View Full Version : Situation: What would you do?

01-Jul-06, 19:06
If you came home from work, or came into this room, I ask, what would you do?


01-Jul-06, 19:11
oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy .......... i think check my insurance policy after I picked myself up off the floor... please tell me thats a pic you found online and not your house......

01-Jul-06, 19:20
Id Move house[lol]

01-Jul-06, 19:22
I'd do a Rio Ferdinand

01-Jul-06, 19:27
I'd do a Rio Ferdinand

Eh? please enlighten us, Sounds good though[lol]

01-Jul-06, 19:28
Count to 10 first ??

01-Jul-06, 19:29
I would wonder who was looking after the kids was it a man by any chance?

Billy Boy
01-Jul-06, 19:34
i would check that the kids were ok you can replace everything else on the insurance,but you couldna replace them. you couldna blame the kids either thats for sure, the paint should o had the lid on right and out of reach of little hands, mind you if mr billy boy walked into that a think that wid be a different story he wid burst a blood vessle and put them up for adoption :lol: he hasna much sense o humour wi things like that :lol:

01-Jul-06, 19:38
After my jaw had hit the floor i think i would burst out laughing( i think) as long as its not gloss paint:eek: then i would take the kids out to the garden and hose them down( only joking)
I'd love to know, are they your kids Jeid ?

01-Jul-06, 20:44
That happened to us once, not as bad as the pic though! Bought a tin of white Emulsion it was sitting on the carpet which was dark brown our youngest who was toddler at the time knocked it over the lid came of, white paint everywhere.........guess who was in the house at the time.........an insurance man! :cool:

01-Jul-06, 20:47
i would proberly laugh and cry at the same time, make sure the kids get a bath and try to get the paint off the walls and everything else:lol:

01-Jul-06, 22:16
This actually happened to some people I know. One kid painted the baby with GLOSS paint. They took her to hospital and the nurses soaked her in a bath for hours!

02-Jul-06, 02:44
My kids? of course not, I'm only a loon myself(23)

an amazing picture though.

02-Jul-06, 07:11
omg they could be my kids!even looks like them! if it was a black leather couch and the tv was black and not silver i would be getting worried!
you can see that bear in the big blue house is whats playing on the telly..

i honestly dont know what i would do.. i would prob. be roaring at whoever had been watching them as i was calling the dr. while laughing and crying at the same time..
running a bath.. and praying it would come off..

02-Jul-06, 07:13
ohh ohh theres a spoon in the floor wonder if that was how it was opened?

02-Jul-06, 07:55
Great pic Jeid,when I stopped laughing and showing it to the wife I saved it to my computer,will have to watch the gran kids next time they visit just incase,you can never predict what kids can do http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

02-Jul-06, 09:22
they obviously enjoyed themselves. See the look of glee on the wee guy's face?

02-Jul-06, 12:02
The smile on that wee loon's face says it all. It's priceless :D

He just looks so proud of himself.

02-Jul-06, 14:05
O.M.G !!! I think I would leave the house and only come back when the person who was suposed to be looking after them had cleaned it . Other wise there would be more than a gasket blown !! Not at the kids though look how happy they are :D

02-Jul-06, 14:58
check the handprint on the little chiels hied......priceless[lol]

02-Jul-06, 19:43
omg they could be my kids!even looks like them! if it was a black leather couch and the tv was black and not silver i would be getting worried!
you can see that bear in the big blue house is whats playing on the telly..

i honestly dont know what i would do.. i would prob. be roaring at whoever had been watching them as i was calling the dr. while laughing and crying at the same time..
running a bath.. and praying it would come off..I can not escape it The bear in the big blue house that is[lol] !!!!!!Its on my t.v right now!!!

02-Jul-06, 21:40
Jedi,to start withi'd be speachless then get incredibly angry about what the person or persons unknown where doing as this was happening.
They'd be the ones wearing the paint by the time i'd finished with them Lol[lol]

02-Jul-06, 21:54
Jedi,to start withi'd be speachless then get incredibly angry about what the person or persons unknown where doing as this was happening.
They'd be the ones wearing the paint by the time i'd finished with them Lol[lol]

JEID... not Jedi!

Hehe, they're already wearing paint!

02-Jul-06, 21:57
WHoops musts concentrate Here's me got a picture of you in my head like a Jedi night.
Sorry wont shift....[lol]

Cedric Farthsbottom III
02-Jul-06, 22:08
If you came home from work, or came into this room, I ask, what would you do?


I would hand the bairns,two brushes and say,"Right ye've started so ye might as well finish it.Me and yir mither are going to barbados we'll see ye in 2 weeks.Oh aye,and dunderheed is babysitting"!!!:lol:

03-Jul-06, 11:55
ach cedric , ye ken fine if i'm babysitting i'd be in among it too, cannae let the weans have all the fun:Razz