View Full Version : Missing Councillors

Loch not Lock
28-Jun-06, 18:39
Thurso's most important vote for years and 2 councillors do not bother to turn up!!! I call on the "honourable" Katrina MacNab and William Mowat to come up with 100% proof as to why they did not attend the ASDA meeting. If they cannot provide such they must resign immediately. Thurso has no place place for those who sit on the fence to avoid controversy.
Get out now and make way for people who will represent Thurso in a fair and just manner.

28-Jun-06, 18:49
Thurso's most important vote for years and 2 councillors do not bother to turn up!!! I call on the "honourable" Katrina MacNab and William Mowat to come up with 100% proof as to why they did not attend the ASDA meeting. If they cannot provide such they must resign immediately. Thurso has no place place for those who sit on the fence to avoid controversy.
Get out now and make way for people who will represent Thurso in a fair and just manner.

Well, one of them was away in Mexico on Holiday, during term time toooooo!

28-Jun-06, 19:59
And she is on the education committee!!!!

28-Jun-06, 20:00
with the schools still open. tut tut. shame.

28-Jun-06, 20:01
Give her a break, if she isnt here she cant defend herself can she. Shes done plenty for Pulteneytown so before ye go slaggin her off remember that & no Im not her brother or relation

28-Jun-06, 20:07
Well, one of them was away in Mexico on Holiday, during term time toooooo! yeah and i wouldn't be suprised if she added her holiday to her expense account!
Alright for some, i won't be having a holiday this year, is it right that we are paying the wages of a councillor who, when needed is away galavantin in a sumbrairo!
I reckon the councillors are reelin from the re-action their insane decision recieved from our community on the org. I just hope that they are paying attention. they forget sometimes that they are working for us.
i can't wait till they come knocking on my door looking for votes!
They better make the most of their free trips to Inverness because it looks like they have blown their chances of being voted back in..hopefully.

28-Jun-06, 20:11
How do ye think that mate? Nobody stands against them, so of course theyre gona get back in again-UNfortunately in some cases.

28-Jun-06, 20:24
How do ye think that mate? Nobody stands against them, so of course theyre gona get back in again-UNfortunately in some cases.
What do ya think stone Roses , should I go for it? Should I stand for election? if I get in I would pass a law to bannish the previous councillors to Stroma, of course the collection of their wheelie bins would be that much more difficult so a significant hike in their council tax would be reqiured and any new stores that applied to open a store in stroma would have to meet the strictest criteria.

28-Jun-06, 20:30
Election 2006

Vote for councillors evicted to stroma
Vote for a shope in stroma
Vote for the wheelie bin king

28-Jun-06, 20:36
Election 2006

Vote for councillors evicted to stroma
Vote for a shope in stroma
Vote for the wheelie bin king
Excellent, when I get in its straight of to El Mexico! Teqiulas are on me!

28-Jun-06, 20:45
Excellent, when I get in its straight of to El Mexico! Teqiulas are on me!

Whos yer campaign manager? make it Spain & Ill vote for ye[lol] [lol]

28-Jun-06, 20:56
Whos yer campaign manager? make it Spain & Ill vote for ye[lol] [lol]
I'll get some shelf stacker from Asda to head ma campain, by the time I sober up I will be in and calling the shots. most of my expense account will be spent in Soho London because of all the important meetings I will have to attend but if I am needed in Thurso I will be able to pop up in my jet but this would mean a hike in council tax people will obviously complain but this will take up some of my drinking time to hear their complaints which will enevitably lead to a hike in council tax, to collect all this tax will take up a lot of organising and man hours which will lead to a rise in council...well you see where i'm goin wi this.

28-Jun-06, 21:10
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

Lord Acton, Historian, 1887

;) ;)

Loch not Lock
28-Jun-06, 22:15
Does anyone know where Mowat was on Monday????
He must resign.

Loch not Lock
28-Jun-06, 22:17
Mowat in Mexico or Thurso ????????

