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Bill Fernie
04-Jul-10, 19:52
The thread on this topic has been removed following a contact by a committee member representing the fund.

Due to certain allegations and suggestions contained in some posts the possibility of legal action has been raised.

We would ask that if posting on this topic care is taken not to make unsubstantiated comments about the fund, its members and the income of the fund.

04-Jul-10, 21:24
Oh the drama continues....someone's behind is getting twitchy!!!!

Alice in Blunderland
04-Jul-10, 23:25
Its just a pity that the same person couldn't take five minutes out of their time to post some information on the same pages to put one or two minds at ease.

The possibility of legal action........................ :roll:

04-Jul-10, 23:46
"unsubstantiated comments".......it was the lack of published material by the fund that gave rise to these comments in the first place.

05-Jul-10, 09:35
So there IS a committee? Oh I do hope any legal action gets heard in Wick Sherrif Court!

05-Jul-10, 10:22
Maybe someone on this secretive committee will realise that what is needed is openness and answers rather than legal threats. Or does that seem a forlorn hope? All charities are supposed to be publically accountable, that doesn't seem to be the case here. Come on WADF, tell the people the truth. If you dont want to tell us who is on this committee, just tell us why you dont want anyone to know!

05-Jul-10, 10:34
I'd rather just know how much is in the fund.
By my calculations, the £120 000 that WE have raised should draw matching funding from Highland, SFA and Lottery funding sources to around half a million pounds or £500 000.
That should pay for at least 2 properly-drained, well-turfed pitches with a 4-room changing facility including cafeteria, all nicley constructed and properly serviced.
Alternatively it could pay for a wonderfully-appointed SFA standard complex for Wick Academy FC, with all bells and whistles to allow community sports development. Like what Ross County have got, but smaller.
As we can't discuss any controversial aspects of the WADF (a charitable fund rasing money for the benefit of the people of Wick and environs), we can at least discuss what we will do with our money once we have it.

05-Jul-10, 11:34
now i`m really interested, why if a committe has nothing to hide would it contact a local website and talk of leagl actions,??????????????

there is now a deep seeded mistrust for said committe,

bigger shovel required the need to dig deeper has arisen,

if the org is frightened then maybe the papers will indeedy take heedy,

o yes the gallows will await anyone who has given rise or is part of the aforementioned ,

i think we should employ the rico act on this one,

what do you think folks, pitchforks and burning torches at dawn, remember no guns

05-Jul-10, 12:37
Maybe someone should contact a local councillor and ask for their assistance in getting to the bottom of this matter...

05-Jul-10, 13:01
Or an MP or MSP. Or maybe wait till the OSCR and Police have finished their investigations?
In the meantime, I've sent my enquiry letter politely asking for the information which they're required to provide by law, to the WADF at 16 Thurso Street, Wick Caithness KW1 7LF: have you?

05-Jul-10, 16:00
we can at least discuss what we will do with our money once we have it.

Where is it then? :roll:

old dad
05-Jul-10, 21:44

I look forward to hearing how you get on with your request to Mr Carter for information but don't hold your breath!

Doing a bit more digging and I understand the following are part of the secretive WADF committee - J Gunn, A Carter, W Wydmuch and Billy More. Does anyone know any others involved in looking after our money for all these years?

06-Jul-10, 10:22
I was just checking what I (or any other reasonable person) would have to do if we were to become a trustee of charitable funds, money that members of a community donate towards a good cause, in the belief that it will be managed properly and used for the said good cause.

I suppose the term 'Trustee' kind of sums it up. But the OSCR publish the following information, just so we know what a trustee has to do.

General duties

A charity trustee must:
1. Act in the interest of the charity: trustees should put the interests of their charity before their own interests or those of any other person or organisation.
2. Operate in a manner consistent with the charity’s purposes: trustees should carry out their duties in accordance with their governing document.
3. Act with due care and diligence: trustees should take such care of their charity’s affairs as is reasonable to expect of someone who is managing the affairs of another person.
4. Ensure that the charity complies with the provisions of the 2005 Act and other relevant legislation.

08-Jul-10, 21:59
Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.

09-Jul-10, 01:00
Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.

You've fair got the bit between your teeth now Tubs. We're all waiting with baited breath.. It's like something out of The Godfather. :cool:

Seriously, agree with everything you've said. Hang on in there and don't be pressurised, although knowing your usual posts, I don't think that will be an issue.

09-Jul-10, 02:29
Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.
maybe there having a whip round to buy a stamp?

09-Jul-10, 10:44
Jamie Stone and the Groat are now asking questions about WADF - check the front page today.

09-Jul-10, 15:50
Good article, but long overdue. And I got quoted in the Groat! At last, fame is mine :D

09-Jul-10, 19:18
They're happy at the outcome of the OSCR report and are in the process of acquiring land in 2005. So that's OK then.

Anyone got a copy of the 2005 OSCR report?

11-Jul-10, 10:17
I wonder, when the people of Wick get access to the WADF funds and a complex gets built, should a sports bar be included in the build?

A great community asset in many places I've been, but a possible threat to the few existing clubs?.

A dilemma. We should ponder it while we wait for information and money.:confused

12-Jul-10, 13:21
The post's been and guess what...

No response to my request (as required in law) for information on income, constitution and trustees) yet from WADF at 16 Thurso Street Wick KW1 5LF.

Maybe tomorrow, eh?:)

12-Jul-10, 13:57
Tubthumper, I have read with great interest this thread and your efforts in trying to get to the truth as regards what has become of the £100k + that was collected by this committee from the people of Caithness through the promises of new football stadiums, sports centres etc.

I was part of a group that tried and failed to get some answers 5-6 years ago. One thing I would say concerning your request for information to the Thurso street address is that when a similar request was submitted years ago from memory we eventually got a reply advising there would be a charge to cover admin costs before anything is sent. I think the charities regulator allow such a charge as long as it is reasonable! So you can probably prepare for something similar.

12-Jul-10, 17:05
Tubthumper - did you put a postal order in the envelope with your request?

13-Jul-10, 18:56
Gollach - No postal order included, I wouldn't expect a local charity to pull a stunt like that!

Allan T - I gather that you never managed to find out what was going on 5 or 6 years ago? Did anyone ever see the report the OSCR made?

Anyway, guess what... you're right, nothing in the post from WADF today. But there's always tomorrow!:)

14-Jul-10, 10:53
Post's just been, nothing again. [Sighs]:(. But I notice that this thread, with its mere 24 posts, has had over 2700 views. That says to me that a lot of people are interested. And that the WADF 'committee' should be paying attention to what their community is thinking.

So rather than just me banging on about it every day, why doesn't everyone who wants the WADF to reveal what it's doing put a little post on here. Just 'I want to know' would be good. :)

Never mind being critical, let's just see how many orgers are actually interested in the £100 000+ that we all donated for the good of our community.

(And don't be scared, I'm sure they're good guys really)

14-Jul-10, 12:04
Is there a time limit whereby they're supposed to give you this info Tubs? i'd suggest they're going to ignore it for as long as they possibly can, given the track record they have.
Mark me down as having an interest.

14-Jul-10, 13:27
I would like to know! :D

14-Jul-10, 13:34
I want to know':roll:

14-Jul-10, 13:43
I would like to know to .
If after a certain time there is No reply from WADF the office of the OSCR will be able to take the matter up on your behalf and get the required answers.

14-Jul-10, 14:31
Mark me down as an interested observer.

I'm surprised they have allowed this situation to develop, after all, if they are going to be as obfuscatory about this issue as they would appear, then no wonder people come up with 'worst-case' scenarios.

If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to fear from informing the public.

starlight express
14-Jul-10, 15:39
Myself and members of my family have purchased hundreds of pounds worth of WADF tickets in the past, and we would also like to know whats to hide.

Alice in Blunderland
14-Jul-10, 21:05
I would like to know more as I have also bought many of these tickets.

Its a bit rich that someone from this organisation is watching the org to see what is being posted ( just post something a little close to the bone and Bill will soon get a phone call to prove it ) but will not take five minutes to log on and put people right on what has happened or not to their donations.

The shroud of secrecy just adds to the air of mystery surrounding this organisation. [disgust]

15-Jul-10, 09:02
Yes Alice it certainly makes you wonder what is going on - everything should be open and above board but having things secret and not answering questions makes me want to question any answers that may be forthcoming and want to know the answer to all and any questions put to the SECRET committee.

15-Jul-10, 09:46
I want to know too - when i lived in Caithness i too contributed to htis fund.

old dad
15-Jul-10, 10:29
Yes Alice it certainly makes you wonder what is going on - everything should be open and above board but having things secret and not answering questions makes me want to question any answers that may be forthcoming and want to know the answer to all and any questions put to the SECRET committee.

I remember a few years back when Gunn was promising a new stadium/sports complex, questions were asked about whether land had been purchased,outline planning permission obtained, funding applied for, the cost of maintenance considered etc etc no answers were ever provided and anyone asking these questions were accused of being trouble makers. Years on and still no answers but plenty of money collected.[evil]

15-Jul-10, 11:01
Nothing in the post again. :confused

Corrie 3
15-Jul-10, 12:13
Just a thought here.....has anyone made a complaint to the Police at all?...I am sure the Serious Fraud Squad would be interested if there is a hidden agenda.


15-Jul-10, 12:40
Amazing news! The overdue WADF accounts have been registered as 'checked' by the OSCR on 9th July 2010.

The entry on the OSCR website shows income of £12 017 for the 2009 period. That means that the fund has raised (as stated income to OSCR, which might not include expenses and remuneration to individuals) £109 916 since 2005! And bearing in mind that it's been fundraising as a charity since 2002 (and giving nothing out whatsoever!), there must be almost double that in the pot! Wow, £200 000 for Wick Sports!

Amazing the effect that the org can have, eh?

However, are we any further forward? We still have no idea what is going on with our money.

We know you're watching this thread, WADF, we have a right to know what you are doing with our money, and £200 000 is a lot of our money, so why not make a good news story out of it? Post on here, write to the Groat, have an open meeting, but for goodness sake STOP treating your community with such utter contempt!!

[EDIT: And remember the reason this is being pursued is because the Wick community were upset and unhappy at being robbed of their Gala charity money, and wish to ensure their donations to WADF are being properly managed - bluntly telling people it is none of their business does NOT inspire confidence!!]

15-Jul-10, 20:28
Amazing news! The overdue WADF accounts have been registered as 'checked' by the OSCR on 9th July 2010.

The entry on the OSCR website shows income of £12 017 for the 2009 period. That means that the fund has raised (as stated income to OSCR, which might not include expenses and remuneration to individuals) £109 916 since 2005! And bearing in mind that it's been fundraising as a charity since 2002 (and giving nothing out whatsoever!), there must be almost double that in the pot! Wow, £200 000 for Wick Sports!

Amazing the effect that the org can have, eh?

However, are we any further forward? We still have no idea what is going on with our money.

We know you're watching this thread, WADF, we have a right to know what you are doing with our money, and £200 000 is a lot of our money, so why not make a good news story out of it? Post on here, write to the Groat, have an open meeting, but for goodness sake STOP treating your community with such utter contempt!!

[EDIT: And remember the reason this is being pursued is because the Wick community were upset and unhappy at being robbed of their Gala charity money, and wish to ensure their donations to WADF are being properly managed - bluntly telling people it is none of their business does NOT inspire confidence!!]

Well said i do not think we will get a Statement from WADF any time soon going by there Track record and comments made by Jackie Gunn in last weeks Groat

16-Jul-10, 01:01
Whens the agm for this bunch?

16-Jul-10, 09:03
Whens the agm for this bunch?
You're kidding, right?:)

16-Jul-10, 15:35
Are all groups/charities not meant to have open AGM which are advertised, most have this in their constitution - wonder when they last held one?

Anyone able to check the old copies of the 'Groat' and 'Courier' to find when they last did have an AGM or EGM for WADF, or in fact any meeting for WADF.

perhaps it was held in secret in a telephone box in the middle of the night

16-Jul-10, 16:21
Are all groups/charities not meant to have open AGM which are advertised, most have this in their constitution - wonder when they last held one?

Anyone able to check the old copies of the 'Groat' and 'Courier' to find when they last did have an AGM or EGM for WADF, or in fact any meeting for WADF.

perhaps it was held in secret in a telephone box in the middle of the night

Not a Telephone Box may be a Taxi office !:lol:

16-Jul-10, 17:03
What surprises me is that with all the CHEQUES(a Pun) and balances, and the accountability nowadays, it is difficult to understand how a 'charitable organization' can conduct their business in such a way....I thought that particularly in the UK, there is an atmosphere of openess.
And if not, they could be stripped of their Management of same.

16-Jul-10, 17:52
perhaps it was held in secret in a telephone box in the middle of the night

in Portgower :eek:

16-Jul-10, 20:31
If someone could get a copy of the WADF constitution, it would be simple to find out what the arrangements for managing the fund are. But we can't. Because apparently they don't respond to requests for such information promptly, if at all!

16-Jul-10, 21:01
in Portgower :eek:

It appears to me there is a lot more truth, facts and transparency in the Portgower thread!

16-Jul-10, 21:04
I don't think the inhabitants of Portgower would stand for it [lol] Their reputation's already in tatters, give them some credit.

W.A.D.F. (SC032787)
16-Jul-10, 21:43
If someone could get a copy of the WADF constitution, it would be simple to find out what the arrangements for managing the fund are. But we can't. Because apparently they don't respond to requests for such information promptly, if at all!

Tubthumper - I take it that you are still waiting patiently..not, for the documents that you requested? Why not try delivering your letter by hand or by recorded delivery? or did you do that already?

16-Jul-10, 21:59
If the WADF do not reply to a request with in 14 working days you just need to report it to the oscr and they can take action under sect 23 of the charity act and have a lot of powers

18-Jul-10, 10:10
Tubthumper - I take it that you are still waiting patiently..not, for the documents that you requested? Why not try delivering your letter by hand or by recorded delivery? or did you do that already?
I must be a half-wit. It never even occurred to me (much like the need to pay an 'admin charge') that a query to a reputable local charity would require proof of posting, so I just stuck a first-class stamp on and lobbed it in the post box.

As I've still had no response, I might be better to send a recorded one. Although proof of postage is often not considered proof of delivery, it will make any subsequent communications with OSCR as straightforward as possible.

18-Jul-10, 10:42
Since WADF is a charity, you could enclose an envelope and a stamp so they don't have to pay postage to supply the information you requested.

18-Jul-10, 10:44
Since WADF is a charity, you could enclose an envelope and a stamp so they don't have to pay postage to supply the information you requested.
Great idea!:)

20-Jul-10, 19:19
away on hols so no update yet.

20-Jul-10, 19:22
away on hols so no update yet.

This is far more important than your holiday. I suggest you return home forthwith. :mad:


21-Jul-10, 11:47
Is this the start of things or is it a different group of prominent business men wanting to improve things?


21-Jul-10, 12:18
Is this the start of things or is it a different group of prominent business men wanting to improve things?


Seems to be the same Jackie Gunn and company that have the WADF on the go.
Mr Gunn is still not willing to have a AGM by all accounts.
Is it not Strange that the Weekly draws for all the tickets were held in a Private office all the other football clubs hold there weekly draws in a Hotel or bar in which the public can see what is going on.

21-Jul-10, 17:49
Is this the start of things or is it a different group of prominent business men wanting to improve things?


That was a very interesting read , I was especially intrigued by the WA for change articles, I think the club has come on leaps & bounds since 2003 - it appears to be respected in the community & many fans are re-appearing at the Harmsworth due to the style WAFC play in & the fact the previous chairman has been riddanced.

Still hasnt explained where the money went though ? New car every year ? It does look shady to an outsider I must admit

21-Jul-10, 18:04
I must be a half-wit. .

yes indeed mrs thimble but youre doing a good job on this isue at least

note that the gunn bunch may refuse to sign for the recorded delivery letter

21-Jul-10, 18:40
I may have missed it somewhere but has anyone been in touch with OSCR about this whole debacle. Maybe they know something we don't and if they don't know they can find out.

21-Jul-10, 19:16
hey greetings all from the sooth. speaking to ma tv mates here, can anyone remember when the last time caithness was on the bbc watchdog programme?

RB 14-20
21-Jul-10, 20:24
away on hols so no update yet.
Mr & Mrs W ???

21-Jul-10, 21:25
hey greetings all from the sooth. speaking to ma tv mates here, can anyone remember when the last time caithness was on the bbc watchdog programme?

Do you think Caithness is ready for Transvestites?

21-Jul-10, 22:04
whats this mr & mrs w about? i cant see much on this phone is someone taking the mick or is it the wadf makin threats?

22-Jul-10, 04:28
whats this mr & mrs w about? i cant see much on this phone is someone taking the mick or is it the wadf makin threats?

Dinna let trivialities get in the way of your objectivity. You're the one with the power here, remember.

Get your stick and keep poking the sleeping dog. Poke it hard, and often. OK, maybe the dog will object and try to bite you. So what? It can't justify sleeping for so long. Poke it 'til it reacts. Poke it 'til it squeals.

In fact, poke it 'til it gives answers.

22-Jul-10, 10:11
Dinna let trivialities get in the way of your objectivity. You're the one with the power here, remember.

Get your stick and keep poking the sleeping dog. Poke it hard, and often. OK, maybe the dog will object and try to bite you. So what? It can't justify sleeping for so long. Poke it 'til it reacts. Poke it 'til it squeals.

In fact, poke it 'til it gives answers.

This post reported to the SSPCA :mad:

22-Jul-10, 11:28
This post reported to the SSPCA :mad:


Should have maybe reported it to the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Metaphors too. ;)

23-Jul-10, 10:17
Dinna let trivialities get in the way of your objectivity. You're the one with the power here, remember.
Get your stick and keep poking the sleeping dog. Poke it hard, and often. OK, maybe the dog will object and try to bite you. So what? It can't justify sleeping for so long. Poke it 'til it reacts. Poke it 'til it squeals.
In fact, poke it 'til it gives answers.
I actually like that metaphor, even if you did over-egg it a bit.:lol:

23-Jul-10, 10:18
Can someone update me please? Didn't get the Courier this week, was there something in it about charity fiddlers getting captured?

23-Jul-10, 10:39
Have you had a reply yet, Tubs?

23-Jul-10, 11:07
Nothing yet. Expected something when I got back but sadly no.:(

23-Jul-10, 11:48
Does the charities regulatory body set a time period by which a response should be given to an enquiry like his?

23-Jul-10, 12:00
I think it's 14 days, but I can't find the reference. Seeing as I've no proof of postage for the request of 5th July, I'll leave it till 14 days after I sent the recorded letter (with SAE enclosed - but no postal order). I assume that £2 postage and an A4 envelope will be enough to cover a copy of their constitution and accounts.

The citizens of the county want to know what's going on with their cash, and bearing in mind yet another charity fundraising abuse in Wick (but no attendant hoo-haa yet) we might be better to hurry it along. :confused

23-Jul-10, 13:58
Did you check online to see if the recorded delivery request was signed for? They might have refused it.

23-Jul-10, 14:09
Did you check online to see if the recorded delivery request was signed for? They might have refused it.
Didn't even know you could do that! More info please?

23-Jul-10, 14:15

W.A.D.F. (SC032787)
23-Jul-10, 18:17
Tubthumper - Glad to see that you have now sent a recorded delivery letter to WADF. Maybe you will get something back now.

PS - Just had a thought...If you print the code on the retained part of the "signed for" label on your next post on this thread, then we can all check on the Post Office website to see if they (A. Carter?) have received and signed for it.

23-Jul-10, 19:42
The Archer - even though you're a newcomer, your point is a good 'un. After all, it's ALL those who have contributed to this enormous fund (and all the people of Wick who keep finding they've been duped out of charity donations) that demand to know what's going on with it. :D

The number is AG911842355GB

For any strangers viewing this thread, life is not always this complicated in Wick. Not all our charitable institutions make it difficult to discover what they're doing with our dosh!

23-Jul-10, 20:00
OK so the intended recipient was out today when it was delivered - hopefully they'll collect it from the PO tomorrow morning...

23-Jul-10, 20:55
OK so the intended recipient was out today when it was delivered - hopefully they'll collect it from the PO tomorrow morning...

Well well. If they had bin followin' this thread (apparently / allegedly like other members of the committee threatenin' ter go legal) they would have bin expectin' the letter.

I think it's rather rude they weren't on the doorstep waitin' fer it.

24-Jul-10, 09:13
Of course they could be on holiday. If that's the case could the WADF representative reading this please send me a PM, and I'll arrange a different delivery address.:)

24-Jul-10, 10:16
OK so the intended recipient was out today when it was delivered - hopefully they'll collect it from the PO tomorrow morning...

It's been delivered!!
You can also click on the Proof of Delivery to see who signed for it. :lol:

24-Jul-10, 10:27
'am on the edge of me seat now. This is more 'citin than the lottery!

24-Jul-10, 10:30
Congratulations on getting your letter signed for acceptance.
Was it a child or a spiders signature on acceptance?
Now the long wait for an acceptable answer, as per the requirements of OSCR, hope you do not have to wait the full time or end up having to contact OSCR due to their non-compliance with the correct procedure.
Eagerly awaiting the outcome of this next step in process.

24-Jul-10, 10:59
The miracles of technology! :)

OK, just to summarise now we're getting somewhere:

The citizens of Wick and environs have found, in a number of cases recently, that money they've donated to charitable causes has not ended up where it should have. They and others in the wider community are angry and upset about this and want to be assured that all charity funds are being managed properly.

Wick Academy Development Fund was established as a charity to raise funds to build a sports complex, for the people of Wick & environs. It has no connection with Wick Academy Football Club (the only extant entity with an associated title) which has indeed found it necessary to formally disassociate itself from the fund and which has gained no development support from it whatsoever.

Those who established the fund put great energy into raising funds and have apparently amassed in the region of £200 000 thus far. For this the community is very grateful. However, in the current economic climate and taking into account the need to ensure any money that is available is used properly (ie combined with Scottish Government, HC and lottery funds to ensure top-class sporting facilities are added to the proposed new school) it is crucial that information on this fund is in the public domain.

The perceived problems with WADF arise from the fact that no information has been made available to the community by the WADF 'committee' (or other management arrangement) on:

Precisely how much money is in the fund
How the funds have been raised
Who is involved in managing the fund, the means of selection, and the competence and probity of those involved
How the fund is managed
What the plans for the fund are
What expenses are involved in running the fund
What interactions have taken place with other interested bodies
Any progress made on the stated intent of the registered charity
Whether this fund can be accessed for other charitable purposes

Previous requests for information on the fund have not been readily responded to. There is evidence that reasonable requests for financial assistance (for associated causes) have been rejected out of hand. The submission required by statute to the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator was significantly late and resulted in OSCR compliance action being initiated. Such communications that have been made have not inspired confidence in the management arrangements for the fund. These and other issues have given rise to 'Reasonable Doubt' within the community that the WADF is being managed appropriately.

The response to the most recent request for information in accordance with s.23 (1) (a) and (b) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (made by a member of the public who has agreed to waive his anonymity for the greater good of the community) will be made available to all interested members of the community via this medium.

