View Full Version : Planning and Development Councillors

01-Jul-06, 21:31
As agreed I am supplying you with the names and addresses of the councillors who will have a vote on the Asda Planning when it goes to Headquarters.

I will also try to explain how it works - the Caithness councillors who did not agree with the decision ie Cllr MacDonald and co had to ask for it to be reviewed at (what I would describe as) the 'parent body' to our local planning committee, that being the Planning, Development, Europe and Toursim Committee known as the PDET committee. All four local councillors who disagreed with the decision had to get (I think) another 4 councillors who were on the PDET committee to support this. This has been done and submitted so basically it will come to their committee in August.

This happens fairly frequently on bigger issues such as school closure/relocation, windmills, etc usually things where the community is split so it is not unusual.

There will be a fresh look at the whole application. If anyone would like to make their views know either for or against ASDA they can do it by contacting these people. They can send each one individal letters to their homes (in the run up to the meeting), or a letter to Director of Planning (ASAP) and ask that it be put in the papers for that meeting.

In a recent case regarding the location of Connon Primary we had two books (both as thick at a telephone directory) one was the objectors and one from the supporters. Even if councillors dont read them all it gives them an idication of the interest that topic has raised in the community. You can also email them if you want the email address is always their first name.last name. [email protected]

if you want to write letters to them all the most cost efficient way is to write on to each of the councillors and then send them all in one envelope to Members Services, Glenurquart Road, Inverness. We all have a docket and it will be put in it. They are emptied each week and the contents sent to our home.

within each committee there is a chair and a vice chair who reside over the meeting just like Graeme is the chair of our local meetings.

Chairman Sandy Park
Vice Chair Francis Keith
Alistair MacDonald, Roger Saxon, John Green, Graeme Smith, Duncan Allan, Alan Torrance, Richard Durham, Roy MacIntyre, Ewen Mackinnon, Val MacIvor, Michael MacMillan, Billy Barclay, John Laing, William Fulton (no email) Jack Sheils, Jimmy MacDonald, Ron Lyon, Clive Goodman, Jimmy Gray, Norrie Macdonald, Liz MacDonald, Basil Dunlop, Bill Clarke, Olwyn MacDonald, Drew Mcfarlane Slack,

These councillors come from all over the highlands and represent all nine areas so there is a balance.

The Chairperson of the whole entire council is Alison Magee.

all emails are as stated but with all small letters.

At the meeting any councillor can speak so you may want to send them all to any of the Caithness Councillors. Although anyone can speak and put forward their concerns/support the only councillors with a vote is the ones mentioned above.

John Rennilson is the Director of PDET his address is Headquarters, Glenurquart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

I am writting this for anyone who wants to put there views forward it can be to support or not support asda.

I would encourage you (through experience) to make them short and to the point, no more than 3-4 paras.

I hope this information is useful for those who have asked who would be the relevent people to contact.

01-Jul-06, 21:59
Why on earth does Thurso (or Caithness, or anywhere) want an Asda?

Are the supporters of this odious Yank company aware of just how awful
it is? Just look up their record on industrial relations for a start.

Are they all happy to see the small, independent shops go down the
toilet, just to have access to cheap unripe fruit and vegetables, cheap
petrol and diesel (that'll put a few filling-stations out of business), more
lorries on the already overloaded A9, pollution and an even more
vandalised environment.

Oh yes, like the mostly useless wind-farms, it'll creat a few jobs, at the
expense of jobs in the independent shops.

You don't want Asda ... trust me on this ...



01-Jul-06, 23:13
Why on earth does Thurso (or Caithness, or anywhere) want an Asda?

Because Wick is getting a Tescos.

You know what it's like when you have two children...

01-Jul-06, 23:54
Why on earth does Thurso (or Caithness, or anywhere) want an Asda?

Are the supporters of this odious Yank company aware of just how awful
it is? Just look up their record on industrial relations for a start.

Are they all happy to see the small, independent shops go down the
toilet, just to have access to cheap unripe fruit and vegetables, cheap
petrol and diesel (that'll put a few filling-stations out of business), more
lorries on the already overloaded A9, pollution and an even more
vandalised environment.

Oh yes, like the mostly useless wind-farms, it'll creat a few jobs, at the
expense of jobs in the independent shops.

You don't want Asda ... trust me on this ...


Cheemag.You'll have to do a lot better than that if you want to make an impact on this forum. We grew out of primary-school-level political posturing a long time ago. My 11-year-old can argue more cogently than that.

Or is this the beginning of a rearguard action from Dr E Scott MSP?

03-Jul-06, 11:13
"Are they all happy to see the small, independent shops go down the
toilet, just to have access to cheap unripe fruit and vegetables, cheap
petrol and diesel (that'll put a few filling-stations out of business), more
lorries on the already overloaded A9, pollution and an even more
vandalised environment."

Bit of prat that one? wonder if he/she is a Green party supporter (incidentally Eleanor Scott MSP Greens, did NOT get the vote of 91.72% of voters, about right that one..) Puting fuel stations out of business? Good, had too easy for far too long (8p to transport a pint and a half of petrol from Inverness to Thurso - come on!) More lorries on the A9, well at least there won't be us lot going down to Inverness shopping spening over 8 million quid down there and poluting the air with all our cars, struggling home with loads of cheap food..

Again; What a prat

03-Jul-06, 15:53
Why on earth does Thurso (or Caithness, or anywhere) want an Asda?

Are the supporters of this odious Yank company aware of just how awful
it is? Just look up their record on industrial relations for a start.

Are they all happy to see the small, independent shops go down the
toilet, just to have access to cheap unripe fruit and vegetables, cheap
petrol and diesel (that'll put a few filling-stations out of business), more
lorries on the already overloaded A9, pollution and an even more
vandalised environment.

You don't want Asda ... trust me on this ...

Cheemag.Well, in order from the top down.
Why not?

04-Jul-06, 11:14
I've been watching the threads on ASDA. I was just thinking the other day that at the moment when I do my shopping in Somerfield/Lidl/Co-Op, I then go to Thurso town for my meat/fish/and other specialist items.

I have to admit when Tesco open in Wick, I will shop there, purely because I get really fed up not having much choice, not to mention the kids clothes (I don't currently buy clothes in local shops, so they are not losing my business).

I know I will still buy my meat/fish etc in local shops, because personally I like to know I am feeding my kids good fresh local produce alongside their supermarket food, and I do like to support locally where I can, but unfortunately if I travel to Wick to Tesco, then I'm going to go into Wick town for my other items, I'm not going to trapse all the way back to Thurso.

If ASDA did come to Thurso, whether for or against makes no difference, people would still go into Thurso to buy items.

If ASDA don't come to Thurso, then I am afraid that yes, Thurso could become a ghost town because I fear people will shop in Tesco whether they admit to it or not. They will then go into Wick town to shop for their specialist/other items instead of Thurso.

This will also be the case I fear for Woolies, MacKays and other shops where there is one in Wick and one in Thurso. I know they are larger companies and not owned by locals, but they could still be affected.

I live 50/50 between the two towns, I usually go to Thurso, but if Wick has a bigger selection of food choice, then I'm going to go there instead of Thurso.

Also I do appreciate how the residents feel about losing their view to the supermarket, however have to say that this is also how some country folk feel about windmills, but they didn't seem to get much sympathy about their views being altered.

I don't expect anyone to agree the above, it is purely my opinion, I am just having my say. thanx

04-Jul-06, 11:44
I don't expect anyone to agree the above...Why not? It all seems perfectly sensible to me. I suspect I would do the same.

04-Jul-06, 15:09
I've been watching the threads on ASDA. I was just thinking the other day that at the moment when I do my shopping in Somerfield/Lidl/Co-Op, I then go to Thurso town for my meat/fish/and other specialist items.

I have to admit when Tesco open in Wick, I will shop there, purely because I get really fed up not having much choice, not to mention the kids clothes (I don't currently buy clothes in local shops, so they are not losing my business).

I know I will still buy my meat/fish etc in local shops, because personally I like to know I am feeding my kids good fresh local produce alongside their supermarket food, and I do like to support locally where I can, but unfortunately if I travel to Wick to Tesco, then I'm going to go into Wick town for my other items, I'm not going to trapse all the way back to Thurso.

If ASDA did come to Thurso, whether for or against makes no difference, people would still go into Thurso to buy items.

If ASDA don't come to Thurso, then I am afraid that yes, Thurso could become a ghost town because I fear people will shop in Tesco whether they admit to it or not. They will then go into Wick town to shop for their specialist/other items instead of Thurso.

This will also be the case I fear for Woolies, MacKays and other shops where there is one in Wick and one in Thurso. I know they are larger companies and not owned by locals, but they could still be affected.

I live 50/50 between the two towns, I usually go to Thurso, but if Wick has a bigger selection of food choice, then I'm going to go there instead of Thurso.

Also I do appreciate how the residents feel about losing their view to the supermarket, however have to say that this is also how some country folk feel about windmills, but they didn't seem to get much sympathy about their views being altered.

I don't expect anyone to agree the above, it is purely my opinion, I am just having my say. thanxWhat you say makes a lot more sense that the poor excuses made for the planning refusal not one of which stands up to scrutiny for more than a few seconds.

Both ASDA and Tesco mean me spending money locally instead of in Inverness or via the web, neither of which provide one penny of benefit to Caithness.