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View Full Version : Bothersome Neighbours?

22-Jun-10, 21:45
Just curious if anyone on here has experience of noisy/loud neighbours?

If you have, what have you done to curb it, if anything?

Are you one of those who will discuss/shout/yell/talk civily (sp?!); or move when things get just "too" much ?

Do they bother you during the night, or maybe during the day..... is it motorbikes revving, people shouting, kids playing, music too loud or any general noise ?

So how did you/will you give yourself peace in your own home ?

P/S - Just realised that someone will ask "do you have any bother yourself then?" ..... the answer is.... "If I didn't then I wouldn't put this thread on here!"

22-Jun-10, 23:09
Only ever been bothered once at our previous home a few years ago.

Google "noise nuisance scotland" and you'll find a wealth of advice.

22-Jun-10, 23:09
Had neighbours 20 years ago, when we lived in a city, who were into drink and heavy drugs and had a knife fight on the common landing outside our door. We locked up and waited for the police to arrive. They council seemed to have them vanishwithin a month or so - but it was unpleasant and unsafe.

Current neighbours are super - even with young kids in their house we never hear them. They also apologise if they think the kids have been noisy, who could ask for nicer.

22-Jun-10, 23:27
Suppose it depends on what you class as 'bothersome'.

22-Jun-10, 23:41
I would hate to live next door to me :eek:

23-Jun-10, 00:05
Had a young lad live next door to us, single chap, always out of his neep on drugs. He used to come home from work, 'relax' himself into a stupor then go out to the nightclub at about 11pm. Unfortunately, he'd crank up his stereo to the max while getting himself ponced up to go out...then he'd happily pop off out - sometimes all night - leaving the music absolutely blaring.

Now, I'm a heavy metal fan, and I'm used to, and can appreciate loud music, but beggaring off all night leaving his music shaking my walls wasn't anywhere near acceptable to me or my wife.

So she got eventually the cops involved. They didn't do much to start with, but after regular reports they had to do something.

They came one night after she reported him once again, and they broke down his door and unplugged his stereo and took it away.

Cue 3.30am when he comes home:

He's knocking at my door shouting an crying - "Help! Help! I've been robbed! Someone's stolen my stereo!!"

I advised him to report it to the Police station. Happily, he did exactly that. They confiscated his stereo, charged him with Breach, and a few months later the council chucked him out of his flat.

The important thing to remember is to keep it civil. If I'd gone off on one he'd have rebelled even more, and would more than likely have targeted us for even more abuse. But because we stayed friendly-like, he still says hello when we meet on the street.

It's never wise to make enemies of the unpredictable. ;)

23-Jun-10, 00:59
you didn't mention whether you spoke to this young neep before the cops were called ?

Aye, we had a polite word, and he apologised profusely and promised not to do it again. Next weekend (and ad infinitum), same old same old.

not sure i like the fact he had to report a burglary then got charged with a BOP and lost his boom boom stereo.

He wasn't 'burgled', for crying out loud.

What would you expect the Police to do? Roll up outside the flat, hear the cacophonous din at 2am, and just ignore it?

23-Jun-10, 01:17
but in his drug addled mind he had been burgled, poor sausage.

i've no sympathy for him seein as you'd warned him before.

but to be honest, the worst bass line to penetrate my walls has been the slow monotonous plod of the country western neighbour i once had ...

did you never get him back when he was on a comedown with some metal riffs ? .... come on be honest ... betcha did !! ;)

23-Jun-10, 01:24
did you never get him back when he was on a comedown with some metal riffs ? .... come on be honest ... betcha did !! ;)

Nope, never did. Probably wouldn't have registered with him, most of the time.

Funny thing was he was a really decent guy when he (rarely) was straight/sober. Really nice guy, looked after his cats well, polite, even helpful to his neighbours.

But one sniff of the chalk and he was away on another planet.

23-Jun-10, 01:44
But one sniff of the chalk and he was away on another planet.

bloody schoolteachers , i swear their the worst !!

