View Full Version : Spray painting for women?

John Little
19-Jun-10, 22:03
Now this is something I do not understand.

If I buy a can of spray colour it's to touch up the car if it's been chipped.

Maybe it's my age.

I was in a room a couple of weeks ago - the only man in a bunch of women - sort of sitting on the sidelines and eavesdropping and not saying - well anything actually. My wife was there too - but she did not say a word!

Being the size of a wardrobe they probably thought I was a piece of furniture and forgot I was there - but anyway the talk was all about spray tans. Cans of coloured stuff that you spray on you to make you look tanned. Or places to go where it is done for you. It was all very technical - and they were real experts I can tell you. It was like a bunch of blokes discussing the merits or demerits of their fitba' team.

And I'm thinking - does it not come off on your clothes?
Is it greasy?
Does it fool anyone?
If you give someone a hug does it come off all over their clothes?
Does it wash off in the sea?

Would it not be cheaper to get it at Halfords?

So I ask my wife - WHY? Why do these perfectly nice women feel they must spray themselves brown like those women during the war who painted their legs brown with coffee because they could not get stockings. Are they fooling anyone?

And SHE doesn't understand it either.
Must be her age too - generation gap here.

I think I prefer her unpainted and would not be very pleased if she sprayed herself...

But I try to have an open mind about things......

19-Jun-10, 22:07
Caithness tan???
Never heard of
It has to be a sunbed (bad)
or a paint job (good)
as long as it is not streaky...
Ps getting the car done would probably work out cheaper than a years worth of fake tan...

19-Jun-10, 22:15
Lol - i have never sat on Caithness.org like this - still listening to Cavalleria Rusticana - well John - personally i have never had a spray tan but do on the odd occasion nip to the tan cabin - for one i am pale and pastey if i am in caithness and the UV ray lights are actually proven to enlighten and enforce the happy endorfens in the body - it makes me feel good about me (the lights) and the slight colour...
So if us women are happy is that no enough of an explanation?? xx

John Little
19-Jun-10, 22:19
Well sort of - but we don't get that much sun here either - at least this year - so we stay pale too.

Which is cool because that's how we are.

But I like my wife however she is - although she does not tan readily.

I think I'd be slightly bewildered if she sprayed herself.

But if it makes you happy.....

What man understands women anyway!

19-Jun-10, 22:24
Men dont understand women.... fact!
I dont tan and dont do fake tan, but, its my choice.:lol:
It looks more fake when people know you look blue for most of the year:lol:

19-Jun-10, 22:25
what woman understands a man!!!... if we could each hav a wee manual for one another and a help section that would make life so much easier... xx

19-Jun-10, 22:26
I have never had a spray tan. Ever. Dont ever intend on getting one. i am pale white and i always will be :) My arms to go a bit brown in the summer though.

19-Jun-10, 22:26
It can also be really embarrassing when you say, "Oh, you've been on holiday, where did you go?" To be greeted by a blank stare and eventually, realisation, followed by "Oh, I've just been in my back garden."
What?! In Scotland? Do you think I'm on drugs or insane enough to believe that?:lol:

19-Jun-10, 22:28
Ha ha!! Wait till she asks you to do her back...........your fingers will look as if you're a nicotine addict. Fake tans - I'm all for them. Much healthier than sun or sun beds and can look ok if very subtle. I know a couple of guys who dabble with the lotion...........but that would be telling!

19-Jun-10, 22:36
It makes them look orange:lol:

20-Jun-10, 00:07
Does what it sez on the tin, don't it?

I have wondered 'bout this tea stain lark. I guess it must make some feel beautiful whilst others look on in bewilderment and mirth at the dippy colouring effects.

I'm thinking of trying it with two different shades to see if I can give myself a faux walnut dash effect. Something like British Leyland had in the All-aggro.

