigs will really be flying! lol

There was actually a band in the 90's called Spacehog.

Don't know if they're still on the go though. They had a hit with a song called 'In the meantime'.

elastic band
14-Aug-06, 17:37
Well done everyone -despite the weather we had a fab time. Young guys from White Noise excellent and great to see new, fresh young talent would really liked to have seen them have a later slot when there was a bigger crowd -appreciate you can't arrange perfect time slots however for all.

How about bouncy castles, involving Round Table, Rotary etc next year. One quick question why did none of the money go to the local hospital in Thurso ?

Fantastic day -thanks everyone


14-Aug-06, 17:49
Well done everyone -despite the weather we had a fab time. Young guys from White Noise excellent and great to see new, fresh young talent would really liked to have seen them have a later slot when there was a bigger crowd -appreciate you can't arrange perfect time slots however for all.

How about bouncy castles, involving Round Table, Rotary etc next year. One quick question why did none of the money go to the local hospital in Thurso ?

Fantastic day -thanks everyone


I think the money that was getting put to wick hospital was for a specific piece of equipment.

14-Aug-06, 17:50
Well done everyone -despite the weather we had a fab time. Young guys from White Noise excellent and great to see new, fresh young talent would really liked to have seen them have a later slot when there was a bigger crowd -appreciate you can't arrange perfect time slots however for all.

How about bouncy castles, involving Round Table, Rotary etc next year. One quick question why did none of the money go to the local hospital in Thurso ?

Fantastic day -thanks everyone


Be great to have all that stuff and you will have to believe me that some of that was booked for yesterday but pulled out due to weather
We also had some sideshows too but the Orkney Show made it tricky as they were gauranteed a crowd -we didnt know how it would go and could give no real indication so they backed the dead cert in Orkney
Bouncy was not on list as i got a heap of hassle about licensing for it, had to drop it the week before from the funday

We looked at the event we were organising and it involved people from all over the county so felt it appropriate to go for Caithness General, another time we may go for something different.
Dunbar has had recently from us and will again, cant give to all the places we would want - sadly - but we try to spread it as fairly as possible

14-Aug-06, 17:52
So overall opinions of the day: best bands, worst bands, highlights, lowlights etc. ???

14-Aug-06, 18:14
Fave bands.

Astronot for the original style of music and their cover of 'walking on the moon'. Also good banter in between tunes.

Cyanide were good (baker street!) but I'd like to see the bass player and young Andrew on guitar showcase their talents a bit more as I am sure they're are more than capable of doing it.

Estrella are good and tight and very professional but a lot of people around me at the time reckon that they are trying too hard to be aerosmith or g'n'r, which is something I would probably agree with.

Blues x man were good cos it was stuff to tap ur feet to but it wasn't ur bog standard rock n roll songs (which i liked)

Plastic food are coming on leaps and bounds aswell!


Getting ma shirt ripped during the astromosh!

Seeing loads of underage drinkers (Im talking about the under 16s!, especially the young band who thought that it was cool to be at the front barrier with a half bottle of straight jack between them, I hope it was cold Tea in that bottle and not alcohol!)

The rain

Alldays wasnt allowed to sell cider before 12.30 cos it was a sunday!

All the wannabe Duress acts out there!

Not finding where Nathan went (where were the "where's nathan?" posters)


Getting a free T-shirt from my local pub after the effects of the astromosh

Beerholders on the mic-stands

It was a decent sized stage!

14-Aug-06, 18:28
this is only my opnion:

best band - Estrella

Band that did it for me other than our main headliners - Astronot

best bands singer - Duress

best dressed singer - Plastic Fo0d!

most diverce musician - Cyanide ( joe paterson! go on my son! lol )

band i never saw - Empy fortune ( sadly i missed them heard they were excellent ).. and nioze band

band who had the crowd defo on there side - Astronot

best band to seem relxed and having fun - astronot in my eyes!

band with the best idea - Astronot... people love anything thats free lol

but the day was great and already looking forword to the next one!

big gig part 2..... ooor:confused :lol:

14-Aug-06, 18:41
I think the money that was getting put to wick hospital was for a specific piece of equipment.

Your correct

A warm air convecting unit, helps with shock and hypothermia!

14-Aug-06, 18:48
Best Hair: Rob from plastic food

Most Hair: Estrella and Cyanide

Least Hair: Calum Middleyard and Kevin Appleyard

Nicest Guitar: Andrew Middleyards LTD with floyd rose.

Most ned-style drummer: Ryan 'Hightower' Maclean from empty fortune

Most Shameless promotion: Joint first goes to Reev's Duress T-shirt and Rob's Plastic Food CDs (£5 each with original cd artwork for each individual cd)

Anymore silly categories?

14-Aug-06, 19:29
Yay, all in all a great day, had loads of fun

must say again

Chobbers, you did an amazing job for the day


excellent day, i think at every gig ever i should just be given a microphone and left to ramble on, i like to talk, incase you couldnt tell


hey the 200th reply, I ROCK

14-Aug-06, 19:40
Kwelest bass - Duress - Ben - Yamaha! BEAST!

