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28-Jul-10, 11:34
Anyone seen Disneys funny money and dollars to?
Is this legal? ;)


Corrie 3
28-Jul-10, 16:22
I hear your neighbours have got loads of the stuff..!!


28-Jul-10, 16:37
as long as you are not producing counterfeit money and stick to certain rules you can print money and there have been several areas in the uk where they have introduced 'local currencies', the advantage being that the money circulates in the local area and supports local business. here is a link to one such


lynne duncan
28-Jul-10, 20:46
its usable in disney and fun for disneyaholics

28-Jul-10, 22:39
I hear your neighbours have got loads of the stuff..!!


they woruld need to to keep up with me!

28-Jul-10, 23:36
its the illuminati!


watch these movies, become enlightened :)

The Drunken Duck
29-Jul-10, 07:33
its the illuminati!


watch these movies, become enlightened :)

You'll have to watch it twice though, I laughed so hard I keeled over. I think a little bit of wee escaped as well.

These people are who the Darwin Awards were made for .. :D

Walter Ego
29-Jul-10, 08:23
Western Imperialism attempting to pervert other cultures by introducing a different currency to try and fool those who cannot see the truth.

The truth that these notes are in reality US Death Dollars. They are used by Disney to fund US-led troops to wage death and destruction upon those innocents who choose to live differently.

These killers are animals.

The truth is here (http://www.watchanimeon.com/cat--one-episode-1/)

29-Jul-10, 14:01
You'll have to watch it twice though, I laughed so hard I keeled over. I think a little bit of wee escaped as well.

These people are who the Darwin Awards were made for .. :D

yes didnt think muchh of it. just half truth and some mis leading things.

29-Jul-10, 22:40
its usable in disney and fun for disneyaholics

Disneyaholics a very good desciption! lol

Some keep it as souvenirs others exchange the funny moey before leaving Disney World.
Some forget about it altogether and find it at the back of a drawer!
One prudent family planed ahead and asked everyone giving birthday, Xmas presents etc.,to give Disney Dollars instead.
That way there children were forecd tosave the money for there trip! ;)