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28-Jun-10, 23:01
I notice that Noel's Courthouse Party is not to continue on caithness.org. I think that's a pity. There is suddenly a surge of enthusiasm amongst the right-thinking people of the County for justice to be done, and more importantly to be seen to be done.

So I think we should collectively pick items from the local court pages of the Groat each week, and have a good old rant over it, discuss the rights and wrongs, the reasons and excuses, the history and most importantly, the community payback.

There are no restrictions (as long as it's been in the court): Shoplifting, violence, wife-beating, drug-dealing, speeding, no MOT, no TV license, overloaded and unsafe truck... the list is endless.

We'll have to be careful we don't break the law, but we can rest happy knowing that we've done a little bit each week to make our County a happier, more law-abiding place.
I'm looking forward to it! Hope you are too!:D

28-Jun-10, 23:10
Great idea Tubs! Can't wait to see some of the topics. :D

29-Jun-10, 08:09
Well? Go on then!

Kevin Milkins
29-Jun-10, 08:21
Flippin Eck!!:eek:. [para] I hope I never fall foul of the law.[para]

29-Jun-10, 08:32
I notice that Noel's Courthouse Party is not to continue on caithness.org. I think that's a pity. There is suddenly a surge of enthusiasm amongst the right-thinking people of the County for justice to be done, and more importantly to be seen to be done.

So I think we should collectively pick items from the local court pages of the Groat each week, and have a good old rant over it, discuss the rights and wrongs, the reasons and excuses, the history and most importantly, the community payback.

There are no restrictions (as long as it's been in the court): Shoplifting, violence, wife-beating, drug-dealing, speeding, no MOT, no TV license, overloaded and unsafe truck... the list is endless.

We'll have to be careful we don't break the law, but we can rest happy knowing that we've done a little bit each week to make our County a happier, more law-abiding place.
I'm looking forward to it! Hope you are too!:D

Main result of this will be the unnecessary and unfair distress caused to the immediate families of those in court. Why should the children and parents of those people have to have their agony and distress extended by this thoughless idea and actions resulting from it. Just think of the families of those people who probably have not guilt in the matter.

29-Jun-10, 09:12
Totally agree with you Cattach , why some folk think that just because its in the paper it gives them the right to come on here and rant & rave over it is beyond me, why don't they instead come on tell of all their own wrong doings and let all the other folk who think its ok to rant & rave do it about about them.
They wont be so keen then[disgust]

The Drunken Duck
29-Jun-10, 10:54
I went to court in Wick once. The version that appeared in the paper had three glaring errors, the biggest that I had been FOUND guilty when in fact I had PLEADED guilty to the correct, and much lesser charge when it was presented to me. Owned up to my actions, took my hits and moved on. Gave up asking for the report to be corrected though, got nowhere on that front after they printed a correction where they corrected one point and then repeated the other two wrong ones again. Unbelievable.

I was then highly amused to find that I would be taken to task by people who had read the paper and would act like I should care what they thought, and more than one who got on their high horse were FAR more familiar with the inside of the court than me. These people were ALWAYS the first to bleat when they were bluntly told to fornicate off when they gave their opinion.

But then one of the reasons I never settled in Caithness was I did things my way and cared not a jot what the vast majority of people thought. Glad I could bring a little bit of gossip into the dull lives of some though, must have made a nice change for them not having to rely on Jeremy Kyle for their daily dose of outrage.

29-Jun-10, 11:01
"..The version that appeared in the paper had three glaring errors, the biggest that I had been FOUND guilty when in fact I had PLEADED guilty to the correct, and much lesser charge when it was presented to me. Owned up to my actions, took my hits and moved on. Gave up asking for the report to be corrected though, got nowhere on that front after they printed a correction where they corrected one point and then repeated the other two wrong ones again. Unbelievable.

I think that if a newspaper, or any part of media, prints a story which is subsequently proved to be incorrect, then that newspaper should print an apology of the same size, and in same place as original story.
How many lurid headlines have we seen in daily newspapers which have taken up whole of front page, and then when story is revealed as false you get a tiny apology somewhere in middle of paper.

29-Jun-10, 11:14
I notice that Noel's Courthouse Party is not to continue on caithness.org. I think that's a pity. There is suddenly a surge of enthusiasm amongst the right-thinking people of the County for justice to be done, and more importantly to be seen to be done.

So I think we should collectively pick items from the local court pages of the Groat each week, and have a good old rant over it, discuss the rights and wrongs, the reasons and excuses, the history and most importantly, the community payback.

There are no restrictions (as long as it's been in the court): Shoplifting, violence, wife-beating, drug-dealing, speeding, no MOT, no TV license, overloaded and unsafe truck... the list is endless.

We'll have to be careful we don't break the law, but we can rest happy knowing that we've done a little bit each week to make our County a happier, more law-abiding place.
I'm looking forward to it! Hope you are too!:D why dont u get a life saddo

Sara Jevo
29-Jun-10, 11:38
Can I make a couple of points:

* If you are really interested in seeing justice done, go along to the court and sit on the public benches. You won't see justice being done on the Internet.

* Newspapers have a degree of privilege in their reports of court cases i.e. if they report accurately what was stated in a court (irrespective of the truth of what was stated), no defamation occurs. The same is not true of a forum such as this discussing a report in a newspaper. That will be hearsay.

29-Jun-10, 12:04
How very, very sad.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to discuss and gossip about court procedures, I know it's necessary to print them in the papers, in my opinion it's bad/sad enough people would read that.

Imagine it concerned a member of your family who had made a mistake, however major/minor. How would you feel if they were being torn to shreds by anonymous saddos with nothing better to do than take the moral high ground over a community website?


