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View Full Version : Scots battle English on Andy Murray blog

30-Jun-06, 21:09
The blog of Scottish tennis hopeful Andy Murray has turned into a Braveheart-style battlefield, here (http://andymurray.com/locker-room/blog/27-06/monday-at-wimbledon/#comments), between Scots and English following the player's recent comment that he'd back Paraguay in England's opening World Cup match, and in fact he'd support "anyone but England" during the tournament.

Well, the English didn't like that one bit. Reasoned responses to the ill-advised outburst include "Well support anyone but a pathetic Little Scotlander sweaty sock like you at Wimbledon me old chum", "Hi Andy - my mate told me that you are not eligible for the BBC Sports Personality of the year award because you haven’t got one? Is that true?", "I went to Scotland once, it was full of ginger haired weird men wearing womens skirts eating square sausage and trying to make love to a wooden pole" and "You are rubbish. Tennis is a rubbish sport. Scotland is absolutely rubbish, and if it isnt, then why do you all leave to come south?"

Oh dear, oh dear. We Scots were, naturally, soon wielding our claymores with:

Just shows you how sad, pathetic and small minded some english people are and you wonder why we cant stand you you are so arrogant. Keep speaking you mind Andy, all of Scotland loves you for it. Dont let these morons get to you, us scots have a sense of humour that these knuckle-draggers just dont get. Theyre all being the forum hardmen, love to even see them attempt to say anything to your face or any scotsmans face, COWARDS!


Ha ha, you have to laugh at how much these poor wee sensitive souls have worked themselves up over Andy's throwaway comment about the World Cup!!

"Boo hoo - no-one loves us"

and as for not supporting Andy at Wimbledon, do you really think he gives a damn about some miserable guffs not supporting him??


Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die,
Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die,
Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die,
Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die,
Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die,
Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die, Scotland til i die...
And so on...

The conflict has, sadly, now escalated into an international free-for-all, with one Aussie commenting: "Can't believe how upset these Poms are about a completely innocuous comment about one of the oldest sporting rivalries in the world! It won't just be the Scots laughing themselves silly when the poms falter (get 'robbed' - again!!!) out of the world cup. Good -onya Andy tell them the way it is."

An American, meanwhile, weighed in today with: "My, my, the English are very easily upset aren't they? Some of the comments on here really show what a band of small minded bigots they really are. A nasty, nasty people, If you are not English then beware before visiting the country otherwise you could be in for a VERY rude awakening. Better still visit Ireland, Scotland or Wales where in my experience the welcome is warm and genuine."

Hmmmm. Murray attempted yesterday to avoid United Nations intervention by declaring: "I'm not anti-English! I have supported Tim the last ten years and he is English! Ricky Hatton is one of my favourite boxers and he is English. I said I think England will beat Portugal in my press conference! I made a joke I don't mind whether England win or lose! The press blew it out of proportion!"

To little avail, it must be said. Further damage-limitation came from the The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) which, as The Scotsman notes, "s to use £500,000 from its publicly funded coffers to pay for coaching for Murray".

An LTA spokesman offered: "Andy is Scottish, but he represents Great Britain in tennis. We certainly wouldn't tell him which football team he should support, nor should anyone hold it against him. Whether he's an Englishman or a Scotsman is irrelevant, he's a great British tennis player."

Although this statement - containing as it does the word "British" - is unlikely to assuage the patriots from both sides of the border, we're delighted to report that while the carnage continues unabated, there is at least one voice of reason to be found crying in the wilderness:

I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank.[lol]

30-Jun-06, 21:55
Mountains out of molehills spring to mind.
The guy does not posess the stamina to ever be a top tennis pro anyway.He is still very young and as such his comments should always be taken with a pinch of salt.

His life must have revolved 99% around tennis. I'm sure he was driven on by his mother. It will probably pay off in the end financially.
I do not care a fig who he supports when he comes to football but the English/Scots banter, for some, seems to be turning puerile and nasty, or both. I wish it would just go away to be honest.

Your man Murray might have as good a career as Tim Henman has, in which case he will do quite nicely without ever scaling the heights.

30-Jun-06, 22:22
Murray should have stuck to his Guns and just said he will support who he wants. Lets face it this is all MEDIA driven and I am getting sick of all this whining about supporting England, I think the English MEDIA are acting like a bunch of Bairns and trying to tell people who to support is just ridiculous, I wont Support England and all the English journalists in the world cant make me !! .. (Folds arms and rolls eyes)

This is just World Cup fallout into Wimbledon ..[disgust]

However I would like to point out that as Henman is out who are the English going to Support now ?? .. ;)

Gan Yersel Andy !!

30-Jun-06, 23:15
I dislike all this anti-english stuff but I also hate the way that "England" are playing in the world cup , but Murray, as a Scot, is only ever described in the media as "British" so that the English can claim him as theirs if he wins. All silly stuff.

01-Jul-06, 00:33
I hope Andy Murray loses, the media have been going on about him for far too long so much so that it is getting tedious to listen to. You would be forgiven for thinking there wasn't another sporting event (and more popular...) going on.[disgust]

C'mon the Faroes!!:roll:

01-Jul-06, 01:15
I hope Andy Murray loses, the media have been going on about him for far too long so much so that it is getting tedious to listen to. You would be forgiven for thinking there wasn't another sporting event (and more popular...) going on.

C'mon the Faroes!!
Sorry Rheg you are off my Crimbo card list [disgust]

01-Jul-06, 02:37
I'm English and I hope Andy murray does well at Wimbledon but I'm rooting for Andre Agassi,I think he's lovely.I'm not a Tim Henman fan and in any case they're not playing for their countries but for themselves.

01-Jul-06, 09:26
Well I'll be rooting for Andy to win, not that I think he will, still a little young but it's about time Scotland got some glory and pride back even if it is just tennis!;)

01-Jul-06, 09:32
He`s a Dunblane ned,ie some chippy is missing its IDIOT for the next fortnight[lol]

02-Jul-06, 19:02
Mountains out of molehills spring to mind.
The guy does not posess the stamina to ever be a top tennis pro anyway.He is still very young and as such his comments should always be taken with a pinch of salt.

His life must have revolved 99% around tennis. I'm sure he was driven on by his mother. It will probably pay off in the end financially.
I do not care a fig who he supports when he comes to football but the English/Scots banter, for some, seems to be turning puerile and nasty, or both. I wish it would just go away to be honest.

Your man Murray might have as good a career as Tim Henman has, in which case he will do quite nicely without ever scaling the heights.
Sorry landmarker mate but the guy just proved you wrong.
Not bad for a guy that posseses no stamina, he made andy roddick look, well, ordinary.

03-Jul-06, 05:35
If Andy Murray plays an Englishman (if there were any who could play tennis) then "Boo", "Hiss".
If his opponent is from elsewhere then, "Give 'em a lesson Andy!"

If he is playing in an Competition for Individuals or for Scotland he is Scottish.
If he is playing Davis Cup Tennis then he is British because he is part of a team representing Britain and the same goes for Nationalities elsewhere in Britain.

03-Jul-06, 10:01
I would cheer andy Murray over Tim Henman any day of the week. I think he is a young lad doing something he loves and i hope he goes all the way to the final.

Go on Andy show them what you can do.

03-Jul-06, 16:30
I would cheer andy Murray over Tim Henman any day of the week. I think he is a young lad doing something he loves and i hope he goes all the way to the final.

Go on Andy show them what you can do.

Some people are on the court, they think it's all over.

It is all over as Mr Murray proves he IS a British tennis player and exits 3-0 to a supposed easier opponent.

03-Jul-06, 16:37
Thats what happens when your life is taken over by football - you lose track of the rest of the world


Some people are on the court, they think it's all over.

It is all over as Mr Murray proves he IS a British tennis player and exits 3-0 to a supposed easier opponent.

03-Jul-06, 16:46
Some people are on the court, they think it's all over.

It is all over as Mr Murray proves he IS a British tennis player and exits 3-0 to a supposed easier opponent.Don't tell me he has already been indoctrinated with the long-standing but absolutely stupid British belief of "It's the taking part that counts" followed by the good old British Tradition of "Being a good loser" as if winning anything is the most shameful thing possible.