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12-Jul-10, 14:20
Slimming world classes coming to wick

Date: Thursday 19th August 7pm

Venue: Seaforth Club, Dempster Street Wick

Any questions contact Eleanor 07859311130

12-Jul-10, 21:23
i have been dieting most of my life, tried weight watchers, scottish slimmers, slimfast, did not work for me, i then tried slimming world best class i ever joined.
thank god a class opened in thurso. congradulations to residents wick for now having the opportunity to experience slimming world.
i have lost 3.5 stone since october, never hungry always satisfied,highly reccommend staying to group, so much fun and laughter, support from consultant, and other members. What i personnally like about slimming world is you are never judged on a bad week, your consultant still encourages you no matter what.


12-Jul-10, 23:19
i have been dieting most of my life, tried weight watchers, scottish slimmers, slimfast, did not work for me, i then tried slimming world best class i ever joined.
thank god a class opened in thurso. congradulations to residents wick for now having the opportunity to experience slimming world.
i have lost 3.5 stone since october, never hungry always satisfied,highly reccommend staying to group, so much fun and laughter, support from consultant, and other members. What i personnally like about slimming world is you are never judged on a bad week, your consultant still encourages you no matter what.


What I don't understand about all the different types of classes is that they all say the same things EAT LESS and EAT HEALTHIER FOODS.

What is it about them that people are prepared to spend money on advice that is basic COOMON SENSE? Please en-LIGHTEN me?

13-Jul-10, 10:39
obviously you are not over weight or you would not be asking these questions.
people with a weight problem need classes likes this especially if you are receiving a lot of encouragement and support.

13-Jul-10, 10:45
In Wick quite soon there will not be
An overweighty reason
Because if you have excess lumps
Before bikini season
If you want to look trim and cool
There'll soon be extra swimming pool
And classes giving slimming tool
To keep your body pleasin'

To get in shape take exercise
And also careful diet
So go for walk and cut the chips
Why not be brave and try it
While suff'ring excess body fear
Of cakes and buns you should stay clear
And also keep away from beer
When cooking food don't fry it

My man and me do Slimming World
And he has lost a stone
In trunks he fairly looked immense
Much more than skin and bone
Last year on hols we went in sea
For little swim, just him and me
Norwegian ships came, one, two three
Harpoons were nearly thrown

The Slimming World crew have a scheme
That offers tasty food
They let you have a syn or two
Like treat of sticky pud
And when you go to club they say
'Come on now slim, on scales to weigh
You've lost two pounds, hip-hip hooray!'
It makes you feel real good!

So if you're feeling slighty blobby
Knees are out of sight
If panty line is visible
But bottom's not so tight
Get body down to Seaforth and
The folks in there will lend a hand
You'll get right to the shape you've planned
And you will feel all right!

[Note to Slimming World: Any donations gratefully accepted]

13-Jul-10, 10:57
Are there any plans to hold daytime classes in Wick?
I lost weight on slimming world many moons ago but prefer daytime classes as I'm usually outside working on the land in the evenings.
Maybe there's not much cause for daytime classes though as all the slimming clubs seem to be evenings? I remember attending SS a few years ago during the day though.

My ideal class would be a weightwatchers one but any daytime class would be brilliant.