It has always been most desirable for appropriate access for members of the community and those who have contributed, to information on the fund though discussion with the WADF 'committee', at an open meeting, AGM or EGM, according to the provisions made for such in the WADF constitution, or as a separate arrangement. The aim of the ongoing web forum thread is to allow members of the community to contribute to the process of developing public access to information on the community's money, as held by the WADF.

It should also be noted that (bearing in mind recent problems with charities management in our County) local, regional and National press, TV companies, the OSCR and duly elected members of the local council and Scottish and UK Governments are interested in the effective management of this substantial fund.

Thanks are due in advance to the members of the WADF, whoever they are, for raising these funds on behalf of the community.:)

24-Jul-10, 11:22
Very well put Tubs.

Now I think a statement like that deserves a properly formed reply..........

24-Jul-10, 11:26
Very well put Tubs.

Now I think a statement like that deserves a properly formed reply..........

Sorry to be negative but you wont get one.....

24-Jul-10, 11:28
Sorry to be negative but you wont get one.....
But these people have put huge energy into raising money for us! Surely they'll be proud to have their efforts recognised!

Come on now Amy, be positive!:)

24-Jul-10, 21:33
Things take a more sinister twist!

Just been speaking to a workmate in the pub. He tells me that 'Some belligerent-sounding guy phoned your number, looking for Tubthumper. Very strong local accent, sounded pretty mad, wouldn't leave his name but insisted I told you the message was for Tubthumper'. I assume this was a person representing WADF.

He couldn't remember what day it was, but it was the week before last (12th-16th), ie before I sent the recorded letter but after the standard post was sent. So perhaps the WADF received it after all.

Strange thing to do, phone a guy's work leaving cryptic messages. A thinner skinned chap might have got worried and think there were veiled threats being made.

Me? I'm cool, I know what we're doing is the right thing for the community. Maybe when I'm back at work on monday I'll get the phone records checked, maybe have the call traced. And if there's nothing to hide, there's no reason to be afraid, is there?!

It's good to keep in touch!

25-Jul-10, 12:04
I must check whether it's 14 working days or just 14 days for a response.:)

old dad
25-Jul-10, 14:27
[QUOTE=Tubthumper;740209]Things take a more sinister twist!

'Some belligerent-sounding guy phoned your number, looking for Tubthumper. Very strong local accent, sounded pretty mad, wouldn't leave his name but insisted I told you the message was for Tubthumper'. I assume this was a person representing WADF.

Unfortunately Tubthumper this type of intimidation is what can be expected by certain people involved with WADF and obviously supported by the others involved. Hopefully you will soon be able to publish their names.

As far as your last question 14 workingdays or just 14 days if it is 14 "working" days then you might have a long wait if you are looking for a reply from the chairman[evil]

25-Jul-10, 16:45
Just been speaking to a workmate in the pub. He tells me that 'Some belligerent-sounding guy phoned your number, looking for Tubthumper. Very strong local accent, sounded pretty mad, wouldn't leave his name but insisted I told you the message was for Tubthumper'. I assume this was a person representing WADF.

Presume that you had put your real name on the letter so why would any person calling from WADF refer to you by Org username? Doesn't make sense.

It is odd to be contacted at work though.

25-Jul-10, 18:21
Gollach, why indeed! If they knew my name and where I worked, why bother with my nickname? It may have frustrated the caller somewhat, because the guy he was talking to hadn't a clue what he was on about and has difficulty with the local accent.

"There's no-one called Bob Hunter here..."

Perhaps it wasn't the WADF at all, maybe it was just some random Wicker phoning for the craic.

Anyway I've had enough of this enquiry, I'm giving it up.

25-Jul-10, 18:46
Anyway I've had enough of this enquiry, I'm giving it up.

??? :eek:

Please clarify.

25-Jul-10, 20:02
Only kidding!! I'm not giving up. By golly, the org is really slow tonight, anyone know why?

Alice in Blunderland
25-Jul-10, 20:13
Only kidding!! I'm not giving up.

Wheeeew thought you had thrown in the towel too easily there. [lol]

For all you know maybe the postman has a nice letter for you with all the answers on Monday. :eek:

25-Jul-10, 20:25
Guessing the Org is slow cos of the Wick Gala photos going on? Personally, I was hoping for more County Show pics cos I saw Bill snapping away in different places but none of those pics are here yet :(

But I digress.

I was going to say that I had a look at the wording of the Act and it says "14 days", not working days.

25-Jul-10, 20:38
Cheers for that Gollach! So we'll be expecting the reply by 6th August then? I must get a new scanner, the one I have is about knackered.

I forgot the quiz will be on tonight, that will be adding to the slowness of the org.

Old Dad, the phone call may have been an innocent mistake. But I do wonder what kind of intimidation tactics the local hoodlums (and I obviously don't include representatives of the WADF in that group) typically employ in Wick?

Ones I remember from elsewhere include the 'neds slow drive-by, with added glower', the 'personal mail delivery 'We know where you live' approach, the 'spreading of nasty rumours' ploy and the old favourite 'Brick through window in the night'.

Surely not round here though?:)

25-Jul-10, 20:56
Surely not round here though?

Cue severed horses head! :eek::eek::eek:

25-Jul-10, 22:33
Recent attempts at arson weren't too successful though.:roll:

26-Jul-10, 09:37
Seeing as the first hole has been dug for the new Halkirk sports complex, I reckon its long past time the Wick one was started. After all, the fundraising started way before Mr Sinclair of Halkirk made his massive donation, and Wick is 10 times the size of Halkirk!

I'm interested in how the WADF go/ went about fundraising for this complex which (after 'thousands of chairman miles'), was 'near' in 2005 - or so the Wick Academy Football Club AGM was informed!

Anyone got any info on the A-T tickets they used to sell, or any other fundraising income like car boot sales, raffles, legacies or business/ personal donations?

Feel free to post here or pm me if you like. (But keep it objective - no personal stuff, rumour or speculation)

Cheers! :)

[Edit - that's 100 posts and 7700 views! People ARE interested!!]

Alice in Blunderland
26-Jul-10, 12:18
I see the letter was delivered on 24th. :D

Is that now fourteen days from this date :confused

They could also log onto the org within that fourteen days and let folks out there know what is happening and what the future holds for this fund.

26-Jul-10, 12:27
My mistake, you're right Alice, the reply has to be with me by the 7th of August.

It would be nice to have a post on here, or something in the Courier/ Groat. Just to put our minds at rest! :)

(By the way, cheers for the PMs everyone, keep them coming!)

26-Jul-10, 15:25
Wheeeew thought you had thrown in the towel too easily there. [lol] For all you know maybe the postman has a nice letter for you with all the answers on Monday. :eek:
No joy Alice, no letter today.:(

26-Jul-10, 15:30
i think hell will freeze over and us scots will warm to the english before ye get at letter on time,

head wall banging head wall banging, or something like that

Alice in Blunderland
26-Jul-10, 18:12
No joy Alice, no letter today.

Think positive. ;)

Tomorrow is only a day away as the words of the song say.:lol:

It will take them a few days to get the wording right and all the details set out and printed off to make sure nothings missed.They wouldn't want you to receive the wrong information now............ would they. :eek:

or any information if they could get away with it

26-Jul-10, 20:13
I can't believe that's 600 posts since this morning! There really is a lot of interest in this thread (and not just from within the county either)!

Lots of good info coming in, it's all written down and blogged just in case something happens to me... :cool:

26-Jul-10, 20:15
I can't believe that's 600 posts since this morning! There really is a lot of interest in this thread (and not just from within the county either)!

Lots of good info coming in, it's all written down and blogged just in case something happens to me... :cool:

What? like you get pished and forget who you are :lol:

27-Jul-10, 09:15
From what I'm hearing, WADF fundraising has been going on for more than 10 years, spread its tentacles far and wide into the North Sea, was particularly strongly supported in its early days (before people started getting suspicious at the secrecy and lack of action) and apparently has never released any cash, so there could be more than £1/4 million available.
£250 000 for a sports centre. Wow!:eek:

Of course, there is no information available to us on payments made to individuals for actually running/ administering the fund, or what expenses were involved.

But seeing as it's a local charity, run by volunteers with minimal need for expenses and no requirement for assets like offices or vehicles, the cash raised should be pretty much intact plus interest.

The only problem I can see is the bunfight over which sports it gets spent on!:lol:

27-Jul-10, 10:35
'Signed for' letter arrived at 10:25 this morning, dated 24th July.

Application for Copies of WADF Documents
I write in response to your letter dated 5th July regarding the above which I collected from Wick Post Office at 8.00am today by 'signed for' delivery.

I note that you have enclosed a S.A.E. with £2 postage - Please note that we make a standard charge of £10.00 for the supply of these documents.

If you still wish to receive copies of our documents, please send a cheque for £8.00 made payable to "Wick Academy Development Fund".

N.B. To date, the letter that you claimed to have sent to us on the 5th July still has not arrived.

Yours Sincerely

Andrew J Carter

27-Jul-10, 10:46
'Signed for' letter arrived at 10:25 this morning, dated 24th July.

Application for Copies of WADF Documents
I write in response to your letter dated 5th July regarding the above which I collected from Wick Post Office at 8.00am today by 'signed for' delivery.

I note that you have enclosed a S.A.E. with £2 postage - Please note that we make a standard charge of £10.00 for the supply of these documents.

If you still wish to receive copies of our documents, please send a cheque for £8.00 made payable to "Wick Academy Development Fund".

N.B. To date, the letter that you claimed to have sent to us on the 5th July still has not arrived.

Yours Sincerely

Andrew J Carter

Ask for written confirmation of their charges Tubs. If its not in their constitution, they shouldn't be making any charge. Although, on reflection, you may want to do this after you've paid and received the documents.

27-Jul-10, 10:48

27-Jul-10, 10:58
I'm skint. I'll have to set up a registered charity to raise the funds to get the information, on behalf of the community, on funds held by a registered charity working on behalf of the community.

Spare change anyone? :confused

27-Jul-10, 11:13
i bet WADF would like you to do a sponsored silence Tubs

27-Jul-10, 17:11
Thanks to everyone who offered financial assistance, I think we can push forward with this.

I will send off the £8 cheque (by 'signed for' post again) tomorrow.

WADF, if you can have the materials (constitution and audited accounts) available for sending directly back (as soon as the cheque's cleared obviously - can't be too careful when it's public money, can you) it would be much appreciated.

We'll be seeking a list of trustees next, so if you want to include that in the envelope and save further postage, it would be handy, and save time in the long run. :)

Alice in Blunderland
27-Jul-10, 18:28
We'll be seeking a list of trustees next, so if you want to include that in the envelope and save further postage, it would be handy, and save time in the long run. :)

Best send them twenty pound as this is now a second request and they will need to cover their costs for looking out this extra bit of information. ;) [lol]

27-Jul-10, 18:36
Mentioned this thread to someone the other day and was told that WADF has been investigated by the police before and no charges were brought, or wrong doing found.

Surely this can't be right? Can anyone confirm/deny if this is true before Tubs spends his £8?:eek:

27-Jul-10, 19:09
Mentioned this thread to someone the other day and was told that WADF has been investigated by the police before and no charges were brought, or wrong doing found.

Surely this can't be right? Can anyone confirm/deny if this is true before Tubs spends his £8?:eek:
I'm not looking for wrongdoing, I'm just trying to find out what's in the fund, who's looking after it and doing stuff with it, what they're doing etc.

If they would come out into the open after all this time and money (and absolutely nothing to show for it!) and actually tell people, there would be no more speculation.

I've scraped the £8 together.

28-Jul-10, 09:06
Anyone got the Courier yet this morning? Is there a report or a letter on what the WADF are doing?

Just to save me the trip to the Post Office.

tiger woods
28-Jul-10, 09:15
Anyone got the Courier yet this morning? Is there a report or a letter on what the WADF are doing?

Just to save me the trip to the Post Office.
There's nothing in the Courier this morning.

28-Jul-10, 09:29
Cheers Tiger.

While we're (still) waiting for the WADF information, could local people with expertise in charity fundraising & management, sports centre design and project management, and the management of sports complexes please pm me.

[and I've emptied my inbox -again!]

Alice in Blunderland
28-Jul-10, 09:33
There's nothing in the Courier this morning.

Jeez quick delivery of the courier to Windermere Florida Im impressed :eek: or did you check on line [lol] [lol]

Alice in Blunderland
28-Jul-10, 09:35
Cheers Tiger.

While we're (still) waiting for the WADF information, could local people with expertise in charity fundraising & management, sports centre design and project management, and the management of sports complexes please pm me.

[and I've emptied my inbox -again!]

pm sent :)

28-Jul-10, 10:19
There's nothing in the Courier this morning.

wow, nothing in the courier. Thats a bit strange, who's going to buy a newspaper with nothing in it? ;)

28-Jul-10, 10:31
Anyone got the Courier yet this morning? Is there a report or a letter on what the WADF are doing?

Just to save me the trip to the Post Office.

North of Scotland Newspapers are probably waiting for you to report on here first, just like they did last time ;)

28-Jul-10, 11:02
Be fair now, so far, a letter asking for £8 is the sum total of progress on this, which isn't much to report on really.

The point where the WADF reveal their activities, the funds held on our behalf, and any sports complex plans they actually have will be the interesting bit! :)

Happy Guy
28-Jul-10, 11:05
Cheers Tiger.

While we're (still) waiting for the WADF information, could local people with expertise in charity fundraising & management, sports centre design and project management, and the management of sports complexes please pm me.

[and I've emptied my inbox -again!]
PM sent today

tiger woods
28-Jul-10, 13:42
Jeez quick delivery of the courier to Windermere Florida Im impressed :eek: or did you check on line [lol] [lol]
Have it delivered every week along with the Groat.

28-Jul-10, 16:05
I noticed a letter in the Courier from the Wick Pipe Band, pointing out that the latest charity fiddle to have occurred in the town had nothing to do with them.

Dreadful to think that we sometimes can't trust folk who raise money for good causes.[evil]

28-Jul-10, 17:38
'Signed for' letter arrived at 10:25 this morning, dated 24th July.

Application for Copies of WADF Documents
I write in response to your letter dated 5th July regarding the above which I collected from Wick Post Office at 8.00am today by 'signed for' delivery.

I note that you have enclosed a S.A.E. with £2 postage - Please note that we make a standard charge of £10.00 for the supply of these documents.

If you still wish to receive copies of our documents, please send a cheque for £8.00 made payable to "Wick Academy Development Fund".

N.B. To date, the letter that you claimed to have sent to us on the 5th July still has not arrived.

Yours Sincerely

Andrew J Carter

I've 'ad a rummage down the back of the sofa and found £1.36 and some lego, also found 39p and some ciggy filters in the landy I'm pullin apart.
So, I'll happily donate the £1.75 towards the cost. (providing you can send me a set of accounts showing your income and expenditure etc.)

28-Jul-10, 17:39
I've 'ad a rummage down the back of the sofa and found £1.36 and some lego, also found 39p and some ciggy filters in the landy I'm pullin apart.
So, I'll happily donate the £1.75 towards the cost. (providing you can send me a set of accounts showing your income and expenditure etc.)
We charge a standard £10 fee for this information...

28-Jul-10, 17:43
We charge a standard £10 fee for this information...


28-Jul-10, 19:24
Never mind, Phill. I sold a part of my body and raised the £8.:)

Cheque sent this afternoon ('signed for' delivery again - I'll have to sell something else at this rate!), should arrive Wick on Friday at the latest, maybe picked up Saturday morning. Probably won't get banked till Monday, so cheque cleared by next Thursday, return of post by a week Saturday, or the Monday maybe?

Unless they trust me and send the stuff right away before the cheque clears...

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 09:18
Cheque sent this afternoon ('signed for' delivery again - I'll have to sell something else at this rate!), should arrive Wick on Friday at the latest, maybe picked up Saturday morning.

Are you going to be a nice Tubs and post the tracking number again so that we can check on the progress of the letter ? :D

Pretty please................. and if there is to be a charge for your effort in doing this to cover your electricity for the computer or any other unforeseen cost I am sure us nice kind people from the org will have a whip round to help you out with that. ;) [lol]

29-Jul-10, 09:53
Your wish is my command, Alice! AG911852471GB

Don't worry about the electricity; I am, after all, working for the benefit of the community.

I wish I had a working scanner handy, so you could all see the very nice WADF headed letter I received. At the bottom it states,

"Working For The Benefit Of The Community"

Which makes it ironic that I'm having to go through all this palaver to find out, on behalf of the community, what is going on with £1/4 million of our dosh.:confused

Not to worry though, once it's all sorted out, I'll be able to claim the all the money back from the WADF.:)

29-Jul-10, 10:05
Are you going to be a nice Tubs...
I should point out that 'nice' is not a term normally associated with fully-indentured members of the Tubthumper cult. Our motto is 'Chaos Est Totus, Turbo Sulum, Nunquam Sileo'.

Evil-smelling, foul-mouthed, warped and habitually causing trouble. That's us.

And there are more of us around than you might think![lol]

29-Jul-10, 11:12
My apolgies, I recently suggested that the WADF chairman had stated the sports complex was 'near' in 2005. I was just having a flick through my notes and found that he actually said that in 2002. Whoops!

So I'll just re-post the published information from the WAFC (that's our local semi-pro football club, with the same name but who have nothing to do with and receive no development funding from the WADF).(Mind you, no-one else receives any benefit from it either, do they?)

"22/5/2002 Approx 30 members attended the club's AGM and the main points are as follows -
Chairman's Report - Mr Gunn believed that there was silverware in the young team, and was confident that Darren Strong will be with the club next season. The members were advised that the "Sports complex" was near.

Elections - M/s Gunn and Carter returned unapposed.

Treasurer's Report - a/c's showed a profit compared to a small loss last year. The improved financial position was largely down to the Qualifying/Scottish cup run which attracted payments for each round as well as extra gate money and TV income.

AOCB - The rest of the meeting took the form of a heated debate over the development fund and the lack of access for WAFC members to information. Mr. Gunn confirmed membership of the development fund was by invitation only and that this course had been agreed at a meeting in January 2000. Opinions from the floor suggested that this course of action was both illegal and un- constitutional. A proposal that all WAFC members are automatically members of the Development fund was carried without objection and Mr Gunn said a meeting of the fund would be held shortly and they would consider this proposal."

I'll get a copy of the WAFC minutes for the later meeting where the then Chairman (Mr J Gunn) & Secretary (Mr A Carter) got turfed out, and put the relevant details on here as well.

29-Jul-10, 13:00
I should point out that 'nice' is not a term normally associated with fully-indentured members of the Tubthumper cult. Our motto is 'Chaos Est Totus, Turbo Sulum, Nunquam Sileo'.

Evil-smelling, foul-mouthed, warped and habitually causing trouble. That's us.

And there are more of us around than you might think![lol]

sometimes it's necessary

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 13:41
I should point out that 'nice' is not a term normally associated with fully-indentured members of the Tubthumper cult. Our motto is 'Chaos Est Totus, Turbo Sulum, Nunquam Sileo'.

Evil-smelling, foul-mouthed, warped and habitually causing trouble. That's us.

And there are more of us around than you might think!

Now how do we go about getting elected to this cult or is it by invitation only orrrrrrrrrr do you need to be a direct blood relative ? [lol]

Sorry for all these questions but it could be in the publics interest you know ;)

Anyways must go and check on the progress of your letter the postal service is very quick these days. :D

29-Jul-10, 16:44
Now how do we go about getting elected to this cult or is it by invitation only orrrrrrrrrr do you need to be a direct blood relative ? [lol]
There's not much of the blood relative thing goes on in our cult actually, because of the evil smells.

You can only join the cult by personal recommendation. If you send me details of your personal hygiene and language problems, also your history of upsetting people who think they're above reproach, I will make representations on your behalf.

Our AGM is held in the open, and we all stand as far apart as possible, while shouting abuse. The secretary has a very difficult task, and is actually the foulest-smelling of us all.

But it's all open and above board. And any money we raise, we tell the public about. Trust me, my father was a doctor.

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 16:51
Trust me, my father was a doctor.

I have a very close acquaintance who is one. English is not his first language. He has given me intense lessons on how to shout and flap your arms as these full bloodied Asian men do and as for personal hygiene :eek: ............................mmmm canna remember when I last had a shower. It could be last time I got caught in a heavy downpour. Surely I can fast track into this lovely sounding group of yours :Razz [lol]

Must be off and check how your letter is getting on unless you have had a looky already.

29-Jul-10, 17:17
Letter delivered! :) I can't believe how quick the Posties can be, especially when it's local mail. Cheers Guys!

29-Jul-10, 18:02
The letter to WADF has indeed been delivered to the Wick address today.

[Edit - I posted regarding a message I got which I thought meant the response from WADF had been despatched already. It actually referred to a parcel of hose I ordered from a Chandlers in England! My mistake, but I'm still well impressed with the Royal Mail service in Caithness!!]

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 18:58
The countdown begins. :D

29-Jul-10, 20:47
I've emptied my inbox (again!), so keep the info coming in folks.

I'm also interested in hearing from any landowners who have been approached regarding a site for our new sports complex. Anyone with ideas or information on available sites which might prove suitable (bear in mind we'll most likely be linking with other provisions rather than building the complex in isolation) please give me a shout as well. :)

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 21:03
No need to PM you this bit of info.

I was at a meeting where concern was expressed by the lack of movement within this organisation. The folk who spoke to me as they know who I am on the org expressed an interest in helping in the future.They thought I knew you personally and asked me to pass this on to you but alas we have never met..........yet unless I get accepted into your cult. ;)

They have successfully been involved in sports and particularly football provision for many years and indeed have great expertise in fundraising. They are watching this thread and mentioned that should the AGM be advertised they are willing to come along to offer their help ....... you are not alone. :D

29-Jul-10, 21:25
Excellent Alice, the more people with knowledge and skill we can get on board, the better!

In the meantime, for those who haven't seen the plans for Halkirk's new facility, check out http://www.halkirkleisure.co.uk

(Note that I'm not involved with it whatsoever, I'm just jealous!)

Alice in Blunderland
29-Jul-10, 22:48
Wow almost 11,000 views lots of interest out there I would think.

Tubs could you PM me your name and address and I will hand it on to the folks at the next meeting if thats okay with you? This will let them get in touch with you personally. :D

29-Jul-10, 23:12
It actually referred to a parcel of hose I ordered from a Chandlers in England! ]

Crickey! You get your stockings from a Chandlers in England? :eek:

So does Mrs T.

30-Jul-10, 01:27
Wow almost 11,000 views lots of interest out there I would think.

11,000 views sounds great until you see that this thread attracted 24,000 views and only 7 posts ...


this was back in the olden days, but even so :eek:

i hope more people take an interest in WADF than the above !!

30-Jul-10, 17:31
... They are watching this thread and mentioned that should the AGM be advertised they are willing to come along to offer their help ....... you are not alone. :D
Cheers Alice, look forward to hearing from them. The intention has to be, once the constitution and accounts are viewed, to arrange an AGM/ EGM or similar, so that ways forward for the sports complex are identified and appropriate people elected to the key roles.

RB 14-20
30-Jul-10, 19:04
whats this mr & mrs w about? i cant see much on this phone is someone taking the mick or is it the wadf makin threats?
Whats it all about.... I don't think you really need to ask !;)

30-Jul-10, 19:30
Whats it all about.... let me see, could it be a surname !;)
This is a good game. Perhaps it could be a surname.

