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23-Jun-10, 17:05
Does anyone know how to make dreadlocks or which hairdressers can do them?

23-Jun-10, 17:36
back comb with a fine comb in bunches from tip to root.
They take a long while to establish and can only be gotten rid off by shearing!

There are lots of online sites, for ex: http://www.dreadlocks.com/

Gordon Bonnet
23-Jun-10, 18:53
Does anyone know how to make dreadlocks or which hairdressers can do them?

A friend had them - proper ones. He was an anglo-saxon type.
I think they take years to cultivate and they seem to do it on their own.
He now keeps his twelve year growth in a very large plantpot on a sideboard.

23-Jun-10, 19:15
I had a friend with them too and she used to occasionally wake up with one of them on the pillow! Used to fall out once they got to a certain length/weight.

23-Jun-10, 19:47
I think the trick is never to wash your hair. Once they're established, you can "wash" your hair in water and conditioner, but never shampoo.

23-Jun-10, 21:02
Does anyone know how to make dreadlocks or which hairdressers can do them?

back in my younger days I had dreads for quite a few years.. I also started dreads for a few people too. How mines were done was by deciding how thick each one should be then sectioning of the pieces of hair and back combing each section starting from the tip right down to the root. When the section was firm I then added melted beeswax which tidied up the dreadlock and any loose hairs were within the lock. It would be quite stiff at first held down by a band or a hat however softened up in a few weeks .. If your hair is very coarse you may not need the beeswax or a similiar product. The roots would need doing every few months to keep them tight but after a few times I didnt need to do this anymore. And washing hair was fine too

good luck!

24-Jun-10, 08:57
I had it done by a specialised hairdresser many years ago. It's indeed best if your hair is quite coarse to do them. The hairdresser gave me a perm (small curls) first just to make the hair rough enough, and then each dread was backcombed VERY hard. It took many many hours. After a few months I had to go back because the hair at the top grew 'normal', and the hairdresser made a knot in each dread at the top, and after that they started growing in dreads, so I never had to go back again, had them for years...
If your dreads are done well you can always wash your hair with shampoo.
I did get rid of the dreads because they are really quite heavy to walk around with all the time, and feel quite rough (not very nice for sleeping on), and it gets hard to wear a hood as well...otherwise I do love dreads!
Good luck:)

24-Jun-10, 11:46
Why would you want to walk around looking......well, UNWASHED!?
AS you can tell Im not a fan. They look OK on the right person for instance Africans, but when you see a British person with them it just looks wrong!!!!!