20-Jun-10, 04:50
what woman understands a man!!!... if we could each hav a wee manual for one another and a help section that would make life so much easier... xx



They sell them at the Autoparts store in Thurso [lol]

20-Jun-10, 04:52
I'm thinking of trying it with two different shades to see if I can give myself a faux walnut dash effect. Something like British Leyland had in the All-aggro.

I like that........quality :cool:

Unfortunately, my completion is the consistency of the fake leather in a Princess

20-Jun-10, 10:42
http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/s...4651&langId=-1 (http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=24651&langId=-1)

http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/s...1801&langId=-1 (http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=41801&langId=-1)

They sell them at the Autoparts store in Thurso [lol]

Thank you - now may be worth buying - see where i am going wrong - wonder if it gives tips on how to stay clear of men who are going to mess with your head??

Hope you have a good day xx

20-Jun-10, 11:06
Men dont understand women.... fact!
I dont tan and dont do fake tan, but, its my choice.:lol:
It looks more fake when people know you look blue for most of the year:lol:

You are of course quite correct. Men do not understand women but hardly the fault of men. Women are strange creatures who not even understand themselves so what chance do us men have.

Regarding fake tan, every man does know when he looks at a women if her tan is a fake or not and a fake tan is more often than not like an amateur car paint spray job. Stick to being white it look much better if you cannot get the real sun job from somewhere with real sunshine.

20-Jun-10, 11:51
http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/s...4651&langId=-1 (http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=24651&langId=-1)

http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/s...1801&langId=-1 (http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=41801&langId=-1)

They sell them at the Autoparts store in Thurso [lol]

Thank you - now may be worth buying - see where i am going wrong - wonder if it gives tips on how to stay clear of men who are going to mess with your head??

Hope you have a good day xx

A man who doesn't mess with your head? Oh behave!

20-Jun-10, 12:04
A man who doesn't mess with your head? Oh behave!

Read "A Womans Poem" in the literature section.

20-Jun-10, 13:16
if you want to look like a cheesy wotsits fine not my cup of tea :Razz

20-Jun-10, 14:23
Thank you for directing me to this -


Before I lay me down to sleep,

I pray for a man, who's not a creep, - tick

One who's handsome, smart and strong. - tick

One who loves to listen long, - tick

One who thinks before he speaks, tick

One who'll call, not wait for weeks. mmh - 3/4 tick

I pray he's gainfully employed, - tick

When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. - got my own so dont need his!

Pulls out my chair and opens my door. - tick

Massages my back and begs to do more. - tick

Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, - tick

Knows what to answer to 'how big is my behind?' - tick

I pray that this man will love me to no end,- tick (thought so)

And always be my very best friend. - tick

Now i thought he was all thee above.... Then he still manages to leave me speechless.... So for those women out there praying for the above - dont waste your breath as even when you get him - he will still bamboozal you - and you will be left saying - WHY? .... Which will never be answered ....

Hey hoo....
Been a good thread - thank you for making me smile xx

http://forum.caithness.org/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://forum.caithness.org/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=694498)

20-Jun-10, 14:28
You are of course quite correct. Men do not understand women but hardly the fault of men. Women are strange creatures who not even understand themselves so what chance do us men have.

Regarding fake tan, every man does know when he looks at a women if her tan is a fake or not and a fake tan is more often than not like an amateur car paint spray job. Stick to being white it look much better if you cannot get the real sun job from somewhere with real sunshine.

Absolutely agree with everything you say! Particularly when the 'tan' stops at the neck and the person is wearing a v neck top ha ha ha[lol]

20-Jun-10, 17:31
Theres' got to be a witty reply somewhere in there, unfortunately icky boo cann'y conjure it up. So go on lassies- Slag us off.

20-Jun-10, 22:57
I'm married to a pale red head who can't take a tan, spray-on stuff is very good as long as you remember to coat evenly. Gave her a spray one night when she was wearing lace top pyjamas, had just been instructed to do her shoulders, but I got carried away, interesting effect, I had to used it around my eye to lessen the blackening effect.