View Full Version : lament for ASDA

29-Jun-06, 13:53
O woe is me, oh woe is me,
Alack, and woe is me
If it wisna for the cooncilors
rejection widna be

It fell aboot the month o’ June
When fields are wet wi’ dew
The cooncil thought that ASDA
Wid spoil their bonny view

Four voted nae, four voted aye
And wan voted wance more
And that wan vote has made us mad
An caused an org uproar

O woe tae ee, ma bonny man!
What notoriety do ee seek?
For yer cruel vote will force
The shoppers through till Week!

No yet this shining summer
When the tree is full of leaf
But just about the autumn time
They’ll maybe get reprieve

And then ASDA and TESCO
Can clash their swords wance more
No longer in the city streets
But on the Pentland shore.

29-Jun-06, 13:55
I've got the music half written already.. Weel said.

29-Jun-06, 13:58
Will you sing it at your next 'bash'?

29-Jun-06, 13:58
Well done Katarina! You have a poem for everything! Ann

29-Jun-06, 13:59
Look forward to that one!

29-Jun-06, 13:59
weeeel....I was suppose to be entering invoices! Better get back to it!

29-Jun-06, 13:59
Will you sing it at your next 'bash'?

For you, anything. I'll sing it if it will ensure you come back.(Whit a sook!!!)

29-Jun-06, 14:01
Great one again Katarina

29-Jun-06, 14:06
:D Thats really great, Katarina! Keep them coming.

29-Jun-06, 15:37
Another lovely one Katarina - you'll soon have enough for a wee book!