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View Full Version : Injured Bird- Anyone going to Ullapool?

12-Jun-04, 18:20
Is there anyone locally who cares for injured birds as I have found a young crow with a damaged wing?
It is in good health apart from this.


The Wildlife Hospital in Ullapool will take it but I need to get it there!

Can anyone help?

I know some people may think 'it's only a crow' but it's a living creature and it deserves a chance!

14-Jun-04, 17:09
Just the same as the lamb that the same crow would peck the eyes out of if it got the chance.

14-Jun-04, 17:40

14-Jun-04, 20:33
Just the same as the lamb that the same crow would peck the eyes out of if it got the chance.

Yeah, I can see your point. I would hate to think of a poor lamb being hurt. But at the same time, a crow is still an animal and it's still in pain. If we are in a position to help any animal, and to ease their pain - shouldn't we do our best?

14-Jun-04, 20:46
I would never suggest leaving any animal in a state of alarm or pain. I am just saying that to some people crows are considered a pest and or vermin and there are humane ways of dealing with them...

14-Jun-04, 21:26
So any animal that we consider to be pest or vermin should be 'destroyed'?!!!!!!!!!!!

14-Jun-04, 23:26
So any animal that we consider to be pest or vermin should be 'destroyed'?!!!!!!!!!!!

Not what I am trying to say, but what would you do if your kitchen was infested with rats and or mice?

15-Jun-04, 00:17
Not what I am trying to say, but what would you do if your kitchen was infested with rats and or mice?

Moth balls worked for me - the mice didnt like the smell of them at all and just disappeared


15-Jun-04, 06:44
Brick it.

15-Jun-04, 12:08
I have four cats!!!!!

I have used a humane mouse trap in the shed. You catch the mouse alive and then release it where there are no houses.

Must try the mothballs! :D

15-Jun-04, 12:32
Support your local Ferral Cat, send it a mouse! :roll:

15-Jun-04, 17:08
Ahh the humane trap so the mouse gets shifted and then when it is looking to find its way back your cat ever so kindly rips the poor thing to bits whilst it is still alive. Most kind of you, I think I would rather a quick snap of a trap accross the back of my neck than death by kitty

15-Jun-04, 17:41
I can't seem to do anything right with you can I? :roll:

I saved a crow but I should have 'humanely' disposed of it in case it pecked a lamb's eyes! Now I shouldn't humanely trap and release a mouse in case a cat kills it!!!!!!!!!
At least by releasing the mouse I have given it a chance.

I don't like any animal being killed but I have to accept that certain animals DO kill others!
Nature can be very cruel. :~(

I just do what I can to ease the suffering of any animal I can and for that I most certainly do not apologise!

I am glad to see that you don't like animals to suffer either and I hope very much that you support some animal charity?

15-Jun-04, 20:15
You are right I do not support cruelty to animals, But at the same time I shoot and fish.
I am also quite happy to despatch an injured animal to put it out of its misery.
I am more likely to give money to animal and conservation charities than to a lot of other so called good causes.
Animals act on instinct and cats will always do what they do to mice, I on the otherhand would choose to rid myself of the problem with a less painfull way to the animal concerned. Just the same as I would with the trout that I am going to catch for my dinner.

I just do what I can to ease the suffering of any animal I can and for that I most certainly do not apologise!

I do the same we just have different methods of doing this. And you should certainly not apologise for doing what you believe is right. I am just trying to put another point of view across.

15-Jun-04, 22:16
Thanks! I appreciate that. :D


16-Jun-04, 11:42
So is anyone going to Ullapool? :roll: