View Full Version : hello this is my first post

27-Jun-06, 20:40
hello everyone ive just got registerd and im quite new to this sort of thing. ive been reading and it all looks like alot of fun and great place to get the crack:lol:

27-Jun-06, 20:44
Welcome to the madhouse!!

27-Jun-06, 20:45
Hello crystal welcome:Razz

footie chick
27-Jun-06, 20:46
Welcome on board there's no place like it;)

27-Jun-06, 20:49
:lol: mad house thats funny teehee my mums been showing me the ropes so please excuse me if i get alot of things wrong no offence to my mother

27-Jun-06, 20:50
thank you all i feel welcome already:lol:

27-Jun-06, 20:57
mad house thats funny teehee my mums been showing me the ropes so please excuse me if i get alot of things wrong no offence to my mother

I hope that didn't mean what it sounded like, oh crystal of mine! I told you things just fine...but were you listening!? :p

Honestly though, you're doing great, sweetie. It's nice to have you here. Have some fun! :lol:

27-Jun-06, 20:59
:lol: thanks for the welcome your a good teacher

27-Jun-06, 21:23
Have fun,its a great place to catch up on things without leaving your front door.:D

27-Jun-06, 21:58
:lol: mad house thats funny teehee my mums been showing me the ropes so please excuse me if i get alot of things wrong no offence to my mother
Welcome Crystal, mums always know what they're talking about, i'm sure yours will keep you right:)

27-Jun-06, 22:06
Welcome Crystal. Hppe you enjoy being an orger!:D

27-Jun-06, 22:10
Welcome crystal, I hope you have a long and happy stay :)

27-Jun-06, 22:16
Welcome onboard and "Happy Orging".

27-Jun-06, 22:24
Welcome and dont be shy, and just enjoy the "Madhouse" its better in here than watching BB

27-Jun-06, 22:27
hello everyone ive just got registerd and im quite new to this sort of thing. ive been reading and it all looks like alot of fun and great place to get the crack:lol:

As long as you can girn, you are most welcome!!!!!!!!

The Loafer

27-Jun-06, 22:40
:lol: i absolutly love bb its fab! thanks for making me feel so welcome.

27-Jun-06, 23:09
Hi crystal and welcome to the org.:D

27-Jun-06, 23:10
Hi Crystal hope you enjoy yourself on the org

27-Jun-06, 23:24
Hi welcome crystal, come along to the Org get together in Spoons on Friday night, every1 s welcome.

27-Jun-06, 23:26
thanks for the invite ill see if i can make it hope to see you :D

27-Jun-06, 23:39
Welcome Crystal, don't be shy, no one else on here is, we look forward to your posts, where do you stay? what do you do? what are your hobbies? Do you have any livestock/pets? Give us the crack girl. We like healthy debate.

27-Jun-06, 23:44
i stay in wick i have a cockatiel, a dog and a fish. i live quite near the harbour very nice to here how friendly everyone is:lol:

Big Jean
27-Jun-06, 23:45
Greetings Rose from one newcomer to another !

27-Jun-06, 23:46
:lol: thanks greeting back to you:lol:

27-Jun-06, 23:47
What kind of dog? does your cockatiel bite? we had them years ago and boy were they savage.

Big Jean
27-Jun-06, 23:49
Sorry Crystal I put the wrong name ! One mistake and many more to go I suppose !!! Welcome Crystal . Now I will send greetings off to Rose !!

27-Jun-06, 23:50
:lol: dident even notice to be honest teehee

27-Jun-06, 23:52
What kind of dog? does your cockatiel bite? we had them years ago and boy were they savage. my dog is a bordercollie and he is sooooo precious no it dont bite its obsest with feet but it dont bite[lol]

27-Jun-06, 23:53
Ooh good, somebody new to pick on! Welcome to the Org crystal, it's great fun, even if some of us do have the odd dig at one another.

I'm assured that the only injury anybody has suffered as a result was a bad case of blistered finger-tips from overenthusiastic keyboard operation.

Don't worry about getting the odd thing wrong. We all had to learn at one time or another so we have all made mistakes and if anybody says they haven't then they are telling Porkies.

27-Jun-06, 23:54
Listen to Jaws he`s a saint on here[lol]

27-Jun-06, 23:56
:lol: teehe you are so right jaws thanks for the words of wisdom

28-Jun-06, 00:15
Hello Crystal

28-Jun-06, 00:17
hello foxy whats up

28-Jun-06, 00:19
Big Jean, crystal & Rose are al the same person , shocking eh?:Razz

28-Jun-06, 00:21
um no we're not what made you think that?

28-Jun-06, 00:21
Welcome Crystal, I'm sure you'll enjoy the org. I hope you know you'll have no time to yourself now..:eek:

28-Jun-06, 00:22
ok thank you....i think

28-Jun-06, 08:18
Hi Crystal, Have fun !!!! jan x

28-Jun-06, 08:23
Hello, Crystal. Welcome in. So, Crystal - Elenna. Nice to see more family participation.:)

28-Jun-06, 08:38
G'day from down under Chystal,you have joined a great mod on this site,from here I try and keep up with whats going on and this is the best for everthing again Welcome http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

28-Jun-06, 09:29
hi crystal , welcome

28-Jun-06, 09:42
Hi Crystal, Welcome to the org, hope you are settling in ok, I think it great ive done a few posts already and everyone is so nice.

28-Jun-06, 11:49
Welcome Crystal. Better watch out for Phoenix, she's into crystals.:lol:

28-Jun-06, 11:53
o is she cool i enjoy crystals 2 :lol:

28-Jun-06, 11:56
o is she cool i enjoy crystals 2 :lol:

So cool she could almost freeze to death.

28-Jun-06, 11:58
:lol: something tells me you are quite a character glerber2. teehee i like it

28-Jun-06, 14:54
Bonjour Crystal!

28-Jun-06, 17:38
Hello crystal! ;)

28-Jun-06, 19:03
Hello crystal! ;)

See what I mean,Crystal. That's cool.:cool:

28-Jun-06, 19:19
Are ye named Crystal after the drink? or was it just the first 1 ye thought of?

28-Jun-06, 19:55
See what I mean,Crystal. That's cool.:cool:

Yeh crystal, crystals are really cool! Specially Rose Quartz Crystal thats my favourite.........so cooooollllllng and calmmmming, I was going to have given you a piece of Rose Quartz Crystal Gleeber2 didnt think youd appreciate it though! Aint it a coincidence that two of the new members are called Rose and Crystal .....that is COOL! :Razz

28-Jun-06, 20:13
I really like crystals too:) does that make me cool too?:roll:

28-Jun-06, 20:17
I like San Miguel, in fact Ive had 4 bottles of it tonight so does that make me cool or just tipsy?:roll:

Cristal is the champagne I was after not crystal as in chandaleirs(spelling)

28-Jun-06, 20:20
I really like crystals too:) does that make me cool too?:roll:

Sure does candyfloss........ Mind you dont freeze to death though ........Gleber2 appears worried about people who like crystals freezing to death :{

28-Jun-06, 20:43
Sure does candyfloss........ Mind you dont freeze to death though ........Gleber2 appears worried about people who like crystals freezing to death :{

Not worried---Hopeful LOL

28-Jun-06, 20:44
I'll make sure i wrap up warm then, i'll put my big wooly jumper on just incase:Razz

28-Jun-06, 20:55
Hi Crystal - seeing your first posting has given me the courage to jump in with my first. Hope I can be as coooooollllllll as you. Hi everyone - please go easy on me till I find my feet ( I know they are at the end of my legs)!!:eek:

28-Jun-06, 20:58
Hi Crystal - seeing your first posting has given me the courage to jump in with my first. Hope I can be as coooooollllllll as you. Hi everyone - please go easy on me till I find my feet ( I know they are at the end of my legs)!!:eek:

Ahhh - another tender young lamb.. Ooops, sorry getting carried away. Very nice to see you and very welcome to the org.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 21:16
Welcome to the org.The place where the "best" jokes are found and the best arguments settled.Well........almost!!!!:lol: :lol:

28-Jun-06, 21:21
Welcome to the org.The place where the "best" jokes are found and the best arguments settled.Well........almost!!!!:lol: :lol:

No they're not! (just kidding) lol

28-Jun-06, 21:36
Wow there sure is alot of new people on the org over the last few days?????
OH well the more the merrier.:Razz

28-Jun-06, 21:41
Ahhh - another tender young lamb

Eh! thanks - more like mutton, but what the heck. It's all good fun;)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 21:43
Ahhh - another tender young lamb

Eh! thanks - more like mutton, but what the heck. It's all good fun;)

Dinnae worry I'm sure ye'll be Minty cool!!!!!:cool:

28-Jun-06, 23:10
Are ye named Crystal after the drink? or was it just the first 1 ye thought of? i like crystals not drink but stones as in crystal gem stones:D

28-Jun-06, 23:13
Yeh crystal, crystals are really cool! Specially Rose Quartz Crystal thats my favourite.........so cooooollllllng and calmmmming, I was going to have given you a piece of Rose Quartz Crystal Gleeber2 didnt think youd appreciate it though! Aint it a coincidence that two of the new members are called Rose and Crystal .....that is COOL! :Razz i wouldent mind a peace of roes quartz that would be cool:D yer i think i joind just after rose though

28-Jun-06, 23:15
thank you all so much i feel very very welcome:lol:

28-Jun-06, 23:21
No problem but ye are big jean really, arent you:D and Rose too?

28-Jun-06, 23:25
no im not! y do you think that?if you must no im elennas daughter:roll:

29-Jun-06, 07:53
Now, Stone Roses. I thought most of us had sussed that.

I find it very impressive that someone starts their first post and the thread is up to four pages already - well done! :)

29-Jun-06, 08:13
Hey, Crystal. Here's one for ya!


29-Jun-06, 09:34
Not worried---Hopeful LOL

Thats not very nice Gleber2! :( Thoughts are energy once created they cannot be destroyed........never mind Ill send you Love and Light anyway! :cool:

29-Jun-06, 09:54
i wouldent mind a peace of roes quartz that would be cool:D yer i think i joind just after rose though

Thats a nice piece that Riccos sent you crystal! The Orcadian Stone Company in Golspie should have lots of Rose Quartz Crystal crystal, if you cant get there PM me I have some you could have! :D

29-Jun-06, 11:31
Hey, Crystal. Here's one for ya!

http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h288/Ricco_T/crystal.jpg thanks!i realy apreciate it thanks:lol: alot

29-Jun-06, 11:32
Now, Stone Roses. I thought most of us had sussed that.

I find it very impressive that someone starts their first post and the thread is up to four pages already - well done! :) thank you yer im quite impressed my self thank you all:lol:

29-Jun-06, 11:33
Thats a nice piece that Riccos sent you crystal! The Orcadian Stone Company in Golspie should have lots of Rose Quartz Crystal crystal, if you cant get there PM me I have some you could have! :D ok thanks :)

29-Jun-06, 11:36
i like rose quartz but ma bithday stone is turquoise its a pritty blue color:lol:

29-Jun-06, 11:38
Thats not very nice Gleber2! Thoughts are energy once created they cannot be destroyed........never mind Ill send you Love and Light anyway! :cool:

Didn't mean it, honest.:~(

29-Jun-06, 11:44
thats ok gleber2 its cool:lol:

29-Jun-06, 16:18
Whos elenna? Ye say shes yer mam, but is she ,ye , big jean ??
You are the same person without doubt;)

29-Jun-06, 16:34
<Elenna looks carefully in mirror at herself and then looks across the room at Crystal...>

Mmmmm...nope, Stone Roses...I am definitely me, and Crystal is just her own cute person. The only big jeans around here are the denim ones I'm wearing, and I got those at the Cancer Research shop for £4!! :lol:

29-Jun-06, 16:35
PS - Sorry for the pun, Big Jean. I hope you don't mind...;)

29-Jun-06, 16:41
<Elenna looks carefully in mirror at herself and then looks across the room at Crystal...>

Mmmmm...nope, Stone Roses...I am definitely me, and Crystal is just her own cute person. The only big jeans around here are the denim ones I'm wearing, and I got those at the Cancer Research shop for £4!! :lol:http://www.askcab.co.uk/upimages/mtwentyim1merged-20a.jpg

Eh? Elenna heres a £20 go & get yerself a top to go with them jeans.
Dont say Im not good till ye

Still think yer having us on though

29-Jun-06, 16:45
i promis you. i swear on elennas and ma dads life im just me ill pm you and tell u ma real name if you want i think you are just looking for a reaction:lol:

29-Jun-06, 16:49

Eh? Elenna heres a £20 go & get yerself a top to go with them jeans.
Dont say Im not good till ye

Still think yer having us on though

Awww...now that is really nice of you, Stone Roses! You have turned out to be a real sweetheart after all ;). I shall dash right out and get something nice to wear for the Org bash tomorrow night...are you going to be there? (I can't recall if you said or not). If so, then you will see just who is who....

...and so will I.... <wink>

29-Jun-06, 16:49
Ill see you in spoons on Friday night then or are you the underager that cant go? Im just not convinced that yer different people. I have a suspiscious Scottish nature about me

29-Jun-06, 16:51
Hiya Crystal.
Welcome to the org. Have fun!
Watch out for some of the ruffians on here they'll have you all tied up in knots before you know it if you're not careful. lol.
Just kidding they're a good bunch really.

