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28-Jul-10, 22:32
Does anyone know how long a dog will sleep for after this please?
Bronwyn had her operation about 1pm, was awake at 4.30 when we collected her, whimpered all the way home and has slept ever since apart from a 5 min comfort break. She seems fine when she is awake but is snoring like a chieftan tank again lol and its 9 and a half hours since her op
Should I let her sleep or what?
She had metacam pain killer so would that also make her drowsy?
Just seems a long time now or am I panicking for nothing?

28-Jul-10, 22:37
Poor doggie is just trying to recover the best way nature does.
Give her until the morning to perk up.
Depending on her op she could have been under for a good length of time.
She wouldnt have been let out unless the vets were happy with her.
When Benson had lumps removed he was pretty out of it for that night... we slept in the livingroom with him to check on him, and was sore for a week.

28-Jul-10, 22:40
Does anyone know how long a dog will sleep for after this please?
Bronwyn had her operation about 1pm, was awake at 4.30 when we collected her, whimpered all the way home and has slept ever since apart from a 5 min comfort break. She seems fine when she is awake but is snoring like a chieftan tank again lol and its 9 and a half hours since her op
Should I let her sleep or what?
She had metacam pain killer so would that also make her drowsy?
Just seems a long time now or am I panicking for nothing?

GG I am not a Vet, but humans usually get to sleep off a big operation, if she is snoring that may be a good sign, good luck

28-Jul-10, 22:44
it was to remove a big haematoma on her ear golach, the vets at wick are just the best, have every faith in them, just got to worryin a bit but she's awake now just panting a bit as if she's warm, have let her out for another comfort break lol she might just be startin to come round hopefully

28-Jul-10, 22:50
hope she is feeling better GG


28-Jul-10, 22:53
she's been out, come back in and got into the dog bed lol she's still panting but that might be with the beeg bandage round her head, defo more alert now though

28-Jul-10, 23:04
It sounds as if she is reacting normally to the anesthetic......Had my young fella 'done' a few months ago and he could have won a prize for the length of time he dozed and slept....I thought at one point he was sleeping for Scotland.
A nice big bowl of water and a cosy bed as she will be as right as rain.......:)

29-Jul-10, 13:14
Hope Bronwyn is okay today?

As the others rightly say she was showing all the normal reactions to anaesthetic. No doubt she will still be tired today as it takes a good while to leave their system.

I know that when my wee girl cat was spayed she took a long, long while to come round and was shaking when she did!

29-Jul-10, 14:07
My girls have usually taken a good 24 hours post-surgery before they really seem to get over their sleepyness! Bronwyn may be panting because she is a bit uncomfortable from the op, hope she feels better soon:)

29-Jul-10, 14:58
The time it takes to recover from an anestetic varies alot from one animal to another. One of the factors with the most influence can be the ammount of body fat(anestetics are often fat soluble and become sequestered in fatty tisue, afterwards being slowly released = longer recovery period) . Another is the time she was actually under for (longer exposure to the anestetic). Otohematomas are usually straight forward, but in big dogs it can be difficult to pierce the cartillage of the ear; so maybe the surgery took a little longer.

If you have any concerns, phone your vet. I am sure they will not mind answering your questions.

29-Jul-10, 20:17
Well, by this morning she had scraped the whole bandage, dressings etc backwards and was wearing it like a collar, we had to cut it off! it was bleeding and she was shaking her head the whole time so I got blood spatter everywhere, was like a scene out of CSI lol, any way, back to the vets for re dressing and re bandaging, and within an hour of being home she had it dragged off again. Luckily its not bleeding anymore so I've left it, will bathe it with salty water and keep an eye on it
photo is bronwyn sleepin off the anaesthetic


29-Jul-10, 22:50
Have you tried her with one of those lampshade things? Be careful though, if she is too agitated with it and shakes her head too much to get it off, she could rupture another ear vessel! Though sometimes they calm right down with a nice medical collar on!

30-Jul-10, 13:34
Aw bless her!

Yes it would be worth trying an Elizabethan collar to stop her getting to the bandages.

Mind you I had one for a dog who had been neutered and when I took him back to have the stitches removed there were none as he'd removed them himself! :lol: