View Full Version : Org Night out !!!

27-Jun-06, 08:48
Its nearly here folks, Unofficial Caithness.Org night out is this Friday night at 8pm in Wetherspoons in Wick. Every1 is welcome of course, so well see a few of ye there.......maybe:Razz hopefully!

27-Jun-06, 08:50
Wish I was there - would enjoy a night out. Haven't had one in a long time. Have a good time! :)

27-Jun-06, 09:12
who's all going then? And how will i know you?

27-Jun-06, 09:32
who's all going then? And how will i know you?

Ill be with connieb19 & cedric & obiron. Chobbers is meant to come with a fedora, If not, look for a 6ft tall guy standing beside a wee 5ft 7 chap with a shiny head, thatll be us, oh and Ill be drinking magners,maybe?[lol] What do you look like? ye can pm me if you like & Ill tell you who I am, although a few orgers know already.

27-Jun-06, 10:49
That sounds like fun, and I haven't had a night out in a long while! I'll try to get there and drag along my "other half". He's on here, too...goes by the name of Saltire, though mostly he just lurks and doesn't post ;). We will look out for you all.

27-Jun-06, 10:55
Blimey, I wouldn't dare! The thought of everone knowing who I am. I'd never feel safe walking the streets again :lol:

Have a great time y'all.:Razz

27-Jun-06, 11:10
Can't let my sweet young son loose with you lot so I'd better come too to keep an eye on him.

27-Jun-06, 12:05
I will pop in.

27-Jun-06, 12:36
Not fair..... couldn't it have been last Friday or the Friday after???? BUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:(

Anyway, I'll be enjoying a sunny week back home. Not all is bad.....:cool:

27-Jun-06, 14:04
i cant come - im preparing Robert the Bruce to fight the english so i wont be able to make the trip!

27-Jun-06, 14:29
i cant come - im preparing Robert the Bruce to fight the english so i wont be able to make the trip!Will William Wallace be there too? Rumour has it that he's sold his house at last...

27-Jun-06, 14:46
I heard that last night and yes - William Wallace will be there - john comyn is planning a visit too - just to be slaughtered i think and a few other interesting characters from history

28-Jun-06, 00:04
Rheghead & Katarina have decided to join us, I ken who Katarina is but not you Rheggers so pm me before friday sir.:D

28-Jun-06, 08:50
Its nearly here folks, Unofficial Caithness.Org night out is this Friday night at 8pm in Wetherspoons in Wick. Every1 is welcome of course, so well see a few of ye there.......maybe:Razz hopefully!Hope you all have a great time and someone takes a photo to post on here?

28-Jun-06, 08:58
Blimey, I wouldn't dare! The thought of everone knowing who I am. I'd never feel safe walking the streets again :lol:

Have a great time y'all.:Razz
Porshie, I have attended a few informal Orgers meetings in Edinburgh and it has been great, met nice folk, and had a great time and a good laugh, and its a pleasant surprise to put faces to names. The whole of CCWS will not be there just a select few from Week and the surrounding area why be scared, you are never scared in here

28-Jun-06, 09:33
Are the new orgers welcome to come and meet you all, just started my first post last night. If so c u there

28-Jun-06, 09:36
Do they let Kids in?
i have my daughter (the neep) and my partners boy here at the moment, is there a beer garden or something there .... and where is there?! :confused:lol:

28-Jun-06, 09:51
Wetherspoons is in Wick Market Square, Tugmistress...but I don't actually know their policy on youngsters, either. I know you can take the family for a meal, but then they don't serve for kids after a certain time in the evening....

Does anyone know? crystal would really like to come, too, and meet some of the younger orgers. (I'm quite sure she and neep would have a good time!)

28-Jun-06, 10:25
Wetherspoons is in Wick Market Square, Tugmistress...but I don't actually know their policy on youngsters, either. I know you can take the family for a meal, but then they don't serve for kids after a certain time in the evening....

Does anyone know? crystal would really like to come, too, and meet some of the younger orgers. (I'm quite sure she and neep would have a good time!)It would be fine if we could find somewhere where every-one would be able to get in. :~(

28-Jun-06, 10:26
Of course newbies are welcome Rose! Just don't let them lead you astray!
I'm afraid I can't come as I already have a date and then I am off to Skye on Saturday for a whole week!

28-Jun-06, 11:10
i heard you cant order a meal from the bar unless you are over 18 but i could be wrong[para]

28-Jun-06, 11:21
Was home last week and Weatherspoons was empty on Friday night, so you should have no bother spotting each other. If you are worried about under 18s why not pop to the Norseman after Spoons, you can sit there 'till chucking out time with kids, bit more expensive mind you, but saves teenagers lurking in the corners for fear of getting chucked out! Have a good night.

