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30-Jul-10, 19:23
In the recent week on our walks around Bettyhill we have come across the toilet mess left by wild campers. My dog can smell it out for mile and well shes a Labrador do i need to say more. My point is why can't they bury it. Also they seem to be leaving alot of general waste around to. Anyone else noticed this? [evil]

30-Jul-10, 22:29
SHOCKING and goes without saying thoughtless! [disgust]

30-Jul-10, 22:32
Its the same at Melvich toilet paper etc left right at car park near footbridge total disgusting!
and a lot of people walk dogs there.
dont know how some folk can be so disgusting and lazy just ruins things for other campers
and maybe explains why a lot of parking places at sides of road have now got big boulders across them to stop overnight parking.
even seen one lot pulled in with a big bonfire going, shudder to think what would happen if heather caught fire.

30-Jul-10, 22:59
There are wild campers and there are wild campers, the latter would be dismayed as much as anyone about the mess left by the former.

30-Jul-10, 23:00
There are wild campers and there are wild campers, the latter would be dismayed as much as anyone about the mess left by the former.

I could not agree more.

30-Jul-10, 23:01
My hubby and boys enjoy a spot of "wild camping" up west (me not so much) and have never left any sort of mess whatsoever, my bears that s**t in the woods doggy bag and bin or bury....others just get constipated! the thoughtless actions of a minority spoil for the majority of considerate "adventurers"
We normally cook by careful campfire or BBQ and extinguish fully the night before leaving so definately do not pose any sort of heather fire risk and know of others that practise the same sort of responsible wild camping. Camp sites do not offer the freedom they enjoy in the real outdoors and it would be a real shame if campers in the wild were to be made unwelcome and outlawed because of a few idiots.

31-Jul-10, 00:34
I could not agree more.

That'd be the wild campers then?

31-Jul-10, 00:41
we were out at Dunnett forest a couple of weeks ago.

while we were having lunch at the xylophone, the kids went off exploring nearby, my lad turned over a stone looking for bugs only to find a fresh jobbie with a nice little bit of toilet roll.

now someone either has a very well trained dog or is themself unable to walk more than 1 metre away from the path to have a poo !!

31-Jul-10, 00:46
we were out at Dunnett forest a couple of weeks ago.

while we were having lunch at the xylophone, the kids went off exploring nearby, my lad turned over a stone looking for bugs only to find a fresh jobbie with a nice little bit of toilet roll.

now someone either has a very well trained dog or is themself unable to walk more than 1 metre away from the path to have a poo !!

It wasnt a bear was it?

31-Jul-10, 00:55
It wasnt a bear was it?

nah it didn't taste like bear poop, was definitely human or canine, i've got a very discerning palate

31-Jul-10, 00:58
It didnt have coffee beans in it did it? That coffees as rare as rocking hor...........nope, better not go there.

31-Jul-10, 01:40
So, let's get this right...........

Nature called, and somebody had to empty their bowels........they didn't expose themselves in front of people, and nobody saw them do it.

But because you have a dog, off the lead in a public place (out of your control), and you can't stop it rolling in the brown stuff, you think they're in the wrong?

Don't get me wrong, people shouldn't poop near a footpath or a waterway (as in the Dunnet forest example) . But, as a hillwalker I'll go when NATURE calls.

Maybe we should get the crofters to carry poop scoops for the mess the sheep leave behind?????

31-Jul-10, 09:54
The mess at both times was within yards of a public footpath where kids could soon find it and i agree when gotta go you gotta go but whats wrong with digging a hole after and pushing it in.

31-Jul-10, 11:24
I do a lot of expedition work, and on quite a few occasions have had to remonstrate with people (adults this is, the kids don't do it) who finish their scoff and turf the remnants, banana skins, apple cores etc into the scrub 'to biodegrade'.

I've always been taught to 'leave the place cleaner than when you arrived'. Poop in a wee hole, burn what you can of the bogroll, bury it, don't just dump a rock on it, always pish & poop 50m away from watercourses and take everything else out with you.

I got a great thing for christmas, an 'I-Pood'. It's a collapsible trowel with space in the handle for turd-bags and bogroll. Pocket sized.

Ex-grunts will recall the good old 'shovel-recce', which meant you had the shovel to hang onto whilst squatting in the forest. The only difficulty was making sure you didn't 'lay a cable' in the back of your NBC suit trousers.

31-Jul-10, 12:42
The mess at both times was within yards of a public footpath where kids could soon find it and i agree when gotta go you gotta go but whats wrong with digging a hole after and pushing it in.

Be better off digging a hole first and just gently lowering it in, I'd have thought.

31-Jul-10, 12:58
Be better off digging a hole first and just gently lowering it in, I'd have thought.
Good aiming is a skill that takes a while to acquire. But with practice, one can get quite precise, even artistic!

31-Jul-10, 15:51
You could always practice on a Twister mat at home.

01-Aug-10, 14:58
I know a couple who go wild camping and they bring back all their rubbish and bury any bodily function! It only take a few seconds to put your rubbish in a poly bag in your rucksack and take it to a bin. Shame on all wild campers who leave their rubbish etc lying around. It is disgraceful and goes against what wild camping is all about. It makes me so angry to think that all wild campers could be tarred with the same brush because of sheer laziness and thoughlessness.

11-Sep-10, 18:02
Started reading this post... then for some reason couldnt stop!! Had myself in fits of giggles at some of the posts!!! Personal oppinion I would clean up after myself!!