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24-Jun-10, 19:23
Can anyone tell me if its illegal to warn other motorists of speed traps ?

24-Jun-10, 19:27
I am assuming you are on about giving a flash or a thumbs down? in reality and all honesty i don't know of the legalities of it, but i agree in doing it.

24-Jun-10, 19:30
They'd have to catch you if it was, that'd be a very high concentration of police people if it was caithness!

24-Jun-10, 19:30
I heard of a case where a driver was fined for alerting other drivers of speed traps, I think it was under obstructing police to carry out their duty.

24-Jun-10, 19:34
I heard of a case where a driver was fined for alerting other drivers of speed traps, I think it was under obstructing police to carry out their duty.

I heard of someone being taken to court for that offence in Manchester. I don't know what the result was though. I suspect if it is not a traffic offence the consequences could be quite serious. :eek:

24-Jun-10, 19:45
I was pulled over for "alerting other motorists" with the thumbs down. It wasn`t combined with flashing lights..........I was on my way to have the strapping taken off a disjointed thumb.........police person was rather red faced and nothing more was said about it.

Think the trick is do alert others, just don`t get caught doing it.

The Drunken Duck
24-Jun-10, 19:45
I always thought the universal symbol for "Speed Trap Ahead" was a thumbs down to the driver heading towards said camera. Its what is used round my neck of the woods.

Allegedly .. ;)

24-Jun-10, 19:55
I return the gesture always, s'camera vans tucked away just churning out points/fines when its been proven time and time again that the equipment/user gets false readings as there are too many variables which in turn gives incorrect speed readings.

I wish I had a lorry or high sided vehicle as I would park right behind the s'camera vans and take a rest or have something to eat for the rest of there shift, just for the sake of it :D

What you find is the idiots that tell them where to park up, they put them no-where near accident blackspots and this is one of the main reasons they have them so they say.

I feel they are a big safety concern as it can cause people to panic brake even though there travelling at the road limit and would be especially worse for motorcyclists. There are far to many dangers etc out there without an additional hazard at the side of the road trying to catch people out.

Naturally there are speeders but the amount of genuine law abiding drivers/riders that may have lost there license because of incorrect readings from a unreliable source is shocking.

How many people have the funds to fight these con-men in court and go through the stress, time off work etc and at the risk of defending there innocence to get a heavier fine/more points.........not many !!!!

24-Jun-10, 22:25
I always flash other road users. The speed traps are quite often situated at the best places to overtake.

24-Jun-10, 22:37
There is a very simple answer to all of this. Do Not go faster than the Speed Limit and then no one would have any problem. :D

24-Jun-10, 23:04
I think you could be seen as assisting and/or perverting/ conspiring to pervert the course of justice. Or interfering with an officer attempting carrying out his duties

24-Jun-10, 23:07
I wouldnt have thought so because when ever they set up speed traps they publish the roads on the newspapers were the speedtraps are

25-Jun-10, 01:03
It is an offence of obstruction under the road traffic order but i dont know of anyone actually being done for it !!

25-Jun-10, 01:14
I have heard of off duty cops grassing folks up for doing it. You certainly can be prosecuted for it.......I dont see that as much of a deterrent though and i cant see it ever stopping me!!

25-Jun-10, 10:38
Can anyone tell me if its illegal to warn other motorists of speed traps ?

If it's not, it should be. I have no sympathy for drivers who speed, totally unnecessary.

25-Jun-10, 13:13
Thing is you could be giving the thumbs down to say "Hey Mate Your Car Is Crap" lol

Innocent until proven guilty aint it? How can the cops prove your action was to tell the other driver to slow down?

25-Jun-10, 17:44
As someone who has requested speed traps (and will again) I certainly don't agree with warning other users. It's bad enough that the traps have to be visible.

Why do some people think they're above the law?

25-Jun-10, 17:58
Well the government wastes that much money policing speeding when all they got to do is restrict all cars to 70mph if they really believe in safety and its not hard to do any modern car can have its speed restricted in a matter of a couple of mins by a laptop and correct software and the car wont lose any performance at all just wont allow the car to pass 70 thats all

25-Jun-10, 18:02
The question was,

Is it illegal to worn other motorists of speed traps?

If you wanted an argument ( debate ) about speeding, and which laws we stick too, well that's a whole new thread!
I read somewhere, think it was on this website, that " Rules are for fools and the guidance of wise men." Couldn't agree more.

Gordon Bonnet
25-Jun-10, 18:46
Can anyone tell me if its illegal to warn other motorists of speed traps ?

Yes you are obstructing the Police in pursuance of their duty. This is an offence and I have heard of people prosecuted for doing it.
Do it anyway - it's your civil duty.

I have been radared twice - 1968, and 1980 - nose clean since.:D <touchwood>

25-Jun-10, 18:52
Yes you are obstructing the Police in pursuance of their duty. This is an offence and I have heard of people prosecuted for doing it.
Do it anyway - it's your civil duty.

I have been radared twice - 1968, and 1980 - nose clean since.:D <touchwood>

You got radared in 1968?? How could you have missed noticing it, it must have been the size of a bus!

25-Jun-10, 19:08
The legality of flashing your headlights seems to be a bit of a grey area from what I've read. According to an article in The Times:

Novus, the company behind the device, which is known as Mini Coyote, is taking advantage of a legal grey area. Police forces sometimes give warnings that drivers could be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice if they try to alert other drivers to speed traps. But there have been very few successful prosecutions.

Full article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/driving/article5126825.ece

25-Jun-10, 20:09
The legality of flashing your headlights seems to be a bit of a grey area from what I've read.

From what I have read of the highway code it is your way of acknowledging the oncoming car has right of way. How that fits in on a straight road with no obstructions though...

25-Jun-10, 20:30
From what I have read of the highway code it is your way of acknowledging the oncoming car has right of way. How that fits in on a straight road with no obstructions though...

Just to be pedantic, that is absolutely what it doesn't mean. The flashing of headlights is a warning in the same way as the horn, to warn other road users of your presence.

25-Jun-10, 20:32
The question was,

Is it illegal to worn other motorists of speed traps?

If you wanted an argument ( debate ) about speeding, and which laws we stick too, well that's a whole new thread!
I read somewhere, think it was on this website, that " Rules are for fools and the guidance of wise men." Couldn't agree more.

Yes well, if we stuck to the topic rigidly it would be a very short debate wouldn't it?

"Not sure"

Are you perhaps telling me I'm not abiding by the rules...?

26-Jun-10, 23:43
I cant see how its illegal when sat-navs warn of speed cameras and radar detectors are sold to do the same or "to warn of accident hotspots":lol:

27-Jun-10, 00:37
From what I have read of the highway code it is your way of acknowledging the oncoming car has right of way. How that fits in on a straight road with no obstructions though...