28-Jun-06, 22:17
He wasnt on my rig, the plot thickens...[lol]

28-Jun-06, 23:03
Surely they would've have known this vote was coming up and been able to let the commitee know which way they were going to vote(like a proxy vote)

29-Jun-06, 07:32
"Thurso has no place place for those who sit on the fence to avoid controversy.
Get out now and make way for people who will represent Thurso in a fair and just manner."

bit harsh considering that katrina mcnab is a councillor representing a wick ward.

29-Jun-06, 12:06
I think its a little unfair to blame two councillors who were not at the meeting, but had put in proper apologies.

From personal experience Billy Mowat serves his constituentcy and the Highlands well. Surely they are permitted to miss a meeting or two - as for resigning over a meeting you should waken up and smell the bacon "Loch not Lock".

I honestly dont think it was a case of -- asda vote lets miss that meeting.

Keep the blame to the ones you feel voted the wrong way.

29-Jun-06, 12:14
I think its a little unfair to blame two councillors who were not at the meeting, but had put in proper apologies.

From personal experience Billy Mowat serves his constituentcy and the Highlands well. Surely they are permitted to miss a meeting or two - as for resigning over a meeting you should waken up and smell the bacon "Loch not Lock".

I honestly dont think it was a case of -- asda vote lets miss that meeting.

Keep the blame to the ones you feel voted the wrong way.
Sorry Andrew but they should have not avoided such an important meeting!
We don't pay these people to go AWOL when they are needed most, I know Bill and although I wouldn't like to see him lose his job he should be made to at least explain his absence from what would be a major decision for the county..its pathetic.

29-Jun-06, 12:16
Councilors have to have holidays too.

29-Jun-06, 12:53
Councilors have to have holidays too.
No they don't!! They have made sure through their taxes that most of us won't be having a holiday, so no they don't have to have a holiday, get their job done properly and then maybe they can go on holiday!!

29-Jun-06, 13:03
"Thurso has no place place for those who sit on the fence to avoid controversy.
Get out now and make way for people who will represent Thurso in a fair and just manner."

bit harsh considering that katrina mcnab is a councillor representing a wick ward.
Is it harsh because she was going to be voting on a thurso matter.

29-Jun-06, 13:27
yeah and i wouldn't be suprised if she added her holiday to her expense account!
Alright for some, i won't be having a holiday this year, is it right that we are paying the wages of a councillor who, when needed is away galavantin in a sumbrairo!
I reckon the councillors are reelin from the re-action their insane decision recieved from our community on the org. I just hope that they are paying attention. they forget sometimes that they are working for us.
i can't wait till they come knocking on my door looking for votes!
They better make the most of their free trips to Inverness because it looks like they have blown their chances of being voted back in..hopefully.

The phrase " yeah and i wouldn't be suprised if she added her holiday to her expense account! " is not an acceptable one. As has already been said, Katrina works very hard for her money and is a credit to her post. She, along with all of us, is entitled to her holiday. After all, holidays are arranged way in advance and is it totally inconceivable that the two members who were absent really could not make it? Again, Billy Mowat is a very good representative and neither of them deserve the flak that is going their way.

Just because members are voted in, we do not own them. Yes, they are there to represent us and I am sure they do their best. Just because a percentage of people do not agree with their decisions does not make them wrong. Surely they made an informed decision base on what was put before them. Surely the time to make a fuss was before now by communicating with our representatives.

Do we really need to get so hysterical over a supermarket?

29-Jun-06, 13:29
Is it harsh because she was going to be voting on a thurso matter.Absolutely. And the furore would have been on the other foot if the planning application had been passed with all three Thurso councillors voting against. I have some sympathy for Graeme Smith's position - it's the three Thurso guys you want to have words with.

Surely they made an informed decision base on what was put before them.I would say not. Indeed, based on the furore this decision has caused, I would go further and suggest that the Thurso councillors failed miserably to communicate with their constituency in advance of the meeting.

29-Jun-06, 13:33
They are not missing, here they are get e-mailing them[disgust]

The ones you want are -
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

29-Jun-06, 17:24
Does anyone know why Mr Ewart proposed the planning application should be accepted, if it went against the town plan? I was always under the impression if something went against the town plan, the he would recommend the application be refused.

I also agree it is the Thurso Councillors our gripes should be with, no the missing Wick councillors.

30-Jun-06, 17:35
Surely they would've have known this vote was coming up and been able to let the commitee know which way they were going to vote(like a proxy vote)

hi not done this before so bear with me. Katrina MacNab here to defend myself regarding the flow of accusations - never been one to sit in silence.

We get the papers for a planning meeting usually on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the planning committee on a Monday. Although we know there is a planning meeting well in advance we have absolutely no idea what is coming up at the meeting until we get the papers. We do not see the detailed plans until the 15 minutes prior to the meeting. We are not allowed a proxy vote because we have to listen to the full arguement before we can make an informed decision based on the evidence and the debate that we have participated in.

When I went on holiday I had no idea that Asda was going to be coming up at that meeting.

I was flying home from my holidays on the day of the meeting. Yes I took my kids out of the school, but due to my husbands work commitments that was the only time we could go and whether you all agree or not I am entitled to a holiday and some quality time with my family. For clarification I paid for the holiday myself out of my salary I get for working, where incidentally I pay more tax than the so called 'wages' I get for being a counillor.

As you are aware the four councillors who agreed with the Asda have put forward along with 4 councillors from the PDET committee an appeal. I would suggest that it would be a good idea to inform the PDET Committee with a short, nice email your support for ASDA on the said location if you are so minded. I would also sugges that you may want to get as many people to do that as possible and the best time to do it would be the week before the meeting so there is a build up of community opinion at the time when they will be discussing it.

Someone may also want to organise to put petition forms in shops that are signed and have addresses of people who support ASDA in the said location. These could be forwarded to the Director of Planning a couple of weeks before the committee so they are also issued to the councillors sitting on PDET.

These are only suggestions.

Councillor Mowatt has also taken quite a slanging, in his defence I would like to say he is a damn good councillor and certainly fights the corner for Caithness. He has been consitstently voted back in by his ward even when he has had opposition.

People were considering going for councillor - I would say go for it, I did it because I was sick fed up that nothing was being done in Pulteney and Wick High. I have been involved in district heating system, Pulteneytown Regeneration Funding, Conservation Funding, Transfer of housing stock, All Weather pitch, upgrade of Rosebank Playing Fields and Airport House to name a few. It is a rewarding job and if it is for you go for it, or the local community council elections coming up. Young blood desperatley needed 'a mouth' is the only thing needed if I can do it anyone can do it.

The downside people think they 'own' you because you are paid 'tax payers money' even although I pay more tax than I get and work damn hard for less tax payers money than people who get tax payers money in the form of benefits and have never worked a day in their life.

They phone you morning, noon and night and expect you to drop everything, that you should know everything, and sort out some impossible situations.

You are rarely thanked, continually miscalled and always judged.

I hope this clears up a few matters, should anyone wish any further information please get in touch.


30-Jun-06, 17:55
I would like to congratulate Ms MacNab on her courageous and outspoken response, and on her many constructive suggestions. Some of the accusations made against her were utterly outrageous imo. Good on yer!

30-Jun-06, 18:01
I would like to congratulate Ms MacNab on her courageous and outspoken response, and on her many constructive suggestions. Some of the accusations made against her were utterly outrageous imo. Good on yer!

Hear, hear!

30-Jun-06, 18:03
Aye , on yerself Pepsi

30-Jun-06, 19:21
I would like to congratulate Ms MacNab on her courageous and outspoken response, and on her many constructive suggestions. Some of the accusations made against her were utterly outrageous imo. Good on yer!
Wow I wish all councillors had the guts that Councillor McNab has shown, and have the courage to come on an open forum, and say her peice. Well done Councillor

30-Jun-06, 19:34
She is a HIBBY

30-Jun-06, 19:54
She is a HIBBY

err, what's one of them highlander? :confused

and i agree wih Golach, Pepsi has guts, and i thank her for being big enough to come on here and put across her side :D

30-Jun-06, 19:55
But which way would she have voted and if it comes up at the next full council meeting will she indicated how she will vote.

Alice in Blunderland
30-Jun-06, 20:58
Well this is certainly a hot topic.I find the insults thrown at the councillors a little harsh.It is easy for us to sit back and take a shot at them from the sidelines but they do have a hard task to do.Its a case of damned if they do damned if they dont........I dont see a flood of people stepping forward to contest the councillors since they are doing such a poor job.Yes we voted them in but as has been said we dont own them they are entitled to holidays, sick days, and generally I cant be bothered days the same as the rest of us.Yes, they claim expenses, wouldnt anyone else if they were doing the same job?, we all claim expenses at work when we are entitled to or am I wrong. Do some people realy say no thats okay I will pay for that out of my own pocket, I think not.If the councillors have made such a bad decision then let them know sign petitions write them, join in as many protests as possible maybe the silent majority we hear about should find their voice and speak up.Pepsi I hope you enjoyed your holiday and Billy Mowat you have been a strong voice for us in the past and I am sure you will be in the future you may have missed this meeting but there have been many more where you have truly let your voice be heard keep up the hard work.

30-Jun-06, 21:07
Well done for coming on and explaining.

30-Jun-06, 21:13
Surely they would've have known this vote was coming up and been able to let the commitee know which way they were going to vote(like a proxy vote)

This was a Planning Hearing the Councillors are not entitled to vote unless they have attended all parts of the Hearing including any site visits.

I'll be interested to see how many of the folk on this forum who are slagging the Councillors stand for election next year. Perhaps they could state their real names on here so we know who has the courage of their convictions.

The Big Man

30-Jun-06, 21:53
the only councillors who will have a vote are the four from caithness who are on the planning commitee. It has been appealed by the Caithness councillors and goes to the planning committee which is made up of councillors from all nine areas. the rest of the councillors in caithness do not have an opportunity.

30-Jun-06, 22:10
Hi pepsi, i wasn't criticising you but i am still wondering why this important issue couldn't be postponed until all councillors were available. Just like to congratulate you on coming onto the Org with a response.

30-Jun-06, 22:12
the bigman some of us do use our real names(do you)

30-Jun-06, 23:35
Hi pepsi, i wasn't criticising you but i am still wondering why this important issue couldn't be postponed until all councillors were available. Just like to congratulate you on coming onto the Org with a response.

sorry strict code of conduct planning officer has to adhere to - it could be perceived as being corrupt. although I do sympathise. It

01-Jul-06, 00:02
"Katrina MacNab here to defend myself regarding the flow of accusations - never been one to sit in silence."

Good on you Katrina; hope you had a good holiday; you deserve it.

Margaret M.
01-Jul-06, 01:48
I would like to congratulate Ms MacNab on her courageous and outspoken response, and on her many constructive suggestions. Some of the accusations made against her were utterly outrageous imo. Good on yer!

I totally agree. Kudos to those in public service -- the pay they get by no means makes it worthwhile. It has to be disheartening to hear/read some of the criticism whilst trying to do the best job possible. If anyone thinks he/she can do better, then a run for election is in order.

01-Jul-06, 08:21
Katrina McNab suggests a petition is started in Thurso shops to support ASDA - do Turkeys vote for Christmas?

hi not done this before so bear with me. Katrina MacNab here to defend myself regarding the flow of accusations - never been one to sit in silence.

We get the papers for a planning meeting usually on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the planning committee on a Monday. Although we know there is a planning meeting well in advance we have absolutely no idea what is coming up at the meeting until we get the papers. We do not see the detailed plans until the 15 minutes prior to the meeting. We are not allowed a proxy vote because we have to listen to the full arguement before we can make an informed decision based on the evidence and the debate that we have participated in.

When I went on holiday I had no idea that Asda was going to be coming up at that meeting.

I was flying home from my holidays on the day of the meeting. Yes I took my kids out of the school, but due to my husbands work commitments that was the only time we could go and whether you all agree or not I am entitled to a holiday and some quality time with my family. For clarification I paid for the holiday myself out of my salary I get for working, where incidentally I pay more tax than the so called 'wages' I get for being a counillor.

As you are aware the four councillors who agreed with the Asda have put forward along with 4 councillors from the PDET committee an appeal. I would suggest that it would be a good idea to inform the PDET Committee with a short, nice email your support for ASDA on the said location if you are so minded. I would also sugges that you may want to get as many people to do that as possible and the best time to do it would be the week before the meeting so there is a build up of community opinion at the time when they will be discussing it.

Someone may also want to organise to put petition forms in shops that are signed and have addresses of people who support ASDA in the said location. These could be forwarded to the Director of Planning a couple of weeks before the committee so they are also issued to the councillors sitting on PDET.

These are only suggestions.

Councillor Mowatt has also taken quite a slanging, in his defence I would like to say he is a damn good councillor and certainly fights the corner for Caithness. He has been consitstently voted back in by his ward even when he has had opposition.

People were considering going for councillor - I would say go for it, I did it because I was sick fed up that nothing was being done in Pulteney and Wick High. I have been involved in district heating system, Pulteneytown Regeneration Funding, Conservation Funding, Transfer of housing stock, All Weather pitch, upgrade of Rosebank Playing Fields and Airport House to name a few. It is a rewarding job and if it is for you go for it, or the local community council elections coming up. Young blood desperatley needed 'a mouth' is the only thing needed if I can do it anyone can do it.

The downside people think they 'own' you because you are paid 'tax payers money' even although I pay more tax than I get and work damn hard for less tax payers money than people who get tax payers money in the form of benefits and have never worked a day in their life.

They phone you morning, noon and night and expect you to drop everything, that you should know everything, and sort out some impossible situations.

You are rarely thanked, continually miscalled and always judged.

I hope this clears up a few matters, should anyone wish any further information please get in touch.

If anyone knows Mr Cannop they can maybe let him know when he sends a courteous email I will send a courtees reply.

01-Jul-06, 08:56
Since a petition in shops in Thurso is hardly a great suggestion can you say how we contact the PDET and exactly who/what is/are this group. Incidently Katrina are you for the ASDA development and if here for the vote how would you have voted? Afterall the councillors who voted against cited local plan but actually voted against the local plan in the Tesco case!

01-Jul-06, 09:06
Leave the girl alone cattach, why attach the blame to her?? She is a very good councillor for her ward ie-Pulteneytown. Stop blaming her for Thurso`s shortcomings, Im sick of it, the woman had a very well earned hol with her hubby, Whats wrong with that? exactly NOTHING, He works on the rigs & ye cant pick & choose yer time off there. Rantover for now

01-Jul-06, 09:09
The local plan for the Tesco in Wick actually stated that the land was "disused land" "allocated for airport use" with " very few residential neighbours" . Permission was granted for the Tesco development as "the land is surplus to airport requirement". This land was not amenity land as is the ASDA site.

01-Jul-06, 10:05
Amenity Land?

It was tenanted farmland, which the owners (Thurso Bay Trading Co Ltd) decided could be a money earner for them. They ousted the tenant and whacked in a planning application for a Hotel on the land opposite the Pennyland Service Station. They failed, then decided to get in tow with Tullochs as they had significantly more experience on planning matters.
Oh and they opened up a field for peoples horses to back up the amenity land claim.

There is a grand scheme to all of this, I don't particularly care about the strip of land along to the Business Park, they can do what they like with it, stick a row of windmills if they want.

However, I will object strongly to anything along the Victoria Walk! Your Thoughts?

01-Jul-06, 10:13
Fair play to Katrina for coming on here to defend her percieved shortcomings.
What really interests me though is what does she think about religion, or science, or the naked rambler or cats? :confused

01-Jul-06, 10:26
The point remains the Councillors did not vote consistently and logically as in both cases the local plan did not 'Recommend' retail activity. I fully backed the Tesco and other Wick developments as being good for the county and feel the same about ASDA.
Regarding objections to both this development and the earlier hotel development the main objectors were those people who bought Dounreay house at knock down prices. One objector lives there on a fixed term contract and will be moving in the not too distant future, other objectors, I an told, have enlisted relatives outwith the county and also there appears to be multiple objections from members of the same household - let the 'kid's' have an objection! It is futher said in Thurso that one of the voting councillors is selling a property overlooking the site - not an accusation just the reporting of a rumour!!

