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View Full Version : The Joke Colum {{ POLITICALLY INCORRENT }}

04-Jul-06, 15:56

Approaching a women in a new york singles bar he said " Hi, Chick, what about a date?" " Forget it " She said " I never go out with perfect strangers."
" we're both in luck then, " He said " I'm Far from perfect ! "


Egyptian girls who forget to take the pill are called mummies


A young dutch women was thinking of buying a house. The estate agent was showing her the property and after they inspected the ground floor he said: " Come Upstairs and i will show you the bedroom and den "
She looked at him sideways " and den what? " she said...


Why do british bulldogs have flat faces???

From chasing parked Cars


A french polotcian was pleading for legislation giving more equality to women. " after all " he told the house " There was very little differnce between men and women "

The chamber rose as a body and shouted " Vive La Differnce !!! "


The German was so naive he thought Einstein was a single glass of beer


When a midget fortune teller escaped from Jail the newspaper headline read: " SMALL MEDUIM AT LARGE "

Irish ( i'm quatre irish aswell )

Do you know a bloke with one leg called Moloney?

No whats the name of his other leg?

Cedric Farthsbottom III
04-Jul-06, 16:34

Approaching a women in a new york singles bar he said " Hi, Chick, what about a date?" " Forget it " She said " I never go out with perfect strangers."
" we're both in luck then, " He said " I'm Far from perfect ! "


Egyptian girls who forget to take the pill are called mummies


A young dutch women was thinking of buying a house. The estate agent was showing her the property and after they inspected the ground floor he said: " Come Upstairs and i will show you the bedroom and den "
She looked at him sideways " and den what? " she said...


Why do british bulldogs have flat faces???

From chasing parked Cars


A french polotcian was pleading for legislation giving more equality to women. " after all " he told the house " There was very little differnce between men and women "

The chamber rose as a body and shouted " Vive La Differnce !!! "


The German was so naive he thought Einstein was a single glass of beer


When a midget fortune teller escaped from Jail the newspaper headline read: " SMALL MEDUIM AT LARGE "

( i'm quatre irish aswell )

Do you know a bloke with one leg called Moloney?

No whats the name of his other leg?

Ye forgot one zebedy


"Dae ye fancy bacon and eggs and a bottle o' buckie for breakfast":lol: :lol: