View Full Version : Asda's appeal

28-Jun-06, 21:15
When Asda's appeal comes up at the highland Planning meeting in inverness,i think we should all hire a coach and attend the meeting to show our support. In fact we should have a few coaches , the more the merrier, and let councillors know we mean business!!

Mr P Cannop
28-Jun-06, 21:21
could some one let me know when the meeting is ??

28-Jun-06, 21:23
What's more important... can someone let the Councillors know! :lol:

28-Jun-06, 23:05
Why? You bringing the pipe band as well?

28-Jun-06, 23:08
could some one let me know when the meeting is ??
It's on august 16th.

29-Jun-06, 07:49
I can see the full council turning it down. Asda has been turned down quite a lot especially in Inverness, the only place, will be is Tain.

Mr P Cannop
29-Jun-06, 07:54
lets all tale our support for asda down to the Inverness Planning meeting ??

29-Jun-06, 12:50
lets all tale our support for asda down to the Inverness Planning meeting ??
This is a matter that concerns people in Caithness so why hold the meeting in Inverness!! They know that most people will be unable to attend because of work commitments, its a ploy and another day out shopping for councillors to do their shopping at our expense!!

29-Jun-06, 13:48
This is a matter that concerns people in Caithness so why hold the meeting in Inverness!! They know that most people will be unable to attend because of work commitments, its a ploy and another day out shopping for councillors to do their shopping at our expense!!

No offence meant Clash, but don't you think you are being just a little too vociferous in slagging off the councillors? Be careful it does not land you in trouble for being slanderous.

29-Jun-06, 13:52
No offence meant Clash, but don't you think you are being just a little too vociferous in slagging off the councillors? Be careful it does not land you in trouble for being slanderous.
If I don't call it as I see it I will be lying to myself. Some one has to say it.

29-Jun-06, 15:55
nothing slanderous about your post clash, its called freedom of speech.

29-Jun-06, 16:29
After the way that these councillors have been treating their constituants hate mail should be the last thing these numpties should worry about, as for YOU Smith you are a discrace to the county, I would be very suprised if you didn't recieve some financial insentive for your vote, if you didn't then the way you voted shows a complete lack of understanting as to the needs of this county and therefor you should resign at once, you councillors are too busy worrying about taxing us to breaking point and don't spend enough time actualy trying to improve our county!!!
What is going on in your head man! damn right you should be getting hate mail! after all its not like you were sent a huge bill for services NOT rendered. Waken up man! You lot have ruined this county and you should be held responsable!!

No, but some comments could be seen to be less than helpful....

I ask again, would the response of some people in the forums and in Caithness be as passionate if the issue was involving health service cuts?

How long did the fight have to go on for the maternity unit?

Some are getting their knickers in a twist over a supermarket planning application! What happens when they want to REMOVE a vital community service......


29-Jun-06, 17:23
No, but some comments could be seen to be less than helpful....

I ask again, would the response of some people in the forums and in Caithness be as passionate if the issue was involving health service cuts?

How long did the fight have to go on for the maternity unit?

Some are getting their knickers in a twist over a supermarket planning application! What happens when they want to REMOVE a vital community service......

I had to drive an old tattered work van at speed with my wife in labour and screaming in pain at 3 in the morning 110 nerve shattering miles to Inverness because there were no facilities available in wick hotspital and no ambulance available either, so much for vital services! Any way the whole Asda thing is just the straw that broke the camels back, I recieved a reply from an email I sent to Smith and I find it VERY MUCH LACKING, if the application had any details that didn't meet with their approval then the council should have offered to work with them on ironing out these details rather than voting against it, as I said in an email to him, what if Asda decide not to appeal and go elsewhere ? then we will have missed our opertuinity.

29-Jun-06, 17:37
No, but some comments could be seen to be less than helpful....

I ask again, would the response of some people in the forums and in Caithness be as passionate if the issue was involving health service cuts?

How long did the fight have to go on for the maternity unit?

Some are getting their knickers in a twist over a supermarket planning application! What happens when they want to REMOVE a vital community service......


The maternity unit fight took so long due to the Health board not the lack of public support. The public support was amazing, something Caithness and North Sutherland should be very proud of. This fight was widely publisized and has been an example to others facing similair cuts throughout the country.

I think its a case of getting someone to start the ball rolling. Tugmistress took the initative and started a petition and everyone followed suit. Asda may not be as big a deal as health service cuts, but alot of people are sick of the poor supermarket facilities up here and want what they see down the line.

People up here are always getting their knickers in a twist over something, but it needs someone to stand up and get a campaign going before anything will be done. I think we may see more campaigns in the future due to forums like this, where groups of people can discuss a subject and decide that something needs to be done. Lets hope so anyway, in this day and age you have to stand up and be counted if you want something.

29-Jun-06, 17:43
We could start our own independant party, The Orgers, DrSzin is good at organising things, so he could be campaign manager.

Any takers for the candidates????:roll:

29-Jun-06, 17:45
Sorry to hear your experience - I hope all ended well.

The point I am trying to make is that some of the things which REALLY matter in such an isolated part of the UK as Caithness, hardly seemed to have caused a ripple on the local lochs, but something like the Asdabacle has the county up in arms wanting to lynch the councillors who voted "no".

I don't know what the current situation is with the ambulance service in Caithness but to not have one (if that is still the case) is absolutely unacceptable just as not having a maternity unit and expecting soon-to-drop mothers to travel to Inverness.

But suggest your supermarket might not get built.........

29-Jun-06, 19:38
Sorry to hear your experience - I hope all ended well.