23-Jun-10, 01:50

Aye, would have liked to have chucked a duster at his napper like my old maths teacher used to do to me. :lol:

23-Jun-10, 09:59
Nightmare - when i lived in the village i was from - i had a wee 10 month old baby and a new born also a 5 year old - hubbi worked lateshift - music & shouting alnight then they slept all day - yes i got hubi to have words, i was demented - i called the police a few times - nothing ever done other than have a word - then 1 night they cut my telephone cable and wrapped it around my door handle - so NO not worth complaining for me - i just moved - poor new neighbours hav just as much bother with them - never worked a day in their lives never will - of course 14ft trampoline in garden, 2 cars at door and sky tv - need i say anymore.... I feel for anyone who has to put up with this - hopefully their cumupance will happen one day xxx
Best of luck to any of you trying to deal with horrid neighbours xx

23-Jun-10, 10:29
i live in a small street with only four houses in a row and all my neighbours are helpful we all get on great no problems i guess im lucky some folk out there have a terrible time

23-Jun-10, 21:56
Tell me about it !
Yes all hours of the night, keeping my young baby awake. Reported it to the police, they came, they went, the noise continued.
Thought I'd get my own back by playing my music loud, they called the police. they came, they confiscated my cd player and I got into a lot of trouble !

24-Jun-10, 18:47
I'm not from Caithness i'm in glasgow so hope you don't mind me adding a reply to this. I also had loud awful neighbours in the flay below me. It was the only council flat in a block of 6. I contacted the council who asked me to keep a diary of events...not very helpful but i did as they asked...3 months later they sent a letter to the 'noisy neighbour'. Next thing i know the council contact me to say that the 'noisy neighbour' has put in a formal complaint about me and noise!!! OMG, aftre living there 10 years in utter peace and harmony the council believed this idiot and asked me in for a meeting about it!!
Needless to say after months of non-stop noise, rows, and police visits my nerves were shattered and i did as aburns2049 did...i sold up and left.

John Little
24-Jun-10, 18:51
If troubled with noisy stereo next door try getting a lamp with a rocker switch on the flex. Hold the lamp near to the neighbouring wall and hold the switch halfway so it buzzes.

With any luck next door's amp will pick it up and emit a loud buzz. They will think there is something wrong with it- and take it to pieces.....

Kevin Milkins
25-Jun-10, 00:13
If troubled with noisy stereo next door try getting a lamp with a rocker switch on the flex. Hold the lamp near to the neighbouring wall and hold the switch halfway so it buzzes.

With any luck next door's amp will pick it up and emit a loud buzz. They will think there is something wrong with it- and take it to pieces.....

I wish I had noisy neighbours just so I could try that, nice one John Little.:Razz

25-Jun-10, 06:55
well just where do you start ????????????????? just lastnight when corrie was on now remeber this is bloody corrie i`m talking about, i hate to miss my corrie,the across the road started up with a chainsaw, a bloody chainsaw, out the window i shouted to him to turn the infernal racket off as corrie was on,, bloody cheek, i would have went out to them but as i said they had a chainsaw a bloody chainsaw chopping up wood like a wood chopper chops, i think he thought he was on "britians got no bloody talent",

25-Jun-10, 07:36
We have fabulous neighbours, but when I was at uni the girl in the next room and her boyfriend hadn't quite discovered the art of having sex quietly and I used to regularly get woken up when they staggered in from a club in the small hours and got down to it. After a quiet word had no effect, I found a quick blast of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus right at the crucial moment trained them out of it pretty quickly!

25-Jun-10, 07:56
When I was at Uni, everytime I came back to my girlfriend's room after a quiet night out at the library, we would snuggle up in front of the Open University on telly and every time this nutter next door would blast out Handel's Halleluja Chorus :eek:

John Little
25-Jun-10, 10:19
"Many years ago I wrote a piece of music called Hallelujah chorus. It was much admired. Nowadays I find that my work has been debased because people use it very loud to drown out the noise of their neighbours having intimate relations...which is not what I had in mind for it. They'll be playing it in supermarkets next......"

signed. GF Handel....

25-Jun-10, 13:13
I had very nosiey neighbours above me , and i have to say with the police and help of the council it has all stopped now and my life is nice and peaceful just call the council or the police they will help x

25-Jun-10, 22:23
I have reported noisy neigbours to both the council and the police over a three year period, they have done nothing.
I have given up ?:(

Kevin Milkins
26-Jun-10, 00:41
I would hope that I would not be considered a bad neighbor,but it's after after12.30 and I am sat outside with my new Home base Chiminea, enjoying a full moon on a very wind free Caithness night ( with no music) but a large Bacardi and coke. Heaven to me. but I hope I I don't annoy the neighbours.