14-Aug-06, 19:48
Kwelest bass - Duress - Ben - Yamaha! BEAST!

agreed although!!!!! Nathan/Tommy Gun's thunderbird was a beast & all

14-Aug-06, 20:01

koolest geetar???


Ibanez universe! cough


14-Aug-06, 20:28

koolest geetar???


Ibanez universe! cough


Nah, my '87 Custom made Jackson, signed by Grover himself :)

14-Aug-06, 20:38
Nah, my '87 Custom made Jackson, signed by Grover himself :)

That the one I made into a real guitar??

14-Aug-06, 20:47
That the one I made into a real guitar??

Well it started off as a real guitar, I just abuse it so much it needed some TLC.

Still in pretty good nick, specially when you see the battering its case has taken over the years

14-Aug-06, 21:21
Kwelest bass - Duress - Ben - Yamaha! BEAST!

Yes that is a mighty fine oversized pacifica Ben has

14-Aug-06, 21:23
Oh and the coolest bass was calum from empty fortune's ultra violet (dont call it pink!) Fenix bass. Check it out in the photos if you must

14-Aug-06, 22:06
Oh and the coolest bass was calum from empty fortune's ultra violet (dont call it pink!) Fenix bass. Check it out in the photos if you must

apart from the unexplained whining sound that was coming from it

& it was the bass


14-Aug-06, 22:16
Least Hair: Calum Middleyard and Kevin Appleyard

Lol, but he was wearing a cap, thats cheating :)

K dragon
14-Aug-06, 22:34
anyone got any info on the hassle just after the gig involving bottles and police and paramedics?

i thought the gig was good but it lacked a little oomph,

i have to say great performaces from all but white noize murdered master of puppets. but ptherwise they were good, and some bands repeated songs from other sets.

ben rocked on foxy lol and my hero was EXCELLENT!!

14-Aug-06, 22:54
and some bands repeated songs from other sets.

This is something no band can prepare for. You don't know what other bands are gonna play. It's nobody's fault. In a day where a lot of bands play covers, a few of them are gonna be repeated.

14-Aug-06, 23:56
This is something no band can prepare for. You don't know what other bands are gonna play. It's nobody's fault. In a day where a lot of bands play covers, a few of them are gonna be repeated.

pathetic:lol: people should co-ordinate their entire sets & take planning to a whole knew level

repeating songs indeed

calls up the MFS

*musical firing squad*[lol]

15-Aug-06, 00:13
i found it a good day/ night overall, even if the weather turned a bit lousy. was all part of the fun in the end. in all honesty i only really turned up to see the lovely Jeid playing with his fabulous band Astronot, but found the whole event to be pretty damned awesome, n every badn went out n played their asses off. do hope it will b on again next year and maybe others beyond that, certainly worth the turning up for. no real complaints here anyway

15-Aug-06, 00:37
Well it started off as a real guitar

:Razz erm it's a Jackson:Razz

15-Aug-06, 00:55
Well I am just thrilled to see that Plastic Food did so well in the presentation categories: Best Costume, Best Hair and Best Shameless Promotion. Good on you guys!

15-Aug-06, 00:59
:Razz erm it's a Jackson:Razz

Yes indeed. Hand built in '87, to a custom design and order, as it was before Jackson started building production guitars. The early Jacksons and Charvels (lots of history between the 2) particularly any built at the old san Dimas factory are very fine guitars, and keenly saught after. Most of the top of the line production US guitars are still pretty good, and some of the very first Jap built Pro models are also pretty good, as they were effectively made in the US with good spec american parts, and merely assembled in Japan. Mostly tho, these days, any of the cheaper Jackson on sale new, are not particularly good.

However, the original custom hand builds are stull superb instruments.

15-Aug-06, 01:06
Well I am just thrilled to see that Plastic Food did so well in the presentation categories: Best Costume, Best Hair and Best Shameless Promotion. Good on you guys!

Ahem, and joint winner of the 'least hair' category too :)

I think we played some music too at some point :)

15-Aug-06, 01:09
anyone got any info on the hassle just after the gig involving bottles and police and paramedics?

When I was leaving someone ran up too me and asked me too look after someone that had a kicking and they were lying on the footbridge. I went over while the other guy went to find the first red cross folks. Some lad was lying on the bridge I think he was knocked out. When I got too him he was just coming round mumbling something about getting jumped by 2 guys. He was clutching his ribs and had a bash on the back of his head. I found his trainer lying in the nettles nearby.. Once the red cross girls arrived I made my excuses and left. I did notice the police car coming over with it flashers on as I was heading away. Its a shame that some idiots have to spoils someones day/night out. If I have a sore head after a night out I would rather it was from too much beer than getting clobbered by some thug! Hope they guy is ok and the perpetrators get what they deserve.

15-Aug-06, 02:31
His mates tell me its an on going feud between the boy on the bridge and his"attacker"
It was a shame as it blurred the end of the night - -that and the clown from wick who wanted to fight with all and kill all the stewards who got a free nights accomodation at her majestys pleasure

Apart from that a very well behaved crowd

Maybe 10 hours drinking is too long for some to keep out of trouble but 99.999% managed!

15-Aug-06, 08:41
Whats the crack with there not being any Duress pics? I know we're not the best looking bunch of blokes but we at least deserved to get a few mug shots taken.

Then we could make up a few 'WANTED' Posters for crimes against music playing 'Wicked Game' on the day!

15-Aug-06, 10:08
His mates tell me its an on going feud between the boy on the bridge and his"attacker"
It was a shame as it blurred the end of the night - -that and the clown from wick who wanted to fight with all and kill all the stewards who got a free nights accomodation at her majestys pleasure

Apart from that a very well behaved crowd

Maybe 10 hours drinking is too long for some to keep out of trouble but 99.999% managed!

Aye there is always 1 or 2 that are out to ruin everyone elses enjoyment. Hopefully what goes around comes around and they will get what they deserve. Probally not from the courts though as they seem to pat them on the head and now now sonny dont do it again until next month when they do it again.

15-Aug-06, 20:49
anyone got any info on the hassle just after the gig involving bottles and police and paramedics?

i thought the gig was good but it lacked a little oomph,

i have to say great performaces from all but white noize murdered master of puppets. but ptherwise they were good, and some bands repeated songs from other sets.

ben rocked on foxy lol and my hero was EXCELLENT!!


cheers for the kind words man

always nice to be appreaciated


16-Aug-06, 12:31
Hey guys, I would appreciate it if you could comment on TimeFish's performance, don't be too harsh!!



16-Aug-06, 22:06
Hey guys, I would appreciate it if you could comment on TimeFish's performance, don't be too harsh!!



I thought you guys were pretty good. Not really my sort of music, but you sounded and played well, and seemed to get a decent response. I certainly enjoyed watching you play....

17-Aug-06, 05:23
Hey guys, I would appreciate it if you could comment on TimeFish's performance, don't be too harsh!!



come on eileen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so I can push you over a cliff

sorry I hate that song, with a passion

sounded reasonable Will, a good ol' bit of road experiance to tighten things up & you're laughing

I did notice (for the record) that when the drummer plays his bass drum it's one volume & when the double kick was coming in the volume doubled

17-Aug-06, 10:07
come on eileen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so I can push you over a cliff

sorry I hate that song, with a passion

lol @ chobbers, that was my favourite song they did :)

19-Aug-06, 08:25
Come On Eileen is one of our stronger songs but it needs to be a hell of a lot tighter, and - chobbers- it really is a song you like or you don't lol. Its a shame we couldn't play our other songs! (Deeper Underground being our best).
I really enjoyed empty fortune at the start of the day! I can't comment on the other bands, I lost track of names going back and fore from the park.

19-Aug-06, 15:15
ive had a lot of feedback from teh day!

and i cant wait for the next one to roll on!

I had a lot of people say that Cyanide need a male singer?,... Just a wonder... because this was alot of my friends, but does anyone agree?...

This is not me going waiting for people to say yes and to get rid of our inger !... (Not ever going to happen anytime soon )

but what did u rekon orgers?

19-Aug-06, 15:16
ive had a lot of feedback from teh day!

and i cant wait for the next one to roll on!

I had a lot of people say that Cyanide need a male singer?,... Just a wonder... because this was alot of my friends, but does anyone agree?...

This is not me going waiting for people to say yes and to get rid of our inger !... (Not ever going to happen anytime soon )

but what did u rekon orgers?

No way, your singer is brilliant :)

19-Aug-06, 15:20
No way, your singer is brilliant :)

thanking you on a VERY QUICk reply! lawl!:lol:

19-Aug-06, 16:15
thanking you on a VERY QUICk reply! lawl!:lol:

That's our Kev from Plastic Food! Always there, quick and with a positive word.

He's the best!

19-Aug-06, 16:31
That's our Kev from Plastic Food! Always there, quick and with a positive word.

He's the best!

Lol, you can tell she's never met me :)

21-Aug-06, 15:19
Rhodas a cracking singer (dont get rid of her!) but a few of my friends and I would have to agree with what ur mates say and u nd to get a male singer in for at least a couple of songs. Either that or find songs that are more suited to her voice. Her vocal style doesnt really match the type of tunes ur playing IMHO.

21-Aug-06, 17:00
me posting that was me looking for opnions only!

i wasnt planning on gettin rid of rhoda at all just so u all know lol!¬

do u all take me for a complete fool? lawl

25-Aug-06, 09:52

just found out how to post pics. woohoo!

25-Aug-06, 10:26
Where's Dave?

25-Aug-06, 10:37
hes at work jus now

25-Aug-06, 11:06
Ha ha.

You know I meant in the picture.

25-Aug-06, 12:10
Ha ha.

You know I meant in the picture.

Never mind Dave, I cant even see Clive in that pic :P

25-Aug-06, 19:32
Clive's got nothing on Dave

25-Aug-06, 21:29
Clive's got nothing on Dave

apart from a badass beard:D