Now, are you suggesting that these people might have the answer, or dropping hints that Mr & Mrs W might get their windows tanned on my behalf? Or maybe you're pointing out that me and my OH have a name beginning with W?

Too cryptic for me, RB. You'll need to be clearer!:)

Alice in Blunderland
30-Jul-10, 19:53
Cheers Alice, look forward to hearing from them.

Thanks for the info. :D

The intention has to be, once the constitution and accounts are viewed, to arrange an AGM/ EGM or similar, so that ways forward for the sports complex are identified and appropriate people elected to the key roles.

Will it have be a case of waiting for the AGM and then anyone interested turn up?

If its to be an EGM will the office bearers not have to call it? :confused

30-Jul-10, 20:08
Will it have be a case of waiting for the AGM and then anyone interested turn up? If its to be an EGM will the office bearers not have to call it? :confused

I think the office bearers will have an open meeting in the not too distant future. It could be their scheduled AGM, or an EGM called by the 'committee', but open to the public.

Failing that, measures can be enacted to force disclosure, and allow the community to find out what the present incumbents have achieved with OUR £1/4 million over the last ten years. And to ensure the means and people are in place to to carry the project forward (not just keep giving empty reassurances that things are going well!)

But the information we all want will finally be revealed. :)

Alice in Blunderland
30-Jul-10, 23:00
But the information we all want will finally be revealed. :)

That shouldnt be too far away given that you have made it quite obvious that you are more than willing to pay what was requested to receive this information on this forum they have been watching.

I would expect they have it all ready for posting and they were just awaiting your cheque.;)

Given that the postman has been so quick the last time I would expect the return post to be just as quick.:Razz

30-Jul-10, 23:48
Ah, but all we've requested is the constitution and the accounts. They won't necessarily divulge any meeting minutes or any kind of progress reports at this stage.

But to refuse to willingly divulge everything would be foolish; Regardless of how they consider themselves, they are working voluntarily on our behalf, and that money is ours. And we WILL find out what's been going on one way or another.

So if the WADF 'committee' want to come out of this looking good, all they have to do is willingly disclose what's been going on, how much is in the fund, and what (if any) progress has actually been made.

If they are daft enough to try and fight us off, they will look really bad in the eyes of their community.

We are GLAD that they've raised £250 000 for us. We want to be PROUD that this cash is available for a facility to put Wick right on the map. We would absolutely HATE to have yet another charity fundraising drama.

And if there's been little or no actual progress, we will put the right people in place who have the skills and knowledge to make our sports complex happen, or put our money where it can best be used to benefit the people of Wick and environs.

Trust me - this is how it will be. :)

Alice in Blunderland
31-Jul-10, 00:21
And if there's been little or no actual progress, we will put the right people in place who have the skills and knowledge to make our sports complex happen, or put our money where it can best be used to benefit the people of Wick and environs.

Trust me - this is how it will be. :)

Thats how it should be !

If the current committee are no longer making progress and they have pushed the project to this point but no further then surely its the best for all concerned to hand over to fresh blood.

31-Jul-10, 11:02
What would be a good name for our new sports complex? 'Wick Community Sports Centre' sounds a bit bland to me. We could give it:

A Viking name (exciting, promotes our heritage)
A Gaelic name (promotes our gaelic/ clearance heritage)
A totally random designation (exciting for the kids)
A name associated with the ground it's built on

Alternatively we could do the tradition thing and name it after:

A famous local person
Telford or Stevenson, the architects of Wick (well, bits of it)
A local politician or dignitary
A weel-kent local worthy
One of the committee who have made it possible
The landowner who donates the ground for it

31-Jul-10, 16:11
What about the bignold park?

31-Jul-10, 16:36
What about the bignold park?
Aren't there all sorts of ownership and existing user issues there? :eek:

However, it may be that the new Sports Complex is best combined with any new school/ pool/ library/ performance centre complex, to get the benefit of common services and minimising maintenance costs etc. Also one single REALLY impressive community facility, swarming with people all the time...

For the community to be very proud of.

But what to call it?:confused

01-Aug-10, 11:28
Still loads of views but not so many posts now. Is it getting boring? Are we losing interest? Don't make me feel sad & lonely, folks!?

What facilities should it have?

I'll start us off with a proper 8-lane 400m running track. With 500 tiered seats.

And proper gates to stop folk letting their dowgs poop on the grass!

01-Aug-10, 13:02
Still loads of views but not so many posts now. Is it getting boring? Are we losing interest? Don't make me feel sad & lonely, folks!?

What facilities should it have?

I'll start us off with a proper 8-lane 400m running track. With 500 tiered seats.

And proper gates to stop folk letting their dowgs poop on the grass!

If it was to develop WAFC , there shouldnt be a running track anywhere near the pitch Im afraid to say. But if it is to benefit the community, by all means have a running track but remeember theres £200,000 + not £2 million which they would need going by your plans ;)

01-Aug-10, 13:10
What would be a good name for our new sports complex? 'Wick Community Sports Centre' sounds a bit bland to me. We could give it:

A Viking name (exciting, promotes our heritage)
A Gaelic name (promotes our gaelic/ clearance heritage)
A totally random designation (exciting for the kids)
A name associated with the ground it's built on
Alternatively we could do the tradition thing and name it after:

A famous local person
Telford or Stevenson, the architects of Wick (well, bits of it)
A local politician or dignitary
A weel-kent local worthy
One of the committee who have made it possible
The landowner who donates the ground for it

The Jacky Gunn centre of Sporting excellence.

Alice in Blunderland
01-Aug-10, 13:43
If it was to develop WAFC , there shouldnt be a running track anywhere near the pitch Im afraid to say. But if it is to benefit the community, by all means have a running track but remeember theres £200,000 + not £2 million which they would need going by your plans ;)

With the £2 million or whatever monies there is currently in the bank you could use this to apply to organisations for match funding. This would double your money overnight if successful. :D

The key to this is the committee need to be regularly meeting, discussing and acting on what they want to achieve.

and letting others know

01-Aug-10, 15:02
If it was to develop WAFC , there shouldnt be a running track anywhere near the pitch Im afraid to say. But if it is to benefit the community, by all means have a running track but remeember theres £200,000 + not £2 million which they would need going by your plans ;)
We need to have a discussion about what our new centre will be for. No point in trying to serve everyone's demands and ending up with something that's rubbish for most things.

The fund was originally intended primarily to develop Wick (and by extension, Caithness) football. Football does seem to be the dominant sport up here. So should we be concentrating on providing a better football stadium with superb community outdoor training facilities? (to complement the mainly indoor facilities that Halkirk are developing)

01-Aug-10, 15:06
The Jacky Gunn centre of Sporting excellence.
OK, that's a start. Has this individual excelled at some sport? Or are they a well-known local philanthropist?:eek:

01-Aug-10, 16:12
Is it just me or is anyone else disappointed to say the least that messrs Gunn & Carter and the secret committee have not bothered to provide any information as to the progress of our sports centre.

Not only are they ignoring the requests on this forum and we know they are watching but they have also ignored the request from Jamie Stone MSP printed in the local paper a few weeks back.[disgust]

All said and done they were "close" to having everything in place back in 2002 so what has happened in the last 8 years?

01-Aug-10, 16:57
Is it just me or is anyone else disappointed to say the least that messrs Gunn & Carter and the secret committee have not bothered to provide any information as to the progress of our sports centre.

Not only are they ignoring the requests on this forum and we know they are watching but they have also ignored the request from Jamie Stone MSP printed in the local paper a few weeks back.[disgust]

All said and done they were "close" to having everything in place back in 2002 so what has happened in the last 8 years?

Have you asked Jamie Stone if he got a response?
We should wait and see what is provided in response to Tubthumper's request for information.

01-Aug-10, 17:56
Is it just me or is anyone else disappointed to say the least that messrs Gunn & Carter and the secret committee have not bothered to provide any information as to the progress of our sports centre.
The arrogance is simply stunning [disgust]

Not only are they ignoring the requests on this forum and we know they are watching but they have also ignored the request from Jamie Stone MSP printed in the local paper a few weeks back.[disgust]
But as the 'chairman' explained, he would reveal the truth when it suited him. We matter nowt.

All said and done they were "close" to having everything in place back in 2002 so what has happened in the last 8 years? I'll stick my neck out and sum it up:

Money raised - c. £250 000
Designs for centre commissioned - none
Land acquired for complex - none
Interaction with highland council - none
Discussions with local groups re requirements - none
Interactions with funding bodies - none
Individuals in community pleased - none
Individuals in 'committee' pleased - 6

Happy Guy
01-Aug-10, 18:14
We need to have a discussion about what our new centre will be for. No point in trying to serve everyone's demands and ending up with something that's rubbish for most things.

The fund was originally intended primarily to develop Wick (and by extension, Caithness) football. Football does seem to be the dominant sport up here. So should we be concentrating on providing a better football stadium with superb community outdoor training facilities? (to complement the mainly indoor facilities that Halkirk are developing)
In the present circumstances, perhaps its a little premature to be thinking about what the proposed new centre will be used for, but I would caution against placing too much emphasis on football, as this would exclude a large proportion of the public

01-Aug-10, 18:42
Have you asked Jamie Stone if he got a response?
We should wait and see what is provided in response to Tubthumper's request for information.

The request from Jamie Stone MSP published in the Groat on 9 July was a follows "A CALL was made this week for the Caithness public to be told how much money is in the Wick Academy Development Fund, what it is to be used for and what progress is being made with regard to its aims being met"

As we the Caithness public are no further on about of the points Mr Stone raised i think it is fair to say they are ignoring him as well as us.

01-Aug-10, 19:04
In the present circumstances, perhaps its a little premature to be thinking about what the proposed new centre will be used for, but I would caution against placing too much emphasis on football, as this would exclude a large proportion of the public
That's a fair point. While we're (still) waiting, why don't the public give an indication here about what they'd like to see included?:)

01-Aug-10, 20:01
As we the Caithness public are no further on about of the points Mr Stone raised i think it is fair to say they are ignoring him as well as us.
That's one of the great things about having a secret 'committee' of 'trustees' and membership by invitation only. You can treat everyone with complete contempt.

How they've continued to get away with it is probably down to the community's 'live and let live' attitude, and our inherent trust in the integrity of our fellow man.

Well we got caught bonny with the Gala funds, didn't we!? [evil]

01-Aug-10, 20:51
personally I don't care what it's used for as long as it's used for something other than lining the secret committee's pockets! Secret committee! this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. the people of wicK have just been too trusting, and past experience should learn us not to be so again.

Alice in Blunderland
01-Aug-10, 21:52
The arrogance is simply stunning [disgust]

But as the 'chairman' explained, he would reveal the truth when it suited him. We matter nowt.
I'll stick my neck out and sum it up:

Money raised - c. £250 000
Designs for centre commissioned - none
Land acquired for complex - none
Interaction with highland council - none
Discussions with local groups re requirements - none
Interactions with funding bodies - none
Individuals in community pleased - none
Individuals in 'committee' pleased - 6

Sorry Tubs you missed one out

Requests to local groups turned down and disappointed - a few :~(

Well we got caught bonny with the Gala funds, didn't we!? [evil]

Time and time again local funds have been used and abused by its members this has been going on now for many years some brought to justice others got away with it !

I would have thought that this would have made any committee try doubly hard to be as open as possible to the public whose money they have in their care.

W.A.D.F. (SC032787)
01-Aug-10, 22:36
I've been away and have just been catching up on here. I checked the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, Chapter 3, Section 23, "Entitlement to information about charities" and there is no mention of any time limit for a response...so i'm afraid that it's neither 14 working days or 14 days. Patience may be required by all !!

01-Aug-10, 22:57
Inspired by my recent visit to the Halkirk Highland Games (where the Jocks were comprehensively beaten by an Australian), might I venture a thought that we should include facilities for the more traditional highland pastimes. :eek:

Only joking, a magnificent display by all the competitors :D

01-Aug-10, 23:38
I've been away and have just been catching up on here. I checked the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, Chapter 3, Section 23, "Entitlement to information about charities" and there is no mention of any time limit for a response...so i'm afraid that it's neither 14 working days or 14 days. Patience may be required by all !!

You're very good The Archer. But what you must remember is that if the WADF prevaricate any further, you're likely to lose the trust of the community you're allegedly 'Working On Behalf Of'.

Also the OSCR will not be very happy (remember the previous investigation?).

So the WADF had better get the finger out, as they say. :)

Alice in Blunderland
01-Aug-10, 23:49
I've been away and have just been catching up on here. I checked the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, Chapter 3, Section 23, "Entitlement to information about charities" and there is no mention of any time limit for a response...so i'm afraid that it's neither 14 working days or 14 days. Patience may be required by all !!

I agree that the 14 days ruling is not mentioned in this section............however I think that the people involved with the WADF would be only too happy to supply by return this information. :)

If on the other hand they decide not too I am sure our good friend Tubs and a few others will be banging on the door of OSCR who can then ask for information and they have to get a response within 14 days for their request............. I think from my reading of the prior paragraph. ( unless I have read it wrong )

A group with nothing to hide have no need to hold onto any information regarding public monies. ( have they now?? ) :)

02-Aug-10, 00:39
OK, that's a start. Has this individual excelled at some sport? Or are they a well-known local philanthropist?:eek:

Well on that basis , Murray Park , the Training ground of The Rangers FC shouldnt be called Murray Park then should it???.

Sir David Murray Pumped millions of pounds into Rangers FC- he didnt play for the club , didnt manage them , coach them or have too much to do with the way clubs are run(allegedly)

He then built as guided by Dick Advocaat a £14 million pound training complex at Milngavie & it was named Murray Park.

So If if the new complex ever gets built . why not call it after someone local like the biggest contributor or ticket seller or maybe even Fan ??

What about the K.W stadium ?

02-Aug-10, 01:36
I've been away and have just been catching up on here. I checked the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, Chapter 3, Section 23, "Entitlement to information about charities" and there is no mention of any time limit for a response...so i'm afraid that it's neither 14 working days or 14 days. Patience may be required by all !!

Too tired to look up the link just now but I think that I saw the 14 days mentioned in section 22. It relates to the time the charity has to respond to a request for information from OSCR.

Now that WADF have provided all the information OSCR were needing (as I recall from earlier posts it had been listed as overdue but has since been provided by WADF), it will be no hardship to rattle off another copy and post it to Tubs....especially now he's stumped up £20 for the information.

02-Aug-10, 04:43
i no they use to rent a office in grant st wick a couple of years back for about a year they paid 40 pounds a week for this privilage so work it out folks 52 x 40 = 2080 pounds is this a justified exspence as they are such a elite little group could they no have met at one of there houses

02-Aug-10, 09:22
i no they use to rent a office in grant st wick a couple of years back for about a year...
I wonder what they did in there?

Write no press releases on their lack of progress?
Decide where not to build a stadium?
Plan in detail which landowners or other organisations not to speak to?
Roll together in £5 notes, while laughing at their secret knowledge?
Draw designs for the stadium complex on fag packets

Of course we may be doing the 'committee' a major disservice. They may have the plans and funding waiting only for the final 'go' command. They may have spoken to all the right people, and built up a comprehensive picture of what is needed, what is possible, how to build it and who should run it.

If that's the case, though, why won't they tell anyone else? [evil]

02-Aug-10, 09:25
So If if the new complex ever gets built . why not call it after someone local like the biggest contributor or ticket seller or maybe even Fan ??

What about the K.W stadium ?
The Farquhar Centre... how does that sound?

Or Ian Sinclair, the bloke that is mad for Wick heritage and speaks Gaelic, what about after him?

Or simply 'KW1'?

02-Aug-10, 09:31
they used it on a monday night for about 3 hrs max 40 pounds a week rent how can they justify that they think wickers are stuiped why arnt they selling the tickets now ? were is the money ? were is the accounts ? why do all who are involved not identify themselves ? why all the secrecy ? and they wonder why people are suspicious

mr carter

mr more

mr gunn

and co

should just own up tell people how much money is left and whats going to happen to it thats all we want to no so no more secrets gents own up tell all

W.A.D.F. (SC032787)
02-Aug-10, 16:42
Tubthumper- Woah go easy...I'm just sharing some knowledge i've gleaned from reading the charitable laws - that doesn't mean that i've anything to do with WADF.

lynne duncan
02-Aug-10, 17:52
carry on tubthumper, you're doing a marvellous job and shame on the wadf committee for being so antiquated that they have the nerve to think that public money can be held in this day and age in such a manner.
so i totally agree with you that they should publically publish the accounts, because if they have nothing to hide and are acting in the interests of the public as oscr states, they should be then an honest person and should have no scuples in coming forth.
HOWEVER if they are crooked and have used the money to line their own pockets then yes we will probably never hear.
So come on the committee of the wadf (mind you if they are antiquated and not with the times maybe they aren't aware of this if they not computer literate hmmm!) fess up!!!
or should we just put a set of stocks somewhere public with pictures of the committee adhered too!

but if you are honest then you could stick me in the stocks for a day in the market square for publically grumping about you.

02-Aug-10, 18:25
Tubthumper- Woah go easy...I'm just sharing some knowledge i've gleaned from reading the charitable laws - that doesn't mean that i've anything to do with WADF.
Sorry mate, getting a bit frustrated here! I shouldn't be taking it so seriously.


02-Aug-10, 23:37
Sorry mate, getting a bit frustrated here! I shouldn't be taking it so seriously.


So what about the comittee that you are trying to coerce into revealing where the money went, their families, Have you wondered about them while you try to dig the hole ?

I reckon the money is still there sitting in a bank somewhere , Id also love to see your face if it is , the reaction would be funny as hell

03-Aug-10, 08:31
So what about the comittee that you are trying to coerce into revealing where the money went, their families, Have you wondered about them while you try to dig the hole ?
I reckon the money is still there sitting in a bank somewhere , Id also love to see your face if it is , the reaction would be funny as hell
Getting bored now are we?;)

I reckon money is still sitting in a bank somewhere too. I want to know how much there is, what is going to happen to it and why people seem to think they're entitled to keep secrets with public money. And I'd like to know what they've done with it over the years. After all, the individuals concerned have only ever had to keep their community informed in order to prevent suspicion being directed at them and their families. Hard-working, solid businessmen who graft to provide for their families are a joy to have in any community, even if they are a bit glum at times.

And my face will be one of simple satisfaction when all is finally revelealed. :) Unless it turns out there's been shenanegans going on, where I will be shocked and disappointed.[evil]

03-Aug-10, 13:17
Getting bored now are we?;)

I reckon money is still sitting in a bank somewhere too. I want to know how much there is, what is going to happen to it and why people seem to think they're entitled to keep secrets with public money. And I'd like to know what they've done with it over the years. After all, the individuals concerned have only ever had to keep their community informed in order to prevent suspicion being directed at them and their families. Hard-working, solid businessmen who graft to provide for their families are a joy to have in any community, even if they are a bit glum at times.

And my face will be one of simple satisfaction when all is finally revelealed. :) Unless it turns out there's been shenanegans going on, where I will be shocked and disappointed.[evil]

Okay thats fair enough, but I was a tad bored-its all 1 way traffic. I wish they would come out and clarify where the dough is & as I said before I dont think they will

03-Aug-10, 13:29
The Farquhar Centre... how does that sound?

Or Ian Sinclair, the bloke that is mad for Wick heritage and speaks Gaelic, what about after him?

Or simply 'KW1'?

Apologies if it is a joke I have missed but doesnt KW stand for kirkwall?

03-Aug-10, 13:37
Okay thats fair enough, but I was a tad bored-its all 1 way traffic. I wish they would come out and clarify where the dough is & as I said before I dont think they will
Yeah, it gets difficult to maintain interest. :( They'll surely send the info as soon as the cheque clears, that'll bump the 'wow' factor up a bit. :cool:

MrLennie -you're right, KW's the Kirkwall postcode, but KW1 has a certain something... maybe WK?

Maybe we can get a BIG sponsor, call it something like 'The Reebok Stadium'.

03-Aug-10, 14:32
call it something like 'The Reebok Stadium'.

Hmm, has a certain ring to it, but I think its been done ;)

03-Aug-10, 14:37
If it has a social club in it, we could call that bit Carter Bar! Oh wait, thats been done too:) http://www.borders-cam.com/carter-bar/

03-Aug-10, 17:35
Yeah, it gets difficult to maintain interest. :( They'll surely send the info as soon as the cheque clears, that'll bump the 'wow' factor up a bit. :cool:

MrLennie -you're right, KW's the Kirkwall postcode, but KW1 has a certain something... maybe WK?

Maybe we can get a BIG sponsor, call it something like 'The Reebok Stadium'.

How about something local: "The Wick Academy of Sport".

Or is that too close to the bone? ;)

Corrie 3
03-Aug-10, 18:09
When the money is eventually found and spent I would like to see our Pensioners catered for. What about one of those Pensioners play parks where they can keep fit with gentle excercise.
Perhaps the obese people in Caithness could also use it to lose a bit of weight...Now that is the money well spent!!! (When/if you find it).


03-Aug-10, 18:21
(When/if you find it). :Razz

That seems highly unlikly at this point in time! :roll:

Corrie 3
03-Aug-10, 18:35
That seems highly unlikly at this point in time!
Has your Neighbour run off with it Peg???


03-Aug-10, 23:27
I just had to make the 200th post myself. And 14 000 views! Gosh, that's a lot of interest!

But nothing in the post today.:(

03-Aug-10, 23:44
But nothing in the post today.:(

Maybe allow 14 days from when the cheque is cashed? Was it cashed, did you check your current account?

Alice in Blunderland
04-Aug-10, 08:15
But nothing in the post today.:(

Now now patience, being that they seem to be very cautious and take time to make sure everything is in order they must be sure that your cheque clears first. :D

That said you can always check with the bank at the end of the week to see if the cheque has been cashed yet ;)

and the next week and so on

04-Aug-10, 13:00
Has your Neighbour run off with it Peg???


Nah the neighbs are inocent!

Theyre to busy giving each other the evileye. :lol:

04-Aug-10, 13:24
That said you can always check with the bank at the end of the week to see if the cheque has been cashed yet ;) No sign of it being cashed yet, mind you the internet was down all morning (here at least), and Monday was a bank holiday.

We have to take into account that the 'committee' have jobs just like the rest of us, and it's sometimes not easy to get to the bank to cash a cheque.

Here's hoping for the end of the week though!

RB 14-20
04-Aug-10, 14:36
This is a good game. Perhaps it could be a surname.

Now, are you suggesting that these people might have the answer, or dropping hints that Mr & Mrs W might get their windows tanned on my behalf? Or maybe you're pointing out that me and my OH have a name beginning with W?

Too cryptic for me, RB. You'll need to be clearer!:)
Windows tanned in Hen Court ........Never !!!

04-Aug-10, 14:44
Windows tanned in Hen Court ........Never !!!
Whatever. If anything 'accidental' happens I'll know whose IP address to direct the (old) bill to.:roll:

04-Aug-10, 16:58
Windows tanned in Hen Court ........Never !!!

Strikes me as a bit sinister:roll:

04-Aug-10, 17:39
Pretty poor standard of threat to be honest. It's always better if the recipient has a clue what the threat refers to.

Or maybe I'm just thick.

04-Aug-10, 19:45
Windows tanned in Hen Court ........Never !!!

Never mind wasting time playing games just get on with providing the information and questions that have been asked on this forum. You have tubthumpers money in fact you have all our money so no more nonsense.

04-Aug-10, 19:53
Pretty poor standard of threat to be honest. It's always better if the recipient has a clue what the threat refers to.

Or maybe I'm just thick.

May be you should watch your Back as the Chairman Mr Gunn of the WADF commitee was mentioned in the Groat Court Pages a couple of months ago for Threating a person whom used to sell WADF tickets for him,.
This poor man was just sitting in his car at the Traffic Lights when Mr Gunn started on him all over Football i am told.
If that was not enough he repeated it a couple of weeks later with threats to the man and his brother at the Harbour as they worked on there boat.
WADF do seem to be nice people to deal with if this is how the Chairman acts.
I do not know how to post the link to the story in the Groat or i would do so.

04-Aug-10, 20:17
Good grief! I'm all for being passionate about sport, but that takes the biscuit! Are you telling me that the WADF 'committee' chairman, a reputable local businessman and trustee of a once-popular local charity which holds around £250 000* of the public's money, threatened violence on a bloke over football (or related issues)?

Maybe I'd better watch out and back off, I have a family to consider!:eek:

But to be honest, I don't think the WADF were behind RB 14-20's posts. It's just someone messing about. :lol:

Predicted funds - unverified at this time (accounts requested)

05-Aug-10, 09:54
The cheque sent to WADF and signed for on 29th July (no electronic POD available) doesn't appear to have been cashed yet. And nothing received in the post either.

But despite the 14-day rule not applying to applications by members of the public, it's good to remember that good old word 'reasonable' and its place in Scots law.

In the meantime, as regards mysterious & possibly sinister posts on here, it's heartening to know that someone finds it desirable to find out all about me :). Many of my acquaintances (local & international, current and long-standing) think it's interesting too.

So just to let you know, while I'm getting bored waiting for a response, I've:
(a) Checked up on processes for legally tracing computer and hand-held device usage should it prove necessary
(b) Spoken to friends in the Police and Close Protection fields all over the UK regarding possible threats to self, loved ones and property

And it's been pointed out that making vague references onto a public forum is a bit naff.

Alice in Blunderland
05-Aug-10, 12:07
So just to let you know, while I'm getting bored waiting for a response, I've:
(a) Checked up on processes for legally tracing computer and hand-held device usage should it prove necessary
(b) Spoken to friends in the Police and Close Protection fields all over the UK regarding possible threats to self, loved ones and property

And it's been pointed out that making vague references onto a public forum is a bit naff.

Having been the victim of threats via computer, mobile and workplace phone calls I can give you first hand advice on this. The person who sent me (via computer) messages was so silly as I couldn't believe how easy it is to trace them once you get the IP number. My one went all the way to the top and they had very serious consequences for the sender as this is something the companies do not like.

05-Aug-10, 15:44
Tis' also entertaining when the polis turn up and seize all the computer guff, even more entertaining when they do the computer forensics and find out what else the computer has been used for.:eek:

05-Aug-10, 16:19
May be you should watch your Back as the Chairman Mr Gunn of the WADF commitee was mentioned in the Groat Court Pages a couple of months ago for Threating a person whom used to sell WADF tickets for him,.
This poor man was just sitting in his car at the Traffic Lights when Mr Gunn started on him all over Football i am told.
If that was not enough he repeated it a couple of weeks later with threats to the man and his brother at the Harbour as they worked on there boat.
WADF do seem to be nice people to deal with if this is how the Chairman acts.
I do not know how to post the link to the story in the Groat or i would do so.

Such behavior is beneath contempt!

Why the threats? :roll:

Whats going on here?

06-Aug-10, 09:33
Still no sign of the cheque being cashed. The secretary could have banked it yesterday at lunchtime, at his work.

Then again this could just be the famous WADF delaying tactics we've heard so much about. You know, thinking they have a right to anonymity and can do (or refuse to do) anything they like, including threatening folk for daring to ask what's been going on.

I've been checking: There are ways that 'their' fund can be removed from them. There are ways that 'they' can be removed from the running of the Development fund. There are people out here who are able to actually achieve the things their community want from the money they've donated. Unlike the current 'committee' of failures, whoever they are, who have achieved nothing in over ten years and are too scared to reveal how much they've spent while doing it!

There's a reckonin a-coming biys! :lol:

06-Aug-10, 10:09
Still waiting for the WADF (a registered charity, raising funds on behalf of their community) to bother themselves posting out the information on what they've raised and how they're supposed to operate, to their community as required by law.

Meanwhile, as part of my research into their activities, could anyone with information relating to the WADF 'committee' on:

Episodes of threatening behaviour or physical contact
Use of foul language
Refusal to answer a civil question on funds or charity activities

or any other conduct unbecoming a charity trustee, please PM me. :)

06-Aug-10, 10:16
I've followed this thread with interest but never felt it appropriate to post as i dont live there but i have a question Tubs.

Why arent the Community Counsel actively pursuing this "farce" its alot of money and no apparent record of what is happening to it?:confused

Isnt that what they are there for.:roll:

06-Aug-10, 13:53
I've followed this thread with interest but never felt it appropriate to post as i dont live there but i have a question Tubs.
Why arent the Community Counsel actively pursuing this "farce" its alot of money and no apparent record of what is happening to it?
Isnt that what they are there for.
I think that when an organisation refuses (often with some choice language!:eek:) to reveal its dealings, a small community like ours tends to shrug its shoulders and hope things will work themselves out. In the case of the gala funds it didn't work out. Neither did it work out in the most recent case.

The main questions, for community councils, MSPs. MPs, Councillors, interested groups who could make use of the money, official bodies etc. are "How does a Charity get away with acting in this way?" and "How to separate OUR money from these people?"

There are many people from far afield (and from official bodies) watching this thread; how do you think it makes our community look?:confused

Alice in Blunderland
06-Aug-10, 14:06
Has anyone formally written to the Wick Community Council expressing their concerns ?

06-Aug-10, 14:13
I haven't. I'll stick with the formal WADF and OSCR correspondence if its OK with everyone. Can someone else take on liaising with the Community Council please? I'm pretty certain they're aware of the issue, but whether they need formal notification is another thing.

[Edit - PM box emptied (again), can people please resend info if they couldn't get in?]

Alice in Blunderland
06-Aug-10, 14:23
Can someone else take on liaising with the Community Council please?

I had a pm saying that this has been done.:D

06-Aug-10, 14:27
Cheers AiB. Although an 'organisation' which routinely disregards legal protocols, ignores 'suggestions' in the press from MSPs, and prevaricates on polite requests for information is hardly likely to get agitated about the Community Council getting involved.

I wonder; do they have something to hide, does their arrogance break all previously known records, or are they just completely incompetent?:confused

06-Aug-10, 22:04
I forgot to mention, I'll keep dealing with the Highland Council correspondence if that's OK with youse?

You know, the Highland Council? That's our Local Authority, the one that the WADF Chairman has 'been in touch with' over the proposed development, as stated in the Groat of 9th July 2010.:cool:

(Thanks for all the PMs about trustee behaviour, by the way!)

Alice in Blunderland
06-Aug-10, 22:27
or are they just completely incompetent

Jeez must get my eyes tested :roll: I read this and thought it said incontinent :eek: [lol]

06-Aug-10, 22:29
Thank you Tubthumper for keeping everyone updated on this saga

WADF committee certainly appears to want to ignore the majority of folk who put money into this fund, by refusing to answer questions and provide documents which have been requested and the requested premium paid - wont be long before somefolks collars will be felt by the long arm of the law imho.

They have had enough time to find all the relevant documents and copied them, many times over - but are they running out of handkercheifs to wipe their sweaty brows, toilet rolls to wipe up after their nervous tums - all charged to expenses of course!

Wonder what they have to cover up - must be something - most committees would supply the information without payment and as quickly as possible to be seen to be acting in a competent and appropriate manner with the monies of which they have control.

This secret committee certain appears to be putting the two fingers up to the folk who willingly gave money into this Developement Fund and want to know where and what this money has/is being used to fund.

06-Aug-10, 22:39
Cheers Pat. I'm trying to work out the best way to broadcast this to the offshore workers, who willingly paid into the fund thinking it would be used to build a football stadium for Wick.

The more info we can get the better, and it certainly sounds as if tens of thousands of pounds dropped into the laps of the WADF from these guys.

Any ideas?

07-Aug-10, 09:24
I saw the thread on here about WADF - ignored it for a long time and did not read it until one day accidentally clicked on it

Wish it had been headed more eye-catching and the folk would be more likely to popin for a glance and be rivetted by the goings on of this "Committee" who chose to ignore practically all of the folk who helped raise the money and now want to know what has happened to this money and where it is is now - everyone is accountable for their actions, including this nameless committee.

Has WADF been raising money under false pretences - where is the money and what has it been used to improve or develope - we (the public) have asked the questions and still after all this time there are no answers - date unavailable to me as Bill has removed the original thread but it has been some months now.

I would have thought the folk of Caithness would be a bit more financially aware after the all the financial irregularities there have been in Caithness lately - do not live in Caithness but I do read some papers.

Think I may move back to Caithness to see what scams, financial irregularities are open as Caithness folk appear to be extremely trusting with the money they hand over to anyone who says it is going to a good cause - see how well you can live before getting caught and getting your wrists lightly tapped and made to pay back only the part of the money they can prove was taken, whilst living a very comfortable life on the rest of the proceeds.

I can imagine many folk are heading up to Caithness to syphon off the gullible Caithness folks money - they hand over money without asking any questions, they trust everyone and especially if they are from Caithness or have Caithness connections, when will you learn not to be so trusting?

What about asking RIGGERBOY what the best way of getting this advertised on the oil rigs in Aberdeen - would a letter to the editor of the P&J asking for all the folk who gave money to WADF to ask questions of OSCR and the people locally who authorise charity collections?

07-Aug-10, 09:47
Pat's point about taking care of our charities is a good one. Wick's recent experiences with dodgy treasurers and fundraisers brings up some very interesting questions about charity fraud. I found this in a paper by the Financial Industry's own charitable body...

Charity Fraud - The victims
Charity fraud can have a considerable impact upon a range of victims in a variety of ways. Ultimately we all pay the price for fraud perpetrated against the charity sector; charities lose money, donors lose confidence in giving, beneficiaries lose access to services, employees lose jobs and wider society loses the important contribution that charities make to the quality of life in our local, national and international communities.
Victims include:
• The charity: The charity does not receive the full amount of income that has been collected on its behalf or income is misappropriated or misapplied.
• Donors and financial supporters: The donor is misled into providing donations to fictitious charities or bogus collectors or the full value of the donation (or other form of financial support) is not applied to the charity or in the manner expected.
• Beneficiaries: The beneficiary is deprived of financial assistance, goods, services, resources or their own money because the charity has not received the necessary/ anticipated income to fund activities.
• Employees and volunteers: The morale of employees and volunteers can be seriously affected. Employees may lose their jobs.
• Wider society: Fraud can erode public confidence in charities and damage the reputation of the sector as a whole.

(Source - Fraud Advisory Panel - paper 01/08 www.fraudadvisorypanel.org/newsite/PDFs/other/Charity (http://www.fraudadvisorypanel.org/newsite/PDFs/other/Charity) Fraud (June08).pdf)

07-Aug-10, 10:26
£8 cheque's been cashed - to clear on Monday! :)

Great stuff, thanks WADF. Looking forward to receiving your information.

07-Aug-10, 10:31
£8 cheque's been cashed - to clear on Monday!


Now how long before we find out if it's a 419er or not????:confused

07-Aug-10, 16:09
Now they have cashed the cheque they have agreed to a contract to provide the goods requested and within a reasonable date.

Please let us all on here know, as you have always done - clear and above board with nothing to hide, when and what the answers you receive from this WADF committee.

Thanks for all your good work so far - keep thumping the tub for Caithness.

Nothing public should be hidden - everything above board and able to be inspected by anyone who wants to view any information.

Alice in Blunderland
07-Aug-10, 18:05
Nothing public should be hidden - everything above board and able to be inspected by anyone who wants to view any information.

Looks like the Government agrees with you Pat

I was checking to see if the freedom of information act applies to charities and found this lovely piece of info :D

Freedom of Information Act will not apply to charities

the ministry said that the benefits of bringing charities under the auspices of the act would be significantly outweighed by the "inevitable" negative impact on their charitable causes brought by the extra cost of compliance.
But it added that the Government would "expect charities to respond as openly and promptly as possible to reasonable requests for the information they hold".

07-Aug-10, 18:17
But it added that the Government would "expect charities to respond as openly and promptly as possible to reasonable requests for the information they hold".

Straigt forward business ettiquet (sp) only to be expected of course.
Asuming you have a moral consciense that is!

Alice in Blunderland
07-Aug-10, 18:25
Straigt forward business ettiquet (sp) only to be expected of course.

I agree :)

07-Aug-10, 21:43
I saw the thread on here about WADF - ignored it for a long time and did not read it until one day accidentally clicked on it

Wish it had been headed more eye-catching and the folk would be more likely to popin for a glance and be rivetted by the goings on of this "Committee" who chose to ignore practically all of the folk who helped raise the money and now want to know what has happened to this money and where it is is now - everyone is accountable for their actions, including this nameless committee.

Has WADF been raising money under false pretences - where is the money and what has it been used to improve or develope - we (the public) have asked the questions and still after all this time there are no answers - date unavailable to me as Bill has removed the original thread but it has been some months now.

I would have thought the folk of Caithness would be a bit more financially aware after the all the financial irregularities there have been in Caithness lately - do not live in Caithness but I do read some papers.

Think I may move back to Caithness to see what scams, financial irregularities are open as Caithness folk appear to be extremely trusting with the money they hand over to anyone who says it is going to a good cause - see how well you can live before getting caught and getting your wrists lightly tapped and made to pay back only the part of the money they can prove was taken, whilst living a very comfortable life on the rest of the proceeds.

I can imagine many folk are heading up to Caithness to syphon off the gullible Caithness folks money - they hand over money without asking any questions, they trust everyone and especially if they are from Caithness or have Caithness connections, when will you learn not to be so trusting?

What about asking RIGGERBOY what the best way of getting this advertised on the oil rigs in Aberdeen - would a letter to the editor of the P&J asking for all the folk who gave money to WADF to ask questions of OSCR and the people locally who authorise charity collections?

Your words are very true Pat it seems that Caithness folks are to trusting and gulliable as far as giving to Charity is concerned.
There are Two more Charity fraudters in Wick JP court on Tuesday over a collection in the Seaforth Club and the Pipe Band hall .
There actions put people off giving but at least them have been taken to Court and named and shamed for there actions hope the Seaforth club will Ban the person involved.
The Pipeband have stated in the paper that it is Nothing to do with them.

07-Aug-10, 22:23
totally agree with you - everyone suffers from the misappropriation/misplacement of funds.
As a Wicker living in Stornoway - I have been getting very strange looks, from people who do not know me, folk walking away when I say I am from Wick, especially since the recent court case in Wick involving someone who moved here from Wick, this loss of trust has certainly affected my relationship with the people of Lewis who do not know me personally.

Time the Wick Academy Developement Fund was cleared/cleaned up and everything out in the open and above board, to enable everyone to see all is crystal clear, there has been no subterfuge and underhand dealings with this fund and accounts, that the committee have just been very careful in protecting the donations, their identities and their money management techniques.

Hope you get the envelope on Monday Tubthumper with all the information required.

08-Aug-10, 10:19
... the Government would "expect charities to respond as openly and promptly as possible to reasonable requests for the information they hold".

There is a legal requirement to promptly provide the constitution/ governing document and latest accounts when requested. Providing anything else (e.g. a list of trustees, meeting records, details of expenses, progress reports etc) is down to the charity, while the legality of withholding information is down to examination of that lovely old legal term 'reasonable'.

Now, I would say that it is 'reasonable' for us (either as Members Of The Public or Citizens of Wick and Environs) to wonder what's going on, to ask for access to records, and possibly to demand an open meeting where we can ask questions of those working on our behalf. Many of my chums who know about these things agree, and they've all been laughing mightily at the progress of this thread! :lol:

The trustees of a charity that claims to be 'Working On Behalf Of The Community' would be well advised to willingly provide any information on their activities that is requested. :D And I should point out that I (we) haven't yet asked for anything other than the Gov Doc and accounts.

As I've said since the start, we might get a pleasant surprise and find that there's stacks of dosh, a well-defined plan, a beautifully-conducted project development programme and smiles all round. And I will be first to offer my congratulations and apologies for casting doubts, although I will wryly wonder why the need for all the secrecy and loss of sleep.

In the meantime, any trustee (whoever they are) that doesn't want to continue in their role, perhaps because they think they're above being dragged blinking into the limelight, worried about having their personal conduct and sources of income examined in public, concerned they might have been a bit aggressive in their trusteeship, who's maybe exaggerated a little bit when talking to the press, or been a bit over-enthusiastic in their public denunciation of people seeking the truth, can resign at any time. That won't excuse them from possibly being asked to explain their conduct at a future point, but I'm sure the community will offer thanks for the work done.

Any trustee wishing to escape and afraid of the reaction of other trustees, why not drop me a pm or give me a phone (you know who and where I am, after all) and I can offer some counselling and contacts for help.

And on a final note (for the moment) I'm told that, in our wonderful Scots law, the defence of 'Veritas' is absolute in cases where Defamation has been alleged. Can someone let me know if that's correct please? :)

08-Aug-10, 23:07
Thanks to all those who confirmed the legal niceties of online debate in Scotland. :)

After 17 500 views this thread is still popular, but let's make sure it doesn't become stale. Holding off until folk get bored and lose interest has served our friends well in the past, and allowed this silly situation to persist for over 10 years.

Please keep lobbing in your thoughts. I'll get hold of a scanner, in anticipation of lots of goodies coming shortly! :cool:

09-Aug-10, 09:44
Woohoo!! Now how long before we find out if it's a 419er or not????:confused
419er, what's that Phill?

Was My Darling Clementine not involved with a Minor 419er, before she was lost and gone forever?? :eek: Is that what's happened to our cash??

09-Aug-10, 10:08
419 is the offence committed by internet scammers originating in Nigeria, now widely used to signify a scam of any kind. I'm sure thats not the case here though :)

09-Aug-10, 11:09
419er, what's that Phill?

As DeHaviLand pointed out it's the Nigerian based scams starting with an email offering you a financial dream whilst in reality they'll just be relieving you of all your cash.

But obviously this is not the case here, just my imagination running wild and my inane ramblings once again.

I'll get me coat.....

09-Aug-10, 11:45
Ah. Cheers for that Phill & DeHavilland. The post's been, nothing today.

But on another note, today it's exactly one calendar month (31 days) since the article was published on the front page of our local paper, where Jamie Stone MSP made a call for information on the WADF to be made public. What was it he said...?

"I feel it would be in the best interests of everyone if the details of the fund could now be made public. Indeed, I can't see why this should not happen."

They've ignored him, like they ignore everyone else. Except when they're forced to do something. Maybe we should just review that interview...

Mr Gunn, a former chairman of Wick Academy, would not speak about what appeared on the website. "I have no comment to make because I do not read or check what is on the internet but I will have a lot to say at the right time."

Perhaps not to the press, but making comments about this website (and posters thereon) using a spectacular combination of local dialect, a few interesting biological and medical terms, and what can only be described as 'spittle' always has a Right Time in Wick, by all accounts. The community that Mr Gunn's secret society (the WADF) is 'Working On Behalf Of' seem to think that NOW would be a Right Time to start saying a lot, like how much is in the fund and what has he been doing with it.

He explained he has been in touch with the local authority about the project.

Indeed. :confused Of course, that statement could apply equally to a brief conversation in a bar with the bloke that cuts the Bignold Park grass, or to a three hour strategy meeting with the Council's Ward Manager. Perhaps the Fund trustees and the Council (elected members and staff) could clarify that one for us.

"The fund's objectives remain the same otherwise we have all been wasting our time and effort in trying to do something for the county," continued Mr Gunn.

Objectives? What exactly were they again? Mr Gunn and his secret chums appear to have achieved nothing at all (except collect a pile of cash, alienate local sports clubs and annoy their community) in over ten years. Perhaps it's now time for the community to say 'Mr Gunn and co, you HAVE been wasting your time and effort. Also wasting the time and effort of all those who sold your tickets in good faith, and of all those who gave you money to build a sports facility. So why not stop wasting our time, tell us how much is in the Fund, and then let someone else (with decent manners and some actual ability) take up the campaign.'

He also confirmed that no money currently is being raised. "We are not fundraising at the moment but we are hoping to start up again," added Mr Gunn.

Does that mean they haven't got enough cash to do what they haven't planned to do, (like purchase no land, commission no designs or feasibility studies, consult no sports organisations and actually build no stadium)? That they'll have to revert to their sole tactic, ie convincing people to part with their pounds in exchange for tickets (how many made & sold each week...) to have a chance of winning a prize (winner drawn where...) yet again? And what happens if they DON'T start fundraising again?

They've been 'storing' nearly 1/4 of a million of our pounds for years while treating us all like idiots; do they really think, after all the charity scamming that's gone on in Wick lately, that anyone will actually give them MORE money? :eek:

Oh deary, deary, dear!

09-Aug-10, 18:41
Well said Tubthumper

Maybe it is also time to remind Jamie Stone it is one calendar month since his speech was reported in the local paper - perhaps he will take further interest and persuade "the committee" to supply the relevant paperwork as requested and paid for by your good self.

Looking forward to reading the relevant papers.

10-Aug-10, 09:50
Where's the best place to book for a public meeting in Wick? It will have to have a top table facing the audience, with seats for a chairman (Jamie Stone?), the committee/ charity trustee's representatives (3 off?), maybe 3 for 'interested parties' representatives, plus public seating for maybe 50?

10-Aug-10, 09:55
Assembly rooms?
Easy to find and some parking.

10-Aug-10, 11:20
Assembly rooms?
Easy to find and some parking.
Isn't that a bit big? After all, I'm sure not that many people will want to come along and hear the them state their case, in response to questions from the community they're keeping secrets from working on behalf of?:confused

10-Aug-10, 14:06
The Assembley Rooms has many smaller rooms - the Mowat Room which used to very plush, then they have many rooms used for dancing lessons.
All wheelchair accessible, plenty of parking.

I am sure there will be space available somewhere at Pultney Peoples Project, have not seen buildings but sure there will be accessible rooms for meetings available.

School buildings, quite a few in Wick, all accessible and lots of parking.

The hospital would permit one of the rooms they use for meetings to be hired for a few hours.

There is always the railway station - free of charge, plenty of fresh air, flat surface, seating.

The Trinkie, fairly accessible for the fit, plenty of room and rocks to be used as tables - ensuring no damage will get done if a temper tantrum is thrown.

Harbour area - when you have had enough you can jump in the water or throw them in for a swim as they have not used the money for the swimming pool!

Plenty choices of venue but will "the committee" turn up and answer questions put to them.

Give me plenty of warning and I will try to turn up for this meeting when held.

10-Aug-10, 16:46
the market square next to GALLOWS ?