28-Jun-06, 19:22
Wetherspoons is in Wick Market Square, Tugmistress...but I don't actually know their policy on youngsters, either. I know you can take the family for a meal, but then they don't serve for kids after a certain time in the evening....

Does anyone know? crystal would really like to come, too, and meet some of the younger orgers. (I'm quite sure she and neep would have a good time!)

Hi there,

Wetherspoons will serve kids food up until 7:00; she will have to vacate a "reasonable time" afterwards.

28-Jun-06, 19:43
Go everyone - new, old, talkative, quiet, father, son, tall, vertically challenged, in good spirits, feeling low - it doesn't matter. Just go! My experience (okay, its limited, not many orgers around to attend the Toronto fests) with org get togethers are that they are the best fun. You very quickly begin to realize what fascinating names we all have. You will talk about the "away" orgers as if we were right there, because on the org we all share the same space. And you will begin to sense the special community that exists and the group of interesting friends you have.

Everyone have a wonderful time. I shall be thinking about you on Friday at 8 (3 my time). And yes, pictures would be great, stories even better.

28-Jun-06, 19:58
If theres photos going to be taken at this night out, please ask the folk you intend to snap, I personally am against having my photo taken just to keep myself anonymous,well to some of ye I am, but I dont want my face all over Caithness.Org now or any other time. I am camera shy.
Darkie over in Oz wants some pics, well I will allow pics of my feet legs or hands but nothing else, Im sure there will be others that will

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 21:28
If theres photos going to be taken at this night out, please ask the folk you intend to snap, I personally am against having my photo taken just to keep myself anonymous,well to some of ye I am, but I dont want my face all over Caithness.Org now or any other time. I am camera shy.
Darkie over in Oz wants some pics, well I will allow pics of my feet legs or hands but nothing else, Im sure there will be others that will

Dinnae mind photies.As long as there's no flash on the camera as when it hits ma bald heid,ye'll no be able to see for a fortnight!!!:lol: :lol:

28-Jun-06, 21:29
:eek: Do I need to bring my sunglasses? :lol:

28-Jun-06, 21:32
Dinnae mind photies.As long as there's no flash on the camera as when it hits ma bald heid,ye'll no be able to see for a fortnight!!!:lol: Hahahahahahahahah[lol]

28-Jun-06, 21:35
If theres photos going to be taken at this night out, please ask the folk you intend to snap, I personally am against having my photo taken just to keep myself anonymous,well to some of ye I am, but I dont want my face all over Caithness.Org now or any other time. I am camera shy.
Darkie over in Oz wants some pics, well I will allow pics of my feet legs or hands but nothing else, Im sure there will be others that willI'm against having my photo taken for the org. No offence, but last time I posted my photo I was banned for a month..:eek:

28-Jun-06, 21:38
I'm against having my photo taken for the org. No offence, but last time I posted my photo I was banned for a month..:eek:lol!!![lol] I better not post mines then it could be a life sentence!!

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 21:42
Ma photie is already in the org gallery.I'm the one with the glare just above ma forehead!!!!:lol: :lol:

28-Jun-06, 21:42
If one seeks permanent & absolute anonymity maybe it's best not to attend.
I shall be a few hours late, sadly. About nineteen.

28-Jun-06, 21:42
Would of liked to go but i have no babysitter soooo i cant!!!Im gutted. But maybe there will be another one sometime this year!!

28-Jun-06, 21:43
Ohhh...I'd better bring my sunglasses, then :cool: . Both to protect from the glare off Cedrics head, and so I can remain incogneto! :lol:

28-Jun-06, 21:58
Sunglasses,Not only cedrics heid but mine as well, but If I wear my fedora ye`ll be fine. Bingobabe, there hopefully will be another night for you to attend later in the year, hopefully the 1`s that miss this night will be at the next 1, Krieve Bingobabe Canuck? golach & the Doc, if only sir?:~(

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 22:02
Sunglasses,Not only cedrics heid but mine as well, but If I wear my fedora ye`ll be fine. Bingobabe, there hopefully will be another night for you to attend later in the year, hopefully the 1`s that miss this night will be at the next 1, Krieve Bingobabe Canuck? golach & the Doc, if only sir?:~(

Me and Stone Roses are only warning ye,cos if any o' ye are walking through the Market Square on Friday Night and think there's a rave going on in Spoons with all the strobe lighting.It ain't a disco going on its just org. photies.:lol:

28-Jun-06, 22:03
If theres photos going to be taken at this night out, please ask the folk you intend to snap, I personally am against having my photo taken just to keep myself anonymous,well to some of ye I am, but I dont want my face all over Caithness.Org now or any other time. I am camera shy.
Darkie over in Oz wants some pics, well I will allow pics of my feet legs or hands but nothing else, Im sure there will be others that will

Stone Roses, I have been to a few meetings with Orgers and photos have been taken, NONE however have ever appeared on the .Org, I am glad to say. But they have been passed around to a select few, for private viewing,
so dont worry your picture will not appear

Tattie B
28-Jun-06, 22:58
i take it stoneroses and cedric you wont be needing your hair done for the big night out then ?

28-Jun-06, 23:03
i take it stoneroses and cedric you wont be needing your hair done for the big night out then ?

Aye but a mach3 turbo usually does the biz for me tattieb[lol]

28-Jun-06, 23:05
Aye but a mach3 turbo usually does the biz for me tattieb[lol]Me too!!! lol:eek:

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 23:13
Sorry,I 've been away for the past half hour washing ma hair(singular).I don't know I might put ma hair in dreadlocks on Friday night!!:lol: :lol:

Tattie B
28-Jun-06, 23:24
You could always go to New Look and get some of them nice bright hair bands their all wearing.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 23:28
You could always go to New Look and get some of them nice bright hair bands their all wearing.

No way Tattie B.Too much o' a rebel to dress like anyone else!!!Well except at work!!!!:lol: :lol:

28-Jun-06, 23:30
Glad I dina work at my old work anymore, the council are picking on my old colleagues for really trivial things,but thats the Highland council for ye

28-Jun-06, 23:33
I understand the issues around photos, but stories, we do want stories.

Tattie B
28-Jun-06, 23:37
oh yes the juicier the better sorry im sooooo nosey

28-Jun-06, 23:38
Oh we`ll definately tell ye if connie does the full monty on top o the tables, maybe take a pic 2 but we`d no put it on here, We`d sell it to a paper or magazine[lol]

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 23:38
I understand the issues around photos, but stories, we do want stories.

I'll let ye know the craic on Saturday morning.If ye're awake!!!I'll check oot the time zones!!!!:lol: :lol:

28-Jun-06, 23:40
oh yes the juicier the better sorry im sooooo noseyWhat could possibly be juicy enough to make headlines on the org? I'm starting to panic now..lol:eek:

28-Jun-06, 23:43
What could possibly be juicy enough to make headlines on the org? I'm starting to panic now..lol:eek:

You doin a lapdance for everybody[lol]

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Jun-06, 23:43
What could possibly be juicy enough to make headlines on the org? I'm starting to panic now..lol:eek:

Aw I can say from the blethers in the past wee while,if Friday night isnae a really good laugh,I'd be surprised.:lol:

28-Jun-06, 23:46
Course it will,just add a few stellas & it`ll be A ROAR, Im sure of that:D ;)

29-Jun-06, 00:23
Hi Stone Roses,
I'm interested in your 'tag' I was born & raised in Scotland untill the age of ten and then my parents moved to Madchester (so at such an early age, I had to go with them), therefore have an alliance in both camps. The Roses are one of the best bands on the planet, I'm interested and want to know why you, as a caithness.org person! have adopted the affiliation with the roses?

thanks, sad lost manc who likes to make connections with anyone who has ace taste in music.

29-Jun-06, 00:33
Similar reasons to you, I think theyre fantastic, wish theyd reform as they have unfinished business I think. They were top band when I was mid teens/leaving school but I ve only been in manc land passing through on the train. You dont have to live somewhere to like something from elsewhere though:D I like Thurso & Scrabster Real Madrid for eg.

I used to have another name on here but I decided to change it 1 day as a change is as good as a holiday ,Im told.

Whats yer fav Roses tune then? She bangs the Drums for me, Ive got it as my ring tone on my mobile, I dont want to answer the phone as I find myself singing away to it[lol]

29-Jun-06, 01:17
Stone Roses, I have been to a few meetings with Orgers and photos have been taken, NONE however have ever appeared on the .Org, I am glad to say. But they have been passed around to a select few, for private viewing,
so dont worry your picture will not appearI can vouch for golach's claim. He always brings his camera to our EdinbOrgers' nights out but the pics have never appeared on the Org. Well, not yet, anyway...

Sunglasses,Not only cedrics heid but mine as well, but If I wear my fedora ye`ll be fine. Bingobabe, there hopefully will be another night for you to attend later in the year, hopefully the 1`s that miss this night will be at the next 1, Krieve Bingobabe Canuck? golach & the Doc, if only sir?:cry:Thanks for the invite, but it's a wee bit far to come for one night.

