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elastic band
22-Jul-10, 16:51
Hi folks,

just wondered if anyone has tried this and, if so, how have you found it. Does it actually work. I know the lady in Alternative Vitality in Wick does it -so is this where you had it done.

Any experiences would be very welcome.

22-Jul-10, 19:47
My partner has had it done, so far she's lost almost 3st since 8th May. Yes it works. Yes it was Donna Booth in Wick. £300.

22-Jul-10, 19:59
What is it how does it work

22-Jul-10, 21:11
hey yeah i'm doing it - haven't finished course but lost a stone so far...got a bit to do...but really does work and Donna at Alternative Vitality, is excellent, really professional and genuinely cares :-)

22-Jul-10, 21:50
hi all...thanks for your comments. If you want to find out more about the HypnoBand, you'll find some info on our page and the HypnoBand website



We offer a free 30 minute consultation to anyone thinking about the programme so you can find out what's involved and we can make sure that you're suitable.

All the best

Donna :)