The point I am trying to make is that some of the things which REALLY matter in such an isolated part of the UK as Caithness, hardly seemed to have caused a ripple on the local lochs, but something like the Asdabacle has the county up in arms wanting to lynch the councillors who voted "no".

I don't know what the current situation is with the ambulance service in Caithness but to not have one (if that is still the case) is absolutely unacceptable just as not having a maternity unit and expecting soon-to-drop mothers to travel to Inverness.

But suggest your supermarket might not get built.........

You seem to be suggesting that the maternity unit campaign was somehow less strong than the ASDA one but in fact it was a huge effort with demos. and all sorts of activities by vast numbers of people and a successful outcome. Did you miss this or am I misunderstanding?

29-Jun-06, 20:27
You seem to be suggesting that the maternity unit campaign was somehow less strong than the ASDA one but in fact it was a huge effort with demos. and all sorts of activities by vast numbers of people and a successful outcome. Did you miss this or am I misunderstanding?

Not at all Badger - I am no way intending to belittle the huge effort of the maternity unit campaign, nor any of those involved. I was 100% behind the campaign. I also know someone involved in it.

Nor would I wish to 'mock' (I can't think of the appropriate word) anyone campaigning for the retention of vital public services in Caithness. Why should the residents of one of the UK's most far flung corners be downgraded to third world equivalent healthcare.

I am just bemused that there is such a furore over the refusal of a supermarket planning application. It's not as if there is a complete lack of them in Caithness. Sure, choice is good, but such passion over a supermarket?

30-Jun-06, 01:36
We could start our own independant party, The Orgers, DrSzin is good at organising things, so he could be campaign manager.Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I think the campaign manager should be a local Orger not an EdinbOrger.

30-Jun-06, 17:58
Not at all Badger - I am no way intending to belittle the huge effort of the maternity unit campaign, nor any of those involved. I was 100% behind the campaign. I also know someone involved in it.

Nor would I wish to 'mock' (I can't think of the appropriate word) anyone campaigning for the retention of vital public services in Caithness. Why should the residents of one of the UK's most far flung corners be downgraded to third world equivalent healthcare.

I am just bemused that there is such a furore over the refusal of a supermarket planning application. It's not as if there is a complete lack of them in Caithness. Sure, choice is good, but such passion over a supermarket?

That's funny - thought my post had got lost in the ether as I got a "page not found" and then there it wasn't. Anyway - yes we do have supermarkets but I for one am fed up with empty shelves, rotten fruit and vegetables and general lack of choice. In my innocence I actually thought the threat of Tesco and Asda might result in more effort by Somerfield and Co-op but nothing has changed. As for other goods, like clothes, there's been enough said by other orgers about early closing, half days, lunchtime closing etc. We need shops that will cater for those who work normal hours and can't shop between 9.30/1.0 and 2.0/5.0.

01-Jul-06, 13:46
nothing slanderous about your post clash, its called freedom of speech.

I agree, it's about time they were brought to account!


03-Jul-06, 11:24
been told to delete

03-Jul-06, 14:48
These are the names and addresses of the councillors who will have a vote on the Asda Planning when it goes to Headquarters.

Try to explain how it works - the Caithness councillors who did not agree with the decision ie Cllr MacDonald and co had to ask for it to be reviewed at (what could be describe as) the 'parent body' to our local planning committee, that being the Planning, Development, Europe and Toursim Committee known as the PDET committee. All four local councillors who disagreed with the decision had to get (?) another 4 councillors who were on the PDET committee to support this. This has been done and submitted so basically it will come to their committee in August.

This happens fairly frequently on bigger issues such as school closure/relocation, windmills, etc usually things where the community is split so it is not unusual.

There will be a fresh look at the whole application. If anyone would like to make their views know either for or against ASDA they can do it by contacting these people. They can send each one individal letters to their homes (in the run up to the meeting), or a letter to Director of Planning (ASAP) and ask that it be put in the papers for that meeting.

In a recent case regarding the location of Connon Primary they had two books (both as thick at a telephone directory) one was the objectors and one from the supporters. Even if councillors dont read them all it gives them an idication of the interest that topic has raised in the community. You can also email them if you want the email address is always their first name.last name. [email protected] ([email protected])

if you want to write letters to them all the most cost efficient way is to write on to each of the councillors and then send them all in one envelope to Members Services, Glenurquart Road, Inverness. They all have a docket and it will be put in it. They are emptied each week and the contents sent to their home.

within each committee there is a chair and a vice chair who reside over the meeting just like Graeme Smith is the chair of our local meetings.

Chairman Sandy Park
Vice Chair Francis Keith
Alistair MacDonald, Roger Saxon, John Green, Graeme Smith, Duncan Allan, Alan Torrance, Richard Durham, Roy MacIntyre, Ewen Mackinnon, Val MacIvor, Michael MacMillan, Billy Barclay, John Laing, William Fulton (no email) Jack Sheils, Jimmy MacDonald, Ron Lyon, Clive Goodman, Jimmy Gray, Norrie Macdonald, Liz MacDonald, Basil Dunlop, Bill Clarke, Olwyn MacDonald, Drew Mcfarlane Slack,

These councillors come from all over the highlands and represent all nine areas so there is a balance.

The Chairperson of the whole entire council is Alison Magee.

all emails are as stated but with all small letters.

At the meeting any councillor can speak so you may want to send them all to any of the Caithness Councillors. Although anyone can speak and put forward their concerns/support the only councillors with a vote is the ones mentioned above.

John Rennilson is the Director of PDET his address is Headquarters, Glenurquart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

It is best to make them short and to the point, no more than 3-4 paras.