The local plan for the Tesco in Wick actually stated that the land was "disused land" "allocated for airport use" with " very few residential neighbours" . Permission was granted for the Tesco development as "the land is surplus to airport requirement". This land was not amenity land as is the ASDA site.

01-Jul-06, 11:30
Ms MacNab is a credit to her community that she serves.You guys have no idea how lucky you are to have a councillor that will stand up for herselve.
Far too many appear to be doing the job for the prestige it gives them .
Come and life here for a while and you'll see what i mean.[evil]

01-Jul-06, 11:42
It is good of you to have posted a reply to the various bits of flak, that have been flying around against various people. It's a fact of public life that you will get shot at some time. However, I'm sure that you understand that the majority of people understood that ASDA was a done deal, and were completely taken aback when the application was refused. OK, what's done is done, now we need to put it right and I believe that the process has already started. If you or Niall or anybody else in the know would be good enough to let us minions know what we have to do - then I am sure that it will be done. It will give us the opportunity to put our actions were our mouths are.

01-Jul-06, 17:46
yes I will do I am not on Planning Committee but will get you names and contacts and you need to let them know your thoughts. Get it to you on Monday.


Loch not Lock
02-Jul-06, 07:18
I would like to applaud Mrs.MacNab for replying on here but would like to stress that I do not agree with her. Could Mr.Mowat do likewise and explain his absence from the vote.

02-Jul-06, 09:38
If you read me postings properly you will see I did noyt criticise Mrs Mcnab. Far from it! I actually asked how to protest to the PDET or whatever, asked her views and pointed out that putting a petition in the Thurso shops was hardly an alternative. As I said do Turkeys vote for Christmas. I think Katrina McNab is a good representative. Regrading holidays and husbands work I past no comment. Before you rant read all the postings carefully!!

Leave the girl alone cattach, why attach the blame to her?? She is a very good councillor for her ward ie-Pulteneytown. Stop blaming her for Thurso`s shortcomings, Im sick of it, the woman had a very well earned hol with her hubby, Whats wrong with that? exactly NOTHING, He works on the rigs & ye cant pick & choose yer time off there. Rantover for now

Loch not Lock
02-Jul-06, 16:34
Anybody spotted Willie Mowat??????????????????????????????????????:roll:

02-Jul-06, 21:30
hi not done this before so bear with me. Katrina MacNab here to defend myself regarding the flow of accusations - never been one to sit in silence.

We get the papers for a planning meeting usually on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the planning committee on a Monday. Although we know there is a planning meeting well in advance we have absolutely no idea what is coming up at the meeting until we get the papers. We do not see the detailed plans until the 15 minutes prior to the meeting. We are not allowed a proxy vote because we have to listen to the full arguement before we can make an informed decision based on the evidence and the debate that we have participated in.

When I went on holiday I had no idea that Asda was going to be coming up at that meeting.

I was flying home from my holidays on the day of the meeting. Yes I took my kids out of the school, but due to my husbands work commitments that was the only time we could go and whether you all agree or not I am entitled to a holiday and some quality time with my family. For clarification I paid for the holiday myself out of my salary I get for working, where incidentally I pay more tax than the so called 'wages' I get for being a counillor.

As you are aware the four councillors who agreed with the Asda have put forward along with 4 councillors from the PDET committee an appeal. I would suggest that it would be a good idea to inform the PDET Committee with a short, nice email your support for ASDA on the said location if you are so minded. I would also sugges that you may want to get as many people to do that as possible and the best time to do it would be the week before the meeting so there is a build up of community opinion at the time when they will be discussing it.

Someone may also want to organise to put petition forms in shops that are signed and have addresses of people who support ASDA in the said location. These could be forwarded to the Director of Planning a couple of weeks before the committee so they are also issued to the councillors sitting on PDET.

These are only suggestions.

Councillor Mowatt has also taken quite a slanging, in his defence I would like to say he is a damn good councillor and certainly fights the corner for Caithness. He has been consitstently voted back in by his ward even when he has had opposition.

People were considering going for councillor - I would say go for it, I did it because I was sick fed up that nothing was being done in Pulteney and Wick High. I have been involved in district heating system, Pulteneytown Regeneration Funding, Conservation Funding, Transfer of housing stock, All Weather pitch, upgrade of Rosebank Playing Fields and Airport House to name a few. It is a rewarding job and if it is for you go for it, or the local community council elections coming up. Young blood desperatley needed 'a mouth' is the only thing needed if I can do it anyone can do it.

The downside people think they 'own' you because you are paid 'tax payers money' even although I pay more tax than I get and work damn hard for less tax payers money than people who get tax payers money in the form of benefits and have never worked a day in their life.

They phone you morning, noon and night and expect you to drop everything, that you should know everything, and sort out some impossible situations.

You are rarely thanked, continually miscalled and always judged.

I hope this clears up a few matters, should anyone wish any further information please get in touch.

Just caught up with this thread.
I have no strong views on ASDA although I can sympathise with local residents who believed that the LOCAL PLAN in force would safeguard their immediate environment unless there was an overwhelming public need.

I have read the thread through and commend Councillor MacNab on standing up to be counted, although it seems fairly clear that Cllr MacNab supports ASDA in Thurso.

Councillor Macnab could not attend the ASDA hearing for good reason.

BUT! What good reason did Cllr Macnab have for not attending the Lieurary Windfarm and Stroupster Windfarm hearings?

And where was Cllr Mowat on those days?

Stuart Young

02-Jul-06, 22:50
[quote=ywindy]Just caught up with this thread.
BUT! What good reason did Cllr Macnab have for not attending the Lieurary Windfarm and Stroupster Windfarm hearings?

Yes Stuart you are right I never attended either meeting through choice.

A very close member of my family has his own business and over the last 10 years a large proportion of his contracts has been related to windmills throughout Scotland.

Because of the controvery I took the decision not to get involved as I personally felt it was not appropriate.

03-Jul-06, 05:18
Pepsi, good on you for being brave enough to have put yourself in the firing line, not many people would have been willing to do so.

As for you not attending the Lieurary Windfarm Meeting your explanation should, I think, satisfy most people as being not only reasonable but also the decent thing to do.
Had you gone to the Meeting you could well have been put in a position whereby an accusation of "Conflict of Interest" could have been made.

If only more people were willing, from time to time, to come forward and provide such simple explanations it would prevent so many misunderstandings or misinterpretations about the actions of those in Public Positions.

03-Jul-06, 08:10
I was flying home from my holidays on the day of the meeting. Yes I took my kids out of the school, but due to my husbands work commitments that was the only time we could go and whether you all agree or not I am entitled to a holiday and some quality time with my family.

Not getting at you personally here Pepsi but most working families follow the rules and don't take their kids out of school - regardless of personal circumstances.

Yes of course you, your kids and your husband are entitled to a holiday, but other families make the sacrifice and don't have it together - they take what they can, when they can.

Surely as a member of the Education Committee it's even more important for you to be setting a good example to the rest of us?

While I wouldn't want your job, the fact that you choose to stand as a councillor does open you up to public scrutiny.

03-Jul-06, 11:54
Has anybody got any more things to pick at? As far as I am concerned family comes first and everything else you do is secondary to that.
Personally I cannot understand why anybody would wish to go into Public Life in this day and age.

Yes, I will have a dig about certain decisions from time to time and as people know, sometimes I can be rather vitriolic but there are limits which I try not to exceed.

Every so often I am reminded why I prefer animals to people.

Pepsi, if I were you I would say, "I don't think this is worth the bother, sort it out yourselves, I'm off!"
When people think they should be able to control your private life then it's time to walk away.
When they start to use your children as ammunition against you then it's time to remove them from the firing line for their sake.