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20-Jul-10, 05:51
....all the way from America!! tra la la la la...

hey guys, livin'ed up in sunny seattle....baby!! - 'e emerald city :cool:

speakin' all american an' stuff...gee, that is amazin...thanks ma'am...have a nice day :lol:

its so great....chillin oot on alki avenue - how appropriate eh?!!

wis takin it weel easy by wur wee sweemin pool all day, catchin 'e rays....sippin champaign, even tho 'e beach is rite across 'e rod.
they say its prity cowld in 'e water as they hev 'e flow o' 'e tide fie alaska...im thinkin they should check oot 'e trinky in 'e hight o' summer, they'd ken all aboot bein cowld then!!!

anyway, thot i wid pop by an make ye's all jealous. will stop by later an rub it in some more...

mam, ye wid luv til live here, dad....ye couldna afford'ed :lol:

anyway, as ye's are 8 oers aheid 'o us, i hev some more wine til devour an catch 'e sunset.....

au revoir, amego's x x x

20-Jul-10, 05:57
Hi Trix, Not jealous at all. It has (rained) down here off an on for about 3 weeks.

The sea is a balmy 8 degrees an life is ace :Razz

20-Jul-10, 05:58
Ye should be by e' river in Weik not livin' it up!!

Kevin Milkins
20-Jul-10, 06:12
Sounds like fun,Trix. Will you be back for the curry night on Thursday?;)

Have a good one.:Razz



John Little
20-Jul-10, 07:32
Are you giving them the dialect?

I bet they'd love it!

Have a great time.

20-Jul-10, 07:51
Sounds like you are having a great time my wee pal!cant wait to see the photos!x

20-Jul-10, 10:59
hi kid
yer something else [lol] they dinna ken fit yer saying on here never mind in seattle. will see the photos tony
ps hev met a wicker yet ???

20-Jul-10, 16:09
Alki Avenue eh.... I'll be visiting Stoner Boulevard this evening.

20-Jul-10, 17:29
Must be a nice place - Jimmy Hendrix was born there

and no doubt you was named after him? :)

20-Jul-10, 18:41
Glad you're having a good time in the US of A!:D

When you come back will you speaking Caithness wi an American twang?:lol:

20-Jul-10, 19:49
Hi Trix, thot there was someone missing at work ....just could nae figure out who it wiz :lol:

glad your having fun , every one been asking if i heard fae you, will tell all you are well.

enjoy xx

20-Jul-10, 19:50
Sounds like fun,Trix. Will you be back for the curry night on Thursday?;)


sorry kev, il be here for 2 weeks so il be missin' 'e curry nite...at's one thing that's hard til come by o'er here, is a guid curry.

Are you giving them the dialect?

'e guys am stayin' wi' are originally fie weik so they can understand me fine, his wife an kids hev no idea fit am sayin, or fowk i meet in 'e bar....not a clue!!

ps hev met a wicker yet ???

no yet tigh, at's 'e beauty o'ed. kenin that there is no-one aroond that il ken. am usually home seik efter choost a few days o' bein awie, ifanow it's a great thing that am over 5000 miles fie home, 'iss time next week i mite feel different aboot'ed tho.
cos am stayin in a hoose wi' a real life faimly, rether than a hotel, its lek am caught up in a episode o' Roseanne or somethin. its some experience, hearin them chat aboot work an dental appointments....its so real life!

Must be a nice place - Jimmy Hendrix was born there:)

now, that i didna ken an am a huge fan o' 'e hendrix. must ask a few locals aboot 'at, see if there is a sight fans can go til.

anyway, am gona go lie back, read ma book on 'e veranda...wait for 'e sun til come oot so i can change in til ma bikini, catch some rays an hev a wee dip in 'e pool. ma pal hes choost announced that he's goin til make curry for enite...anither thing til look forward til.

thanks for all yer guid wishes guys....catch ye's later - hi dad x x x x

will venture in til 'e city, tomorrow perhaps. tell ye's all aboot'ed ;)

John Little
20-Jul-10, 20:00

Just enjoy!! ;)

Thomas Farmer
21-Jul-10, 15:21
Am choost thinkin, e' money Trix's dad is saving wie her being ore e' pond, he micht be able till afford a holiday himsel

21-Jul-10, 15:30
hope yer hevein eh time oh yer life lol :Razz:Razz

Margaret M.
21-Jul-10, 15:34
Am choost thinkin, e' money Trix's dad is saving wie her being ore e' pond, he micht be able till afford a holiday himsel

LOL, I hope dad gets her car sparkly clean and all ready for her return.

21-Jul-10, 16:51
You sound like your having a great time.:D

Your not missing much here....only rain,rain and more rain;feels more like autume here.:roll:

22-Jul-10, 06:47
LOL, I hope dad gets her car sparkly clean and all ready for her return.

och aye margaret, hes guid lek 'at ;)

hed anither fab day, sun came oot early aday, went oot an' cooked for a while, front an back....less white bits 'e better.

went intil 'e city til check oot 'e library in madison street earlier, it wis...wait for'ed.....amaaazing!! everythin's amaaazing o'er here, or...awesome. or soo beautiful an...really cool - thur so funny :lol:

hev seen some truly wicked sites, lek little dowgs wi' sunglesses an little hats on. people run all 'e time, pushin 'e prams oot infront o' them. iv seen some beautiful burds an sum fit guys. fat burds in bikinis, lek really fat!! :eek:

i seen a guy get arrested 'e ither day, he wis butt naked....probly 'e reason he got arrrested. i hed til put ma eyes back in ma heid!!!

goin til get a tattoo on friday (dina kill me dad) wis thinkin o' a wee broon pentacle on ma wrist. 60 dollars, maybe il get a discount if i ask for 2. (dad, its all 'e rage ifanow)

gona go an chill oot on 'e veranda for a while wi' ma book an' some wine for a while, its only quarter til 10 ifanow.

speak soon. will someone (dad tell mam) that am thinkin aboot ma grany x x

22-Jul-10, 09:58
Gosh Trix ur makin me jealous. But i looked out the window and its sunny here so that makes me feel a bit better! ;)

Hope ur havin a brill time. R u missing scottish food yet tho? :lol:

22-Jul-10, 10:20
I'm not jealous............honest [evil]

Have a good time :D

Mrs Bucket
22-Jul-10, 10:31
Thanx for sharing looking forward to the next installment:)

Thomas Farmer
22-Jul-10, 16:06
I don't think yur dad will be too happy aboot e' tat's, in fact, a ken he'll no be happy.
remember twa weeks ago id wis goin till be a Cat, then by all accoonts ye hed second thoughts, now id's goin til be a Tat, wonder fit id will be nixt week.
yull be puttin yur dad till e' laryandy afore he's ready, an he's sic a fine soul

22-Jul-10, 16:37
Go ahead and get a tattoo Trix, just dont go covering up that beauty spot on your bahookey that I love so much ;)

22-Jul-10, 17:40
Wur Trixie’s in United States
We’re really, really jealous
She’s eying up the talent there
The muscle-flexing fellas
Oor Caithness-speakan finest filly
Saw a bloke was acting silly
Nabbed by fuzz for showing willy
Trix closed eyes, she’ll tell us

There’s folk so fit and healthy there
Who train and watch the scales
And some that’s just gigantic and
Look just like beaching whales
Though sun is shining every day
Take swim in cauld Alaskan spray
Like paddling roond ‘e Trinkie way
Makes nips stick oot like snails

Noo choost last week wur Trixie was
Intending buying cat
But now she’s in the new world she’s
Considering a Tat
A nice wee neat one, no’ too bad
She’s worried what will say her Dad
Will he choost roll eyes, or go clean mad
And chase her wi’ a bat

She’s planning on her right-hand cheek
A tiny bumble bee
DeHaviland is worried that
She will not let him see
It’s just not right, it sure is wrong
To string the poor old chap along
We’ll wonder, in behind her thong
How marked her Bum will Be

She got her new bikini from
‘E Wickers best boutique
The latest fashion hauds her boobs
Hot stuff from Maronique
Seattle’s boys are no like Wick’s
The choice is spilin’ puir wee Trix
And now she’s found she likes Hendrix
While drinking gin and tonic

So roond the pool she’s lying out
All cool and langouroos
A’reading all the catalogues
While sooking ice-cold juice
Will she be smart or really dumb
Her Dad & Gran will curse and some
At skull and crossbones on her bum
She will get dowg’s abuse

Oh Trix, please keep us up to date
We're jealous of oor lass
Tell stories of adventures and
How often you drain glass
But have a care DeHavilland
Is fast becoming quite unmanned
At thought of bits that are not tanned
Around about your ass

24-Jul-10, 00:37
laughin ma ass off tubs, a topper!! (cana spare a smilie face)

so....i got ma tattoo aday, went all by masel. its choost a little one, on 'e inside o' ma wrist (i can hear ma faither roarin fie here) dad, am 31 now an ye hev thum all o'er yer airms, an even on yer han's...an iv always lekt yers. do as i say...no as i do eh? :roll: (kiss kiss)

it wisna even sore, i could o' dun'ed stan'in on ma heid!! mite even go back for anither aine before i get home :Razz (am choost windin ye up now)

anyway, went til 'e space needle yesterday, it wis prity cool lek, tasted tigh food for 'e very first time, an hed a huge slice o' pizza, beeger than ma whole face!!

some guy came up til us an said he wrote a poem for 'e world an' wid we mind listenin. ok, we said...an it wis a nice poem aye, all aboot love an life an stuff, aboot 40 seconds long. we telt him it wis guid aye, an he said he wrote it so that he could earn some money for food!! :roll: rip off merchant...gave him a dollar.

anyway, iv bin lyin in 'e sun all afternoon wi' ma wrist in a wee bandage so it didna get burnt. forgot til apply sun cream til ma bum...ye can guess what am goin til say aboot at!!!!

headin til 'e pub for a cowld beer now, will stand for a while til 'e heit comes awie fie ma ass.
hed a wild feed o' bacon an eiggs. 'e bacon isna 'e same o'er here, all streaky wi' fat. niver mind, beggers cana be choosers eh?

later....luv ye dad, an mam x x x x x x

25-Jul-10, 01:14
hey fowks (hi dad)

ok, so...am regretin 'iss tattoo already, aw shite...am thinkin, fit hev ah dun!! :eek:

if i hed only drew it on masel for a few days first, i widna hev dun'ed.....it choost keeps catchin ma eye 'e whole time!! niver mind, i hev ma whole life time til get used til'ed....ok, so ye wis rite dad (damn'ed) :mad: (he's always rite...!)

hed a really cool day aday, went til 'e 'pike market' its called. got some really cool stuff for some really cool people. miranda, ye are included on 'at list ;) met a scottish burd fie beauly, her name is claire. i got a wee free sample o' some salve stuff fie her.

gona chill oot now by 'e pool now. hev til wear ma one piece as i burnt ma whole ass an a bit o' ma back. it wis 'e bits i couldna reach masel.....

nivermind, loadds o' talent lyin by 'e pool. gona see if i can turn a few heids....

later guys - luv luv luv dad x x x x

25-Jul-10, 01:23
You sound as if you are having a great time....apart from the burnt bits!!!!!
Keep on enjoying yourself and I am sure you will turn some of those heads no trouble at all....a Caithness charmer like you...go on girl, you just have a super great time and bring us all back some sunshine.:)

25-Jul-10, 12:10
sounds like your having fun trix :) looking forward to all the nitty gritty when you come back.

havn't told them at work you got a tat, but did tell them you burnt your bum!! every one asking for you , keep them up- dated from your posts on here.

keep enjoying yoursel, but get some of eh talent by the pool to put extra sun cream on your bits!!

take care x

26-Jul-10, 04:15
hey guys, hed a fab day aday, lyin by 'e pool. met a cute guy last nite, so we hev a date enite. his name is alex an he is a twin, i da mind if he brings his brither along too, as he is gorgeous ;)

lay back catchin 'e rays all day long. these dudes hev a sweemin pool as their front gairden an its nice til watch 'e people go by on their long boards, an all 'e yachts in 'e bay, wi 'e mountains covered in snow in 'e backgroond. lots o' american flags an bags o' marajuana...bunch o' hippys really :cool:

scorrie...hevin a great time in 'e U.S, thanks for askin....also, thanks for 'e "friendly warnin" hed a guid laugh at 'at aine. am gled i caused ye 'no offence...personally'

however, i choost wondered when ye became a member o' 'e 'swearin police'?? ye say that ye are actin oot o' concern for ither people...i understand, but i wonder if ye think o' ither people when ye use a bit o' profanity yersel??

threid - "is weik growin or dyin?" post 5, word 24....

i keep up til date wi' yer posts, cos i lek thum, i recall ye askin someone lately if they were "oot their tits on magic mushrooms" - is 'at acceptable i wonder?
i also wonder if their are lek, levels o' power....far some people are allowed til use a wee sweary...an people who arna allowed, an people who are allowed til point it oot til ither people who are no allowed, but its ok for them til use them theirsels....a bit lek guid for 'e goose....but no for 'e gander!

i also wonder if ye go aboot checkin ivryone who uses a wee sweary now an again, or is'ed choost wee lascies......

its all a bit tedious, i ken aye....:roll: one ither thing scorrie, there wis a famous british athelete, a runner called gordon...i wondered if he wis a friend o' yers?

anyway, i hev a date...later guys...luv dad, tell mam i think aboot her, especially when i see "for rent" signs xx xx

luv til ye too miranda, an i ken yer readin 'iss, annie x x x x luv luv x x x x

26-Jul-10, 11:40
hey guys, hed a fab day aday, lyin by 'e pool. met a cute guy last nite, so we hev a date enite. his name is alex an he is a twin, i da mind if he brings his brither along too, as he is gorgeous
lay back catchin 'e rays all day long. these dudes hev a sweemin pool as their front gairden an its nice til watch 'e people go by on their long boards, an all 'e yachts in 'e bay, wi 'e mountains covered in snow in 'e backgroond. lots o' american flags an bags o' marajuana...bunch o' hippys really :cool:

scorrie...hevin a great time in 'e U.S, thanks for askin....also, thanks for 'e "friendly warnin" hed a guid laugh at 'at aine. am gled i caused ye 'no offence...personally'

however, i choost wondered when ye became a member o' 'e 'swearin police'?? ye say that ye are actin oot o' concern for ither people...i understand, but i wonder if ye think o' ither people when ye use a bit o' profanity yersel??

threid - "is weik growin or dyin?" post 5, word 24....

i keep up til date wi' yer posts, cos i lek thum, i recall ye askin someone lately if they were "oot their tits on magic mushrooms" - is 'at acceptable i wonder?
i also wonder if their are lek, levels o' power....far some people are allowed til use a wee sweary...an people who arna allowed, an people who are allowed til point it oot til ither people who are no allowed, but its ok for them til use them theirsels....a bit lek guid for 'e goose....but no for 'e gander!

i also wonder if ye go aboot checkin ivryone who uses a wee sweary now an again, or is'ed choost wee lascies......

its all a bit tedious, i ken aye....:roll: one ither thing scorrie, there wis a famous british athelete, a runner called gordon...i wondered if he wis a friend o' yers?

anyway, i hev a date...later guys...luv dad, tell mam i think aboot her, especially when i see "for rent" signs xx xx

luv til ye too miranda, an i ken yer readin 'iss, annie x x x x luv luv x x x x

I was simply offering some advice, via a personal message I might add. If you had a problem with that, it would have been appropriate to respond by personal message, rather than have a rant about it for all to see. Perhaps you feel you have an audience on here and need to play to them to show what a witty little "lascie" you are.

I checked the word you referenced. "Bloody" is not a sweary, neither is "tit"

I saw that you used the "s" word for excrement and simply wanted to bring it to your attention in case you got an infraction for it. Rest assured I won't bother doing so again. I may be mistaken and the word you used is acceptable on the org now? If that is the case, I would like to know, because I use the word in question out-with the org and would probably adopt it if it is not banned.

If you had the power of interpretation of the English language, you would be able to tell that the context in which I used the phrase regarding tits and magic mushrooms, was to compare it to looking at something through rose-tinted spectacles, therefore it was not aimed at any poster on the org. That is the difference between that use of language and what you have daubed on here, like a Maze prisoner on the walls of his cell with his own excrement, i.e. a highly personal attack for all to see.

There are no "levels of power" as you claim on the org, simply some words deemed more acceptable than others and, importantly, a vital difference between the way ANY words are used. You revel in the title of "Queen of the org" and have more pals here than I ever will. You need not worry about other users having more "power" than is at your disposal here. Your armoury is only limited by your wit and the class with which you can apply it. The latter still needs a bit of polishing ;)

ps I don't know which athlete you are referring to or how it ties in to anything, please expand.

26-Jul-10, 20:29
forget it scorrie...
i choost think yer a bit above yersel sendin me a secret message pointin oot ma wee sweary when yer fire-place is no so clean itsel. ye should take yersel off yer pedestal.
choost for 'e record, i da revel in 'e title o' "queen o' 'e org" 'at wis said in jest months ago, an was an "in" joke between masel a few ither people. nothin serious. im sure ye share some "in" jokes between yer own chums.

also, i think 'e word "bloody" is actually a swear word...as for "tits", weel, ats choost doon rite disrespectful an derogatory against wemin. why do ye feel 'e need til use 'e slang term for our woman breasts til express yersel? if yer rite an these words are acceptable on a public 'faimly' forum, then i widna be breakin any rules if i called ye a "bloody tit" not that i iver wid.....its not 'e context these words are said in, its 'e fact that they were said at all.

so we'l call a truce, i wilna use anymore swearys an ye dina be gien me anymore secret tickin offs, no matter how friendly they appear til be, i dina appreciate them.

so apart fie 'at, its anither roastin day in sunny seattle, not a cloud in 'e sky. gona lounge aboot 'e pool again. its ment til be a bit cooler tomorrow so il do some more explorin then.

i got a message fie home all aboot buts an' bens, an' clocks an' hens.....an ma mams no feelin weel. oh...is 'at 'e first feelins o' home seikness creepin in, i wonder? not only hev a got a burnt bum but ma clevage took a roastin yesterday too. i somehow forgot til go between 'e boobs, above an below aye, but no inbetween......:mad:

later guys ;) x x

27-Jul-10, 00:00
forget it scorrie...
i choost think yer a bit above yersel sendin me a secret message pointin oot ma wee sweary when yer fire-place is no so clean itsel. ye should take yersel off yer pedestal.
choost for 'e record, i da revel in 'e title o' "queen o' 'e org" 'at wis said in jest months ago, an was an "in" joke between masel a few ither people. nothin serious. im sure ye share some "in" jokes between yer own chums.

also, i think 'e word "bloody" is actually a swear word...as for "tits", weel, ats choost doon rite disrespectful an derogatory against wemin. why do ye feel 'e need til use 'e slang term for our woman breasts til express yersel? if yer rite an these words are acceptable on a public 'faimly' forum, then i widna be breakin any rules if i called ye a "bloody tit" not that i iver wid.....its not 'e context these words are said in, its 'e fact that they were said at all.

so we'l call a truce, i wilna use anymore swearys an ye dina be gien me anymore secret tickin offs, no matter how friendly they appear til be, i dina appreciate them.

so apart fie 'at, its anither roastin day in sunny seattle, not a cloud in 'e sky. gona lounge aboot 'e pool again. its ment til be a bit cooler tomorrow so il do some more explorin then.

i got a message fie home all aboot buts an' bens, an' clocks an' hens.....an ma mams no feelin weel. oh...is 'at 'e first feelins o' home seikness creepin in, i wonder? not only hev a got a burnt bum but ma clevage took a roastin yesterday too. i somehow forgot til go between 'e boobs, above an below aye, but no inbetween......:mad:

later guys ;) x x

No, we won't call it a truce. I sent a well intentioned personal message and you turned it into a tuppenny rant for your entourage to have a look at. I note that you have ignored totally the reference to a British Athlete. I asked where you were going with that and you haven't replied. I suspect the man in question is distance runner Gordon Pirie. As I already know that my Sister was married to Ron Pirie before she died, the only reason you could have mentioned the man would have been to try to allude to other orgers who I actually am. No problem there, I am David Sutherland and I live in Kennedy Terrace. My Mother is Baba Sutherland (nee MacKay) from Owen Place. If that helps you, or your fans, to know who I am then fine. I would post a photo but there are kids reading these pages I believe.

There are definitions on all words in any dictionary, maybe you might familiarise yourself with one someday. You would see that "bloody" and "tit" are neither slang nor vulgar, far less taboo. The word you used is classed as vulgar slang.

You are completely incorrect in stating that it is not the context that words are used in but the words themselves. If you had any knowledge of the English language you would see that context is everything. Many words have more than one meaning, therefore context is absolutely essential, even at the lower echelons of language use. The word "Take" had 76 definitions in the Collins Dictionary circa 1990.

I note that you said "not that I iver wid" in reference to calling me names. You have done a pretty good job of having a go at me here, based simply on a friendly word of advice, and I have not forgotten a personal rant you sent me, via PM. a few years ago when you were drunk and which you saw fit to apologise for later. Memories fade eh?

I don't need a truce with you. I can punch with the best of them and not resort to cheap references to relations. That is for those who lack class.

Here is a good product for those who tend to be unable to control their "Lip":-

For when it's best to shut your teeth:-


27-Jul-10, 00:19
this little forums abit like High Plains Drifter isnt it :)

Kevin Milkins
27-Jul-10, 08:29
It's all going wonky again.:confused

27-Jul-10, 15:02
It's all going wonky again.:confused

Trix has got to shut her teeth. :lol:

had to laugh at that:lol: never herasgfd taht before

George Brims
27-Jul-10, 18:58
they say its prity cowld in 'e water as they hev 'e flow o' 'e tide fie alaska...im thinkin they should check oot 'e trinky in 'e hight o' summer, they'd ken all aboot bein cowld then!!!
OK Trix, better go try this one before you come back. Just put a toe in. You'll see what they mean. That cold current from Alaska goes all the way down the coast to Mexico. The sea doesn't really get properly warm until you get down to the Southern end of California. Except in the height of summer, people on Southern California wear wetsuits to surf like they do in Caithness. I've been in the sea at Dunnet in MARCH and it is warmer than here (LA).

If you're planning to do anything further afield, take a run East to Lake Chelan - it's gorgeous scenery.

27-Jul-10, 19:25
hee hee scorrie, ye sure are funny when ye get all wound up....can choost see 'at little vain in yer foreheid poppin oot [lol]

i do recall apologisin til ye before, how dare ye fabricate that i wis druwnk...it was on 'e 2nd o' october, which wis a tuesday...at 1423 oers. now even ats a little early for me til be sippin 'e vino, especailly on a school day!!!

anyway, i take it all back....efter hevin read 'e apology (yes, i still hev'ed). im no sorry....ye wis bein a womans breast then an yer bein a womans breast now - comes so easy til some eh? think 'it wis due til anither one o' yer "friendly warnings" :roll:

anyway, as much as i luv readin yer replies...an as much as i ken ye enjoy writin them, im on holiday man, hev no more time til be frolicking wi' yer ego.

thanks for 'e advice george, i will dip ma toe in 'e sea when passin later. ye choost cana beat 'e sweemin pool, its choost roastin when ye get in.

i think wur gona heid over til canada tomorrow for a couple o' nites, venture intil victoria, see fit lek.
aday wur gona heid intil 'e city, go til science museum and 'e art gallery. wid love til go til a picture hoose, see a film. also, i wid love til go til a jazz nite. an cosco's for some pepper an coffee.

later guys...later scorrie ;) x x x

27-Jul-10, 20:41
Trix, ye are so funny! I like yer choice o words. Have a good time in Canada.


27-Jul-10, 21:35
Talking about boobs....
Aye but bright red burnt boobs and bum aint much fun!
So mind the suncream!
(best bung it on all over before you get dressed so you dont miss bits:lol:)
Ignore the fighting and enjoy your hols!
The fighting will still be here when you get back!
As for sweary words I have one lapsed infraction for ****ing out the oos in bloody! And it seems like you can use that word..oh well...
And you cannot use the word for putting holes in pastry with a fork in the recipe section and that isnt used as a sweary word!

27-Jul-10, 23:42
hee hee scorrie, ye sure are funny when ye get all wound up....can choost see 'at little vain in yer foreheid poppin oot [lol]

i do recall apologisin til ye before, how dare ye fabricate that i wis druwnk...it was on 'e 2nd o' october, which wis a tuesday...at 1423 oers. now even ats a little early for me til be sippin 'e vino, especailly on a school day!!!

anyway, i take it all back....efter hevin read 'e apology (yes, i still hev'ed). im no sorry....ye wis bein a womans breast then an yer bein a womans breast now - comes so easy til some eh? think 'it wis due til anither one o' yer "friendly warnings"

anyway, as much as i luv readin yer replies...an as much as i ken ye enjoy writin them, im on holiday man, hev no more time til be frolicking wi' yer ego.

thanks for 'e advice george, i will dip ma toe in 'e sea when passin later. ye choost cana beat 'e sweemin pool, its choost roastin when ye get in.

i think wur gona heid over til canada tomorrow for a couple o' nites, venture intil victoria, see fit lek.
aday wur gona heid intil 'e city, go til science museum and 'e art gallery. wid love til go til a picture hoose, see a film. also, i wid love til go til a jazz nite. an cosco's for some pepper an coffee.

later guys...later scorrie ;) x x x

School day? I didn't realise you were still at school but I can well believe it. Certainly there is evidence of a severe sagacity deficiency in your ramblings. You have failed to address points that I have raised regarding your motive behind some of your content and you have resorted to primary school name calling as a substitute for any real wit.

I find it a bit sad that you still have the apology, perhaps you kept it to remind yourself that it was hollow and that you needed to look at it from time to time in the hope that one day you might aspire to putting something sincere forward. I have my doubts regarding that capability.

I don't have a copy of your apology, I simply remember such matters. Just for the record, your rant via PM came on the back of a joke I made on a thread about Fairways. Your words were classless then and they are classless now. Bitterness and paranoia regarding other orgers having special powers pervades your posts. It was one of your old pals from the org who told me that your PM rant had been drink fuelled. I believe that the person in question would have the integrity to confirm that.

A final piece of advice, BP are doing enough to pollute the world's oceans as it is, there is no need for you to be adding to the problem:-

"i will dip ma toe in 'e sea when passin later"

Foosim!! ;)

28-Jul-10, 03:24
whativer scorrie...jeasus, yer lek a dowg wi' a bon'!!!! choost ye keep lordin'ed up. leave off 'e "friendly warnin's" via secret message tho, its really no yer place til han' thum oot.
i understand how important ye are on 'e org...but really :roll: yer startin til bore me now.

anyway :D hed anither fab day aday. went til science museum, it wis great fun. lots o' little experiments wi genetics an ither health and bodily related stuff. really fascinating. then went til a huge pub called pyramids. they do a mean fish supper, hed til take half o'ed home wi' me. their mad for doin 'at, 'e yanks. lots o' people walkin roond wi' little food boxes.

til answer yer question shell, da think il go for any more mexican or thai food, (hence 'e fish supper aday) hed a bit o' 'e scoot last few days. il hev ma mams lentil soup anytime, an ma dads....well, anything really - its all guid :D

startin til miss ma people a bit now tho, will be kinda gled when 'e end o' week comes. wild flight across 'e pond home tho, over 13 oers, then 8 oers in 'e train. wild eh??

wur still considerin canada tomorrow, for 2 days, choost tryin til get it all tilgither now. buses an water taxi's, ferrys an accomodation.

anyway, its still only half 7 at night here an 'e sun is still shinin bright, so gona get some margarita an take it oot on 'e deck, far all 'e fit guys are.

i hope ma mam is feelin better. miranda will ye check ma cover for amy macdonald concert? 18th, 19th august - thanks babe x x

luv luv dad x x x

29-Jul-10, 15:23
If you are in the vicinity of Toronto I am downtown and should you wish to break your homeward journey ample accommadation is available chez moi!

30-Jul-10, 02:05
If you are in the vicinity of Toronto I am downtown and should you wish to break your homeward journey ample accommadation is available chez moi!

hey rich, what a lovely offer, ats really nice o' ye!

we didna however, kwite get it tilgither til go til canada. we wanted til but 'e ferries left at funny times. no only really early in 'e mornin but we'd o' hed til stay a nite in port angelo's (or somewhere) 'e ither alternative wis 4 oers on a train....we decided til halt 'e plans for next time. its choost too irresistible lyin by 'e pool. talent is wicked!!! even hed a few snogs oot o'ed! ;)

iv hed a fab time tho, went intil south centre til a huge mall. seen macys, hed wur denner in bj's an then went til 'e picture hoose. watched salt wi angelina jolie, it wis rubbish - usual guy flick :roll:

but 'e nite before last i wis sittin by masel. all 'e people im stayin wi' hed gone til their beids.
i wis chillin oot, readin ma book (the mystical life o' jesus by sylvia broone), sippin ma vino, when some kids (girl an boy) scaled 'e fence til wur pool.
i choost minded ma own business an 'e guy shouted over if i minded if they smoked (thur so polite in 'at respect) i said i didna mind. they struck up conversation a litttle efter, an asked if i wanted to join in 'e "fun".
no really getin thum, i politly declined.
only efter i hed red a few more pages i realised they were hevin SEX!!!!!!! (in wur pool!!!!!!)

oh ma great gaudess....well, i didna ken fit til do!! i kwatly choost.....went intil 'e hoose an made a piece (an jam) for masel. fie what i wis hearin, i didna think they were goin til be very long...if ye get ma meanin!!!! ;)

when i came back they were choost feneshin off so i didna feel too uncomfortable. they waved guidbye an off they went...scalin 'e fence again! - aw, til be yowng again eh?

anyway, am off ifanow til chill by 'e pool. hev a drink waitin for me....later guys - luv luv luv dad (an mam) x x x x x x x x x

30-Jul-10, 08:32
Enjoy yourself, you will be home before you know it!
No smoking in the pool though:lol:

30-Jul-10, 09:12
You're no goin' in 'e pool now ur ye? Efter 'at yowng chiel's bin dreeblin in 'id? :eek:

30-Jul-10, 17:54
You're no goin' in 'e pool now ur ye? Efter 'at yowng chiel's bin dreeblin in 'id? :eek:

no wie!!! eeeugh!!! :mad:

am stayin clear o' 'e pool, da want til A. get pregnant or B. get an infection in ma tattoo!

i telt 'e people o' 'e manor but they didna seem too bothered. "were they fit people" is fit 'e biygie asked, an "how late wis 'at" is fit 'e lady o' 'e manor asked!!! :lol:

if thur no botherd then nor am i. i hev got a bit o' a cowld sore ifanow. i wis thinkin maybe i burned it wi' 'e sun, now am thinkin somethin else!!!

there is a really nice lady fie Bulgaria called christina, who goes sweemin most days, am wonderin if i should tip her off?? maybe say nothin eh?

aw, its ma second last day, wur goin to a huge store aday...in fact, ats ma call - later x x x

31-Jul-10, 19:36
Can I just say I love your posts Trix. This thread though, is a cracker. I'm sure its given everyone, well almost everyone, a good laugh. You could write a book.
Be sure to enjoy your last day in the US and safe journey home:D

31-Jul-10, 21:04
Can I just say I love your posts Trix. This thread though, is a cracker. I'm sure its given everyone, well almost everyone, a good laugh. You could write a book.
Be sure to enjoy your last day in the US and safe journey home:D

Ive enjoyed it as well. If you do write a book though can you do it in subtitles. Time for my medication now methinks.;)

01-Aug-10, 02:42
aw, thanks for sayin guys :D

weel, 'iss is ma last post afore i heid o'er 'e pond :~(

its bin fab but am ready til hit ma hom' toon, far ivryone kens ma nyme. an see ma people again..an ma grany, i mist her...alot. got a bit emotional last nite, thinkin aboot her. wis checkin oot 'e mountains an got a bit overwhelmed. she's so special til me...(an i wisna a little bit druwnk...oh no...)

i leave tomorrow mornin an get back in weik on monday nite - dad, wil ye come an pick us up?
da ken how am gona manage on 'e plane...i burnt masel mind, an its started til peel...spend all ma time scratchin ma bum!

wur hevin a huge poker party enite, lots o' guests hev started til arrive. am drinkin reid wine an champagne....thot i better write now before i get druwnk an...eh...get kerried awie an start til annoy people again!!

so, au revoir peoples, its bin cool communicatin wi' ye's all, thanks for 'e lovely pm's an guid reps. made me feel at home, even tho am thousands o' miles awie.

later guys x x x x x x x x

01-Aug-10, 20:56
We had a great time hosting you and brother and will look forward to seeing you again. You brought a vibrant bit-o-Week with you and it was fun to listen to the words and accent from Wick.....its been a long time for me.

Anyway, keep warm and dont pull too much skin of yer bum

02-Aug-10, 00:09
Fabulous thread trix. :)

I had a similar experience with pool interlopers on my hols. I was lying alone by the pool with my book when they came in and said hello. There were two blokies and one lassie and they were all over each other. I don't think they reached the parts yours reached but I upped and left before I had a chance to find out for sure. :eek:

02-Aug-10, 00:59
I have to say I'm quite disappointed you're coming home trix. Your holiday posts were so entertaining.:cool: Haven't had such a good laugh for ages. There's only one word to describe you "priceless". Safe journey home and I'll hopefully see you soon.:)

Did try to good rep you......but it's the old "spreading it around problem" rearing it's head again.

02-Aug-10, 12:07
Well...she's back on Scottish soil if not quite home yet!

Let the fun commence.;)


02-Aug-10, 12:18
Well...she's back on Scottish soil if not quite home yet!

Let the fun commence.;)


Good to see your name on here karia. It's been far too long coming. I can't see too much work being done by trix once she's back. It will be a repeat performance of the holiday tales. The " mannies and wifies" will love them.[lol]

02-Aug-10, 12:27
Thank you venture...am not back though, I just keep a weather eye on my loved ones lek a guid auntie should.:D

02-Aug-10, 12:59
Nice to see you back for a wee visit Karia,and a 3k orger and all!;) x

02-Aug-10, 14:14
Thank you venture...am not back though, I just keep a weather eye on my loved ones lek a guid auntie should.:D
You've dipped your toe now, be a devil and jump in. On second thoughts.....;)

02-Aug-10, 14:45
You've dipped your toe now, be a devil and jump in. On second thoughts.....;)

Lordy no babe....there be sharks in them there waters and I want to keep a full complement of toes..and marbles! ;)

Thumps.....don't encourage me lovely.xxx

Over and out!

02-Aug-10, 16:38
. I can't see too much work being done by trix once she's back. It will be a repeat performance of the holiday tales. The " mannies and wifies" will love them.[lol]

ermmmm not too much work being done ...i dont think so , we saved all the good jobs for her , as for the stories ..think we may need to edit them a wee bit lol, although everyone wants too see her sunburn ..lol:)

02-Aug-10, 18:29
Lordy no babe....there be sharks in them there waters ...
There was more than sharks in them there waters, the durty divvils! :eek:

Kevin Milkins
02-Aug-10, 18:50
You've dipped your toe now, be a devil and jump in.

Go on, you know it makes sense.;)

02-Aug-10, 19:41
cant wait to see the photos Hun! x

02-Aug-10, 20:45
Thank you venture...am not back though, I just keep a weather eye on my loved ones lek a guid auntie should.:D
neverthless karia its good to see your still on the ball .take care x tony

10-Aug-10, 18:33
so, i thot i better conclude iss thried before i start ma new one (av bin busy doin some home improvements)

obviously i got home safe an sound, 'e train journey fie edinburgh til weik wis 'e worst. i thot i wis niver (iver) goin til get home.

i foned ma dad an asked him if he wid pick me up at 'e station. he said he wid leave ma car for me at 'e station an put ma keys in 'e visor.

i said, ok then...il choost...catch up wi' ye's sumither time then [disgust]


see, i wis half considerin applyin for a 6 month visa til work in e states. but then i thot, i da ken if i could move so far fie ma faimly for so long, wur very close, ye see.

well, efter he said 'at i thot, "humph.....mibbe wur no so close efter all! right, how do ye go aboot 'iss whole visa thing....?" [evil]

aw...but sure as anythin, he wis ayre at 'e station an took me home an fed me a wild plyte o' spagball (ma favourite) then when i went home ma mam hed got some shoppin in an flooers for me...an tidied up - looks lek am stayin put...for now anyway :D

so, i choost wanted til thank ivryone for contributin til ma thried an all 'e pm's an guid reps. ye's lot really made ma holiday somethin special.

i also wanted til thank paulie an his faimly for puttin up wi' me (us) i really hed a fantastic time. really, really enjoyed masel. it wis 'e holiday o' a lifetime an if iver i can return 'e favour - i will. luv til ye an yer faimly paulie, ye's are really lovely people x x x

10-Aug-10, 18:55
Fair chuffed til ken e hed such a gran' time in e States lassiegay !! ;)

Here a' canna do e accent as good as ee' can....... :lol:

Kevin Milkins
10-Aug-10, 19:30
Glad to hear that you got home safe and well, trix.:Razz

I was thinking this morning that you had been a bit quiet of late and was wondering if you had arrived home safe. We are looking forward to tales of the big apple at the next curry night.;)

10-Aug-10, 19:41
Welcome home.....did you bring a bag o' sunshine....hope so.:)

10-Aug-10, 20:26
Glad to hear that you got home safe and well, trix.

I was thinking this morning that you had been a bit quiet of late and was wondering if you had arrived home safe. We are looking forward to tales of the big apple at the next curry night.;)

thanks kev, i look forward til'ed :D

it wisna a bad day aday, teeny. i did take some pictures o' 'e sun. for those whose forgotten fit'ed looks lek!
no meanin til rub'ed in, but i hev got some tan :Razz minus 'e white bits lek!