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29-Jul-10, 08:03
As some of you will know I adopted the mum cat who came to me when she was heavily pregnant.

Well we got her yesterday afternoon and I had forgotten how stressful it is introducing a new pet!:confused
I put her into the bedroom during the day and just let Suzy, Charly and Benjy see her.
Benjy was being his usual daft self and his barking was upsetting Molly. Suzy and Charly growled at her at first but then went through to the living room.
The 'fun' began at bedtime as made a bed up for Molly in one of Benjy's indoor cages but she didn't want to stay in it! Charly went to see her and Molly started growling at him, he in turn growled at her and then when I took Charly away he growled at me!:lol:
My wee Suzy is very distressed this morning and keeps going into hiding.
Charly bless him is just a wee angel and is as happy as always.
Molly is back in the bedroom under the bed.
Quite concerned that she hasn't been to the loo.4
Benjy is just being Benjy!lol

I know it will take a wee while but am so out of practice as a while since we've had a new pet and wondered how long any of you who have done this found it took for your most timid pets to come round to a new arrival?

Sorry if I am rambling but I am sooooooo tired! Off back to bed to see if I can get some sleep. xxx

29-Jul-10, 10:48
As some of you will know I adopted the mum cat who came to me when she was heavily pregnant.

Well we got her yesterday afternoon and I had forgotten how stressful it is introducing a new pet!:confused
I put her into the bedroom during the day and just let Suzy, Charly and Benjy see her.
Benjy was being his usual daft self and his barking was upsetting Molly. Suzy and Charly growled at her at first but then went through to the living room.
The 'fun' began at bedtime as made a bed up for Molly in one of Benjy's indoor cages but she didn't want to stay in it! Charly went to see her and Molly started growling at him, he in turn growled at her and then when I took Charly away he growled at me!:lol:
My wee Suzy is very distressed this morning and keeps going into hiding.
Charly bless him is just a wee angel and is as happy as always.
Molly is back in the bedroom under the bed.
Quite concerned that she hasn't been to the loo.4
Benjy is just being Benjy!lol

I know it will take a wee while but am so out of practice as a while since we've had a new pet and wondered how long any of you who have done this found it took for your most timid pets to come round to a new arrival?

Sorry if I am rambling but I am sooooooo tired! Off back to bed to see if I can get some sleep. xxx

Glad you have molly with you now liz. Im sure its just a hype about a new animal coming in. Might take a week or so to calm down. And if Molly hasnt gone to the toilet i wouldnt worry too much about it. I have heard of cats holding it in for a day or 2 whilst they get used to their new surroundings.

Its like uv got a newborn baby there with you! haha. But i would say just show them all you have the time and attention for them still, they might think someone is trying to steal mum from them.

Good luck and im sure Molly will settle into your family just grand :Razz xxx

29-Jul-10, 13:10
Thanks Shelley.:D

I know it will be okay and just take time. I'm just tired and emotional and my Crohns is giving me gyp.:~(

Molly really is the sweetest wee soul and she's done poos and poolies!!!!:lol:

I have been going round them all hugging them and telling them how much I love them.
Wish I could fastforward to when they all get on!lol xx

29-Jul-10, 14:13
You'll be fine Liz - just give it some time and everyone will learn to love each other!
I remember how terrible it was when Freddie moved in - thought we would never get through the 1st night! Seemed to take ages before Baby would accept that he was part of the household as well! :roll:

29-Jul-10, 14:26
Cheers KCI.:D

Think it's just getting to me because I'm feeling quite fragile and a bit hormonal!!!:lol:

It just took me a long time to get Suzy happy as she was so depressed when Rusty was ill and then Tiggy died suddenly so upsets me when gets so distressed.:~(
Still I'm sure Molly will win her round as she is a wee sweetheart.

29-Jul-10, 15:33
I'm so glad you have your Molly home...as you know last year I lost three beloved friends to 1. brain tumour, 2 kidney failure and 3. heart.
I was shattered...with a bit of help from you I took on 3 cats and the 2 doggies....been fun and games at times as they all settled and accepted each other, but bit by bit all comes right....hang in there girl cos' you're doin' it................All will settle and friendships will blossom.:)

29-Jul-10, 15:35
Awww Liz, im sure you will be fine, the more relaxed you are the more relaxed they will be. Once the first 24 hours is past and pecking order in place they always seem to settle down, hope Molly settles in soon for you.


29-Jul-10, 20:04
Thanks ever so much Teenybash (wise and comforting words as always:D) and aurora32.

Hopefully, I'll get a better sleep tonight and feel a little more human tomorrow!lol

This afternoon has been a lot calmer as got a great remedy called Zylkene for the cats and been playing them a CD of relaxing music especially for cats)have one for dogs for Benjy). They've all been chilling out and Charly was soooooo relaxed this afternoon.
Molly has chosen to stay under the bed and am happy to let her stay there until she is ready. She is still recuperating from her op so needs a quiet space to chill out.
I go in to see her often and give her cuddles and she sings aways and gives me wee 'headers'. Bless her!
I'm just hoping that Suzy realises she is still here!!!:lol:

I do realise there will be lots of hisses and spitting when Molly does eventually come out of hiding but know it will all be okay.

Looks like Miss Molly will be coming into my bedroom tonight seeing she does not want to be caged up!
It was quite sweet last night (or should I say this morning as it was about 2.30am) as a few minutes after taking her into my room I felt these gentle little paws at my back as she made her way into my bed!lol She lay down for me to cuddle her for a wee while and then went out to lie under the chair. She repeated this a couple of times and eventually went to sleep.

I really do appreciate the support of my wonderful Pet Corner friends. You are brilliant!!!!!

Now I know why I never had children!!!!!!!:eek: lol

29-Jul-10, 22:13
Hope you get more sleep tonight. I know it took Tigger a long time to come out from under the bed when we rescued him and now he is the boss. So you will get there and they will soon all be playing together xx

30-Jul-10, 00:56
Hope you have a more restful night. You just need to put into practice all the good advice you give everyone else :D
They will all be best pals soon enough.

ps kids are far less stressful than pets [lol]

30-Jul-10, 13:24
Cheers Allsorts and Carasmam.:D

Aye Carasmam I need to practice what I preach!:lol:

I think if I felt well I could cope with it better (used to take in new pets without any stress)but still it will be worth it as Molly really is such a dear wee soul.
It's just that Suzy is such a timid crettur and is easily upset. Benjy is an 8 year old puppy and an idiot but means no harm!lol
Last night he got into the bedroom where Molly is and there was a right stramash but really think he went in for the food and got a fright to see she was still there!!!!lol

I have to say these relaxing CDs are fantastic! I am playing Benjy's one just now and he is lying down sleeping.
The Zylkene tablets are really good as well.

Thankfully, got a good sleep last night (still tired though) which is great. The fun will begin again on Sunday as we plan to let them see Molly properly (one by one). No doubt there will be much gurring and spitting and that'll just be me!!!!!!:lol:

Thanks everyone! xxx

30-Jul-10, 14:22
Hi Liz,just wanted to wish you well with your new addition and hope that things settle quickly for you,you seem to be doing everything you can to help things along. Also hoping you feel better soon, :D

30-Jul-10, 18:12
Aw thanks Jovi. I should probably stop worrying about them all so much but not being able to work they are my constant companions and their happiness means the world to me.

Miss Molly is resting under the bed and really wants to turn over on her back but her poor swollen belly and stitches makes this too uncomfortable.:(

I hope it won't be long before I have photos of them all getting on together.

30-Jul-10, 23:26
Looking forward to seeing pictures of them all together,im sure it wont take long,are old cats mostly rescues were all got at seperate times and they didnt take long before they were all sat taking up the sofa in a pile.We used to have 7 of them.:eek: My 2 now still have there odd fights but not too bad.:roll:.x

30-Jul-10, 23:37
Well done for rescuing older cats Merlzin. It is so good when they get homes as they are often overlooked for kittens.