29-Jun-10, 12:17
How very, very sad.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to discuss and gossip about court procedures, I know it's necessary to print them in the papers, in my opinion it's bad/sad enough people would read that.

Imagine it concerned a member of your family who had made a mistake, however major/minor. How would you feel if they were being torn to shreds by anonymous saddos with nothing better to do than take the moral high ground over a community website?


In total agreement! Sad lives some people must lead that they live for groat and courier day. What a nasty thing to even think of doing.

29-Jun-10, 12:28
here,here need to get out more i would say it is so sad but its wick ,smalltown small minds

29-Jun-10, 12:33
Jebus H. Am I the only one who sees sarcasm in Tubs' post?

29-Jun-10, 13:04
Maybe he or she is being sarcastic, it doen't necessarily communicate across an internet forum.

I hardly ever use this site, so I wouldn't ever get to know any one user's language style.

Whether it was meant sarcastically or not, I wouldn't put it past some of the sad, small-minded, ignorant residents of this county (and every other county in UK I'm sure) to start up something like this.

29-Jun-10, 13:05
I think it's a great idea, presumably only the crims will be against it :lol:

29-Jun-10, 13:28
Jebus H. Am I the only one who sees sarcasm in Tubs' post?

There was no sarcasm, just thoughtlessness for the innocent faimily members, especially children, who have to live with a parents mistake - could lead to problems for those children in the school and the community.

29-Jun-10, 13:30
I think it's a great idea, presumably only the crims will be against it :lol:

I have never been to court but I am still against it! Your 'presumably only' is disproved by almost all the earlier posts in this thread.

29-Jun-10, 13:35
I don't see any sarcasm in fact I think the OP was being deadly serious.

29-Jun-10, 13:35
There was no sarcasm, </snip>

Aye there is, the post is positively dripping with it. Just 'cause you don't want to see it doesn't mean it's not there.

But still, you carry on with your lily-liberal knee-jerk over-reaction.

29-Jun-10, 13:42
I can not see what problem is.

A forum as defined by The Free Dictionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/forum)is:
"The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business".

Discussing court cases which have already been heard, and thus in the public domain is a harmless activity.
I fail to see how it would affect the family of defendants, as the number of people who actually logon to Caithness.Org, 393 as I type, is a fraction of those who would read about a case in a newspaper or hear about it on TV/Radio.

29-Jun-10, 13:45
Have to say I lol at the opening post.

Tubs is well known for his tongue in cheek posts.

I think he got his desired effect with everyone being up in arms over the whole idea.

Well done Tubs for getting the point across, even if you have taking a slating in doing so.

Good job you got broad shoulders pal lol.

29-Jun-10, 13:47
Anfield the difference being that on radio, tv and papers you don't have an imediate right of reply as you do on the forums.

29-Jun-10, 13:49
Well since everyone is speaking on behalf of 'Tubs' and knows him so well I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this time but from what I've seen lately it wouldn't surprise me if he was being serious. I still think it takes a nasty mind to even think these sorts of posts up.

29-Jun-10, 14:04
Well since everyone is speaking on behalf of 'Tubs' and knows him so well I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this time but from what I've seen lately it wouldn't surprise me if he was being serious. I still think it takes a nasty mind to even think these sorts of posts up.

Have to almost totally agree with you accept that not everyone is sticking up for Tubs. Read throiugh all the post - Most think it a dreadful idea and the product of a very sad mind rather than sarcasm or kite flying.

29-Jun-10, 14:10
Have to almost totally agree with you accept that not everyone is sticking up for Tubs. Read throiugh all the post - Most think it a dreadful idea and the product of a very sad mind rather than sarcasm or kite flying.

Seriously, you're missing the point - Tubs thinks it's a terrible idea too. Can you not read between the lines? :roll:

29-Jun-10, 19:12
Seriously, you're missing the point - Tubs thinks it's a terrible idea too. Can you not read between the lines? :roll:

I read what is printed what might or might not be between the lines. I am certainly not missing the point. read my posts and you will see the folly of even suggesting such an idea in jest. Some idiots will think it worth a try and then we have innocent family members distressed. Certain things should not be raised even in jest.

29-Jun-10, 19:16
I have never been to court but I am still against it! Your 'presumably only' is disproved by almost all the earlier posts in this thread.

Jeez, lighten up :eek:

29-Jun-10, 19:42
have never been up in court [so far anyway] but would sooner be judged in court than by this lot on here anyway tony

29-Jun-10, 20:07
Spot on Tony!

29-Jun-10, 23:07
There was a wee discussion about htis recently if i am not mistaken and i might be - i have been mistaken once already tonight:roll:

Some people definitely think its a good idea and are already doing it on another thread. Tubs was being sarcastic and tongue in cheek but its a good example of how things can be misunderstood sigh

01-Jul-10, 15:08
The version that appeared in the paper had three glaring errors, the biggest that I had been FOUND guilty when in fact I had PLEADED guilty to the correct, and much lesser charge when it was presented to me. Owned up to my actions, took my hits and moved on. Gave up asking for the report to be corrected though, got nowhere on that front after they printed a correction where they corrected one point and then repeated the other two wrong ones again. Unbelievable.

Just a thought......The Reason that even if you Plead Guilty, the Court has to accept your Plea, thus 'You had been Found Guilty' by The Court, meaning the system adjudicated by the Judge.
And may I congratulate on your choice of Words...Pleaded Guilty.....Many times, and here in particular people 'PLED Guilty'. Terrible English!

02-Jul-10, 08:26
Thing that I don't get is that it is discontinued due to time constraints... - cut / paste - email and post on the ORG...- 5 min tops once a week??.
Or maybe the JOGJ is still not using computers?
I would have thought that the online JOGJ would have been the place to post them anyway...