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View Full Version : Ovens and babies/young kiddies

21-Jun-06, 23:16
Looking for a bit of advice if anyone can help..?

I was in visiting my pal the other day and her wee one is crawling now. She turns one next month. She wanders all over the house quite safely.. as fire guard on the fire .. cupboards all safety latched etc...
But one thing i didnt not think of was she crawled up the the oven door and had her hands all over it no bother... I got a fright cos i thought she might get a little burn because i would have expected it to be hot..
But my pal explained the door on the oven is triple glazed glass and does not heat up at all...

Now i wished i had thought of this. I have a brand new kitchen in storage waiting to be fitted and when i checked my oven that we paid a small fortune for.. i found that it is only "safer touch" glass, so it will heat up. I confirmed this with the store i purchased it from but they say it will defintaley "not burn", (Can i go on there word!!)
... and also they will not exchange it now as i bought it months back.....

Soooo without fitting it i have no idea how hot it will get...
Does anyone have one of these ovens and could tell me what theres is like?,, its a diplomat? i can give u exact model if anyone does have one....Is it only minor minor heat in the door??
I know every oven is different and obviously buying a triple glazed one will be safer for my child.. but hey its having the money to just go and buy another one!!...
Otherwise im going to have to sell mines which i cant see being very easy...and im sure also at a loss!!!! which is not handy when your doing your house up!

I know i can always try and keep the wee one away from it but realisticly thats not always going to be possible..

Or am i just worrying to much?... Surely theres other people out there that dont have these "triple glazed" ovens... If so how do u make it safe for your child? ?


21-Jun-06, 23:22
Tripple glazed ovens sound like a good idea. The problem I have with things like this is that when your child is visiting with someone without a super dooper oven he/she will have no awareness of any danger. Personally, I think your best option is to teach your child of the dangers so that he/she will be safe in any environment.

Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, we all have different views.


22-Jun-06, 06:08
Tripple glazed ovens sound like a good idea. The problem I have with things like this is that when your child is visiting with someone without a super dooper oven he/she will have no awareness of any danger. Personally, I think your best option is to teach your child of the dangers so that he/she will be safe in any environment.
Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, we all have different views.
I agree with Changilass, teach the child about the dangers of the kitchen, not only the oven, much cheaper than buying a new oven, I am the father of two sons and grandfather of four grandaughters and have never had any of them getting burnt and I have not gone out of my way to buy a special oven to eleviate this problem.
If you are still concerned why not install an eye level oven then the little darling will not be able to reach.

22-Jun-06, 11:12
I think by law now all ovens with glass doors have to have the "cool touch" design.
You can read more about it here -

22-Jun-06, 11:28
Hi there....I have a safe touch oven and it does not cause burns. It is warm to the touch. When my little boy was starting to explore, I did show him that the oven and stove got hot so he would avoid them. I used the big cook-little cook's expresion of "hot!hot!hot!" when touching the stove and oven. I also placed his hand on the oven door so he would feel it. He learnt. Within a safe enviroment I try to teach him to identify what is dangerous, and think this is a safer policy than trying to predict every possibility and stop it from ocurring. Your child will be in many enviroments that are not child proof.... imagine visiting a friend one day for coffee that does not have a safe touch oven and in a momentary lapse, when you are sugaring your coffee, your child does touch a hot oven because he/she does not rfecognize that they get hot (just one of many scenerios).

22-Jun-06, 13:51
Yep i agree with everything there..

I think as a first time mother i worry far to much about everything,
and im also one of those that give into to buying whats supposed to be the best for your baby but just end up costing a fortune and others would have done just fine!!

We all survived back in the day without these ovens!

it was fine though for my pals wee girl able to motor about on her wheels, and crawl everywhere freely..

George Brims
22-Jun-06, 22:43
When our oldest daughter was about a year and a half we had a coal fired livingroom stove - one of those with the wee glass strips in the door and a back boiler for the heating. Usually it didn't run all that well (depending which kind of smokeless fuel the coal mannie had each Wednesday), but one day we had had good Welsh anthracite delivered for a change, and it was windy outside so the thing was going great guns. She toddled over to it and before either of us could get to her to stop her she put her hand on it, on the enamel part. It actually sizzled, and the outer surface of her skin was visibly scorched. I think this may have saved her from a serious burn. We got it in cold water fast and it didn't blister up, though she screamed her head off and it was pretty red for a day or two. Ever after that the word "hot" was like a magic spell. You could leave a sweetie on the coffee table and tell her it was hot, and she would back away from it.

23-Jun-06, 13:41
I also have an oven that has cool touch door. It still gets warmish but not enough to burn. I always taught my children that the oven, cooker, fire etc were hot and touch wood, they have never had any accidents. But I know that some kids will touch it no matter what you do. Hopefully you will have no problems with your oven and as far as I knew most new ovens have this cool touch door.

23-Jun-06, 14:03
After a friends child burnt his wee fingers on the fire she took to warning him with the word "burnie" that things were hot - sort of "dont touch sweetheart - burnie!!" and it became a warning about the oven, iron, cups of tea, hot water taps and other hot thingsthat might hurt him. This was fine until one of her friends from work came around to visit and she said - "Here Scott come and meet Bernie" needless to say he hid behind the settee for a wee while til he was sure that she wasnt going to make him come out in blisters.