Hopefully I'll be sharing photos with you soon.:D xx

31-Jul-10, 00:07
I am sure they will settle fine Liz, if my horror can get over her moodiness I think there is hope for every cat :lol: Although that said I am watching the kittens run around like bouncy pin balls and wondering why I didn't get a very old cat....[lol] I really do think they have figured out all the things they should not do and decided they would be the best things to do :roll:

31-Jul-10, 12:47
Hee hee Unicorn glad your 'horror' has accepted the kittens.:D

Aye kittens are little mischiefs aren't they but great fun! I went for an older cat as I really didn't think it would be fair on Charly who is 19 and Suzy who is so timid.

Poor Molly is frightened of Benjy's barking but she better get used to that pretty damn quick!:lol:
The problem is he is smelling the food in her room and she must wonder what the strange sniffing noises are coming from under the door!lol

I have decided to wait to 'formally' introduce them all until Molly is more confident ie comes out from under the bed other than to go to the loo.

Her swollen belly has gone down a lot and she was able to go on her back and last night and let me stroke it.
She is sleeping in my bedroom which is fine apart from the fact she snores!!!lol

I just long for when things can get back to normal but am sure she'll be worth it. xxx

31-Jul-10, 19:26
introductions can be very stressful , i am sure Molly will settle in soon and be a very loved member of the family :) and i am sure you too will start to feel better also xx
Will be introducing my new kitten in a few weeks to my other 2 cats and dog :eek:

01-Aug-10, 13:04
Thanks Miranda!:D Molly came out from hiding last night and slept on my bed (boy does she snore!:lol:)so think the introductions will be made this week.:eek:

Good luck with your new addition Miranda. xx

05-Aug-10, 23:18
I decided to take a few deep breathes and follow my own advice (as Carasmam suggested:D) and take things slowly by introducing Molly to Charly, Suzy and Benjy one by one.

Suzy, who I thought would have gone into hiding as she is so timid, has been an absolute star! She has hissed and growled at her but been no where as bad as I thought. Tonight they had their first kiss! Well more like a peck but very sweet.
Charly growled at her the first couple of times. Then one day he 'marched' up to her and gave her a little kiss as well.
So I'm really chuffed with that.

The main problem is Benjy as don't think Molly could have been used to dogs so is afraid of him.
Been keeping him on a lead to introduce them (Benjy is longing to give her a kiss!!lol) and he got a little bit too near and was rewarded with a resounding THWACK on his nose! Bless him he never gurred or retaliated.
Will just keep at it and, hopefully, before long she will realise he means no harm.

She really is the sweetest wee cat and it feels as if she has been hear for longer than a week. Maybe it just feels that way!!!!:lol:

Will get some photos of her once she has filled out a bit. Pregnancy and feeding her babies really took it out of the poor soul but she is looking better already.

05-Aug-10, 23:24
awww poor Benjy :~( dont worry too much liz, it sounds good so far i am sure Molly will adapt to him soon enough. It must be very daunting for her , given time she will realise hes just another member of the family xx:)

05-Aug-10, 23:24
was just going to ask how you were getting on with Molly, glad all is running smoothly with them.


05-Aug-10, 23:26
Thanks both. xx

06-Aug-10, 01:00
Good to hear you are practising what you preach ;) Sounds as though the introductions are going well, Molly and Benjy will soon get used to each other I'm sure :D

06-Aug-10, 12:43
Yes glad I took your advice Carasmam and followed my own advice!:lol::lol:

It's only been a week and am really chuffed with how things are going. Molly is out and about when Benjy is out or is in his cage.

Just have to get her used to him and then she will realise he doesn't wan to hurt her.

I am so proud of Charly and Suzy as they didn't take long to get used to her. Of course it helps that she is such a sweety and doesn't react. Well apart from with poor Benjy of course!lol

PS Turns out she is a really fussy madam when it comes to food!:roll:

07-Aug-10, 14:44
Glad Molly and her new pussycat brother and sister are all blending together.........An idea that might help Molly accept Benjy and lose some of her fear is ....When Benjy is tucked safely in his cage, put Mollys very fav food 3 or 4 feet away, where they can both see each other....hopefully Molly will eat her food while seeing Benjy...... shorten the distance as Molly becomes more comfortable. Maybe should give Benjy tasties to eat aswell at the same time......just a thought.:)

07-Aug-10, 18:00
Thanks Teenybash.:D

My sister has been keeping Benjy on the lead and giving him treats whilst I hold Molly on my lap and have gradually been getting them closer together.
Molly is getting more and more relaxed each time I do this and Benjy is so preoccupied with his treats that he doesn't even notice her!:lol:

The next problem to overcome is him barking whilst in his cage every time he sees her. I am hoping the more he sees her the more he will realise she is part of the family and the novelty will wear off.

Getting there!!! The problem is it's been 8 years since I've had a new pet and am out of practice.

23-Aug-10, 14:26
Thought I'd share a couple of photos of the lovely Molly.

Benjy just loves her and wants to kiss her all the time but she gets a bit fed up and hisses at him! Suzy is taking a bit longer coming round but we're getting there.

She really is a sweet wee soul. She was in very poor condition after having her kittens and still has a weepy eye which I am constantly wiping with colloidal silver.
Still she is better looking every day. Her coat is so much better and she is putting on some much needed weight. Not easy when she's a fussy madam!



23-Aug-10, 14:42
Awe...she really is a pretty girl with such a contented look. Bless her wee heart, she will be such a friend and comfort........:)

23-Aug-10, 14:48
Thanks Teenybash.:D

She really is a comfort and keeps me company all night. The only problem is she snores!:lol:

23-Aug-10, 15:50
What a pretty lady :D

23-Aug-10, 15:59
Aww with someone that good looking there has to be a flaw somewhere:lol:

Snoring....hopefully not too loud.

23-Aug-10, 18:52
What a pretty lady :D
Thanks Jovi. She is a wee sweety.

Aww with someone that good looking there has to be a flaw somewhere:lol:

Snoring....hopefully not too loud.

Ha ha. Yes nobody's perfect! Thankfully as her health is improving the decibels are decreasing.:lol:

23-Aug-10, 22:37
She's lovely,very pretty.x

23-Aug-10, 22:42
What a gorgeous cat! she looks happy and healthy .... so whatever your doing it shows your doing it right good on you for being so caring and kind just wish there was more people like you :) xx

23-Aug-10, 22:52
She's lovely,very pretty.x
Thanks merlzin. She is a lovely cat and am looking forward to fattening her up and getting her poor runny eyes sorted out.

What a gorgeous cat! she looks happy and healthy .... so whatever your doing it shows your doing it right good on you for being so caring and kind just wish there was more people like you xx

Aw thanks! That is so nice of you.:D

Molly had a go at Benjy tonight when he was playing with his ball. Mind you he probably was a bit scary thundering past her!:lol:

I keep reminding myself that it's only four weeks this Wednesday since we got her as it feels like it's been much longer.

23-Aug-10, 23:43
Liz you have trouble on yer hands there, cos she looks like a right dame! ;) Absolutely stunning cat though. Such a pretty wee face :)

Also Fintan has had a "weepy eye" since i can remember. Took him to the vets but he said its an overactive tear duct or something. Hopefully Madam Molly's clears up soon though.

And with a face like hers, im sure for the snoring she can be forgiven! :lol:


24-Aug-10, 13:11
Ha ha you're right there Shelley . As she is settling in and getting more meat on her bones I can see a right little madam emerging!:lol:

Her runny eye isn't quite so bad now. I suspect because she has a bit of 'stuffy' nose (hence the snoring) that she's had some kind of virus at one time which hasn't been treated.

I can't get over how big she is! All the more to love!:D