View Full Version : The Cove

21-Jul-10, 03:47
Anyone see this programme on More4 tonight, about the annual slaughter 0f 23,000 dolphins every year in Japan?
Apart from the bloody slaughter images, the most horrifying thing is that the meat is sold as whale meat, for human consumption, some of it was included in school's compulsory lunches for kids, and has a dangerously high mercury content...hundreds of times the safe limit... and the Japanese public in general has no idea that this is going on their country![disgust]

21-Jul-10, 11:22

I have only watched the extended clip and that was harrowing enough. The cove film has been banned in some of Japan with the japanese government trying to stop the film being shown in cinemas over there. The japanese government has put out disinformation about the film and those who made it.

This needs to stop, the world is now realising what the japanese are doing. The fact that a government can give "free" meat to its children KNOWING that it is toxic says it all.......

We are not meant to eat these animals, we are not meant to keep them for our "entertainment", they are meant to be free and wild. Please sign the petition to end this harrowing practice and forward the link to others to do the same .....


21-Jul-10, 17:20
Thanks for the link k. Have signed up today.
It's worth watching the whole programme to see the extra-ordinary dedication of the team and the real cloak and dagger methods used to get the footage !:eek:

Dedicated people indeed.:)

21-Jul-10, 17:50
This makes me angry and sad.[evil]:~(

Have signed.

21-Jul-10, 19:15
as this topic is so important perhaps it should be moved to the general posts so that more can be made aware of the massacre?


21-Jul-10, 20:54
Have been well aware of this slaughter for many years and prompted me never again to buy anything produced in Japan,have been an active campaigner against both whale and dolphin slaughter for many a year.

For those who would like to support the cause.


22-Jul-10, 11:39
What amazes me is the amount of people who will watch this film,say how sad it is and then still go and watch dolphin shows or swim with dolphin programmes!Until we stop going to these sorts of things there will ALWAYS be a demand for "stock" if nobody goes then the need is no longer there,therefore the dolphins,whales ect are left where they should be NOT in tanks entertaining idiots! x

22-Jul-10, 12:51
Quite agree with you Thumper. It is the equivalent of sticking a poor goldfish in a tiddly wee bowl!

Why oh why do people think it is entertaining to go and see a wild animal in captivity?:roll: