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View Full Version : Well done Buckingham Palace

23-Jul-10, 17:10
Well done Buck' House for banning that BNP thug Nick Griffin from the Queens Garden Party.
Who would like to be there sharing Cucumber Sandwiches, with the likes of that standing beside you?
Serve him right for trying to make political gain of having an invite, I was invited to the Queens Holyrood Garden Party in 1990, I did not go on every TV channel bragging about it as he did.

Corrie 3
23-Jul-10, 17:13
Well done Buck' House for banning that BNP thug Nick Griffin from the Queens Garden Party.
Who would like to be there sharing Cucumber Sandwiches, with the likes of that standing beside you?
Serve him right for trying to make political gain of having an invite, I was invited to the Queens Holyrood Garden Party in 1990, I did not go on every TV channel bragging about it as he did.
Bit strong calling him a Thug isnt it???
Do you have proof that Nick is a Thug??
I would have thought that Prince Philip would have welcomed him with open arms and had a lot to chat about!!


23-Jul-10, 17:49
Why did they invite him in the first place? :eek:

23-Jul-10, 18:06
Why did they invite him in the first place? :eek:
Cos he's a good egg!!:lol:

The Drunken Duck
23-Jul-10, 18:14
Why did they invite him in the first place? :eek:

Simple case of crossed wires mate.

The Invites went out before the last election. Someone at the Palace, involved in sending out the invitations, said "Better invite that one eyed oxygen stealing waste of skin then".

Nick Griffin just got the invite meant for Gordon Brown .. :D

23-Jul-10, 18:26
Why did they invite him in the first place? :eek:

They invited him as he is an MEP and all the MEP's were invited. That is why he was invited and no other reason.

23-Jul-10, 18:47
So there. Andrew Brons went though.

23-Jul-10, 21:35
I think they were wrong and completely out of order.
In fact they missed a trick, probably due to the interference from a handful of outraged politicos.

The Royals are normally a sporting lot, they missed a kill there.

Set him off from the west face, give him a 10 second start and see if could make it to the lake before he was potted, I bet Queeny could do take him out blindfolded.

24-Jul-10, 10:07
He should have worn his burka to get in!

The Angel Of Death
25-Jul-10, 03:45
Any truth that Prince Phillip has his invite to the BNP's barbecue withdrawn ?