View Full Version : ID help please.

highland red
26-Jul-10, 17:43
I'm not even sure that this should be under the birdwatching banner, but as there is a wealth of knowledge I'll start here.

A few times last week whilst lay in bed reading in the wee hours, there has been a "noise" outside. This is where it gets tricky: I'm not sure if this is a bird, but the only way I can describe it is: like a guttural noise, not quite a bark, but not quite a bird sound either.

This noise is definitely outside the house. It sort of sounds like a clipped hen sound, but lower in volume, a little like a deep and extended "cluck".

I give you my word of honour here that this is not a case of "should take more water with it" or such things, and I am really serious.

ANY (reasonable) suggestions would be appreciated.


26-Jul-10, 18:48
Are you in a rural area Highland Red - if so, it could possibly be an owl ?

If it has just caught some prey then this might be the cause of the "guttural" sound .

27-Jul-10, 00:24
The_count thinks it could be a vixen barcking
he suggests that you go to youtube and check out red fox sounds

highland red
27-Jul-10, 11:30
It's definitely not a fox, as there were foxes in and around our garden, where we used to live for twenty-odd years, so I'm more than used to the full range of fox sounds.

We do have owls around our place at the moment (Tawny), but I must admit the possibility that it may be an owl had not crossed my mind.

Thanks for your replies.