29-Jun-06, 16:52
Hiya Crystal.
Welcome to the org. Have fun!
Watch out for some of the ruffians on here they'll have you all tied up in knots before you know it if you're not careful. lol.
Just kidding they're a good bunch really.

Did ye get all bruised porshie? I meant to ask[lol]

29-Jun-06, 17:02
Ill see you in spoons on Friday night then or are you the underager that cant go? Im just not convinced that yer different people. I have a suspiscious Scottish nature about me

Well, if you won't be convinced, dear SR, you'll just have to stay in suspense for about another 27 hours or so....;)

29-Jun-06, 17:08
heehee i might go then for a while just to show you that im who i am and im noone else:lol:

29-Jun-06, 17:08
Hiya Crystal.
Welcome to the org. Have fun!
Watch out for some of the ruffians on here they'll have you all tied up in knots before you know it if you're not careful. lol.
Just kidding they're a good bunch really. thanks for the word of warning

Big Jean
29-Jun-06, 19:10
Don't worry Elenna . My jeans are not so small either, nor were they a bargain ! Must be the amount of fabric used ! He He !
I have to admit Crystal, I am having a good chuckle over being thought of as someone else . There are many days I wish I were a different person ! I am sure Stone Roses is a prankster and is thoroughly enjoying winding you up !
I hope you all have a good time on Friday night . Unfortunately I will not be able to join you . J.

29-Jun-06, 20:17
if you ask me its a little anoying but yer i think hes having a laugh 2:lol:

29-Jun-06, 20:22
Hey Crystal, pay no heed to Stoned - he's always grumpy. Its cos' his fav band won't get back together. Speaking of long-gone bands, does anyone remember Wishbone Ash and Grateful Dead?

29-Jun-06, 20:25
o ok point taken:D

30-Jun-06, 00:28
Hey Crystal, pay no heed to Stoned - he's always grumpy. Its cos' his fav band won't get back together. Speaking of long-gone bands, does anyone remember Wishbone Ash and Grateful Dead?

Ricco, its been a long time since I was stoned mate. Nonsense about bein grumpy, Im usually laughin typing out these posts, but yer right about the band. I remember Grateful dead though, not my kind of dancing material but each to their own. Big jean will be there if Elenna & Crystal are as they are the same person. If theyre not Ill buy em a drink in spoons tomorrow night

Big Jean
30-Jun-06, 00:53
Big Jean would love to be with you all tomorrow but unfortunately will not be !
So that makes it drinks for two, Elenna and Crystal, and I will let you off the hook for mine Stone Roses ! Perhaps another time !! Enjoy the evening anyway . J.

30-Jun-06, 00:57
Crystal is underage so that makes it 1 drink ;) If its true, doubt if they turn up

30-Jun-06, 01:05
:lol: yer i will try to make it my mum (elenna) is defenately goin. ill try to pop in for a few seconds just to proove stone rose rong. ill be keeping my eye out for you stone rose if i do come. im 50% sure im goin mab even 60%

Big Jean
30-Jun-06, 01:06
Well, that is too bad but Elenna could also have Crystal's drink -- sooo two drinks for Elenna !! Sounds good to me !!! J.

30-Jun-06, 01:09
my mum (elenna) dont drink(useraly) but we both will have a coke:D

30-Jun-06, 01:09
Well, if Crystal tags along just to say hello and claims her drink (cola will do), then perhaps I'll have your drink, Big Jean (sorry you can't come. I'd love to meet you)...so that still makes two for me ;)

30-Jun-06, 01:11
:eek: i dident no you drank alchol............

30-Jun-06, 01:11
my mum (elenna) dont drink(useraly) but we both will have a coke:D

Dont like the sound of that;)

30-Jun-06, 01:15
why whats there not 2 like? im just goin to proove you rong is all teehee:lol:

30-Jun-06, 01:19
teehee yer not, I like magners,stella,san miguel or vodka &lemonade/red bull so get yer mam? to remember that eh:lol:

30-Jun-06, 01:22
teehee yer not, I like magners,stella,san miguel or vodka &lemonade/red bull so get yer mam? to remember that eh i wouldent act so cocky if i were you you are goin to be sorry. my mum will have anything you are havin YOU just remember that;) :lol:

30-Jun-06, 01:26
Diet water, lol Right goodnight Im awa to ma scratcher, hasta manana , maybe?

30-Jun-06, 01:30
Diet water, lol Right goodnight Im awa to ma scratcher, hasta manana , maybe? you hope its diet water:lol: teehee