Mother Bear
29-Jun-06, 06:41
I have often thought what a load of nice people there are on caithness.org.........by the sound of it anyway!....and have thought how nice it would be to meet up. Alas I cannot make it on Friday, as I shall be heading South for a few days, but maybe next time. Enjoy yourselves, and look forward to hearing a few stories! Can understand why some folk wish to retain their anonymity re the photos tho'!

29-Jun-06, 08:10
i have been to several meets on other websites i frequent , unfortunately i dont think i will be able to attend (cedric may explain as i dont want to go into it on here). , however i hope everyone has a good night and decide to organise another one soon.

oh and cedric wasn't joking about the glow from his bald patch ,it nearly ruined my wedding video:Razz

29-Jun-06, 09:27
Similar reasons to you, I think theyre fantastic, wish theyd reform as they have unfinished business I think. They were top band when I was mid teens/leaving school but I ve only been in manc land passing through on the train. You dont have to live somewhere to like something from elsewhere though:D I like Thurso & Scrabster Real Madrid for eg.

I used to have another name on here but I decided to change it 1 day as a change is as good as a holiday ,Im told.

Whats yer fav Roses tune then? She bangs the Drums for me, Ive got it as my ring tone on my mobile, I dont want to answer the phone as I find myself singing away to it[lol]

If you change your name do you have to start building your reputation from the beginning? I might have to after Friday night!

30-Jun-06, 00:47
Similar reasons to you, I think theyre fantastic, wish theyd reform as they have unfinished business I think. They were top band when I was mid teens/leaving school but I ve only been in manc land passing through on the train. You dont have to live somewhere to like something from elsewhere though:D I like Thurso & Scrabster Real Madrid for eg.

I used to have another name on here but I decided to change it 1 day as a change is as good as a holiday ,Im told.

Whats yer fav Roses tune then? She bangs the Drums for me, Ive got it as my ring tone on my mobile, I dont want to answer the phone as I find myself singing away to it[lol]

Monumental Roses tune has to be 'Sally Cinnamon'. 'Nothin else to say mate', true poetry. thanks for your reply.

30-Jun-06, 18:40
Who`s all gettin theyre glad rags on? Bingobabe, Krieve, Ann,Niall Fernie are not, well have a drink to them in their absence. So Ill see ye all there.

01-Jul-06, 10:23
It turned out to be a good night, lots of people turned up, even the Godfather=Bill &his consigliere Niall appeared. Gleber2 invited us all up to his ranch at Dunnet later in the year, Me personally ,last week in September would be fine but we could have a poll to suit all. Pm me to let me ken

01-Jul-06, 10:28
It turned out to be a good night, lots of people turned up, even the Godfather=Bill &his consigliere Niall appeared. Gleber2 invited us all up to his ranch at Dunnet later in the year, Me personally ,last week in September would be fine but we could have a poll to suit all. Pm me to let me kenMaybe we better wait for Gleber2 to decide, after being mistaken for Gleebers wife he might decide he's busy up until September 2017. :eek:

01-Jul-06, 10:30
It turned out to be a good night, lots of people turned up, even the Godfather=Bill &his consigliere Niall appeared. Gleber2 invited us all up to his ranch at Dunnet later in the year, Me personally ,last week in September would be fine but we could have a poll to suit all. Pm me to let me ken

I'll be away the last week in sept. so that's me out.

01-Jul-06, 10:34
Ohhhh...I'll be away for 3 weeks from the last part of Sept through the first week or so in Oct :(....

Wouldn't holding the party early in Sept be better? ;)

01-Jul-06, 10:34
Maybe we better wait for Gleber2 to decide, after being mistaken for Gleebers wife he might decide he's busy up until September 2017. :eek:
He's liable to be a widow in 2017.:eek:

01-Jul-06, 10:40
Ohhhh...I'll be away for 3 weeks from the last part of Sept through the first week or so in Oct :(....

Wouldn't holding the party early in Sept be better?

NO, Ill be offshore!!!:Razz I wanna be there

01-Jul-06, 10:42
:eek: SR...you've turned from your Stony-Rosy self into a...Bear!?!

01-Jul-06, 10:53
NO, Ill be offshore!!!:Razz I wanna be there
Is it Footie season again Willowbanker? I know the Hibees have a game on Sunday, I was wondering about the name change?

01-Jul-06, 15:19
Is it Footie season again Willowbanker? I know the Hibees have a game on Sunday, I was wondering about the name change?

the world cup is on Golach,[lol] , Na its nothing to do with football,just something somebody said last night. keep forgetting when I log in though

03-Jul-06, 09:28
I wanna come next time

Stamps feet and sulks:~(

Cedric Farthsbottom III
08-Jul-06, 00:43
Cannae believe its been a week ago already.Just seems like last night!!!:lol: :lol: